wordpress footer not in footer.php - php

I'm attempting to add to my church's website's footer, but the information in the footer is not pulling from the footer.php file. I've spent all day going through various php and css files and I cannot find where this information is pulling from. Would anyone be able to help me figure out from where this information is pulling? Also, if it helps, I'm using the theme church, a child theme of the omega theme.
The site is: https://cocsh.com/
Thank you in advance for any help you're able to provide!

admin > appearance > customize > footer "OR" this will be inside in theme option menu on left side of admin ... theme option > footer .


How to add custom header and footer for wordpress theme

In my project, I'm using WordPress for blog pages and I just wanted to change the appearance of the header and footer of WordPress theme and I don't want to use any plugin for creating header and footer,
can anyone tell me where I can edit the header and footer code.
/wp-content/themes/YOUR__THEME/header.php , footer.php
It's easy. You can edit the footer.php and header.php on the theme folder with the HTML/PHP code that you want.
Note: The theme folder is in /wp-content/themes/{theme_name} folder.

Remove burger menus in Eighties theme

How can I remove the burger menus in the Wordpress theme "Eighties" and replace it with a traditional navigation menu (logo left & menu right) above the header image.
I've tried teeaking the header.php and functions.php but my PHP skills are limited and I'm coming up short.
Any help would be much appreciated.
n.b. I can't just change the theme.
theme site: eighties.me
Any details on what you have tried would have helped.
In WordPress in your css tab add the following code to hide the navigation buttons
And I suggest you use a menu plugin for your website.
Please mark this as the answer if it helps you out. Cheers.

How to apply front page(customized) design to the entire RESPONSIVE template

I’ve installed responsive theme and responsive master child also.
I’ve designed a custom front page design and I want the same design on the entire website.
Here is the website:
and here is the website pages.
Basicly I want to modify the header menu area and the footer.
I dont want the sliders and the rest only the menu and the footer area.
PLease help me I’m new in working with wordpress and I’ve spent the last two weeks trying to made this changes, but not succeeded.
Thank you for your time and for help,
If you want the header and footer to be accessible on all the pages, just include the wp_header & wp_footer on your pages files.
On the one hand, you have a static html page: http://fulnet.org/.
On the other, you have a Wordpress Theme: http://fulnet.org/what-we-do/
What you need to do is to make the neccessary changes in your style.css inside your Wordpress Theme - wp-content/themes/responsive.

How can I set the number of the posts on each row in this wordpress grid theme?

I've got this wordpress grid theme:
But I can't find a way to make it display just two photos per row.
(I need this to display bigger photos).
I tried to look into the css editor but I havent found anything useful..
(Dont pay attention to the content, Its just a test.)
Thanks for you assistance!
List of resources:
Category Template
Theme Functions
Main Index Template
Page Template
Single Post
Tag Template
Visual Editor Stylesheet
Where should I change it?
Maybe Pages have their own individual settings you have to chose from? Go to Page -> Page Options (below the text-editing input) and look around

Remove "Get smart with the Thesis Wordpress Theme" on wordpress footer

Been spending a couple of hours trying to remove this texts on the footer "Get smart with the Thesis" on my wordpress site. I used thesis theme. I've tried looking for the footer file containing the texts but no luck. I also tried removing it from the hooks. "custom_functions.php" but still doesn't work. Any help would greatly appreciated.
This might help
/* Custom Footer Hook */
remove_action('thesis_hook_footer', 'thesis_attribution');
function add_custom_footer () {
<p>© 2008 Ourblog.com – All rights reserved. – Privacy Policy</p>
<p>No content on this site may be reused in any fashion without written permission from Ourblog.com or whatever you want your footer to include</p>
add_action('thesis_hook_footer', 'add_custom_footer');
Go to the following directory:
In this folder is a file called footer.php
In this file you will find the text you want to remove.
SORRY Did not see that you did this already:
without downloading the theme I am not sure. Please post the footer.php file so we can help.
Its very simple. You can use Thesis Hooks to do that.
remove_action('thesis_hook_footer', 'thesis_attribution');
Read More here
For thesis 1.x version you have to add a code to remove it from the footer.
But for the latest thesis 2 version you can drag and delete that footer attribution box using the skin editor option of the thesis 2 version. For more info refer to these posts
For thesis 2.x :Remove thesis attribution link from Thesis 2 footer
For thesis 1.x Remove thesis footer link for thesis theme 1.8
Hope this will be helpful.
