I have four greeting images which I intend to show based on what time user enters the site.
$morning = "img/morning.png";
$afternoon = "img/afternoon.png";
$evening = "img/evening.png";
$night = "img/night.png";
And I have some conditional statements to assign the values to $cover variable. When I tested, the conditional statement doesn't work.
$Hour = date('G');
if($Hour >= 5 && $Hour <= 11) {
$cover = $morning;
}elseif ($Hour >= 11 && $Hour <= 4) {
$cover = $afternoon;
}elseif ($Hour >= 4 && $Hour <= 9){
$cover = $evening;
}elseif ($Hour >= 9 && $Hour <= 4) {
$cover = $night;
Img tag
<img class="card-img-top" src="<?php echo $cover; ?>" alt="Not Available" >
if($Hour >= 0 && $Hour <= 11) {
$cover = $morning;
elseif ($Hour > 11 && $Hour <= 16) {
$cover = $afternoon;
elseif ($Hour > 16 && $Hour <= 19){
$cover = $evening;
$cover = $night;
Above code will check your hours from 00:00 until 24:00 next day. I fixed your if-else statements so they make more sense in a way that there is a flow in the times.
G 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 0 through 23
$hour = date('H', time());
if( $hour > 6 && $hour <= 11) {
$cover = $morning;
else if($hour > 11 && $hour <= 16) {
$cover = $afternoon;
else if($hour > 16 && $hour <= 23) {
$cover = $evening;
else {
$cover = $night;
Construct an instance of date and acquire the hour from it
So I have this code that works perfectly:
$time = date("H");
$timezone = date("e");
if ($time < "13") {
echo "message1";
} else
if ($time >= "13" && $time < "19") {
echo "message2";
} else
if ($time >= "19" && $time < "24") {
echo "message3";
The problem is that I can only use hours: 1, 5, 10, 19 and etc.
I need to use minutes as well, eg. 13:30.
I have tried changing to 13:30. Also tried changing to 1350.
But can't make it work.
Need help.
Create a new variable that hold the current minute,
DateTime::format shows us that date("i") gives:
Minutes with leading zeros
With the current hour and minute, you can calculate any time, for example:
$hour = date("H");
$minute = date("i");
// Between 13:30 and 13:30
if ($hour === 13 && $minute <= 30) {
echo "message1";
// Between 13:30 and 19:00
elseif (($hour >= 13 && $minute >= 30) && $hour < 19) {
echo "message2";
// After 19:00
else {
echo "message3";
I'm working on a calendar for my office. Every people has his own column and there is a line for every day.
There are some periodic date, where, for example, given people have to be working on the week-end. But most of the dates are coming from a MySQL database.
So it does a double loop (people vs dates) in which every dates have to be check for the person, what kind of occupation he has on this day.
Is there a way to optimize this script, because online it take at least 2-3 seconds (only 0.03 seconds according to PHP, but I don't feel like it's correct) and more than 8 seconds (again according to PHP) on our network! And this is just for 5 months, we'd like to have it for the whole year.
You can find a test version here (just to see the HTML and CSS): http://mybees.ch/for/tableau.php
And here is the PHP in it:
//Creating the line for the collaborators
$ma_name_query = mysqli_query($bdi,"SELECT DISTINCT m.id, m.name, m.vorname, m.grup FROM ma m, ma_pos mp WHERE m.id = mp.maid AND m.grup != 14 ORDER BY m.grup, mp.posid, m.name, m.vorname");
while($ma_name = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ma_name_query)) {
echo '<div class="cell name">'.$ma_name['name'].' '.$ma_name['vorname'].'</div>';
$ids[$ma_count] = $ma_name['id'];
$grup[$ma_count] = $ma_name['grup'];
// Check if special group day
$firstGroup = 1;
$firstDate = strtotime("$year-01-01 00:00 GMT");
$picket = array();
if (date("N", $firstDate) == 2)// Tuesday
$firstDate -= 24 * 3600;
elseif (date("N", $firstDate) == 3)// Wednesday
$firstDate -= 2 * 24 * 3600;
elseif (date("N", $firstDate) == 5)// Friday
$firstDate -= 24 * 3600;
elseif (date("N", $firstDate) == 6)// Saturday
$firstDate -= 2 * 24 * 3600;
elseif (date("N", $firstDate) == 7)// Sunday
$firstDate -= 3 * 24 * 3600;
for ($date = $firstDate; $date <= strtotime("$year-12-31 00:00 GMT"); $date += 24 * 3600) {
$weekNb = date("W",$date);
$weekDay = date("N",$date); // Monday = 1, Sunday = 7
if ($weekDay < 4)
$group = $weekNb % 4 - 1 + $firstGroup;
$group = $weekNb % 4 - 2 + $firstGroup;
if ($group == 0)
$group = 4;
if ($group == -1)
$group = 3;
$picket[$date] = $group;
$groupColor = ["yellow", "blue", "red", "green"];
function isPicket($date, $grup) {
global $picket, $groupColor;
//global $picket, $groupColor;
if ($grup < 5) {
if ($picket[$date] == $grup)
return " style='background-color: ".$groupColor[$picket[$date]-1]."'";
$today_stp = time() - time() % (24 * 3600) - 11 * 24 * 3600;
$frei_query_text = "SELECT id_ma, date1, date2, free.id as type, moment, remark, location FROM frei, free WHERE free.id = frei.type AND date1 BETWEEN CAST('$date1' AS DATE) AND CAST('$date2' AS DATE)";
$frei_query = mysqli_query($bdi, $frei_query_text);
$free = array();
while($frei = mysqli_fetch_assoc($frei_query)) {
$free[] = $frei;
// Filling the lines
for ($date = strtotime($date1); $date <= strtotime($date2); $date += 24 * 3600) {
$today = ($date == $today_stp) ? ' id="today"':'';
echo "<div class='clear'$today>";
$class = (date('N', $date) < 6) ? 'week' : 'weekend';
echo "<div class='date $class line'>".date("D, d.m.", $date)."</div>";
for ($i = 0; $i < $ma_count; $i++) {
echo "<div class='cell line $class'".isPicket($date,$grup[$i]).">
<div class='small-cell".isColor($ids[$i], $date, 0)."' id='divUp-".$ids[$i]."-$date'> </div>
<div class='small-cell".isColor($ids[$i], $date, 1)."' id='divDown-".$ids[$i]."-$date'> </div>
echo '</div>';
function isColor($id_ma, $date, $moment) {
global $free;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($free); $i++) {
if ($id_ma == $free[$i]['id_ma']) {
if ($date >= strtotime($free[$i]['date1']) && $date <= strtotime($free[$i]['date2'])) {
if ($free[$i]['moment'] == $moment || $free[$i]['moment'] == 2) {
$type = $free[$i]['type'];
$style = "";
if ($type > 1 && $type < 5)
$style = " urlaub";
if ($type > 4 && $type < 8)
$style = " frei";
if ($type > 7 && $type < 11)
$style = " ferien";
if (($type > 22 && $type < 34) || ($type > 37 && $type < 48))
$style = " kurse";
if ($type > 10 && $type < 17)
$style = " krank";
return " $style' title='".$free[$i]['remark'];
Thank you very much for your help
I'm trying to identify the current work shift from 3 options (24 hour format)
First shift 06:00 to 13:59
Second shift 14:00 to 21:59
Third shift 22:00 to 05:59
I tried this, but it's not working as expected
$hour = date("0500");
if ($hour >= 0600 && $hour <= 1359 ) {
$shift = 1;
}else if($hour >= 14 && $hour <= 2159 )
$shift = 2;
$shift = 3;
$hour = data('H');
if($hour >= 6 && $hour < 14) {
$shift = 1;
} else if($hour >= 14 && $hour < 22) {
$shift = 2;
} else {
$shift = 3;
You could try something like this perhaps:
$hour = data('H');
switch( true ){
case ( $hour >= 6 && $hours < 14 ):$shift=1; break;
case ( $hour >=14 && $hour < 22 ):$shift=2; break;
default: $shift=3; break;
Put your time in quotes otherwise starting with 0 makes it an octal number
Also stick with one format if you are going to be comparing
$hour = date("Hi", strtotime("05:00"));
if ($hour >= "0600" && $hour <= "1359" ) {
$shift = 1;
}else if($hour >= "1400" && $hour <= "2159" ) {
$shift = 2;
}else {
$shift = 3;
The code below is meant to show my visitors something like "Good Morning, Today is ------ and the time is -----"
But I keep getting "Welcome" instead of the main greetings. Why is this?
$hour = date ("G");
$minute = date ("i");
$second = date ("s");
$msg = " Today is " . date ("l, M. d, Y.") . " And the time is " . date ("g:i a");
if ($hour = 00 && $hour <= 9 && $minute <= 59 && $second <= 59)
{ $greet = "Good Morning,"; }
else {
if ($hour >= 10 && $hour <= 11 && $minute <= 59 && $second <= 59)
{ $greet = "Good Day,"; }
if ($hour >= 12 && $hour <= 15 && $minute <= 59 && $second <= 59)
{ $greet = "Good Afternoon,"; }
if ($hour >= 16 && $hour <= 23 && $minute <= 59 && $second <= 59)
{ $greet = "Good Evening,"; }
else { $greet = "Welcome,"; }
echo $greet.$msg;
Any idea on how to get this done?
How do I get timezones of my visitors automatically using php. My server's default timezone is Lagos/Africa. I want the code above to show my visitors their local time and date.
Your problem is here
if ($hour = 00 && $hour <= 9 && $minute <= 59 && $second <= 59)
this way you assign 00 to $hour and all the other condition fails
you need
if ($hour == 0 && $hour <= 9 && $minute <= 59 && $second <= 59)
solved the if problem there are others
You should keep in mind that php date() function return a string
there are several way for solve your code problem these are just some suggestion
so you should commpare string (not number) or convert the string in number for commparision using a proper cast
Looking to your if you can also avoid the check for minute ( are always <= 59) this mean that you code could be
$hour = date("G");
$minute = date("i");
$second = date("s");
$msg = " Today is " . date("l, M. d, Y.") . " And the time is " . date("g:i a");
if ( (int)$hour == 0 && (int)$hour <= 9 ) {
$greet = "Good Morning,";
} else if ( (int)$hour >= 10 && (int)$hour <= 11 ) {
$greet = "Good Day,";
} else if ( (int)$hour >= 12 && (int)$hour <= 15 ) {
$greet = "Good Afternoon,";
} else if ( (int)$hour >= 16 && (int)$hour <= 23 ) {
$greet = "Good Evening,";
} else {
$greet = "Welcome,";
echo $greet.$msg;
try this....
$hour = date ("G");
$minute = date ("i");
$second = date ("s");
$msg = " Today is " . date ("l, M. d, Y.") . " And the time is " . date ("g:i a");
if ($hour == 00 && $hour <= 9 && $minute <= 59 && $second <= 59){
$greet = "Good Morning,";
}else if ($hour >= 10 && $hour <= 11 && $minute <= 59 && $second <= 59){
$greet = "Good Day,";
}else if ($hour >= 12 && $hour <= 15 && $minute <= 59 && $second <= 59){
$greet = "Good Afternoon,";
}else if ($hour >= 16 && $hour <= 23 && $minute <= 59 && $second <= 59){
$greet = "Good Evening,";
}else {
$greet = "Welcome,";
echo $greet.$msg;
I recommend you read some tuts
High Season:
April 28 - September 30,
December 27 - January 3
Low Season:
October 1 - December 26,
January 4 - April 27
I gave a date to check: 2014-02-18 and I want to have TRUE or FALSE in case of which season includes it. How to do it regardless of the current year?
Try with simple date comparing:
function is_high_season($date) {
$md = gmdate('m-d', strtotime($date));
('03-28' <= $md && $md <= '09-30') ||
('12-27' <= $md && $md <= '12-31') ||
('01-01' <= $md && $md <= '01-03');
$day = $d->format('j');
$month = $d->format('n');
if($month == 1 && $day <= 3) {
return 'high';
} elseif $month < 4 || ($month == 4 && $day < 28)) {
return 'low';
} elseif($month == 4 && $day >= 28) {
return 'high';
} elseif($month < 10) {
return 'high';
} elseif($month < 12 || ($month == 12 && $day < 27)) {
return 'low';
} elseif($month == 12 && $day >= 27) {
return 'high';
$Date = date('Y-m-d');
$Date=date('Y-m-d', strtotime($Date));;
//echo $Date; // echos today!
$hiDateBegin = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("28/04/2014"));
$hiDateEnd = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("30/09/2014"));
$hiDateBegin2 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("27/12/2014"));
$hiDateEnd2 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("03/01/2015"));
$lowDateBegin = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("01/10/2014"));
$lowDateEnd = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("26/12/2014"));
$lowDateBegin2 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("04/01/2015"));
$lowDateEnd2 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("27/04/2015"));
if (($Date > $hiDateBegin) && ($Date < $hiDateEnd))
echo "is Hi Season";
if (($Date > $hiDateBegin2) && ($Date < $hiDateEnd2))
echo "is Hi Season";
if (($Date > $lowDateBegin) && ($Date < $lowDateEnd))
echo "is Low Season";
if (($Date > $lowDateBegin2) && ($Date < $lowDateEnd2))
echo "is Low Season";
echo "Date doesn't fall in a season!";