I got a question that hopefully is easy to answer.
In the function below the part "foreach($daten as $row)" is ignored in the second turn. Can somebody tell me, why the function acts that way?
I already tried to delete the "break"... no success.
function verweis_show($string,$art,$daten){
$ausgang = preg_split("/\[-\[(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\]-\]/", $string,0,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$n = 0;
foreach($ausgang as $teil)
if($n == 1)
$ergebnis .= $teil;
elseif($n == 2)
$stat_id = $teil;
elseif($n == 3)
$rel_id = $teil;
if ($art != "old")
$z = 0;
// wird im zweiten durchlauf seltsamerweise nicht noch einmal durchlaufen
foreach($daten as $row)
if ($row['id'] == $stat_id)
$rel_id = $z;
elseif($n == 4)
$ergebnis .= "<div contenteditable='false' id='text_$stat_id' class='$teil' tabindex='-1'>$rel_id</div>";
$n = 0;
return $ergebnis;
Foreach requires that it either has an array, or an object that has the traversable interface implemented, which PDOStatement probably does not.
Is there any way to optimize this code? I mean its working and all but it seems with lots of "elseif" its actually not so optimized:
foreach ($plenty_variation['properties'] as $row) {
if (strpos($row['relationValues']['0']['value'], $needle_de_0) === 0) {
$result_de_0 = $row['relationValues']['0']['value'];
$shopware["translations"]["0"]["customFields"]["free1"] = str_replace("Text_de_0_","",$result_de_0);
elseif (strpos($row['relationValues']['1']['value'], $needle_de_0) === 0) {
$result_de_0 = $row['relationValues']['1']['value'];
$shopware["translations"]["0"]["customFields"]["free1"] = str_replace("Text_de_0_","",$result_de_0);
elseif (strpos($row['relationValues']['2']['value'], $needle_de_0) === 0) {
$result_de_0 = $row['relationValues']['2']['value'];
$shopware["translations"]["0"]["customFields"]["free1"] = str_replace("Text_de_0_","",$result_de_0);
In $row['relationValues']['0']['value'] the ['0'] is inconsistent and not always the same.
Why don't you use another loop?
foreach ($plenty_variation['properties'] as $row) {
for($i = 0; $i < count($row); $i++){
$value = $row['relationValues'][$i]['value'];
if(strpos($value, $needle_de_0) === 0){
$shopware["translations"][$i]["customFields"]["free" . $i] = str_replace("Text_de_0_", "", $value);
In the case above I take that you'd like to loop the $shopware['translations'] positions as the same of the $plenty_variation['properties']. If this is not the case, just let it fixed:
I'm trying to generate auto description from tags.
The code was working but after updating my site to Laravel 6 in stop working. I need to get it back working.
if( !empty( $request->description ) )
$description = Helper::checkTextDb($request->description);
$a_key = explode(",", strtolower($request->tags));
if(count($a_key) == 0)
$description = 'This is a great thing';
$description_get_keys = '';
foreach ($a_key as &$value)
if($value == end($a_key) && count($a_key) != 1)
$description_get_keys = $description_get_keys.' and '.$value.'.';
else if(count($a_key) == 1)
$description_get_keys = $value.'.';
else if (count($a_key) > 1 && $a_key[0] == $value)
$description_get_keys = $value;
$description_get_keys = $description_get_keys.', '.$value;
$description = 'This is a great thing about '.$description_get_keys;
I see a couple things that could possibly be an issue, not knowing what came before this code.
I will assume that the $request variable is an instance of Illuminate\Http\Request and that it is available in the function, right?
Try this updated code:
$description = Helper::checkTextDb($request->description);
else if ($request->has('tags'))
if (strpos($request->tags, ',') === false)
$description = 'This is a great thing';
else {
$a_key = explode(",", strtolower($request->tags));
$a_count = count($a_key);
$description_get_keys = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $a_count; $i++)
if ($a_count == 1) {
$description_get_keys = "{$a_key[$i]}.";
else {
// first
if ($i === 0) {
$description_get_keys = $a_key[0];
// last
else if ($i === $a_count - 1) {
$description_get_keys .= " and {$a_key[$i]}.";
// middle
else {
$description_get_keys .= ", {$a_key[$i]}";
$description = "This is a great thing about {$description_get_keys}";
I wrote that quick so hopefully there are no errors.
I need help to check if variables (from a database) are the same, like a test.
First I was using just "==", but I saw this: http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php , and now I'm using "===". But it still doesn't work.
My code:
$uids = array();
$trues = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
array_push($uids, $row['UID']);
} while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
array_push($uids, $row1['UID']);
} while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
array_push($uids, $row2['UID']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($uids); $i++) {
$r = 0;
if ($row['question1'] === $row['uAnswer1']) {
} else {
$r = $r;
} if ($row['question2'] === $row['uAnswer2']) {
} else {
$r = $r;
} if ($row['question3'] === $row['uAnswer3']) {
} else {
$r = $r;
} if ($row['question4'] === $row['uAnswer4']) {
} else {
$r = $r;
} if ($row['question5'] === $row['uAnswer5']) {
} else {
$r = $r;
} if ($row['question6'] === $row['uAnswer6']) {
} else {
$r = $r;
} if ($row['question7'] === $row['uAnswer7']) {
} else {
$r = $r;
} if ($row['question8'] === $row['uAnswer8']) {
} else {
$r = $r;
} if ($row['question9'] === $row['uAnswer9']) {
} else {
$r = $r;
} if ($row['question10'] === $row['uAnswer10']) {
} else {
$r = $r;
array_push($trues, $r);
echo $uids[$i] . " [" . $r . "]<br>";
What the result is: https://hastebin.com/uxitoyoyib.php
So it actually says everything is right, but I know that it isn't. Can you help me with this?
Compare variables like
if ( strtolower(trim($row['question5'])) === strtolower(trim($row['uAnswer5'])) )
Remove spaces if added with strings, convert the string in lowercase to the exact match of both strings.
if ($row['question4'] == $row['uAnswer4']) {
//do something
and try to print your 2 variable.
You can use the strcmp() or strcasecmp() functions or the === operator.
I am making the game battleships in PHP and I need to make it so that the computer randomly chooses 5 coordinates(x, y), and they have to be in a straight line (column or row). How do I make it so the coordinates are in a line and how do I connect the coordinates to the table cells?
Here's what I have so far:
$x=(mt_rand(0, 10));
$y=(mt_rand(0, 10));
for($q=0; $q<5; $q++){
$polje[$l]=array($x, $y);
echo "<table id='table'>\n";
while ($i<11){
echo "<tr>";
for($k=0; $k<11; $k++, $start++){
echo "<td>$i</td>";
else if($i==0){
echo "<td class='td2'>$ascii</td>";
echo "<td class='td1'> </td>";
echo "</tr>";
This is what the table looks like:
I like this kind of challenge.
Of course, there is a lot of ways, better ways to do this, with OOP, but you can get the point.
Read the comments through the code and if you have any doubts feel free to ask.
I did some treatment to avoid ships overlapping each other, and random deployment.
const BOARD_SIZE = 10; //10x10 board
const SUBMARINE = 1;
const DESTROYER = 2;
const BATTLESHIP = 3;
$ships_available = [];
//populate with some data based on game rule
array_push($ships_available, SUBMARINE);
array_push($ships_available, SUBMARINE);
array_push($ships_available, DESTROYER);
array_push($ships_available, DESTROYER);
array_push($ships_available, DESTROYER);
array_push($ships_available, BATTLESHIP);
array_push($ships_available, BATTLESHIP);
array_push($ships_available, AIRCRAFTCARRIER);
$board = [];
while(count($ships_available) > 0) {
deployShip($board, $ships_available);
$lastColumnLetter = chr(ord('A')+ BOARD_SIZE-1);
//print table
echo "<table border='1' align='center'>";
echo "<tr><td></td><td>".implode('</td><td>',range(1, BOARD_SIZE))."</td></tr>";
for($i = 'A'; $i <= $lastColumnLetter; $i++) {
echo "<tr><td>".$i."</td>";
for($j=0; $j < BOARD_SIZE; $j++) {
echo "<td align='center'>";
echo $board[$i][$j] ?: ' ';
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
function array_merge_custom($array1, $array2) {
foreach($array2 as $key => $value) {
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
$array1[$key][$k] = $v;
return $array1;
function deployShip(&$board, &$ships_available) {
$randomShipKey = array_rand($ships_available);
$ship = $ships_available[$randomShipKey];
$beginCoordinates = getRandomCoordinates();
$coordinates = getShipCoordinates($board, $beginCoordinates, $ship);
if(!$coordinates) {
return false;
$board = array_merge_custom($board,$coordinates);
function getRowNumberByLetter($letter) {
return array_search($letter, range('A','Z'));
function getRowLetterByNumber($number) {
$letters = range('A','Z');
return $letters[$number];
function getRandomCoordinates() {
return ['row' => chr(mt_rand(ord('A'), (ord('A') + BOARD_SIZE-1))), 'col' => mt_rand(0,BOARD_SIZE -1)];
function getShipCoordinates($board, $beginCoordinates, $ship) {
if(isset($board[$beginCoordinates['row']][$beginCoordinates['col']])) {
return false; //anchor position already taken
if($ship == 1) {
$return[$beginCoordinates['row']][$beginCoordinates['col']] = 1;
return $return;
$shipArraySize = $ship -1;
$directions = ['left', 'right', 'up', 'down'];
$tries = 10;
while($tries > 0) {
$direction = $directions[array_rand($directions)];
$return = [];
switch($direction) {
case 'left':
if(($beginCoordinates['col'] - $shipArraySize) < 0) { //check if can go left
for($colBegin = ($beginCoordinates['col'] - $shipArraySize), $colEnd = $beginCoordinates['col']; $colBegin <= $colEnd; $colBegin++) {
if(!empty($board[$beginCoordinates['row']][$colBegin])) {
break 2;
} else {
$return[$beginCoordinates['row']][$colBegin] = $ship;
return $return;
case 'right':
if(($beginCoordinates['col'] + $shipArraySize) > BOARD_SIZE -1) { //check if can go right
for($colBegin = $beginCoordinates['col'], $colEnd = ($beginCoordinates['col'] + $shipArraySize); $colBegin <= $colEnd; $colBegin++) {
if(!empty($board[$beginCoordinates['row']][$colEnd])) {
break 2;
} else {
$return[$beginCoordinates['row']][$colBegin] = $ship;
return $return;
case 'up':
if((getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']) - $shipArraySize) < 0) { //check if can go up
for($rowBegin = (getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']) - $shipArraySize), $rowEnd = getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']); $rowBegin <= $rowEnd; $rowBegin++) {
if(!empty($board[getRowLetterByNumber($rowBegin)][$beginCoordinates['col']])) {
break 2;
} else {
$return[getRowLetterByNumber($rowBegin)][$beginCoordinates['col']] = $ship;
return $return;
case 'down':
if((getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']) + $shipArraySize) > BOARD_SIZE -1) { //check if can go down
for($rowBegin = getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']), $rowEnd = (getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']) + $shipArraySize); $rowBegin <= $rowEnd; $rowBegin++) {
if(!empty($board[getRowLetterByNumber($rowBegin)][$beginCoordinates['col']])) {
break 2;
} else {
$return[getRowLetterByNumber($rowBegin)][$beginCoordinates['col']] = $ship;
return $return;
return false;
This is a custom encryption library. I do not know much about PHP's standard library of functions and was wondering if the following code can be improved in any way. The implementation should yield the same results, the API should remain as it is, but ways to make is more PHP-ish would be greatly appreciated.
Create random major and minor SPICE key.
function crypt_major()
$all = range("\x00", "\xFF");
$major_key = implode("", $all);
return $major_key;
function crypt_minor()
$sample = array();
array_push($sample, 0, 1, 2, 3);
} while (count($sample) != 256);
$list = array();
for ($index = 0; $index < 64; $index++)
$b12 = $sample[$index * 4] << 6;
$b34 = $sample[$index * 4 + 1] << 4;
$b56 = $sample[$index * 4 + 2] << 2;
$b78 = $sample[$index * 4 + 3];
array_push($list, $b12 + $b34 + $b56 + $b78);
$minor_key = implode("", array_map("chr", $list));
return $minor_key;
Create the SPICE key via the given name.
function named_major($name)
return crypt_major();
function named_minor($name)
return crypt_minor();
Check validity for major and minor keys.
function _check_major($key)
if (is_string($key) && strlen($key) == 256)
foreach (range("\x00", "\xFF") as $char)
if (substr_count($key, $char) == 0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
function _check_minor($key)
if (is_string($key) && strlen($key) == 64)
$indexs = array();
foreach (array_map("ord", str_split($key)) as $byte)
foreach (range(6, 0, 2) as $shift)
array_push($indexs, ($byte >> $shift) & 3);
$dict = array_count_values($indexs);
foreach (range(0, 3) as $index)
if ($dict[$index] != 64)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Create encode maps for encode functions.
function _encode_map_1($major)
return array_map("ord", str_split($major));
function _encode_map_2($minor)
$map_2 = array(array(), array(), array(), array());
$list = array();
foreach (array_map("ord", str_split($minor)) as $byte)
foreach (range(6, 0, 2) as $shift)
array_push($list, ($byte >> $shift) & 3);
for ($byte = 0; $byte < 256; $byte++)
array_push($map_2[$list[$byte]], chr($byte));
return $map_2;
Create decode maps for decode functions.
function _decode_map_1($minor)
$map_1 = array();
foreach (array_map("ord", str_split($minor)) as $byte)
foreach (range(6, 0, 2) as $shift)
array_push($map_1, ($byte >> $shift) & 3);
return $map_1;
}function _decode_map_2($major)
$map_2 = array();
$temp = array_map("ord", str_split($major));
for ($byte = 0; $byte < 256; $byte++)
$map_2[$temp[$byte]] = chr($byte);
return $map_2;
Encrypt or decrypt the string with maps.
function _encode($string, $map_1, $map_2)
$cache = "";
foreach (str_split($string) as $char)
$byte = $map_1[ord($char)];
foreach (range(6, 0, 2) as $shift)
$cache .= $map_2[($byte >> $shift) & 3][mt_rand(0, 63)];
return $cache;
function _decode($string, $map_1, $map_2)
$cache = "";
$temp = str_split($string);
for ($iter = 0; $iter < strlen($string) / 4; $iter++)
$b12 = $map_1[ord($temp[$iter * 4])] << 6;
$b34 = $map_1[ord($temp[$iter * 4 + 1])] << 4;
$b56 = $map_1[ord($temp[$iter * 4 + 2])] << 2;
$b78 = $map_1[ord($temp[$iter * 4 + 3])];
$cache .= $map_2[$b12 + $b34 + $b56 + $b78];
return $cache;
This is the public interface for coding.
function encode_string($string, $major, $minor)
if (is_string($string))
if (_check_major($major) && _check_minor($minor))
$map_1 = _encode_map_1($major);
$map_2 = _encode_map_2($minor);
return _encode($string, $map_1, $map_2);
return FALSE;
function decode_string($string, $major, $minor)
if (is_string($string) && strlen($string) % 4 == 0)
if (_check_major($major) && _check_minor($minor))
$map_1 = _decode_map_1($minor);
$map_2 = _decode_map_2($major);
return _decode($string, $map_1, $map_2);
return FALSE;
This is a sample showing how the code is being used. Hex editors may be of help with the input / output.
# get and process all of the form data
# $input = htmlspecialchars($_POST["input"]);
# $majorname = htmlspecialchars($_POST["majorname"]);
# $minorname = htmlspecialchars($_POST["minorname"]);
# $majorkey = htmlspecialchars($_POST["majorkey"]);
# $minorkey = htmlspecialchars($_POST["minorkey"]);
# $output = htmlspecialchars($_POST["output"]);
# process the submissions by operation
# $operation = $_POST["operation"];
if ($operation == "Create")
if (strlen($_POST["majorname"]) == 0)
$majorkey = bin2hex(crypt_major());
if (strlen($_POST["minorname"]) == 0)
$minorkey = bin2hex(crypt_minor());
if (strlen($_POST["majorname"]) != 0)
$majorkey = bin2hex(named_major($_POST["majorname"]));
if (strlen($_POST["minorname"]) != 0)
$minorkey = bin2hex(named_minor($_POST["minorname"]));
function is_hex($char)
if ($char == "0"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "1"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "2"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "3"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "4"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "5"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "6"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "7"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "8"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "9"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "a"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "b"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "c"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "d"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "e"):
return TRUE;
elseif ($char == "f"):
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
function hex2bin($str)
if (strlen($str) % 2 == 0):
$string = strtolower($str);
$string = strtolower("0" . $str);
$cache = "";
$temp = str_split($str);
for ($index = 0; $index < count($temp) / 2; $index++)
$h1 = $temp[$index * 2];
if (is_hex($h1))
$h2 = $temp[$index * 2 + 1];
if (is_hex($h2))
$cache .= chr(hexdec($h1 . $h2));
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
return $cache;
if ($operation == "Encrypt" || $operation == "Decrypt")
$errors = array();
if (strlen($_POST["input"]) == 0)
$output = "";
$binmajor = hex2bin($_POST["majorkey"]);
if (strlen($_POST["majorkey"]) == 0)
array_push($errors, "There must be a major key.");
elseif ($binmajor == FALSE)
array_push($errors, "The major key must be in hex.");
elseif (_check_major($binmajor) == FALSE)
array_push($errors, "The major key is corrupt.");
$binminor = hex2bin($_POST["minorkey"]);
if (strlen($_POST["minorkey"]) == 0)
array_push($errors, "There must be a minor key.");
elseif ($binminor == FALSE)
array_push($errors, "The minor key must be in hex.");
elseif (_check_minor($binminor) == FALSE)
array_push($errors, "The minor key is corrupt.");
if ($_POST["operation"] == "Decrypt")
$bininput = hex2bin(str_replace("\r", "", str_replace("\n", "", $_POST["input"])));
if ($bininput == FALSE)
if (strlen($_POST["input"]) != 0)
array_push($errors, "The input data must be in hex.");
elseif (strlen($bininput) % 4 != 0)
array_push($errors, "The input data is corrupt.");
if (count($errors) != 0)
$output = "ERROR:";
foreach ($errors as $error)
$output .= "\n" . $error;
elseif (strlen($_POST["input"]) != 0)
if ($_POST["operation"] == "Encrypt")
$output = substr(chunk_split(bin2hex(encode_string($_POST["input"], $binmajor, $binminor)), 58), 0, -2);
$output = htmlspecialchars(decode_string($bininput, $binmajor, $binminor));
# echo the form with the values filled
echo "<P><TEXTAREA class=maintextarea name=input rows=25 cols=25>" . $input . "</TEXTAREA></P>\n";
echo "<P>Major Name:</P>\n";
echo "<P><INPUT id=textbox1 name=majorname value=\"" . $majorname . "\"></P>\n";
echo "<P>Minor Name:</P>\n";
echo "<P><INPUT id=textbox1 name=minorname value=\"" . $minorname . "\"></P>\n";
echo "<DIV style=\"TEXT-ALIGN: center\"><INPUT class=submit type=submit value=Create name=operation>\n";
echo "</DIV>\n";
echo "<P>Major Key:</P>\n";
echo "<P><INPUT id=textbox1 name=majorkey value=\"" . $majorkey . "\"></P>\n";
echo "<P>Minor Key:</P>\n";
echo "<P><INPUT id=textbox1 name=minorkey value=\"" . $minorkey . "\"></P>\n";
echo "<DIV style=\"TEXT-ALIGN: center\"><INPUT class=submit type=submit value=Encrypt name=operation> \n";
echo "<INPUT class=submit type=submit value=Decrypt name=operation> </DIV>\n";
echo "<P>Result:</P>\n";
echo "<P><TEXTAREA class=maintextarea name=output rows=25 readOnly cols=25>" . $output . "</TEXTAREA></P></DIV></FORM>\n";
What should be editted for better memory efficiency or faster execution?
You could replace your isHex function with:
function isHex($char) {
return strpos("0123456789ABCDEF",strtoupper($char)) > -1;
And your hex2bin might be better as:
function hex2bin($h)
if (!is_string($h)) return null;
for ($a=0; $a<strlen($h); $a+=2) { $r.=chr(hexdec($h{$a}.$h{($a+1)})); }
return $r;
You seem to have a lot of if..elseif...elseif...elseif which would be a lot cleaner in a switch or seperated into different methods.
However, I'm talking more from a maintainability and readability perspective - although the easier it is to read and understand, the easier it is to optimize. If it would help you if I waded through all the code and wrote it in a cleaner way, then I'll do so...