Laravel Property does not exist on this collection instance - php

I need to transfer data from Mysq table (Paniers) to another Mysql table (Commandes) and delete the data from first table after transfer.
Here is my code:
function Commande(Request $request) {
$pn = $request->input('id');
$pdr = Panier::find($pn);
$user = Commande::create([
'ID_User' => $pdr->ID_User,
'ID_Piece' => $pdr->ID_Piece,
'QTE' => $pdr->QTE,
echo 'Commande Confirmée';
I get this error:
"Property [ID_User] does not exist on this collection instance."
If i do this it works but instead of getting all data i only get the first line. I need to get all lines of data!
$pdr = Panier::find($pn)->first();

If $pn is array Panier::find($pn) returns collection not entity so you should iterate it
$user = Commande::create([
'ID_User' => $pdr->ID_User,
'ID_Piece' => $pdr->ID_Piece,
'QTE' => $pdr->QTE,
echo 'Commande Confirmée';

When you are doing :
$pdr = Panier::find($pn);
If the record does not exist, it will return null. Then if you do $pdr->ID_User it is going to throw an error. Please check beloew updates :
function Commande(Request $request) {
$pn = $request->input('id');
$pdr = Panier::find($pn);
// Model not found
return response()->json(['msg' => 'No records found']);
// Create new Commande
$user = Commande::create([
'ID_User' => $pdr->ID_User ?? 'default_value_for_ID_User',
'ID_Piece' => $pdr->ID_Piece ?? 'default_value_for_ID_Piece',
'QTE' => $pdr->QTE ?? 'default_value_for_QTE'
// If user is created
// Delete Panier
return response()->json(['msg' => 'Success']);
return response()->json(['msg' => 'Could not create new Commande']);
For above to work you need to have :
Columns ID_User, ID_Piece and QTE marked as $fillable = [] in Commande Model.
You need to have a basic primary key for Panier Model, otherwise delete() will not work.

You can do it by findOrFail and handling Exception:
function Commande(Request $request) {
$pn = (int) $request->input('id');
try {
$pdr = Panier::findOrFail($pn);
$pdr->each(function ($item, $key) {
$user = Commande::create([
'ID_User' => $item->ID_User,
'ID_Piece' => $item->ID_Piece,
'QTE' => $item->QTE,
if ($user && $item->delete()) {
echo 'Commande Confirmée';
} catch (Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException $e) {
//#Todo handle error
According to laravel 5.0 documents:
Retrieving A Model By Primary Key Or Throw An Exception
Sometimes you may wish to throw an exception if a model is not found. To do this, you may use the firstOrFail method:


Data not getting inserted to db - laravel

I m try to insert data to db ! but function is working ok, it redirect to route assigned ! no error! but data is not getting added in db! I am not able to figure out ! anyhelp?
public function addfav($webmasterId,$id)
// Check Permissions
$data_sections_arr = explode(",", Auth::user()->permissionsGroup->data_sections);
if (Auth::user()->id =='1') {
return Redirect::to(route('NoPermission'))->send();
['user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'topic_id' => $id]
// General for all pages
$GeneralWebmasterSections = WebmasterSection::where('status', '=', '1')->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// General END
//Webmaster Topic Details
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::find($webmasterId);
if (!empty($WebmasterSection)) {
return redirect()->route('fav',['webmasterId'=>$webmasterId]);
} else {
return redirect()->route('NotFound');
Why are you having two [] ? Remove one of them, I think this is the problem
['user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'topic_id' => $id]
['user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'topic_id' => $id]
Check with try and catch, what error are you receiving
['user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'topic_id' => $id]
}catch(\Exception $e){
You have to use like this
$dlt = new Favad();
$dlt->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$dlt->topic_id = $id;
Be sure that you are using the following code use App\Favad; in your controller.
You should insert data the following way:
$dlt = new Favad;
$dlt->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$dlt->topic_id = $id;

How to authenticate user without a DB in Laravel?

I created a new project in Laravel that consumes all data from an API. For private data like a user profile, I need an access token to get the data.
Once I have an access token, how do I set the token as Auth::id() in Laravel? Or perhaps I can store the user profile as Auth::user() so that I can use #auth in a frontend blade file?
class CustomAuthController extends Controller
public function index()
return view('login');
public function store(Request $request)
'phone' => 'required|numeric'
$data = [
'phone' => $request->phone
$codeSent = GeneralFunction::WebRequestPublicApi('first-login', $data, null, null, null, true);
if($codeSent->status == "success")
return redirect('verify');
} else {
$errors = new MessageBag();
$errors->add("phone", "Invalid phone number");
return view('login')->withErrors($errors);
public function showVerify()
return view('verify');
public function verify(Request $request)
try {
'verify' => 'required|size:6'
$data = [
'token_code' => $request->verify,
'source' => 'web'
$token = GeneralFunction::WebRequestPublicApi('verify-login', $data, null, null, null, true);
if($token->status === "success")
$userData = GeneralFunction::WebRequestPublicApi('membership', null, 'GET', null, null, true, $token->results->access_token);
if($userData->status !== "error")
$user = (array) $userData->results[0];
$request->session()->put('token', $token->results->access_token);
Auth::attempt($user, false, false);
return redirect('/');
} else {
$errors = new MessageBag();
$errors->add("verify", "Invalid Token");
return view('verify')->withErrors($errors);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$errors = new MessageBag();
$errors->add("verify", $e->getMessage());
return view('verify')->withErrors($errors);
I tried using Auth::attempt, Auth::login(), and the other method, but all of these required a user table. My project does not have a database.
You can do something like following.
In the controller
session(['user' => ['key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2'] ]); // set session data
return view('frontend');
In the view
$user = session('user', false);
#if(!$user) // if not logged in
do something
#else // logged in successfully
Welcome my user
Hope this helps.
i guess the best thing you need to do is to use sqlite and once you got login from your api create a new user from it or find if there is existing already and Auth::login($newUser);

How to set multi select value from array object in yii2 while updating

I have table which have multiple reference to ohter tables like
id name email
id title
user_id category_id
Here a user will have multiple category associated with him/her
I am able to save these successfully with new records like following
View File:
echo $form->field($package_categories, 'category_id')->dropDownList( ArrayHelper::map(
StudyMaterialCategories::find()->all(), 'id', 'title'),
['multiple' => true]
Save New record:
$model = new Packages();
$package_categories = new PackageCategories();
$request = Yii::$app->request;
if ($request->isPost) {
$transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
try {
$post = $request->post();
foreach ($post['PackageCategories']['category_id'] as $key => $value) {
$package_categories = new PackageCategories();
$package_categories->category_id = $value;
$package_categories->package_id = $model->id;
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
Yii::$app->session->setFlash("error", $ex->getMessage());
Till now It's running successfully.
But I'm stuck when going to update the table. The problem part is dropdown list. How to set multiple selected option as per database if I'm coming with array of object.
Have a look on the following code
$package_categories = PackageCategories::find()
->where('package_id=:package_id', ['package_id' => $id])->all();
if (count($package_categories) < 1) {
$package_categories = new PackageCategories();
$request = Yii::$app->request;
if ($request->isPost) {
$transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
try {
$post = $request->post();
$package_categories = new PackageCategories();
[':package_id' => $model->id]
foreach ($post['PackageCategories']['category_id'] as $key => $value) {
$package_categories = new PackageCategories();
$package_categories->category_id = $value;
$package_categories->package_id = $model->id;
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
Yii::$app->session->setFlash("error", $ex->getMessage());
if I try to get first object of the array $package_categories of only able to set selected one option
This is an example code of a model class Permit which has a many to many relationship with Activity through PermitActivity (pivot table model).
Model Class Activity
public class Permit extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord {
public $activities_ids;
public function rules() {
return [
[['activities_ids'], 'safe'],
// Method called after record is saved, be it insert or update.
public function afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes) {
// If this is not a new record, unlink all records related through relationship 'activities'
if(!$this->isNewRecord) {
// We unlink all related records from the 'activities' relationship.
$this->unlinkAll('activities', true);
// NOTE: because this is a many to many relationship, we send 'true' as second parameter
// so the records in the pivot table are deleted. However on a one to many relationship
// if we send true, this method will delete the records on the related table. Because of this,
// send false on one to many relationships if you don't want the related records deleted.
foreach($this->activities_ids as $activity_id) {
// Find and link every model from the array of ids we got from the user.
$activity = Activity::findOne($activity_id);
$this->link('activities', $activity);
parent::afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes);
// Declare relationship with Activity through the pivot table permitActivity
public function getActivities(){
return $this->hasMany(Activitiy::className(), ['id' => 'activity_id'])
->viaTable('permitActivity',['permit_id' => 'id']);
public function afterFind(){
$this->activities_id = ArrayHelper::getColumn($this->activities, 'id');
This way the model class is the one responsible for creating and updating the relationship using the pivot table.
The most important thing is to have the relationship method declared correctly.
This is an example of the view using kartikv\widgets\Select2. I don't really know if dropDownList supports multiple select, however Select2 has so many useful features i usually use it over other options.
echo $form->field($model, 'activities')->widget(Select2::classname(), [
'data' => $data,
'options' => [
'placeholder' => '...'
'pluginOptions' => [
'allowClear' => true,
'multiple' => true,

Does Laravel5 transaction work or not if I create method instead of using eloquent or query builder in my controller method

I'm so concern about my operation to used Mysql statement like update, delete, insert and within Laravel Eloquent or Query builder because I've create more Mysql statement with more conditional inside of my method in Controller so if one of that conditional or something occurs or meet any problem during I'm processing my method in controller Method I will lost my information or data my data which I want to insert or update to my database.
As below function I used setNotification() which I create in Notification Model and I have method inside that Model which I want to call it to post_data is a method in Controller so if I do so does DB::beginTransaction() will work or not because I prefer to keep all Mysql statement inside all method in Model.
now I currently using Laravel Transaction with Try catch
public function post_data() {
if (Request::ajax() && $this->CheckPermId_from_session(90)) {
$res = null;
$data = Request::except(['_token']);
$rules = [//rules varray];
$data = [//Input data];
$data['tranx_time'] = date("y-m-d H:m:s", time());
$val = Validator::make($data, $rules);
if ($val->fails()) {
$res = ['res' => false, 'form' => false, 'data', $data];
} else {
try {
//$update = Teller::where('id', '=', Request::input('teller_till_id'))->update(array('balance' => Request::input('tell_balance')));
$updateTeller = Teller::where('id', '=', Request::input('chief_till_id'))->update(array('balance' => Request::input('last_chief_balance')));
$insertId = DB::table('till_transaction')->insertGetId($data);
if ($insertId && $updateTeller) {
$this->notification->setNotification([$data['to_account'], json_encode($this->group_code), $insertId, Request::input('chief_till_id'), $data['type'], date("Y-m-d H:m:s", time()), $data['type']]);
$res = ['res' => true, 'data', $data];
} else {
$res = ['res' => false, 'data', $data];
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $res;

Laravel Checking If a Record Exists

I am new to Laravel. How do I find if a record exists?
$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'));
What can I do here to see if $user has a record?
It depends if you want to work with the user afterwards or only check if one exists.
If you want to use the user object if it exists:
$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->first();
if ($user === null) {
// user doesn't exist
And if you only want to check
if (User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->count() > 0) {
// user found
Or even nicer
if (User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->exists()) {
// user found
if (User::where('email', Input::get('email'))->exists()) {
// exists
In laravel eloquent, has default exists() method, refer followed example.
if (User::where('id', $user_id )->exists()) {
// your code...
One of the best solution is to use the firstOrNew or firstOrCreate method. The documentation has more details on both.
// has no records
Eloquent uses collections.
See the following link:
Laravel 5.6.26v
to find the existing record through primary key ( email or id )
$user = DB::table('users')->where('email',$email)->first();
//user is not found
// user found
include " use DB " and table name user become plural using the above query like user to users
if (User::where('email', '')->first()) {
// It exists
} else {
// It does not exist
Use first(), not count() if you only need to check for existence.
first() is faster because it checks for a single match whereas count() counts all matches.
It is a bit late but it might help someone who is trying to use User::find()->exists() for record existence as Laravel shows different behavior for find() and where() methods. Considering email as your primary key let's examine the situation.
$result = User::find($email)->exists();
If a user record with that email exists then it will return true. However the confusing thing is that if no user with that email exists then it will throw an error. i.e
Call to a member function exists() on null.
But the case is different for where() thing.
$result = User::where("email", $email)->exists();
The above clause will give true if record exists and false if record doesn't exists. So always try to use where() for record existence and not find() to avoid NULL error.
This will check if requested email exist in the user table:
if (User::where('email', $request->email)->exists()) {
//email exists in user table
In your Controller
$this->validate($request, [
'email' => 'required|unique:user|email',
In your View - Display Already Exist Message
#if (count($errors) > 0)
<div class="alert alert-danger">
#foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
<li>{{ $error }}</li>
Checking for null within if statement prevents Laravel from returning 404 immediately after the query is over.
if ( User::find( $userId ) === null ) {
return "user does not exist";
else {
$user = User::find( $userId );
return $user;
It seems like it runs double query if the user is found, but I can't seem to find any other reliable solution.
if ($u = User::where('email', '=', $value)->first())
// do something with $u
return 'exists';
} else {
return 'nope';
would work with try/catch
->get() would still return an empty array
$email = User::find($request->email);
<h1>Email exist, please make new email address</h1>
Simple, comfortable and understandable with Validator
class CustomerController extends Controller
public function register(Request $request)
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'name' => 'required|string|max:255',
'email' => 'required|string|email|max:255|unique:customers',
'phone' => 'required|string|max:255|unique:customers',
'password' => 'required|string|min:6|confirmed',
if ($validator->fails()) {
return response(['errors' => $validator->errors()->all()], 422);
I solved this, using empty() function:
$user = User::where('email', Input::get('email'))->get()->first();
//for example:
if (!empty($user))
you have seen plenty of solution, but magical checking syntax can be like,
$model = App\Flight::findOrFail(1);
$model = App\Flight::where('legs', '>', 100)->firstOrFail();
it will automatically raise an exception with response 404, when not found any related models Sometimes you may wish to throw an exception if a model is not found. This is particularly useful in routes or controllers. The fingernail and firstOrFail methods will retrieve the first result of the query; however, if no result is found, an Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException will be thrown.
$user = User::where('email', request('email'))->first();
return (count($user) > 0 ? 'Email Exist' : 'Email Not Exist');
This will check if particular email address exist in the table:
if (isset(User::where('email', Input::get('email'))->value('email')))
// Input::get('email') exist in the table
Shortest working options:
// if you need to do something with the user
if ($user = User::whereEmail(Input::get('email'))->first()) {
// ...
// otherwise
$userExists = User::whereEmail(Input::get('email'))->exists();
$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->first();
if ($user === null) {
// user doesn't exist
can be written as
if (User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->first() === null) {
// user doesn't exist
This will return true or false without assigning a temporary variable if that is all you are using $user for in the original statement.
I think below way is the simplest way to achieving same :
$user = User::where('email', '=', $request->input('email'))->first();
if ($user) {
// user exist!
// user does not exist
Created below method (for myself) to check if the given record id exists on Db table or not.
private function isModelRecordExist($model, $recordId)
if (!$recordId) return false;
$count = $model->where(['id' => $recordId])->count();
return $count ? true : false;
// To Test
$recordId = 5;
$status = $this->isModelRecordExist( (new MyTestModel()), $recordId);
Home It helps!
The Easiest Way to do
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$coupon = Coupon::where('name','=',$request->name)->first();
if($coupon->id != $id){
$validatedData = $request->validate([
'discount' => 'required',
'name' => 'required|unique:coupons|max:255',
$requestData = $request->all();
$coupon = Coupon::findOrFail($id);
return redirect('admin/coupons')->with('flash_message', 'Coupon updated!');
Laravel 6 or on the top: Write the table name, then give where clause condition for instance where('id', $request->id)
public function store(Request $request)
$target = DB:: table('categories')
->where('title', $request->name)
if ($target === null) { // do what ever you need to do
$cat = new Category();
$cat->title = $request->input('name');
$cat->parent_id = $request->input('parent_id');
return redirect(route(''))->with('success', 'App created successfully.');
}else{ // match found
return redirect(route(''))->with('error', 'App already exists.');
If you want to insert a record in the database if a record with the same email not exists then you can do as follows:
$user = User::updateOrCreate(
['email' => Input::get('email')],
['first_name' => 'Test', 'last_name' => 'Test']
The updateOrCreate method's first argument lists the column(s) that uniquely identify records within the associated table while the second argument consists of the values to insert or update.
You can check out the docs here: Laravel upserts doc
You can use laravel validation if you want to insert a unique record:
$validated = $request->validate([
'title' => 'required|unique:usersTable,emailAddress|max:255',
But also you can use these ways:
if (User::where('email', $request->email)->exists())
// object exists
} else {
// object not found
$user = User::where('email', $request->email)->first();
if ($user)
// object exists
} else {
// object not found
$user = User::where('email', $request->email)->first();
if ($user->isNotEmpty())
// object exists
} else {
// object not found
$user = User::where('email', $request->email)->firstOrCreate([
'email' => 'email'
$userCnt = User::where("id",1)->count();
if( $userCnt ==0 ){
//////////record not exists
//////////record exists
Note :: Where condition according your requirements.
Simply use this one to get true or false
$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->exists();
if you want $user with result you can use this one,
$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->get();
and check result like this,
Other wise you can use like this one,
$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'));
$user = $user->get();
The efficient way to check if the record exists you must use is_null method to check against the query.
The code below might be helpful:
$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'));
//user does not exist...
//user exists...
It's simple to get to know if there are any records or not
$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->get();
if(count($user) > 0)
echo "There is data";
echo "No data";
