Efficient way to delete files from server PHP - php

So I'm writing a script to delete images from my server. Basically I have a table in my Database which contains a list of buildings and each building has multiple images associated with an id. I'm saving my images on the server in a single folder and each image has the following naming format:
buildingID_imagename.jpg. For example, if I have a building with id=23, my images in my folder will appear as 23_imagename1.jpg, 23_imagename2.jpg, etc.
Now, I know how to delete an image using PHP using the unlink function. However, to delete all the images, I need to check each file file name one by one, do a split string manipulation, check for the id and then delete. The issue arises when I have like 10000 images in that folder. This becomes an expensive task to do although it will work.
My question, is there a simple way to check the image name and delete it from the folder?
After typing this, I just thought of one possible way. Getting all image links from my database table into an array, loop through it and delete just those. Would that be a good method to do it? Of course, after I get the images into an array, I'm also deleting them from the table.

Iterate over the dataset, check if file exists and remove the file.
Maybe execute it as a cron job in-case you think there could be thousands of file in this operation.

You can also use the
<? array_map ('unlink',glob('23_imagename*.jpg')); ?> // this example deletes all files with .jpg extension that starts with 23_imagename
With the glob function you can apply regex to efficiently find files that you want to delete


For image upload, should I add a field to the MYSQL database to check against, or simply use PHP to check if the image exists?

I have a simple image upload form. When someone uploads an image, it is for a football pool, so there always is a $poolid that goes with the image they upload.
Right now, I am naming the uploaded image using the poolid. So for example, if someone uploads an image, it might get named P0714TYER7EN.png.
All the app will ever do is, when it outputs the football pool's page, it will check to see if an image exists for that pool and if so, it will show it. It checks like this:
if (file_exists("uploads/".$poolid.".png")) { //code to show it }
My first thought when planning this was to add a field called "image" in my MYSQL database's table for all the pool information (called pools) and I would store a value of either the image name (P0714TYER7EN.png) or empty if there wasn't one uploaded. Then I would check that field in the database to determine if an image exists or not.
But I realized I don't really need to store anything in the database because I can simply use the PHP file_exists check above to know if there is an image or not.
In other words, it would seem redundant to have a field in the database.
Everything works doing it this way (i.e. NOT having a field in the database) but I'm wondering if this is bad practice for any reason?
If anyone feels that I should absolutely still have a field in the database, please share your thoughts. I just want to do it the proper way.
Thank you.
The approach could depend a lot on what exactly you're trying to do. Seems like the options you would have is:
File System Only
Benefits would be the speed of accessing static files of an image and use of it in your HTML directly which makes it a more simple solution. Also if you're comfortable with using these functions it will be faster to finish.
Drawbacks would be that you're limited to using file_exists and similar. Any code to manage files this way has to be very specific and static. You also can not search or perform operations efficiently on this. In general relying on the file system alone is not a best practice from my experience.
Database Only
Benefits, you can use Blob type as a column with meta data like owner, uploader, timestamp, etc. in the same row. This makes checking for existing files faster as well as any searching or other operations fast and efficient.
Drawbacks, you can't serve files statically using a CDN or even a cookie-less subdomain or other strategies for page performance. You also have to use PHP and MySQL to generate then serve any images via code rather than just referring to the image file directly.
Benefits, basically the same benefits as both above. You can have your metadata in MySQL with a MD5 hash and location of the file available as well. Your PHP then renders the page with a direct link to the file rather than processing the Blob to an image. You could use this in conjunction with a CDN by prefixing or storing the CDN location as well.
Drawbacks, if you manually changed names of files on the server you'd have to rely on a function matching hashes to detect this, though this would also affect a File System Only that needs to detect a duplicate file potentially.
TLDR; the Hybrid approach is what you'll see most software use like WordPress or others and I believe would be considered a best practice while file system only is a bit of a hack.
Note: Database only could be a best approach in specific situations where you want database clustering and replication of images directly in your database rather than to a file system (especially if the file system is restricted access or unable to be modified for any reason, then you have full flexibility on the DB).
You can also use the blob datatypes from mysql. There you can save the image as binary data next to the data about the football pool.
So when you want to load an football pool you simple fire an sql statement and check if it returns a result, if so load the image from the database and display the data, otherwise throw an error.
If you have very frequent access you can simply put the images into a seperate table and load the image independent of the data about the football pool. Additional set some cache headers on the image and put it in a seperate file, this way you could simply save the primary key of the images in football table. Then you want to display the web page you simply load another document, pass it the primary key of the image, there the image will be loaded, or if the browser has it in cache, will load it from cache without querying the database.
This way you also have a better consistency of data and images.
Your uploading an image to specific folder and that too with poolid which will be unique. It should work just fine.
Problem :
The code you have written works great. But the problem is, for the first time if the image loaded is .png and second time loaded file in jpeg or jpg then file exists wont check that and hence it may fail.
Caution :
If you have already taken a caution to check that the image uploaded must and should be png than the file_exists will work great.
Alternate Solution :
In case if your not checking for the image type to be .png then I highly advice you to take a boolean image column in your table by is_image_uploaded or something which can be set once you upload the file every time.
This makes sure that in case next time you wan to upload the image then you can directly go and check in your database table and see that if is_image_uploaded column is set or not. If not set then upload or else ignore or do whatever you want

Image upload in PHP with mySQL

I am reading a lot about uploading images with PHP. I have come to the conclusion that it's best to have a folder /images to keep the files. And have a db table that holds the path to the file and i'd also like to keep track of what it is an image of (in my case houses).
I would have 3 fields in the table:
Does this sound like the proper way to handle this? I am unable to find any definitive article on how to do this.
Also, when it comes to uploads, are there any recommended articles on how to accomplish this in the manner I want?
Yes it is.
Although mysql lets you store images into records just as strings or numbers it is generally preferred to keep separated "records" from "files".
I'd suggest to avoid recording the path to the image.
Instead, as the image is associated with a record, give the image a name that links it to the record. Assuming your table have an unique, primary key, auto-increment, integer field named id each image will have filename id.jpg
After the upload you'll move the image from the php upload directory to the images directory renaming the file.
For information on how manage file uploads with php google for php upload files

Folder Structure for storing millions of images?

I am building a site that is looking at Millions of photos being uploaded easily (with 3 thumbnails each for each image uploaded) and I need to find the best method for storing all these images.
I've searched and found examples of images stored as hashes.... for example...
If I upload, coolparty.jpg, my script would convert it to an Md5 hash resulting in..
and that's stored in /dc/eh/wd/dcehwd8y4fcf42wduasdha.jpg
but for the 3 thumbnails I don't know how to store them
Is this the correct way to store these images?
How would I store thumbnails?
In PHP what is example code for storing these images using the method above?
How am I using the folder structure:
I'm uploading the photo, and move it like you said:
$image = md5_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']);
// you can add a random number to the file name just to make sure your images will be "unique"
$image = md5(mt_rand().$image);
$folder = $image[0]."/".$image[1]."/".$image[2]."/";
// IMAGES_PATH is a constant stored in my global config
define('IMAGES_PATH', '/path/to/my/images/');
// coolparty = f3d40fc20a86e4bf8ab717a6166a02d4
$folder = IMAGES_PATH.$folder.'f3d40fc20a86e4bf8ab717a6166a02d4.jpg';
// thumbnail, I just append the t_ before image name
$folder = IMAGES_PATH.$folder.'t_f3d40fc20a86e4bf8ab717a6166a02d4.jpg';
// move_uploaded_file(), with thumbnail after process
// also make sure you create the folders in mkdir() before you move them
I do believe is the base way, of course you can change the folder structure to a more deep one, like you said, with 2 characters if you will have millions of images.
The reason you would use a method like that is simply to reduce the total number of files per directory (inodes).
Using the method you have described (3 levels deeps) you are very unlikely to reach even hundreds of images per directory since you will have a max number of directories of almost 17MM. 16**6.
As far as your questions.
Yeah, that is a fine way to store them.
The way I would do it would be
or similar
There are plenty of examples on the net as far as how to actually store images. Do you have a more specific question?
If you're talking millions of photos, I would suggest you farm these off to a third party such as Amazon Web Services, more specifically for this Amazon S3. There is no limit for the number of files and, assuming you don't need to actually list the files, there is no need to separate them into directories at all (and if you do need to list, you can use different delimeters and prefixes - http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/ListingKeysHierarchy.html). And your hosting/rereival costs will probably be lower than doing yourself - and they get backed up.
To answer more specifically, yes, split by sub directories; using your structure, you can drop the first 5 characters of the filename as you alsready have it in the directory name.
And thumbs, as suggested by aquinas, just appent _thumb1 etc to the filename. Or store in separate folders themsevles.
1) That's something only you can answer. Generally, I prefer to store the images in the database so you can have ONE consistent backup, but YMMV.
2) How? How about /dc/eh/wd/dcehwd8y4fcf42wduasdha_thumb1.jpg, /dc/eh/wd/dcehwd8y4fcf42wduasdha_thumb2.jpg and /dc/eh/wd/dcehwd8y4fcf42wduasdha_thumb3.jpg
3) ??? Are you asking how to write a file to the file system or...?
Improve Answer.
For millions of Images, as yes, it is correct that using database will slow down the process
The best option will be either use "Server File System" to store images and use .htaccess to add security.
or you can use web-services. many servers like provide Images Api for uploading, displaying.
You can go on that option also. For example Amazon

What is the best way to store files(photo and video) in mysql?

I don't know which way is better to use about uploading and saving a file in my local server.
for example I see someone that INSERT image's link in the mysql field, I'm confused right now...
I want to upload some files and show that in other situation...
what's the best and secure way to perform that?
Store all the images in a folder called photos for example. Then, save an index of the file in your database assigning it an index number and other information. Save the file in the photos folder, renaming it [index_number].jpg, or whatever extension is needed. For example, if I upload the file coolpic.jpg, it will be assigned an index number of 2845. The file itself is saved in photos/2845.jpg.
Saving in Database may make some problems like as DB performance decrease (as result of reading and writing big files), DB crashes (as a result of delete of edits of rows fields), backup problems (because of huge dump file, some problems when table needs to be repaired.
also read file from mySQL will be delivered by Apache again.
I suggest you use of normal path with rewrite mode (virtual url)
Dont use img link.. its not necessary and all it does is just making you DB larger.
You shoud store just "picture.jpg"
and in documents use <img src="images/'.$row['image'].'">
Even better, you can create a function for it (displaying pictures).
function DImage($image)
//you can do miracles here like checking images types, if is file and so on, padding, even adding divs and vspaces..
$output = '<img src="imagesfolder/'.$image.'">';
return $output;
so latter all you have to do is..
echo DImage($row['image']);
PS: if you ask about $_POST & $_FILE uploading, of course.. it is impossible for you to maintain images, names and updates I'm sure..

PHP file rename

I have a form where an admin will upload three pictures with different dimensions to three different designated directories. now to make sure that i don't get into the problem of duplicate file names i implemented something like the php will compare the uploaded file name and it will check if that file name exist in the designated directory if yes then it will echo an error and stop the script execution.
Now one of my friend suggested me that it is very bad asking the admin to manually rename the picture file and asking them to take care of the file duplication problem. the solution he suggested was to rename the file automatically and then store it in the database and then direct it to directory.
I am confused about what combination should i give to the renamed file and also make sure it will remain unique file name to be more precise i would like you to understand my directory structure
as i said there will be three pictures files the admin will be uploading namely
a) Title Picture b) Brief Picture c)
Detail Picture
and all the three picture files will be moved to the different respective directory, like title picture goes to title directory and so on.
i am using to script below currently just to move and store the file name with path using varchar in the database.
$ns_pic_title_loc= $_FILES["ns_pic_title"]["tmp_name"];
$ns_pic_title_name = $_FILES["ns_pic_title"]["name"];
move_uploaded_file($ns_pic_title_loc, $ns_title_target.$ns_pic_title_name) or die(mysql_error());
that is just the sample code i havent included the validation function which i am using. i was thinking like i want to rename all the files like
a) In title directory the file should be stored as.
and so on
and the same way to rest of the pictures. how do i do that? what function do i use to achieve my target. and if this is not the good way to rename the file i would appreciate any suggestion followed to rename the file.
thanks in advance
Well, here's a possible solution:
Get uploaded filename from $_FILES["ns_pic_title"]["name"] and separate extension OR if we are only talking about image files get the image type with getimagesize($_FILES["ns_pic_title"]["tmp_name"]);
Check your database for the maximum id of the image records and make the the $file_name variable 'title_'.($max_id + 1)
At this point you should have $file_name and $file_extension so do move_uploaded_file($_FILES["ns_pic_title"]["tmp_name"], $ns_title_target.$file_name.'.'.$file_extension)
Hopefully this makes sense and helps.
There are a couple of good options with various pros and cons.
Use php's tempnam when moving the file, and store the path in your mysql database. tempnam generates a unique filename.
Use mysql to store the image content in a blob. This way you will access the image content via an id instead of a pathname.
Instead of having logic to figure out what the latest picture name is and calculate the next number increment, why not just use PHP's tempnam() function? It generates an unique name with a prefix of your choice (i.e., "title", "brief", "detail"). You could also simply prepend a timestamp to the file name -- if you don't have a whole lot of admins uploading pictures at the same time, that should handle most name conflicts.
Since your pictures are going to be sorted into title, brief and detail directories already, it's not really necessary to name each picture title_*, brief_*, and detail_*, right? If it's in the title directory, then it's obviously a title picture.
Also, you're going to be putting the file names in the database. Then elsewhere in the app, when you want to display a picture, I assume you are getting the correct file name from the database. So it isn't really important what the actual file name is as long as the application knows where to find it. If that's correct, it's not necessary to have a very friendly name, thus a tempnam() file name or a timestamp plus the original file name would be acceptable.
Because you are storing references into the DB, I would prefer to just md5 the datetime and use that for the filename and store the disk filename to the DB also. It doesn't matter what name it is written to disk with as long as you can point to it with the unique name into the DB.
I use this methodology, and in none of my testing does the disk name (md5 from the datetime) ever require multiple tries.
