"Trying to get property 'price' of non-object" - php

I had a Laravel script installed, Now When the user fills in the new order form and makes an order for ordering, will be displayed:
"Trying to get property 'price' of non-object"
The error is for usercontroller and this line:
" $price = ($request->quantity * $servicePrice->price) / 1000;"
This part code is for new order in usercontroller:
public function newOrder()
$categories = Category::where('status', 1)->orderBy('name')->get();
return view('user.newOrder', compact('categories'));
public function getPack(Request $request)
$items = Service::where('category_id', $request->id)->where('status', 1)->orderBy('name')->get();
return $items;
public function getPackDetails(Request $request)
$items = Service::findOrFail($request->id);
return $items;
public function storeNewOrder(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'category' => 'required',
'service' => 'required',
'link' => 'required',
'quantity' => 'required',
$service = Service::where('category_id', $request->category)->where('id', $request->service)->first();
$servicePrice = ServicePrice::where('category_id', $request->category)->where('service_id', $request->service)->where('user_id', Auth::id())->first();
$item = new Order();
$user = User::findOrFail(Auth::id());
$transaction = new Transaction();
if ($request->quantity >= $service->min && $request->quantity <= $service->max) {
$price = ($request->quantity * $servicePrice->price) / 1000;
if ($user->balance >= $price) {
$item->category_id = $request->category;
$item->service_id = $request->service;
$item->user_id = Auth::id();
$item->service_no = $service->service_id;
$item->order_no = 0;
$item->link = $request->link;
$item->quantity = $request->quantity;
$item->price = $price;
$item->status = 'Pending';
$item->start_counter = 0;
$item->remains = $request->quantity;
$item->order_through = 'Web';
$user->balance = $user->balance - $price;
$transaction->user_id = Auth::id();
$transaction->amount = $price;
$transaction->user_balance = $user->balance;
$transaction->type = 1;
$transaction->trx = str_random(12);
send_email($user->email, $user->name, 'Order Placed Successfully', 'Your ' . $request->quantity . ' ' . $service->name . ' has been placed successfully.');
session()->flash('success', 'Order request send successfully');
return back();
} else {
session()->flash('alert', 'Insufficient Balance');
return back();
} else {
session()->flash('alert', 'Quantity should be within ' .
$service->min . ' to ' . $service->max);
return back();

Most probably the problem comes from this line:
$servicePrice = ServicePrice::where('category_id', $request->category)->where('service_id', $request->service)->where('user_id', Auth::id())->first();
If a query does not return any result from the database, the code will return null.
A good practice is to check if the result is null and you should handle it.
That means, before you use the $servicePrice, you need to check if it contains anything:
if(!$servicePrice){ //same result: if($servicePrice == null) {
//`$servicePrice==null`, so you should handle the error here - throw an exception or return
//your code here
$servicePrice = ServicePrice::where('category_id', $request->category)->where('service_id', $request->service)->where('user_id', Auth::id())->first();
Also, the authenticated user can be retrieved directly from:
$user = Auth::user();
If the visitor is not authenticated, $user will be null, for the same reason than the previous.
//the user is NOT authenticated
} else {
//the user is authenticated


Laravel Blade is not properly updating from Database. Is there any problem in my controller? In admin panel all are properly showing complete data

In making output in my blade view in laravel it does not output all data gathered from database. Is there any wrong in my code? I it shows only some of my data from laravel but not all shows.
Admin View as you can see here its upto page 9
User View as you can see here there is only 4 pages
User Controller (Problem in showing data from database):
Here is my problem in this controller
public function shareLinks()
$user = Auth::user();
$settings = Settings::first();
$ad_limit = $user->membership->ad_limit;
$membership = $user->membership->id;
$ad = Share::whereUser_id($user->id)->where('date','=',date('Y-m-d'))->count();
if ($ad == 0)
$ptcse = Link::whereMembership_id($membership)->take($ad_limit)->whereStatus(1)->count();
if ($ptcse == 0){
session()->flash('message', 'Sorry To Say You That Currently there is no Cash Links for you. Please wait or upgrade your membership, ');
Session::flash('type', 'error');
Session::flash('title', 'Error');
return redirect()->route('userMemberships');
else {
$ptcs = Link::whereMembership_id($membership)->take($ad_limit)->whereStatus(1)->get();
foreach ($ptcs as $ptc)
$info =([
'user_id'=> $user->id,
'date'=> date('Y-m-d'),
'link_id'=> $ptc->id,
$adverts = Share::whereUser_id($user->id)->where('date','=',date('Y-m-d'))->paginate(10);
return view('user.viewads.share',compact('adverts','settings'));
$adverts = Share::whereUser_id($user->id)->where('date','=',date('Y-m-d'))->paginate(10);
return view('user.viewads.share',compact('adverts','settings'));
public function save_share($id) {
$user = Auth::user();
$advert= Share::findOrFail($id);
if ($advert-> status == 1){
session()->flash('message', 'This task has been already completed.');
Session::flash('type', 'warning');
Session::flash('title', 'Un-Successful');
return redirect()->route('userLink.share');
$advert->status = 1;
$rewards = $advert->link->rewards;
$profile = $user->profile;
$profile->main_balance = $profile->main_balance + $rewards;
$log = UserLog::create([
'user_id' => $user->id,
'reference' => str_random(12),
'type' => 1,
'for' => 'Cash Links',
'from' => 'Self',
'details'=>'You receive a reward for completing a task.',
$upliner = Referral::whereUser_id($user->id)->count();
if ($upliner == 1){
$settings = Settings::first();
$referral = Referral::whereUser_id($user->id)->first();
$upliner = $referral->reflink->user->profile;
$percentage = $settings->referral_advert;
$commission = (($percentage / 100) * $rewards);
$upliner->referral_balance = $upliner->referral_balance + $commission;
$referral->total = $referral->total + $commission;
$referral->today = $referral->today + $commission;
$log = UserLog::create([
'user_id' => $referral->reflink->user->id,
'reference' => str_random(12),
'for' => 'Referral',
'type' => 2,
'from' => $user->name,
'details'=>'You receive a referral bonus.',
session()->flash('message', 'This task has been successfully completed.');
Session::flash('type', 'success');
Session::flash('title', 'Success');
$robi = "success";
return response()->json(array('robi'=>$robi), 200);
public function cashLinks()
$user = Auth::user();
$settings = Settings::first();
$ad_limit = $user->membership->ad_limit;
$membership = $user->membership->id;
$ad = Advert::whereUser_id($user->id)->where('date','=',date('Y-m-d'))->count();
if ($ad == 0)
$ptcse = Ptc::whereMembership_id($membership)->take($ad_limit)->whereStatus(1)->count();
if ($ptcse == 0){
session()->flash('message', 'Sorry To Say You That Currently there is no Cash Links for you. Please wait or upgrade your membership, ');
Session::flash('type', 'error');
Session::flash('title', 'Error');
return redirect()->route('userMemberships');
else {
$ptcs = Ptc::whereMembership_id($membership)->take($ad_limit)->whereStatus(1)->get();
foreach ($ptcs as $ptc)
$info =([
'user_id'=> $user->id,
'date'=> date('Y-m-d'),
'ptc_id'=> $ptc->id,
$adverts = Advert::whereUser_id($user->id)->where('date','=',date('Y-m-d'))->paginate(10);
return view('user.viewads.index',compact('adverts','settings'));
$adverts = Advert::whereUser_id($user->id)->where('date','=',date('Y-m-d'))->paginate(10);
return view('user.viewads.index',compact('adverts','settings'));
public function cashLinkConfirm($id)
$user = Auth::user();
$advert= Advert::findOrFail($id);
if ($advert-> status == 1){
session()->flash('message', 'This task has been already completed.');
Session::flash('type', 'warning');
Session::flash('title', 'Un-Successful');
return redirect()->route('userCash.links');
if ($advert->ptc->type == 2){
$advert->ptc->order->totalhit = $advert->ptc->order->totalhit +1;
$advert->status = 1;
$advert->ptc->count = $advert->ptc->count + 1;
$rewards = $advert->ptc->rewards;
$profile = $user->profile;
$profile->main_balance = $profile->main_balance + $rewards;
$log = UserLog::create([
'user_id' => $user->id,
'reference' => str_random(12),
'type' => 1,
'for' => 'Cash Links',
'from' => 'Self',
'details'=>'You receive a reward for completing a task.',
$upliner = Referral::whereUser_id($user->id)->count();
if ($upliner == 1){
$settings = Settings::first();
$referral = Referral::whereUser_id($user->id)->first();
$upliner = $referral->reflink->user->profile;
$percentage = $settings->referral_advert;
$commission = (($percentage / 100) * $rewards);
$upliner->referral_balance = $upliner->referral_balance + $commission;
$referral->total = $referral->total + $commission;
$referral->today = $referral->today + $commission;
$log = UserLog::create([
'user_id' => $referral->reflink->user->id,
'reference' => str_random(12),
'for' => 'Referral',
'type' => 2,
'from' => $user->name,
'details'=>'You receive a referrral bonus.',
session()->flash('message', 'This task has been successfully completed.');
Session::flash('type', 'success');
Session::flash('title', 'Success');
return redirect()->route('userCash.links');
public function cashLinkShow($id)
$advert= Advert::findOrFail($id);
if ($advert->ptc->status == 0){
$advert->status = 1;
session()->flash('message', 'This task has expired.');
Session::flash('type', 'warning');
Session::flash('title', 'Un-Successful');
return redirect()->route('userCash.links');
if ($advert->ptc->hit == $advert->ptc->count){
$advert->ptc->status = 2;
if ($advert->ptc->type == 2){
$advert->ptc->order->status = 2;
$advert->status = 1;
session()->flash('message', 'This task has expired or traffic limit reached. You will not get any reward.');
Session::flash('type', 'warning');
Session::flash('title', 'Un-Successful');
return redirect()->route('userCash.links');
return view('user.viewads.showads', compact('advert'));
public function cashVideoConfirm($id)
$user = Auth::user();
$video= Video::findOrFail($id);
if ($video-> status == 1){
session()->flash('message', 'This task has been already completed.');
Session::flash('type', 'warning');
Session::flash('title', 'Un-Successful');
return redirect()->route('userCash.videos');
$video->status = 1;
$rewards = $video->ppv->rewards;
$profile = $user->profile;
$profile->main_balance = $profile->main_balance + $rewards;
$log = UserLog::create([
'user_id' => $user->id,
'reference' => str_random(12),
'for' => 'Cash Video',
'type' => 1,
'from' => 'Self',
'details'=>'You receive a reward for completing a task.',
$upliner = Referral::whereUser_id($user->id)->count();
if ($upliner == 1){
$settings = Settings::first();
$referral = Referral::whereUser_id($user->id)->first();
$upliner = $referral->reflink->user->profile;
$percentage = $settings->referral_advert;
$commission = (($percentage / 100) * $rewards);
$upliner->referral_balance = $upliner->referral_balance + $commission;
$referral->total = $referral->total + $commission;
$referral->today = $referral->today + $commission;
$log = UserLog::create([
'user_id' => $referral->reflink->user->id,
'reference' => str_random(12),
'for' => 'Referral',
'type' => 2,
'from' => $user->name,
'details'=>'You receive a referral bonus.',
session()->flash('message', 'This task has been successfully completed.');
Session::flash('type', 'success');
Session::flash('title', 'Success');
return redirect()->route('userCash.videos');
public function cashVideoShow($id)
$video= Video::findOrFail($id);
return view('user.viewads.vshow', compact('video'));
public function cashVideos()
$user = Auth::user();
$settings = Settings::first();
$ad_limit = $user->membership->ad_limit;
$membership = $user->membership->id;
$ad = Video::whereUser_id($user->id)->where('date','=',date('Y-m-d'))->count();
if ($ad == 0)
$ppvse = Ppv::whereMembership_id($membership)->take($ad_limit)->whereStatus(1)->count();
if ($ppvse == 0){
session()->flash('message', 'Sorry To Say You That Currently there is no Cash Videos for you. Please wait or upgrade your membership, ');
Session::flash('type', 'error');
Session::flash('title', 'Error');
return redirect()->route('userMemberships');
else {
$ppvs = Ppv::whereMembership_id($membership)->take($ad_limit)->whereStatus(1)->get();
foreach ($ppvs as $ppv)
$info =([
'user_id'=> $user->id,
'date'=> date('Y-m-d'),
'ppv_id'=> $ppv->id,
$videos = Video::whereUser_id($user->id)->where('date','=',date('Y-m-d'))->paginate(10);
return view('user.viewads.vindex',compact('videos','settings'));
$videos = Video::whereUser_id($user->id)->where('date','=',date('Y-m-d'))->paginate(10);
return view('user.viewads.vindex',compact('videos','settings'));
Admin Preview Controller:
return view('admin.paidtoclick.index', compact('advertisements'));
public function preview($id)
$log = Ptc::findOrFail($id);
return view('admin.paidtoclick.preview', compact('log'));

ArgumentCountError when updating content in larvel

In my laravel application, I'm trying to update some content using the following controller function. But every time when I try to run the following function am getting an error
public function update_tcp(Request $request, $id)
Session::put('tcpSession', '1');
$request->merge(['gender' => 'M']);
$this->validate($request, [
'first_name_tcp2' => 'required',
'last_name_tcp2' => 'required',
'image_id' => 'image|mimes:jpeg,png,jpg,gif,svg|max:2048',
//$input = $request->except('_method', '_token');
$input = $request->all();
if ($image = $request->file('image_id')) {
$destinationPath = 'propics/';
$profileImage = date('YmdHis') . "." . $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
$image->move($destinationPath, $profileImage);
$input['image_id'] = "$profileImage";
$request->merge(['image_id' => 'default-avatar.png']);
$data = $request->input();
$tcp = TakeCarePerson::WHERE('id','=',''.$id.'');
$tcp->first_name = $data['first_name_tcp2'];
$tcp->last_name = $data['last_name_tcp2'];
$tcp->date_of_birth = $data['date_of_birth_tcp2'];
$tcp->user_id = $data['user_id'];
$tcp->image_id = $profileImage;
$tcp->gender= $data['gender'];
return redirect()->route('participants.index')
->with('success',__('texts.Take care person updated successfully.'));
} catch(Exception $e){
return back() ->with('failedTcp',__('texts.Le fichier sélectionné doit être une image.'));
This is the error,
ArgumentCountError Too few arguments to function
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::update(), 0 passed
Where do I need to fix in order to function my update function properly?
You are not passing data to update .Instead where find by id and then call save()
$tcp = TakeCarePerson::find($id);
$tcp->first_name = $data['first_name_tcp2'];
$tcp->last_name = $data['last_name_tcp2'];
$tcp->date_of_birth = $data['date_of_birth_tcp2'];
$tcp->user_id = $data['user_id'];
$tcp->image_id = $profileImage;
$tcp->gender= $data['gender'];
$tcp = TakeCarePerson::where('id','=',$id)->update([
'first_name'=> $data['first_name_tcp2'],

How to replicate in php

I'm trying to create a function that will replicate/clone/duplicate a product including all it's properties and it's shipping options.
However, I succeeded to duplicate the product but the shipping options are not replicated. See my codes below;
Any help will be highly appreciated
public function CreateProductPost(Request $request){
if (Auth::user()->vendor == false) {
return redirect()->route('profile');
if ($request->name == null) {
session()->flash('errormessage','Product name is required');
return redirect()->back()->withInput();
if (mb_strlen($request->name) > 60) {
session()->flash('errormessage','Product name cannot be longer than 60 characters.');
return redirect()->back()->withInput();
if ($request->category_id == null) {
session()->flash('errormessage','Product category is required');
$shippingoptions[] = $opt;
$product = new Product;
$product->name = $request->name;
$product->uniqueid = random_int(10000, 99999);
$product->category_id = $category->id;
$product->description = $request->description;
$product->refund_policy = $request->refund_policy;
$product->fromc = $request->fromc;
$product->tocount = $request->tocount;
$product->price = $request->price;
$product->currency = $request->currency;
$product->inventory = $request->inventory;
if ($request->image !== null) {
$product->image = $request->image->store('uploads','public');
$product->buyout = 0;
$product->fe = $fe;
$product->seller_id = Auth::user()->id;
foreach ($shippingoptions as $opt) {
$so = new ShippingOption();
$so->product_id = $product->id;
$so->desc = $opt['desc'];
$so->days = $opt['days'];
$so->price = $opt['price'];
session()->flash('successmessage','Product successfully created');
return redirect()->route('products');
function DuplicateProductPost($uniqueid, Request $request){
$product = Product::where('uniqueid',$uniqueid)->first();
if ($product == null) {
return redirect()->route('products');
if (Auth::user()->id !== $product->seller->id) {
return redirect()->route('products');
$newProduct = $product->replicate();
$newProduct->uniqueid = random_int(10000, 99999);
session()->flash('successmessage','Product successfully duplicated');
return redirect()->route('products');
Any help will be highly appreciated
You need to replicate both your Product and ShippingOption models, so use the following logic:
$product = Product::where('uniqueid',$uniqueid)->first();
$newProduct = $product->replicate();
$newProduct->uniqueid = random_int(10000, 99999);
foreach($product->shippingOptions AS $shippingOption){
$newShippingOption = $shippingOption->replicate();
$newShippingOption->product_id = $newProduct->id;
Note, you need to have a relationship between Product and ShippingOption, otherwise you will need to manually query for them:
$oldShippingOptions = ShippingOption::where("product_id", "=", $product->id)->get();
foreach($oldShippingOptions AS $shippingOption){
The ->replicate() method does not clone all related records, as that might not be the intended requirement, so you need to do it manually.

How to get a value of particular column from the object variable in laravel

From the model TagModel i can filter the value which i want it, but value is stored in the form of object variable. To play with those data in controller i am not able to pluck the particular id.
This is my model
public static function getLatestTag($name){
return $tagIds =DB::table('tags')
->where ('is_deleted',0)
This is my controller code:
foreach ($newTags as $newTag) {
$productTagIds[] = TagModel::getLatestTag($newTag);
$productId = (int)ProductManagementModel::getMaxId();
foreach ($productTagIds as $productTagId) {
$productTag = new ProductTagModel;
$productTag ->product_id = $productId;
$productTag ->tag_id = $productTagId;
the value which i want is stored in the variable $productTagIds which is object variable. How can I pluck just id from this?
public function addProduct()
foreach(Input::get('tagName') as $checkTag){
foreach ($newTags as $newTag) {
$tagExist[] = TagModel::checkExist($newTag);
$message = 'The tag <b>'.$checkTag.'</b> already exist';
Session::flash('class', 'alert alert-error');
Session::flash('message', $message);
return View::make('admin.product_management.add');
else {
$objectTagProduct = new TagModel;
$objectTagProduct ->name = $newTag;
$objectProduct = new ProductManagementModel;
$objectProduct->product_name = Input::get('product_name');
$objectProduct->product_url = $productUrl;
$objectProduct->category_id = Input::get('category_id');
$objectProduct->product_cost = Input::get('product_cost');
$objectProduct->product_short_description = Input::get('product_short_description');
$objectProduct->product_description = Input::get('product_description');
$objectProduct->is_active = Input::get('is_active');
$objectProduct->created_at = Auth::user()->id;
$objectProduct->updated_at = Auth::user()->id;
if($logo != '')
$objectProduct->product_attachment = $logo;
$productId = (int)ProductManagementModel::getMaxId();
foreach ($productTagIds as $productTagId) {
$productTag = new ProductTagModel;
$productTag ->product_id = $productId;
$productTag ->tag_id = $productTagId;
if($objectProduct->id) {
Session::flash('class', 'alert alert-success');
Session::flash('message', 'Product successfully added');
return View::make('admin.product_management.add');
} else {
Session::flash('class', 'alert alert-error');
Session::flash('message', 'Something error');
return View::make('admin.product_management.add');
The code might flash a certain error that have to troubleshoot by yourself. I have kept
after $objectTagProduct->save(); please try it
public static function getLatestTag($name){
return $tagIds = DB::table('tags')
->where ('is_deleted',0)
public static function getLatestTag($name){
return App\TagModel::where('is_deleted',0)->where('name',$name)->first()->id;
$ids = [];
foreach ($newTags as $newTag) {
$productTagId = TagModel::getLatestTag($newTag);
$productId = (int)ProductManagementModel::getMaxId();
foreach ($ids as $productTagId) {
$productTag = new ProductTagModel;
$productTag ->product_id = $productId;
$productTag ->tag_id = $productTagId;
try to use eloquent like this
to get the particular value from the object class variable
public function addProduct()
foreach(Input::get('tagName') as $checkTag){
foreach ($newTags as $newTag) {
$tagExist[] = TagModel::checkExist($newTag);
$message = 'The tag <b>'.$checkTag.'</b> already exist';
Session::flash('class', 'alert alert-error');
Session::flash('message', $message);
return View::make('admin.product_management.add');
else {
$objectTagProduct = new TagModel;
$objectTagProduct ->name = $newTag;
$objectProduct = new ProductManagementModel;
$objectProduct->product_name = Input::get('product_name');
$objectProduct->product_url = $productUrl;
$objectProduct->category_id = Input::get('category_id');
$objectProduct->product_cost = Input::get('product_cost');
$objectProduct->product_short_description = Input::get('product_short_description');
$objectProduct->product_description = Input::get('product_description');
$objectProduct->is_active = Input::get('is_active');
$objectProduct->created_at = Auth::user()->id;
$objectProduct->updated_at = Auth::user()->id;
if($logo != '')
$objectProduct->product_attachment = $logo;
$productId = (int)ProductManagementModel::getMaxId();
foreach ($productTagIds as $productTagId) {
$productTag = new ProductTagModel;
$productTag ->product_id = $productId;
$productTag ->tag_id = $productTagId;
if($objectProduct->id) {
Session::flash('class', 'alert alert-success');
Session::flash('message', 'Product successfully added');
return View::make('admin.product_management.add');
} else {
Session::flash('class', 'alert alert-error');
Session::flash('message', 'Something error');
return View::make('admin.product_management.add');
I came to knew that to get the data from object class variable $productTagIds[]=$objectTagProduct->id;
But i am confused with its flow and where to execute this code.

Run some calculation and then update data in Laravel 5.2

Here is a very simple store method of a product controller. I do some calculation and then store the data into the database. But while updating data I have to run this calculations again and then have to save the data.
I tried several ways but I get nothing but error messages as I'm new in Laravel. How can I write the proper update method?
public function store(Request $request)
//vat and profit calculations
$vat = $request->vat;
$buying_price = $request->buying_price;
$selling_price = $request->selling_price;
$total_price = $buying_price+($buying_price*$vat/100);
$profit = $selling_price-$total_price;
$product = Products::create([
'product_name' => $request->product_name,
'buying_price' => $request->buying_price,
'selling_price' => $request->selling_price,
'vat' => $request->vat,
'total_price' => $total_price,
'profit' => $profit,
return redirect("Product/{$product->id}");
Update method (which is not working as I expect):
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$vat = $request->vat;
$buying_price = $request->buying_price;
$selling_price = $request->selling_price;
$total_price = $buying_price+($buying_price*$vat/100);
$profit = $selling_price-$total_price;
$product = Products::findOrFail($id);
$product = Products::update([
'product_name' => $request->product_name,
'buying_price' => $request->buying_price,
'selling_price' => $request->selling_price,
'vat' => $request->vat,
'total_price' => $total_price,
'profit' => $profit,
return redirect("Product/{$product->id}");
/* Basic update system but this does not update the total_price and profit column
$input = $request->all();
$product = Products::findOrFail($id);
return redirect("Product/{$product->id}"); */
Should be like this ...
public function update(Request $request, $id){
$vat = $request->vat;
$buying_price = $request->buying_price;
$selling_price = $request->selling_price;
$total_price = $buying_price+($buying_price*$vat/100);
$profit = $selling_price-$total_price;
$product = Products::findOrFail($id);
$product->product_name = $request->product_name;
$product->product_category_id = $request->product_category_id;
$product->product_type_id = $request->product_type_id;
$product->product_description = $request->product_description;
$product->product_weight = $request->product_weight;
$product->buying_price = $request->buying_price;
$product->selling_price = $request->selling_price;
$product->vat = $request->vat;
$product->total_price = $total_price;
$product->profit = $profit;
$product->in_stock = $request->in_stock;
$updated_product = $product->save();
if(isset($updated_product) && $updated_product != '') {
return redirect("Product/".$id);
Please Try This.
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$vat = $request->vat;
$buying_price = $request->buying_price;
$selling_price = $request->selling_price;
$total_price = $buying_price+($buying_price*$vat/100);
$profit = $selling_price-$total_price;
$product = Product::where('id', $id)->first();
$product->product_name = $request->product_name;
$product->buying_price = $request->buying_price;
$product->selling_price = $request->selling_price;
$product->vat = $request->vat;
$product->total_price = $total_price;
$product->profit = $profit;
return redirect("Product/{$product->id}");
/* Basic update system but this does not update the total_price and profit column
$input = $request->all();
$product = Products::findOrFail($id);
return redirect("Product/{$product->id}"); */
