How can i get my PHP SoapClient to Authenticate with Digest - php

I currently have a ASMX web service hosted on IIS along with a PHP page which is calling the web service via a SoapClient.
I need to authenticate the webservice against ActiveDirectory and i figured the easiest way to do this would be to enable Digest Authentication on IIS and allow the user to enter their AD username/password into the PHP page and send this authentication in the SoapHeaders.
I am not really quite sure how to go about this, especially when trying to contact the WSDL (which is also behind the Digest Authentication).
Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: What i've tried:
SERVICE_URL points to http://mypage/service.asmx?wsdl
Attempt 1: User and Pass as MD5
$options = array(
'realm' => 'myrealm',
'login' => $_SESSION['authUser'],
'password' => $_SESSION['authPass']
try { $client = new SoapClient(SERVICE_URL, $options); }
Attempt 2: Auth is the 'user':'realm':'pass' as MD5:
$options = array(
'login' => $_SESSION['auth']
try { $client = new SoapClient(SERVICE_URL, $options); }

You can add headers to your soap client using SoapHeader() class/object (SoapHeader() documentation) and soap object operator __setSoapHeaders() (__setSoapHeaders() documentation).
Your request would look something like this:
$options = array(
'realm' => 'myrealm',
'login' => $_SESSION['authUser'],
'password' => $_SESSION['authPass']
try {
$client = new SoapClient(SERVICE_URL, $options);
// create and populate header array
$headers = array();
$headers[] = new SoapHeader('MYNAMESPACE',
$headers[] = new SoapHeader('MYNAMESPACE',
$client->__setSoapHeaders($headers); // set headers
$client->__soapCall("echoVoid", null); // make soap call


bigcommerce rest api v3 php

I have to implement bigcommerce API integration with PHP
and I am trying to use the official library from
and I am not even able to start step 1 here.
Basic Auth method
'store_url' => '',
'username' => 'admin',
'api_key' => 'd81aada4xc34xx3e18f0xxxx7f36ca'
So the question here is how to get a username? bigcommerece user only created using email address so how to get username here?
OAuth method
In order to obtain the auth_token you would consume Bigcommerce::getAuthToken method
$object = new \stdClass();
$object->client_id = 'xxxxxx';
$object->client_secret = 'xxxxx;
$object->redirect_uri = '';
$object->code = $request->get('code');
$object->context = $request->get('context');
$object->scope = $request->get('scope');
$authTokenResponse = Bigcommerce::getAuthToken($object);
'client_id' => 'xxxxxxxx',
'auth_token' => $authTokenResponse->access_token,
'store_hash' => 'xxxxxxx'
here the question is what is the $request variable? also, redirect_uri is the bigcommerce store URL or my site URL?
Please can anyone help to get started with this?
It's because that library is a bit out of date with how api accounts are managed. For the basic auth you would use "legacy accounts". You can just use the OAuth method without the oAuth flow (assuming you're trying to connect to your own store, not create an app).
Just the following will work:
'client_id' => 'client-id',
'auth_token' => 'access-token',
'store_hash' => 'store-hash'
You should get these after creating a user in the dashboard (you can ignore the secret for this use case)

How to send parameters in soap request in php in __soapcall() function

i want to send a below xml request to the server which is sending ok by using soap UI but not in php:
i create soap client like this
$client = new \SoapClient("");
which is ok and then create soap call function like this
$data = array('AgentABTA'=>'DIGICOM_POC_DEMO'
$result = $client->__soapCall('AgentLogin',$data);
__soapcall give me error of empty request body.
Hope this might help you out:
$client = new \SoapClient("your_wsdl_link", [
'trace' => true
$params = [
'AgentLoginRQ' => [
'AgentABTA' => '****',
'UserName' => '****',
'Password' => '********',
'Products' => '',
$result = $client->YourFunction($params);
This is surely because of the array data structure which is incorrect according to the WSDL. You should definitively use a WSDL to php generator which is nowadays common. It helps structuring the request data and easily handle the response all with an OOP approach.
You should take a look to the PackageGenerator project which could really help you deal with this SOAP Web Service.

How can I send cookie while using REST API?

Using Laravel 5 and trying to send some data from my site to another one, which provides me with the REST API. But they use cookies as a authorization. For this moment, I've passed auth successfully. And stuck on how should I send this cookie to API interface via POST method? Here is my listing.
Thanx in advance.
P.S. All things are going on inside the controller.
if (Cookie::get('amoauth') !== null) {
$client = new Client();
$newlead = $client->post('', [
'add' => [
'add/name' => 'TEST LEAD',
'add/date_create' => time(),
'add/last_modified' => time(),
'add/status_id' => '1',
'add/price' => 5000
} else {
$client = new Client();
$auth = $client->post('',[
'USER_LOGIN' => 'login',
'USER_HASH' => 'hash',
'type' => 'json'
$auth = $auth->getHeaders('Set-Cookie');
Cookie::queue('amoauth', $auth, 15);
return redirect('/test');
Now it returns me the following:
Client error: `POST` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response.
Found the solution: switched to ixudra/curl.

Cannot authorize PHP NTLMSoapClient with MS Dynamics Great Plains ERP

Having difficulties authorizing php SoapClient with MS Dynamic Great Plains. I can connect through SoapUI. However, it only successfully connects on 3rd attempt. Also, the auth token progressively gets longer. See pastebin link below.
I made use of the following package ( to setup a NTLM stream, but it doesn't seem to be sending a correct token. The token length is shorter than what is sent through SoapUI.
$wsdlUrl = '';
$options = [
'ntlm_username' => 'Domain\username',
'ntlm_password' => 'password'
$soapClient = new \NTLMSoap\Client($wsdlUrl, $options);
$params = array(
criteria => array(
'ModifiedDate' => array(
'GreaterThan' => '2016-04-18',
'LessThan' => '2016-04-19'
'context' => array(
'OrganizationKey' => array(
'type' => 'CompanyKey',
'Id' =
$response = $soapClient->GetPurchaseOrderList(array($params));
I had to set use ___setLocation() because client was being forwarded to http://localmachine:48620/DynamicsGPWebServices/DynamicsGPService.asmx
I have been trying to get Charles Web Proxy to work to show the actual the request/response, buts its crapped out on me.
This is the SoapUI output.

Guzzle get request

I am trying to figure out how to download a file from a form that's on a website that requires login.
I can login with no issues using POST and the below code:
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post('', array(
'body' => array(
'username' => '######',
'password' => '######'
'cookies' => true
the $response leads me past the login page successfully.
But if I attempt to make a GET call after the fact using $client->get it leads me back to the login page.
How can I POST my login information and then go to another page exportdata.php to then GET form information from it?
I had some trouble using the cookies => true option. have you tried providing a default CooieJar?
$jar = new GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJar();
$default = [
"cookies" => $jar
$c = new GuzzleHttp\Client(["defaults" => $default]);
The same cookie jar is now set by default to each request made by that client.
