DDD / CQRS / ES - How and where to implement guards - php

Good morning,
I've a model where a User AR has a specific UserRole (administrator, reseller or client). For that AR, there are some guards I would implement which are:
An administrator cannot have a manager other than himself
A reseller cannot have a manager other than an administrator
A client cannot have a manager other than a reseller or client (sub-account case)
Let's say that I want to register a new User. The flow would be as follows:
RegisterUser request handler -> RegisterUser Command -> RegisterUser command handler -> User->register(...) method ->UserWasRegistered Domain event
How and where I should implement the guards to validate my User AR exactly? Right now, I've something that look as follows:
namespace vendor\Domain\Model;
class User
public static function register(
UserId $userId,
User $manager,
UserName $name,
UserPassword $password,
UserEmail $email,
UserRole $role
): User
switch($role) {
case UserRole::ADMINISTRATOR():
if(!$userId->equals($manager->userId)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An administrator cannot have a manager other than himself');
case UserRole::RESELLER():
if(!$manager->role->equals(UserRole::ADMINISTRATOR())) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A reseller cannot have a manager other than an administrator');
case UserRole::CLIENT():
// TODO: This is a bit more complicated as the outer client should have a reseller has manager
if(!$manager->role->equals(UserRole::RESELLER()) && !$manager->role->equals(UserRole::Client())) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A client cannot have a manager other than a reseller or client');
$newUser = new static();
$newUser->recordThat(UserWasRegistered::withData($userId, $manager, $name, $password, $email, $role, UserStatus::REGISTERED()));
return $newUser;
As you can see here, guards are in the User AR, which I think is bad. I'm wondering if I should either put those guards in external validators or in the command handler. Another thing is that I should probably also access the read model to ensure uniqueness of user and existence of manager.
And the last thing is, I would prefer pass a UserId VO rather than a User AR for the manager property, hence my thinking that guards should not be put in the User AR.
Your advice would be much appreciated.

As you can see here, guards are in the model himself which I think is bad. I'm wondering if I should either put those guards in external validators or in the command handler.
With DDD, you strive to keep business logic within the domain layer and more specifically into the model (aggregates, entities and value objects) as much as possible to avoid ending up with an Anemic Domain Model. Some types of rules (e.g. access control, trivial data type validation, etc.) may not be considered business rules by nature and could therefore be delegated to the application layer, but the core domain rules should not leak outside the domain.
I would prefer pass a UserId value object rather than a User aggregat for the manager property
Aggregates should aim at relying on data within their boundary to enforce rules as it's the only way to ensure strong consistency. It is important to realize that any checks based off data external to the aggregate could have been made on stale data and therefore the rule might still get violated through concurrency. The rule can then only be made eventually consistent by detecting violations after they occurred and act accordingly. That doesn't mean the checks are worthless though, as it will still prevent most violations to occur in low-contention scenarios.
When it comes to providing external information to aggregates, there are two main strategies:
Lookup the data before calling upon the domain (e.g. in the application service)
Example (pseudo-code):
Application {
register(userId, managerId, ...) {
managerUser = userRepository.userOfId(userId);
//Manager is a value object
manager = new Manager(managerUser.id(), managerUser.role());
registeredUser = User.register(userId, manager, ...);
When to use? This is the most standard approach and the "purest" (aggregates never perform indirect IO). I would always consider this strategy first.
What to watch for? As in your own code sample, it may be tempting to pass an AR into another's method, but I would try to avoid it to prevent unexpected mutations of the passed AR instance and also to avoid creating dependencies on a larger-than-needed contract.
Pass a domain service to the domain which it can use to lookup data on it's own.
Example (pseudo-code):
interface RoleLookupService {
bool userInRole(userId, role);
Application {
register(userId, managerId, ...) {
var registeredUser = User.register(userId, managerId, roleLookupService, ...);
When to use? I would consider this approach when the lookup logic itself is complex enough to care about encapsulating it in the domain rather than leaking it into the application layer. However, if you want to maintain aggregates "purity" you could also extract the whole creation process in a factory (domain service) which the application layer would rely upon.
What to watch for? You should always keep the Interface Segregation Principle in mind here and avoid passing large contracts such as IUserRepository when the only thing looked up is whether or not a user has a role. Furthermore, this approach is not considered to be "pure", because the aggregates may be performing indirect IO. A service dependency could also need more work to mock than a data dependency for unit tests.
Refactoring the original example
Avoid passing another AR instance
Explicitly model the supervision policy policy as a first-class citizen, associated to a specific role. Note that you could use any modeling variants where the rule is associated to the role. I'm not necessarily satisfied with the language in the example, but you will get the idea.
interface SupervisionPolicy {
bool isSatisfiedBy(Manager manager);
enum Role {
private SupervisionPolicy supervisionPolicy;
public SupervisionPolicy supervisionPolicy() { return supervisionPolicy; }
class User {
public User(UserId userId, Manager manager, Role role, ...) {
//Could also have role.supervisionPolicy().assertSatisfiedBy(manager, 'message') which throws if not satsified
if (!role.supervisionPolicy().isSatisfiedBy(manager)) {
throw …;

Normally - Domain Driven Design calls for rich domain models, which normally means that the business logic is located in methods that represent parts of the domain.
That would normally mean that the command handler would be responsible for the plumbing (loading data from the database, storing changes in the database), and would delegate to the domain model the work of calculating the consequences of the user request.
So the "guards" would usually be implemented within the domain model.
And the last thing is, I would prefer pass a User Id rather than a User for the manager property, hence my thinking that guard should not be put in the User model.
That's fine - when a the domain model needs information that isn't local, you normally either lookup that information and pass it in, or pass in the capability to look up the information.
So in this case, you might be passing in a "domain service" that knows how to look up a UserRole given a UserId.
Are you telling me that it is perfectly valid to pass a domain service to an aggregate? At instantiation level or only to the method dealing with?
My strong preference is that services are passed as arguments to the methods that need them, and are not part of the instantiation. So the entities in the domain model hold data, and collaborators are provided on demand.
"Domain Service" is the third element of the domain model described by Evans in Chapter 5 of the blue book. In many cases, the domain service describes an interface (written in the language of the model), but the implementation of the interface is in the application or infrastructure "layer".
So I would never pass a repository to the domain model, but I would pass a domain service that delegates the actual work to a repository.


Keeping DAO and domain object separate

I've got a User domain object class, and a UserDAO class. The User only cares about it's state, and UserDAO only about the data storage. From what I've read, they should not know nor care about each other.
I then wondered how I could use my User class to do things with UserDAO and vice versa. After some research I found out about Service classes, that they're supposed to couple a bunch of related classes together for interaction User and UserDAO in my case).
If DAOs aren't supposed to know nor care about domain objects why have I seen some DAOs that accept their corresponding domain object as an argument or even return it?
class UserDAO
//other logic
public function fetchById($id)
//user fetch logic
return new User(...);
public function persist(User $user)
//user persist logic
//other logic
What would be the correct way of handling this? With the above UserDAO is clearly aware of User.
There's a bit of a confusion here...
In DDD context the Reposity pattern fits better than DAO objects. You can check the difference between Repository and DAO here.
The repository do have knowledge about your domain objects, but your domain object do not know about repositories. The reason for this is separation of concerns and good layering.
Repositories is usually injected at some aplication level class. Example of aplication level classes are classes that process the user request like controllers(mvc contexts) or webservices.
Repositories can also be injected in Domain Service but Domain Services is normally used to resolve problems of significant business operation or for operations that do not belong to a unique entity in domain context.

MVC - How to pass data to service

I'm a bit confused on how to perform insert and update statements using MVC.
Is it ok to create an instance of an object in your controller and pass it to your service to save it or do you pass data to your service and handle everything else in there?
In my controller something like:
In my UserService:
function insert($username,$password){
$user = ORM::for_table('user')->create();
$user->username= $username;
$user->password= $password;
In my controller something like:
In my UserService:
function insert($username,$password,$id){
$user = ORM::for_table('user')->find($id);
$user->username= $username;
$user->password= $password;
Is this good practice?
Because I see a lot of these answers where for example a user is being created in the controller and passed to a repository to save it:
Proper Repository Pattern Design in PHP?
But I don't like the idea of creating a user in the controller...
Controllers belongs to application layer and controlls only activity. In your example the activities are Create- and Update for an existing or for a new User. These operations belongs to the Domain Layer, which contains services. Thus services encapsulate the domain as a gatekeeper and provides operations for resolving domain like a facade.
Is it ok to create an instance of an object in your controller and pass it to your service to save it or do you pass data to your service and handle everything else in there?
The service should provide a method to pass a ValueObject. ValueObjects are better to encapsulate lot of data (Property values for User). Inside the service, the ValueObject should be delegated to Filter and Validator. If validation didn't fail the ValueObject will be delegated to a DataMapper. The DataMapper will map the properties of ValueObject to a data-model for the UserRepository (ORM). Repositories often need another model of data, e.g. Objects versus storage mediums based on RDBMS like MySQL.
This approach should be strict to seperate the concerns between layers to improve maintainabilty and interchangeabilty. Services should be thin and acts as a delegator to Domain Objects (Filter, Validator, etc.), for example see Service Layer Pattern.
So, where should be a value object created?
I would prefer that the service provides a method for this: getEntityPrototype() by using the prototype pattern.
Be careful with naming. ValueObject is an object which have no identity. Entity is an object with identity (here id of User). For an existing User you will have have a method like getUserById($id), which should return an UserEntity. If User does not exist for given id, it should return a NullObject. To create a new User getEntityPrototype() will return an UserEntity which have no identity yet, so you will call it ValueObject or better Prototype of Entity. After setting properties (e.g. by a FormObject) and persisting this object is a real entity. In a Factory for this service you can set the EntityPrototype.
What you should think about in this case is if the classes have only one responsibility.
Controller decides about the flow of the action. If there's a need for registering a user then it registers him, but it should not define how to do it, but ask a service to complete this task and get the result.
On the other hand you should have some kind of UserManager which updates, creates and fetches users - is this single responsibility? Kinda, yes - it's managing them in a broad sense.
There's a slight problem you have with your methods' names though. You should have registerUser not insert since it's way easier to tell what it actually does.
You should Pass Data to Model. MVC is all about dividing tasks Controller - Handles Application Flow, Model - Contains all the business login Database etc and View - here you decide how to show. Basically the UI part is stored here
So the Controller should send data to Model and model decides what to do with the data. The advantage of coding this way is that in future if you want to change something in the code you know where to look, or if you ask a designer to redesign your website you only have to give him the VIEW part of code . If the designer does something that caused an error , correcting that wont take that much time. If you follow MVC properly Adding,Updating or Maintaining functionality wont be a problem

Where to check for mandatory properties in a domain object?

I have a PHP MVC application, and my 'M' has a service layer, mapper layer and domain layer. Where and how should I check to ensure that an object has all it's required properties?
It seems to me that these responsibilities don't belong in the mapper or service layer, so that leaves the domain layer itself. I put a method, checkRequired(), in my base domain class. It checks the object's properties against an array of $_required properties, and throws an error if any are missing.
When retrieving objects from the database, I have been calling checkRequired() as the last command in the object's constructor. If the object is a new entity (i.e. not retrieved from the database), I supply some default values (in the constructor) and then call checkRequired().
While this has been working OK, I now come to put some behavioural methods on my (somewhat anaemic) domain objects, and I run in to trouble. For example, a User can own many Pets, so on my User model I put an addPet() method. I know that I need to pass the Pet object in, since it's best to inject dependencies, and my real method signature is therefore User::addPet(ConcretePet).
But that's the problem! My Pets can't exist without a User (as their Owner), so I can't instantiate ConcretePet! I could make the User optional on the Pet, but this would be a backward step. I could move the contents of checkRequired() somewhere else, but where?
What's the typical way to solve such a common problem?
That checkRequired is not a DDD way. An enntity should be valid all the time. In other words - you should not have a way to put it in an invalid state (like missing properties). How?
When you just have public properties that you set, that's anemic. Properties that you persist in DB should be private. The only way to set them is through methods with a business meaning. These methods should check all the invariants (not just required fields - all kind of constraints that would make an entity valid or not) and prevent the update if some of them are not met.
About User->Pet topic: If the Pet can't exist without the User then probably the User is an Aggregate Root that is responsible for protecting invariants related to User and Pets. That means there should be a method addPet... well... maybe something more meaningful? adoptPet and breedPet (they might have slightly different rules and input)? And this adoptPet should ensure the invariant of the pet having a User... By the way - why User and not an Owner?
But Pet also can be an Aggregate Root. That means it's constructor should require a User parameter.
Note that it depends from the use case what is the aggregate root. In some cases Pet is treated as aggregate root but in case of pet adoption it's a part of User aggregate.
Make a undirectional relationship as possible as you can. If a pet could be tracked alone (I mean without a user), consider it as an aggregate root.
Place a User attribute in Pet but no pets attribute in User. Therefore you don't need to have a addPet() method in User.
If you want to find all pets belonging to a user, use a query instead:
public class PetRepository {
public List<Pet> findByOwner(String uid) {
//omitted codes
Hope this helps.
When retrieving objects from the database, I have been calling
checkRequired() as the last command in the object's constructor.
Off topic, but this can be problematic. Suppose that the set of required attributes changes at some point such that persisted entities are no longer valid. You still want to be able to reconstitute them, so you shouldn't run that check upon reconstitution. Instead, only run validation upon creation or during behaviors.
With regards to the addPet method, instead of passing an instance of a concrete pet class, pass the data required to create an instance of a pet as method arguments or as an instance of a PetInfo class. This would allow the User class to create a fully valid instance of Pet.

How should a model be structured in MVC? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am just getting a grasp on the MVC framework and I often wonder how much code should go in the model. I tend to have a data access class that has methods like this:
public function CheckUsername($connection, $username)
$data = array();
$data['Username'] = $username;
//// SQL
$sql = "SELECT Username FROM" . $this->usersTableName . " WHERE Username = :Username";
//// Execute statement
return $this->ExecuteObject($connection, $sql, $data);
catch(Exception $e)
throw $e;
My models tend to be an entity class that is mapped to the database table.
Should the model object have all the database mapped properties as well as the code above or is it OK to separate that code out that actually does the database work?
Will I end up having four layers?
Disclaimer: the following is a description of how I understand MVC-like patterns in the context of PHP-based web applications. All the external links that are used in the content are there to explain terms and concepts, and not to imply my own credibility on the subject.
The first thing that I must clear up is: the model is a layer.
Second: there is a difference between classical MVC and what we use in web development. Here's a bit of an older answer I wrote, which briefly describes how they are different.
What a model is NOT:
The model is not a class or any single object. It is a very common mistake to make (I did too, though the original answer was written when I began to learn otherwise), because most frameworks perpetuate this misconception.
Neither is it an Object-Relational Mapping technique (ORM) nor an abstraction of database tables. Anyone who tells you otherwise is most likely trying to 'sell' another brand-new ORM or a whole framework.
What a model is:
In proper MVC adaptation, the M contains all the domain business logic and the Model Layer is mostly made from three types of structures:
Domain Objects
A domain object is a logical container of purely domain information; it usually represents a logical entity in the problem domain space. Commonly referred to as business logic.
This would be where you define how to validate data before sending an invoice, or to compute the total cost of an order. At the same time, Domain Objects are completely unaware of storage - neither from where (SQL database, REST API, text file, etc.) nor even if they get saved or retrieved.
Data Mappers
These objects are only responsible for the storage. If you store information in a database, this would be where the SQL lives. Or maybe you use an XML file to store data, and your Data Mappers are parsing from and to XML files.
You can think of them as "higher level Domain Objects", but instead of business logic, Services are responsible for interaction between Domain Objects and Mappers. These structures end up creating a "public" interface for interacting with the domain business logic. You can avoid them, but at the penalty of leaking some domain logic into Controllers.
There is a related answer to this subject in the ACL implementation question - it might be useful.
The communication between the model layer and other parts of the MVC triad should happen only through Services. The clear separation has a few additional benefits:
it helps to enforce the single responsibility principle (SRP)
provides additional 'wiggle room' in case the logic changes
keeps the controller as simple as possible
gives a clear blueprint, if you ever need an external API
How to interact with a model?
Prerequisites: watch lectures "Global State and Singletons" and "Don't Look For Things!" from the Clean Code Talks.
Gaining access to service instances
For both the View and Controller instances (what you could call: "UI layer") to have access these services, there are two general approaches:
You can inject the required services in the constructors of your views and controllers directly, preferably using a DI container.
Using a factory for services as a mandatory dependency for all of your views and controllers.
As you might suspect, the DI container is a lot more elegant solution (while not being the easiest for a beginner). The two libraries, that I recommend considering for this functionality would be Syfmony's standalone DependencyInjection component or Auryn.
Both the solutions using a factory and a DI container would let you also share the instances of various servers to be shared between the selected controller and view for a given request-response cycle.
Alteration of model's state
Now that you can access to the model layer in the controllers, you need to start actually using them:
public function postLogin(Request $request)
$email = $request->get('email');
$identity = $this->identification->findIdentityByEmailAddress($email);
Your controllers have a very clear task: take the user input and, based on this input, change the current state of business logic. In this example the states that are changed between are "anonymous user" and "logged in user".
Controller is not responsible for validating user's input, because that is part of business rules and controller is definitely not calling SQL queries, like what you would see here or here (please don't hate on them, they are misguided, not evil).
Showing user the state-change.
Ok, user has logged in (or failed). Now what? Said user is still unaware of it. So you need to actually produce a response and that is the responsibility of a view.
public function postLogin()
$path = '/login';
if ($this->identification->isUserLoggedIn()) {
$path = '/dashboard';
return new RedirectResponse($path);
In this case, the view produced one of two possible responses, based on the current state of model layer. For a different use-case you would have the view picking different templates to render, based on something like "current selected of article" .
The presentation layer can actually get quite elaborate, as described here: Understanding MVC Views in PHP.
But I am just making a REST API!
Of course, there are situations, when this is a overkill.
MVC is just a concrete solution for Separation of Concerns principle. MVC separates user interface from the business logic, and it in the UI it separated handling of user input and the presentation. This is crucial. While often people describe it as a "triad", it's not actually made up from three independent parts. The structure is more like this:
It means, that, when your presentation layer's logic is close to none-existent, the pragmatic approach is to keep them as single layer. It also can substantially simplify some aspects of model layer.
Using this approach the login example (for an API) can be written as:
public function postLogin(Request $request)
$email = $request->get('email');
$data = [
'status' => 'ok',
try {
$identity = $this->identification->findIdentityByEmailAddress($email);
$token = $this->identification->loginWithPassword(
} catch (FailedIdentification $exception) {
$data = [
'status' => 'error',
'message' => 'Login failed!',
return new JsonResponse($data);
While this is not sustainable, when you have complicate logic for rendering a response body, this simplification is very useful for more trivial scenarios. But be warned, this approach will become a nightmare, when attempting to use in large codebases with complex presentation logic.
How to build the model?
Since there is not a single "Model" class (as explained above), you really do not "build the model". Instead you start from making Services, which are able to perform certain methods. And then implement Domain Objects and Mappers.
An example of a service method:
In the both approaches above there was this login method for the identification service. What would it actually look like. I am using a slightly modified version of the same functionality from a library, that I wrote .. because I am lazy:
public function loginWithPassword(Identity $identity, string $password): string
if ($identity->matchPassword($password) === false) {
$this->logWrongPasswordNotice($identity, [
'email' => $identity->getEmailAddress(),
'key' => $password, // this is the wrong password
throw new PasswordMismatch;
$cookie = $this->createCookieIdentity($identity);
$this->logger->info('login successful', [
'input' => [
'email' => $identity->getEmailAddress(),
'user' => [
'account' => $identity->getAccountId(),
'identity' => $identity->getId(),
return $cookie->getToken();
As you can see, at this level of abstraction, there is no indication of where the data was fetched from. It might be a database, but it also might be just a mock object for testing purposes. Even the data mappers, that are actually used for it, are hidden away in the private methods of this service.
private function changeIdentityStatus(Entity\Identity $identity, int $status)
$mapper = $this->mapperFactory->create(Mapper\Identity::class);
Ways of creating mappers
To implement an abstraction of persistence, on the most flexible approaches is to create custom data mappers.
From: PoEAA book
In practice they are implemented for interaction with specific classes or superclasses. Lets say you have Customer and Admin in your code (both inheriting from a User superclass). Both would probably end up having a separate matching mapper, since they contain different fields. But you will also end up with shared and commonly used operations. For example: updating the "last seen online" time. And instead of making the existing mappers more convoluted, the more pragmatic approach is to have a general "User Mapper", which only update that timestamp.
Some additional comments:
Database tables and model
While sometimes there is a direct 1:1:1 relationship between a database table, Domain Object, and Mapper, in larger projects it might be less common than you expect:
Information used by a single Domain Object might be mapped from different tables, while the object itself has no persistence in the database.
Example: if you are generating a monthly report. This would collect information from different of tables, but there is no magical MonthlyReport table in the database.
A single Mapper can affect multiple tables.
Example: when you are storing data from the User object, this Domain Object could contain collection of other domain objects - Group instances. If you alter them and store the User, the Data Mapper will have to update and/or insert entries in multiple tables.
Data from a single Domain Object is stored in more than one table.
Example: in large systems (think: a medium-sized social network), it might be pragmatic to store user authentication data and often-accessed data separately from larger chunks of content, which is rarely required. In that case you might still have a single User class, but the information it contains would depend of whether full details were fetched.
For every Domain Object there can be more than one mapper
Example: you have a news site with a shared codebased for both public-facing and the management software. But, while both interfaces use the same Article class, the management needs a lot more info populated in it. In this case you would have two separate mappers: "internal" and "external". Each performing different queries, or even use different databases (as in master or slave).
A view is not a template
View instances in MVC (if you are not using the MVP variation of the pattern) are responsible for the presentational logic. This means that each View will usually juggle at least a few templates. It acquires data from the Model Layer and then, based on the received information, chooses a template and sets values.
One of the benefits you gain from this is re-usability. If you create a ListView class, then, with well-written code, you can have the same class handing the presentation of user-list and comments below an article. Because they both have the same presentation logic. You just switch templates.
You can use either native PHP templates or use some third-party templating engine. There also might be some third-party libraries, which are able to fully replace View instances.
What about the old version of the answer?
The only major change is that, what is called Model in the old version, is actually a Service. The rest of the "library analogy" keeps up pretty well.
The only flaw that I see is that this would be a really strange library, because it would return you information from the book, but not let you touch the book itself, because otherwise the abstraction would start to "leak". I might have to think of a more fitting analogy.
What is the relationship between View and Controller instances?
The MVC structure is composed of two layers: ui and model. The main structures in the UI layer are views and controller.
When you are dealing with websites that use MVC design pattern, the best way is to have 1:1 relation between views and controllers. Each view represents a whole page in your website and it has a dedicated controller to handle all the incoming requests for that particular view.
For example, to represent an opened article, you would have \Application\Controller\Document and \Application\View\Document. This would contain all the main functionality for UI layer, when it comes to dealing with articles (of course you might have some XHR components that are not directly related to articles).
Everything that is business logic belongs in a model, whether it is a database query, calculations, a REST call, etc.
You can have the data access in the model itself, the MVC pattern doesn't restrict you from doing that. You can sugar coat it with services, mappers and what not, but the actual definition of a model is a layer that handles business logic, nothing more, nothing less. It can be a class, a function, or a complete module with a gazillion objects if that's what you want.
It's always easier to have a separate object that actually executes the database queries instead of having them being executed in the model directly: this will especially come in handy when unit testing (because of the easiness of injecting a mock database dependency in your model):
class Database {
protected $_conn;
public function __construct($connection) {
$this->_conn = $connection;
public function ExecuteObject($sql, $data) {
// stuff
abstract class Model {
protected $_db;
public function __construct(Database $db) {
$this->_db = $db;
class User extends Model {
public function CheckUsername($username) {
// ...
$sql = "SELECT Username FROM" . $this->usersTableName . " WHERE ...";
return $this->_db->ExecuteObject($sql, $data);
$db = new Database($conn);
$model = new User($db);
Also, in PHP, you rarely need to catch/rethrow exceptions because the backtrace is preserved, especially in a case like your example. Just let the exception be thrown and catch it in the controller instead.
In Web-"MVC" you can do whatever you please.
The original concept (1) described the model as the business logic. It should represent the application state and enforce some data consistency. That approach is often described as "fat model".
Most PHP frameworks follow a more shallow approach, where the model is just a database interface. But at the very least these models should still validate the incoming data and relations.
Either way, you're not very far off if you separate the SQL stuff or database calls into another layer. This way you only need to concern yourself with the real data/behaviour, not with the actual storage API. (It's however unreasonable to overdo it. You'll e.g. never be able to replace a database backend with a filestorage if that wasn't designed ahead.)
More oftenly most of the applications will have data,display and processing part and we just put all those in the letters M,V and C.
Model(M)-->Has the attributes that holds state of application and it dont know any thing about V and C.
View(V)-->Has displaying format for the application and and only knows about how-to-digest model on it and does not bother about C.
Controller(C)---->Has processing part of application and acts as wiring between M and V and it depends on both M,V unlike M and V.
Altogether there is separation of concern between each.
In future any change or enhancements can be added very easily.
In my case I have a database class that handle all the direct database interaction such as querying, fetching, and such. So if I had to change my database from MySQL to PostgreSQL there won't be any problem. So adding that extra layer can be useful.
Each table can have its own class and have its specific methods, but to actually get the data, it lets the database class handle it:
File Database.php
class Database {
private static $connection;
private static $current_query;
public static function query($sql) {
if (!self::$connection){
self::$current_query = $sql;
$result = mysql_query($sql,self::$connection);
if (!$result){
// throw custom error
// The query failed for some reason. here is query :: self::$current_query
$error = new Error(2,"There is an Error in the query.\n<b>Query:</b>\n{$sql}\n");
return $result;
public static function find_by_sql($sql){
if (!is_string($sql))
return false;
$result_set = self::query($sql);
$obj_arr = array();
while ($row = self::fetch_array($result_set))
$obj_arr[] = self::instantiate($row);
return $obj_arr;
Table object classL
class DomainPeer extends Database {
public static function getDomainInfoList() {
$sql = 'SELECT ';
$sql .='d.`id`,';
$sql .='d.`name`,';
$sql .='d.`shortName`,';
$sql .='d.`created_at`,';
$sql .='d.`updated_at`,';
$sql .='count(q.id) as queries ';
$sql .='FROM `domains` d ';
$sql .='LEFT JOIN queries q on q.domainId = d.id ';
$sql .='GROUP BY d.id';
return self::find_by_sql($sql);
I hope this example helps you create a good structure.

How To Handle Communication Between the Domain and Database Layers?

I am fairly new to using separate layers for the business logic (Domain) and database access logic, but in the course of working things out I've come across a problem to which I still feel I haven't found a great solution.
Clarification My existing solution uses Data Mappers to deal with the database interactions directly. However, as I've further investigated this issue many people have suggested that the Domain layer should not directly communicate with nor contain the Data Mappers that actually perform the database interaction. This is why I placed the Repository objects between the Domain and the necessary Data Mappers but this doesn't feel quite natural or correct. So the real question is what layer naturally exists to handle communication between the Domain and the Data Mappers? Any examples of how to structure it would be appreciated.
For example:
How do I properly handle retrieving a collection of domain objects within the context of another domain object?
How do I force the insertion of a single domain object or collection of objects based on an action performed against another object. The case I'm facing currently is that when a Person is attached to a Campaign, then I need to insert all of the Events that need to be executed for that Person for that Campaign.
There is a distinction between a domain model and the implementation of it. Just because your model shows a relationship Person ---> Campaign ---> Event does not mean that you have to implement it in this way. IOW, your model shows your analysis and design in an object-oriented way, yet you implement that model in OOP which is limited in how well it can replicate that model in code.
Consider the following.
A Person is not defined by its ownership of a Campaign, so campaign can be left out of its knowledge responsibities. On the other hand, a Campaign is defined by the Events that occur as part of its execution, so it is fair to have a collection of events within a campaign. The point that I am making is that each class should have just enough behaviour and knowledge to make it whole.
As for communication between the domain and the persistence layers, consider them as two very distinct systems that are not concerned with the other. All each of them knows is what its responsiblities are and what announcements it makes. For example, the persistence layer knows how to persist data passed to it and to announce that data have been saved. However, the persistence layer does not necessarily need to understand the domain objects. Similarly, the domain layer understands Person, Campaign, and Event but knows nothing about persistence.
The implication of the above is that the domain layer needs to be a whole by itself and should not be dependent on the persistence layer for its data. However, it still needs to be supplied with data to perform its responsibilities. That data can come from either the user interface or the database and is passed to it via a third-party that knows about both domain and persistence layers.
So, in code (pseudo-C#)...
namespace DomainLayer
interface IDomainListener
void PersonCreated(Person person);
class Person
private string name;
public Person(string name)
this.name = name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
class Domain
private IDomainListener listener;
public Domain(IDomainListener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
public void CreatePerson(string name) {
Person person = new Person(name);
namespace PersistenceLayer
interface IPersistenceListener
void PersonDataSaved(int id, object data);
class Persistence
private IPersistenceListener listener;
public Persistence(IPersistenceListener listener)
this.listener = listener;
public void SaveData(object data)
int id = ...; // save data and return identifier
listener.DataSaved(id, data);
namespace MyApplication
class MyController : IDomainListener, IPersistenceListener
public void CreatePersonButton_Clicked()
Domain domain = new Domain(this);
public void PersonCreated(Person person)
Persistence persistence = new Persistence(this);
public void DataSaved(int id, object data)
// display data on UI
As you can see, the namespaces represent the different tiers. The XYZListener interfaces define the announcements that are made by the XYZ tier. Any other tiers that are interested in these announcements and will respond to them need to implement these interfaces, as does our MyApplication tier.
When the "create button" is clicked, the controller creates the Domain facade object for the domain layer and registers itself as a listener. It then calls the CreatePerson method which instantiates a Person then announces that this has been done, passing the new instance. The controller responds to this announcement in the PersonCreated implementation where it spawns a facade of the persistence layer and registers itself as the listener again. It then calls the SaveData method whichannounces DataSaved when completed. The implementation of that method then displays the data on the UI.
As you can see, the domain layer and the persistence layer are each aware of only tmemselves and are not concerned with the responsibilities of the other. It is the application logic, manifested here as the controller, that wires the two together.
Back to your specific problem, you could have a method FindPerson on the persistence, which would announce PersonFound(int id). The response by the controller would be to call the persistence layer to retrieve data about campaign and events, then call the domain layer with that data to build the Person.
Sorry for the long answer...
Gabriel, this is called the "impedance matching problem." There are many solutions around, from heavyweight ones like J2EE entity beans to Ruby ActiveRecord to simply coding a hand connection.
Okay, well, its hard to see exactly how to attack this without a lot more information, but here's the basic approach.
Any of these sorts of architectural issues are driven by non-functional requirements like performance; in addition, there is a correctness issue here, in that you want to make sure updates are done in the correct order. So, you're going to need to think about the workload, which is to say the pattern of usage in real-world application. With that in mind, you basically have a couple of issues: first, the base data types in your application may not map correctly to the data base (eg, what's a VARCHAR property represented as in your code?), and second your domain model may not map cleanly to your database model.
What you would like is to have the database and the dmain model work out so that one instance of a domain object is exactly a row of a table in your database model; in large-scale applications you can rarely do this because of either performance constraints or constraints imposed by a pre-existing database model.
Now, if you completely control your database model, it simplifies things somewhat, because then you can make your database model more closely resemble the domain. This might mean the database model is somewhat denormalized, but if so, you can (depending on your database) handle that with views, or just not have a completely normalized database. Normalization is a useful theoretical construct, but that doesn't mean you can't relax it in a real system.
If you don't completely control your database model, then you need a layer of objects that make the mapping. You've got a bunch of options to choose from in implementing that: you can build views or denormalized tables in the database, you can build intermediate objects, or you can do some of both, or even have several steps of both (ie, an intermediate object that accesses a denormalizaed table.)
At that point, though, you run into issues with "don't repeat yourself" and "do the simplest thing that will possibly work." Think about what is most likely to change? Your domain model? If you've got a strong domain model, that's less likely --- the business changes relatively rarely. The exact representation of data in the database? A little more common. Or, most commonly, the exact patterns of use (like discovering a need to handle concurrent updates.) So, when you think about that, what do you need to do to make it as easy as possible to deal with the most common changes.
I realize this isn't giving you very precise instructions, but I don't think we can offer precise instructions without knowing a whole lot about your applicaiton. But then I also kind of get the impression you're wondering about what the "right" way of handling this would be, while you are already working with something that more or less does the job. So, I'd end up by asking "what are you unhappy with now?" and "How would you like to solve that?"
Many systems employ an independent data layer to handle persistence to and from a database. There are several models for the organization of such a layer. Some use a sort of factory-like implementation, others employ a one-to-one mapping with one data layer class per domain class.
The model for the data layer often depends on style and preference. What is important is separating the persistence layer from the domain layer. I believe there are tools out there that will help you generate this layer, but my PHP knowledge is thin so I can't name any specifically for PHP.
I would look at the data abstraction layers used by PHPCake and Symfony.
