Laravel named route URL with parameter not working as expected - php

I'm trying to generate a url with parameter using laravel route helper,
route('frontend.admin.categories.edit', $catRequest->id)
but this is the generated url
I need a URL like this
And this is my route
Route::get('admin/categories/edit/{id}', 'CategoryController#edit')
What is the issue here?

You can specify the parameter(s) you are replacing by passing an associative array instead of a variable.
route('frontend.admin.categories.edit', $catRequest->id)
route('frontend.admin.categories.edit', [
'id' => $catRequest->id
Edit #1
You are calling the wrong route, you named your route as admin.categories.edit in the definition yet you are calling frontend.admin.categories.edit within the helper function which is not the originally defined route. So your code should be:
route('admin.categories.edit', [
'id' => $catRequest->id
Reading Material
Named Routes

You need to use an array for your params :
route('frontend.admin.categories.edit', ['id' => $catRequest->id])
If not, all params will be used as $_GET params.

Try to view your route list using php artisan route:list. If you found your route in list with correct Uri then see that you are not again specify that route with same Uri or same alias name in your route file.
Hope this helps :)

You may have another route with the same name right after this one in the code that may be overwriting the above route params, i had the same problem and in my case this is what was happening, i had two routes definitions using the same name but with different http methods like the example below.
redirect()->route('/route1', ['test']); // output: /route1?test
When i've changed it to:
redirect()->route('/route1', ['test']); // output: /route1/test
then i got the desired result.


Get route pattern by route name in laravel 5.3

In laravel 5.1, I was able to get the route path by route name, for example:
Defined Route:
Route::post('users/{user_id}/delete', 'UserController#delete')->name('user:delete');
In laravel 5.1, when I tried the below method, It gave the route without any error If I didn't pass any route parameter:
route('user:delete'); // Output:
and then in javascript, I simply replaced %7Buser_id%7D with the user id dynamically. But laravel 5.3 is throwing error when accessing route by name that has parameters and I don't want to pass one, because the parameters are set dynamically from the javascript.
Is there any way I can access route pattern by route name like:{user_id}/delete
Thanks in advance.
You can give some route method some value, that will be then replaced in javascript. For example: route('user:delete', 'USER_ID'), then in javascript you will simply replace USER_ID.
or the better way, is to use package called "Laroute"

Laravel named routes parameter not working correctly

I'm currently using Laravel 5.3 and i have a number of routes similar to.
Route::get('/news/create/{product}', 'NewsController#create')->name('news::create');
So in my blade template im using the route() function like so:
But the url generated is
not the required
The same thing happens if i put it in an array:
And if i give it a key like so:
I get:
How do I get the correct url so it is passed to the 'create' function as a parameter?
Firstly, take a look at your route naming. I don't think there's anything specifically wrong with naming a route like 'news::create' apart from it being ugly and quite probably considered bad practice. I like to go with camel casing, which means I'd use a name like createNews. It's much easier when going back to work on old sections of code and will stop other programmers from stabbing you if/when they work on a project with you.
The reason we can name routes is so that the name stays static even if we change the route URI or controller endpoint. We can pass variables to it using route parameters.
Route::get('/news/create/{product}', array('as' => 'createNews', 'uses' => 'NewsController#create'));
route('createNews', ['product' => 'car']);
{{route('news::create',['product => 'car'])}}
Should fix your problem. Laravel uses named routes and expects an array with the keys as names with values.
Read all about it here:

Laravel 5 redirect to path with parameters (not route name)

I've been reading everywhere but couldn't find a way to redirect and include parameters in the redirection.
This method is for flash messages only so I can't use this.
return redirect('user/login')->with('message', 'Login Failed');
This method is only for routes with aliases my routes.php doesn't currently use an alias.
return redirect()->route('profile', [1]);
Question 1
Is there a way to use the path without defining the route aliases?
return redirect('schools/edit', compact($id));
When I use this approach I get this error
InvalidArgumentException with message 'The HTTP status code "0" is not valid.'
I have this under my routes:
Route::get('schools/edit/{id}', 'SchoolController#edit');
Based on the documentation the 2nd parameter is used for http status code which is why I'm getting the error above. I thought it worked like the URL facade wherein URL::to('schools/edit', [$school->id]) works fine.
Question 2
What is the best way to approach this (without using route aliases)? Should I redirect to Controller action instead? Personally I don't like this approach seems too long for me.
I also don't like using aliases because I've already used paths in my entire application and I'm concerned it might affect the existing paths if I add an alias? No?
or (if you prefer)
Just build the path needed.
'Naming' routes isn't going to change any URI's. It will allow you to internally reference a route via its name as opposed to having to use paths everywhere.
Did you watch the class Illuminate\Routing\Redirector?
You can use:
public function route($route, $parameters = [], $status = 302, $headers = [])
It depends on the route you created. If you create in your app\Http\Routes.php like this:
get('schools/edit/{id}', 'SchoolController#edit');
then you can create the route by:
redirect()->action('SchoolController#edit', compact('id'));
If you want to use the route() method you need to name your route:
get('schools/edit/{id}', ['as' => 'schools.edit', 'uses' => 'SchoolController#edit']);
// based on CRUD it would be:
get('schools/{id}/edit', ['as' => 'schools.edit', 'uses' => 'SchoolController#edit']);
This is pretty basic.
PS. If your schools controller is a resource (CRUD) based you can create a resource() and it will create the basic routes:
Route::resource('schools', 'SchoolController');
// or
$router->resource('schools', 'SchoolController');
PS. Don't forget to watch in artisan the routes you created

Create a Dynamic URL and Redirect to it in Laravel

So basically this is what I need. I have a router definition like this.
Route::get('view/{postId}', 'PostController#view');
Above router definition will get triggered if the url we request is But what I want is I want to appear this url like[category-of-post]/[titile-of-post] (Ex :
In PostController, I will get the post using the id passed and thus can generate the url what I need. Here is the problem begins. As you can see, I need to redirect to a dynamic url which will look differently for each post. I want to redirect to this dynamic urls but these urls are not defined inside routes.php.
Is this possible in Laravel ?
In short, what I need is, I want to update Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection::$route array with my dynamically generated url value with corresponding controller action in run time before I am invoking Redirect::to('someurl')
If you need further clarification, I will do it for sure. Please give me your suggestions.
it is simpler than you are thinking.
Route::get('{category}/{title}',['uses' => 'FooController#bar']);
This should be the last route defined in your route list. Any other route should go upper than this one.
this will match
rest routes define as you want.
Route::get('/',['uses' => 'FooController#home']);
Route::get('about',['uses' => 'FooController#about']);
Route::get('contact',['uses' => 'FooController#contact']);
Route::get('{category}/{title}',['uses' => 'FooController#bar']);
route :
Route::get('action/{slug}', 'HomeController#actionredeemvoucher')->name('home.actionredeemvoucher');
Function in controller:
public function actionredeemvoucher($slug)

Laravel multiple route aliases

I'm trying to create a route with an array of aliases, so when I call whois or who_is in the url it goes to the same route.
Then I don't need to keep repeating the code every time, changing only the alias.
I tried the code below.
Variables in the routes:
$path = 'App\Modules\Content\Controllers\ContentController#';
$aliases['whois'] = '(quemsomos|who_is|whois)';
Route::get('{whois}', array('as' =>'whois', 'uses' => $path.'getWhois'))->where('whois', $aliases['whois']);
this one works as well
Route::get('{whois}', $path.'getWhois')->where('whois', $aliases['whois']);
Typing in the url or or will send me to $path.'getWhois' (which is correct).
But when I try to call it in the html on blade...
Who we are
The reference link goes to
How could I call route('whois') on my blade.php and make it work like when I type it on the url ?
I would like to use the route function` in my blade, so I can keep a pattern.
During route generation using the route function, Laravel expects you to set the value of the route parameter. You are leaving the parameter whois empty so the parameter capturing {whois} will not be replaced and results in the %7B and &7D for the accolades.
So in order to generate a route you will need to define what value you'd like to use for whois; {{ route('whois', ['whois'=>'whois']) }} for instance.
