How to get the base url Programatically in zend expressive? - php

I am working on an API application that will be run in different domains:,, Part of the API responses needs to send out its base_url. So I am trying to find a way to dynamically collect the base_url and add it to my response.
I have a factory to initiate the action handler as follows:
class TestHandlerFactory
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container) : TestHandler
return new TestHandler();
Then my action handler is as follows:
class TestHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
public function __construct()
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
I am new to Zend world and I found the probably a potential solution of my problem. However, I do not how to get that PHP-Environment object (or any other object that help me grab the base url) in the factory or handler class.

zend-http is not used in expressive, it's for zend-mvc. In expressive PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces are used and by default this is handled in zend-diactoros.
class TestHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
// Get request URI
$uri = $request->getUri();
// Reconstruct the part you need
$baseUrl = sprintf('%s://%s', $uri->getScheme(), $uri->getAuthority());
More info can be found here:
EDIT: You cannot grab the request details in the factory itself. This can only be done in Middleware or Handlers (which are sort of a middleware).


PSR-7 "attributes" on Response object

I'm developing using PSR-7 (with Zend Expressive). I figured out the method
and I was wondering why the object Response doesn't have one.
I'd like to pass metadata through middlewares after processing, on "response side".
Is there somehow to pass "attributes" on Response for post-processing? What's is the best way, following the architecture guidelines, to achieve that?
Best practise is using the request object to pass data between Middleware. The response is what is going out to the client and you want to keep this clean. The request lives only on the server and you can add (sensitive data) attributes to pass around. In case something goes wrong or you return a response early before removing the custom data, then it doesn't matter since your response is "clean".
Also if you need to pass data around: The Middleware is always executed in the order it gets from the config. This way you can make sure the request object in MiddlewareX contains the data set by MiddlewareY.
UPDATE: An example on how to pass data with the a request.
Middleware 2 sets an messenger object which Middleware 4 can use to set data which is required on the way out again.
namespace Middleware;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
class Middleware2
public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
$messenger = new Messenger();
// Do something else before next middleware
if ($next) {
$response = $next($request->withAttribute(Messenger::class, $messenger), $response);
// Do something with the Response after it got back
// At this point the $messenger object contains the updated data from Middleware4
return $response->withHeader('Content-Language', $locale);
Middleware 4 grabs the messenger object and updates its values.
namespace Middleware;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
class Middleware4
public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
$messenger = $request->getAttribute(Messenger::class);
$messenger->info('going in');
// Do something else before next middleware
if ($next) {
$response = $next($request->withAttribute(FlashMessenger::class, $messenger), $response);
// Do something with the Response after it got back
$messenger->info('going out');
return $response->withHeader('Content-Language', $locale);
The PSR-7 specification defines attributes only for server requests. They are mainly use to store metadata deduced from the incoming request so that they could be used later when you reach your domain layer.
On the other hand, a response is usually created in the domain layer and traverses back all the middleware stack before being actually sent to the client. So metadata added to a response would have no place where they could actually be used.
I guess that if you want to pass data from a inner middleware to an outer one, the best way is to use response headers.
Not sure if this is "best practice" but another possibility is to simply inject your data object into the middlewares.
Middleware 2 has a messenger object injected and sets some data on it:
namespace Middleware;
use Interop\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Interop\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
class Middleware2
private $messenger;
public function __construct(Messenger $messenger)
$this->messenger = $messenger;
public function process(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
RequestHandlerInterface $handler
): ResponseInterface {
$this->messenger->foo = 'bar';
$response = $handler->handle($request);
if ($this->messenger->foo = 'baz') {
return $response->withHeader('Really-Important-Header', 'Baz');
return $response;
Middleware 4 changes the data:
namespace Middleware;
use Interop\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Interop\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
class Middleware4
private $messenger;
public function __construct(Messenger $messenger)
$this->messenger = $messenger;
public function process(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
RequestHandlerInterface $handler
): ResponseInterface {
$this->messenger->foo = 'baz';
return $handler->handle($request);
You might even use one of the middlewares as the messenger.
Caveat: You have to make sure that both classes get constructed with the same messenger object. But that seems to be the case with most dependency injection containers.

beforeFilter function not redirecting in Symfony2

I have implemented following code to run a code on before any action of any controller. However, the beforeFilter() function not redirecting to the route I have specified. Instead it takes the user to the location where the user clicked.
//My Listener
namespace Edu\AccountBundle\EventListener;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerEvent;
class BeforeControllerListener
public function onKernelController(FilterControllerEvent $event)
$controller = $event->getController();
if (!is_array($controller))
//not a controller do nothing
$controllerObject = $controller[0];
if (is_object($controllerObject) && method_exists($controllerObject, "beforeFilter"))
//Set a predefined function to execute Before any controller Executes its any method
//I have registered it already
//My Controller
class LedgerController extends Controller
public function beforeFilter()
$commonFunction = new CommonFunctions();
$dm = $this->getDocumentManager();
if ($commonFunction->checkFinancialYear($dm) == 0 ) {
$this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('error', 'Sorry');
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('financialyear'));//Here it is not redirecting
public function indexAction() {}
Please help, What is missing in it.
Thanks Advance
I would suggest you follow the Symfony suggestions for setting up before and after filters, where you perform your functionality within the filter itself, rather than trying to create a beforeFilter() function in your controller that is executed. It will allow you to achieve what you want - the function being called before every controller action - as well as not having to muddy up your controller(s) with additional code. In your case, you would also want to inject the Symfony session to the filter:
# app/config/services.yml
class: AppBundle\EventListener\BeforeControllerListener
arguments: ['#session', '#router', '#doctrine_mongodb.odm.document_manager']
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.controller, method: onKernelController }
Then you'll create your before listener, which will need the Symony session and routing services, as well as the MongoDB document manager (making that assumption based on your profile).
// src/AppBundle/EventListener/BeforeControllerListener.php
namespace AppBundle\EventListener;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\DocumentManager;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerEvent;
use AppBundle\Controller\LedgerController;
use AppBundle\Path\To\Your\CommonFunctions;
class BeforeControllerListener
private $session;
private $router;
private $documentManager;
private $commonFunctions;
public function __construct(Session $session, Router $router, DocumentManager $dm)
$this->session = $session;
$this->router = $router;
$this->dm = $dm;
$this->commonFunctions = new CommonFunctions();
public function onKernelController(FilterControllerEvent $event)
$controller = $event->getController();
if (!is_array($controller)) {
if ($controller[0] instanceof LedgerController) {
if ($this->commonFunctions->checkFinancialYear($this->dm) !== 0 ) {
$this->session->getFlashBag()->add('error', 'Sorry');
$redirectUrl= $this->router->generate('financialyear');
$event->setController(function() use ($redirectUrl) {
return new RedirectResponse($redirectUrl);
If you are in fact using the Symfony CMF then the Router might actually be ChainRouter and your use statement for the router would change to use Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\ChainRouter;
There are a few additional things here you might want to reconsider - for instance, if the CommonFunctions class needs DocumentManager, you might just want to make your CommonFunctions class a service that injects the DocumentManager automatically. Then in this service you would only have to inject your common functions service instead of the document manager.
Either way what is happening here is that we are checking that we are in the LedgerController, then checking whether or not we want to redirect, and if so we overwrite the entire Controller via a callback. This sets the redirect response to your route and performs the redirect.
If you want this check on every single controller you could simply eliminate the check for LedgerController.
$this->redirect() controller function simply creates an instance of RedirectResponse. As with any other response, it needs to be either returned from a controller, or set on an event. Your method is not a controller, therefore you have to set the response on the event.
However, you cannot really set a response on the FilterControllerEvent as it is meant to either update the controller, or change it completely (setController). You can do it with other events, like the kernel.request. However, you won't have access to the controller there.
You might try set a callback with setController which would call your beforeFilter(). However, you wouldn't have access to controller arguments, so you won't really be able to call the original controller if beforeFilter didn't return a response.
Finally you might try to throw an exception and handle it with an exception listener.
I don't see why making things this complex if you can simply call your method in the controller:
public function myAction()
if ($response = $this->beforeFilter()) {
return $response;
// ....
public function onKernelController(FilterControllerEvent $event)
$request = $event->getRequest();
$response = new Response();
// Matched route
$_route = $request->attributes->get('_route');
// Matched controller
$_controller = $request->attributes->get('_controller');
$params = array(); //Your params
$route = $event->getRequest()->get('_route');
$redirectUrl = $url = $this->container->get('router')->generate($route,$params);
$event->setController(function() use ($redirectUrl) {
return new RedirectResponse($redirectUrl);
Cheers !!

Access app in class in Slim Framework 3

Im having trouble understanding how to access the instance of Slim when a route is in a seperate class than index.php
When using Slim Framework 2 I always used the following, but its not working in Slim 3:
$this->app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
Im trying to access a database connection I have setup in the container, but from a separate class. This is what I currently got in my index.php to initiate a Slim app:
$conn = r\connect('localhost');
$container = new \Slim\Container;
$container['rdb'] = function ($c){return $conn;}
$app = new \Slim\App($container);
And here is my route:
And this is what I got in my mycontroller.php class which my route points to, which obviously is not working as $this->app doesn't exist:
class mycontroller{
public function test($request,$response){
The error message is the following, due to getinstance not being part of Slim 3 compared to Slim 2:
Call to undefined method Slim\App::getInstance()
Grateful for any help,
Have a look at the Slim 3 Skeleton created by Rob Allen.
Slim 3 heavily uses dependency injection, so you might want to use it too.
In your dependencies.php add something like:
$container = $app->getContainer();
$container['rdb'] = function ($c) {
return $conn;
$container['Your\Custom\Class'] = function ($c) {
return new \Your\Custom\Class($c['rdb']);
And in your Your\Custom\Class.php:
class Class {
private $rdb;
function __construct($rdb) {
$this->rdb = $rdb;
public function test($request, $response, $args) {
I hope this helps, if you have any more questions feel free to ask.
When you define your route like this
$app->get('/test', '\mycontroller:test');
Slim looks up \mycontroller:test in your container:
$container['\mycontroller'] = function($c) {
return new \mycontroller($c['rdb']);
So when you open in your browser, Slim automatically creates a new instance of \mycontroller and executes the method test with the arguments $request, $response and $args.
And because you accept the database connection as an argument for the constructor of your mycontroller class, you can use it in the method as well :)
With Slim 3 RC2 and onwards given a route of:
The CallableResolver will look for a key in the DIC called 'MyController' and expect that to return the controller, so you can register with the DIC like this:
// Register controller with DIC
$container = $app->getContainer();
$container['MyController'] = function ($c) {
return new MyController($c->get('rdb'));
// Define controller as:
class MyController
public function __construct($rdb) {
$this->rdb = $rdb;
public function test($request,$response){
// do something with $this->rdb
Alternatively, if you don't register with the DIC, then the CallableResolver will pass the container to your constructor, so you can just create a controller like this:
class MyController
public function __construct($container) {
$this->rdb = $container->get('rdb');
public function test($request,$response){
// do something with $this->rdb
I created the following base controller and extended from that. Only just started playing with Slim but it works if you need access to to the DI in your controllers.
namespace App\Controllers;
use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface;
abstract class Controller
protected $ci;
* Controller constructor.
* #param ContainerInterface $container
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->ci = $container;
* #param $name
* #return mixed
public function __get($name)
if ($this->ci->has($name)) {
return $this->ci->get($name);
Then in your other controllers you can use it like this.
namespace App\Controllers;
* Class HomeController
* #package App\Controllers
class HomeController extends Controller
* #param $request
* #param $response
* #param $args
* #return \Slim\Views\Twig
public function index($request, $response, $args)
// Render index view
return $this->view->render($response, 'index.twig');
I upvoted #mgansler and you should read that first if dealing with slim 3, and read this only if interested in differences to slim 2.
So it seems those usages were just old code no one cleaned.
However im leaving this post here as it should be helpful to anyone using Slim 2 (as slim 3 is very much still beta) and as a referance point to help see differences.
Old Update (see above)
Following update of OP, i looked at github source code and found that getInstance is still very much there, but with some slight differences perhaps...
Test files (which maybe outdated, but unlikely) show something like this:
public function testGetCallableAsStaticMethod()
$route = new \Slim\Route('/bar', '\Slim\Slim::getInstance');
$callable = $route->getCallable();
$this->assertEquals('\Slim\Slim::getInstance', $callable);
But at the same time we see calls like this in some files, which are obviously contextual and either return diff object ($env) or are in same static file (Slim.php)
$env = \Slim\Environment::getInstance(true);
But this does show the static function still exists, so use my examples below and try to figure out why not working for you in current form.
Also, this 'maybe' of interest, as only obvious example of slim3 in usage:
Though other projects prob exist, search with github filters if still having issues.
Original Answer content
Please include more detail on the route and the other class, but here are 3 ways, with execution examples detailed further down.
This info does relate to Slim Framework 2, not the Slim 3 beta, but slim 3 beta shows similar example code and makes no mention of overhauling changes, and in fact links to the Slim 2 documentation:
// Recommended approach, can be used in any file loaded via route() or include()
$app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
Slim3 Beta has only one code example, which looks like this:
$app = new \Slim\App();
// which would by extension mean that this 'might' work too
$app = \Slim\App::getInstance();
// but be sure to try with slim2 naming just in case
$app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance()
Though obviously this doesnt fit outside of index.php, but is consistent with Slim2 doco showing GetInstance works.
Which one fits you?
I have multiple files that use these different approaches, though i cant say what fits best as too little context on how this external class fits in and what its composition is.
For example, my controllers (which are endpoints of most my routes) use the same approach, through a base class or just direct:
class ApiBaseController /// extends \BaseController
protected $app;
protected $data;
public function __construct()
$this->app = Slim\Slim::getInstance();
$this->data = array();
class VideoApiController extends \ApiBaseController
// ...
public function embed($uid)
// trace($this->app->response->headers());
$vid = \R::findOne('videos'," uid = ? ",array($uid));
// embed logic
// see my baseclass
$this->app->render('api/404.html', array(), 404);
// ...
// Returns the video file, keeping actual location obscured
function video($uid)
$data = \R::findOne('videos'," uid = ? ",array($uid));
/// trace($_SERVER); die();
$app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
/// NOTE - only same domain for direct /v/:uid call
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin : '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
// header('X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN');
// Exit to be certain nothing else returned
My helper files show code like this:
function get_permissions_options_list($context = null)
if(empty($context)) $context = 'user';
return App::config('permissions')[$context];
My middleware:
function checkAdminRoutePermissions($route)
$passed = runAdminRoutePermissionsCheck($route);
return true;
// App::notFound();
// App::halt(403, $route->getPattern());
return false;
Thats example of how i access in the various files, though the code you shared already shows that you have used the recommended approach already
$app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
Though again, need more info to say for sure how your external file fits in, but if its at the end of a route or in an 'include()', then it should work.
You said your old approach didnt work though, but gave no info on what the actual result vs expected result was (error msg, ect), so if this doesnt work please update the OP.
This was a tough one. #mgansler answer was really helpful, but in his answer he passed a database connection, and not exactly $app inside the controller
Following the same idea it is possible to send $app though.
First inside your dependencies.php you need to grab the $app and throw it in a container to inject it to the Controller later.
$container['slim'] = function ($c) {
global $app;
return $app;
Then you got to inject it:
// Generic Controller
$container['App\Controllers\_Controller'] = function ($c) {
return new _Controller($c->get('slim'));
Now on your controller.php:
private $slim;
* #param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
* #param \App\DataAccess $dataaccess
* #param \App\$app $slim
public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, _DataAccess $dataaccess, $slim)
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->dataaccess = $dataaccess;
$this->slim = $slim;
Now you just got call it like this:

Edit Symfony behavior with AJAX actions

Assuming I have an application using a lot of AJAX requests.
Is there a way to edit Symfony behavior and autommatically call indexAjaxAction instead of indexAction when my request is AJAX made ?
I already know that I can test if a request is Ajax with the Request::isXmlHttpRequest() method but I want it to be autommatic (i.e without testing in each controllerAction).
Does a service/bundle already makes it ?
Example :
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class FooController extends Controller
public function indexAction($vars)
$request = $this->getRequest();
if($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
return $this->indexAjaxAction($vars);
// Do Stuff
public function indexAjaxAction($vars){ /* Do AJAX stuff */ }
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class FooController extends Controller
public function indexAction($vars) { }
public function indexAjaxAction($vars) { }
// Other functions
One way would be to use a slightly modified controller resolver that would be used instead of the current controller resolver in the regular KttpKernel::handleRaw process.
Please note that I may be wrong in my thinking here and it is untested.
The controller resolver class has the id controller_resolver.class which you could overwrite with your custom one in your config using
In your app/config/config.yml...
.. config stuff ..
controller_resolver.class: Acme\SomeBundle\Controller\ControllerResolver
And then in your new ControllerResolver...
namespace Acme\SomeBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\ControllerResolver
as BaseControllerResolver;
class ControllerResolver extends BaseControllerResolver
* {#inheritdoc
public function getArguments(Request $request, $controller)
if (is_array($controller) && $request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
$action = preg_replace(
try {
$r = new \ReflectionMethod($controller[0], $action);
return $this->doGetArguments(
} catch( \Exception $e) {
// Do nothing
return parent::getArguments($request, $controller);
This class just extends the current controller resolver and will attempt to use the youractionAjaxAction if it exists in the controller and then falls back to the regular resolver if it gets an error (method not found);
Alternatively you could just use...
if (is_array($controller) && $request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
$controller[1] = preg_replace(
return parent::getArguments($request, $controller);
.. which would just update the called action and then send it through to the regular resolver with no fall back, meaning that every action that could be called using an XmlHttpRequest would require a corresponding AjaxAction.
You may want to look into FOSRestBundle for Symfony, it can be very useful if you have 1 action that can either return json data or rendered html template depending on the request method

Critique abstract class for handling GET and POST requests?

I'm only interested in handling GET or POST requests, so I designed this abstract class to determine which request has been made and to subsequently call the appropriate function. I would really appreciate feedback on this. Thanks!
PS I think this should be a community wiki, but I'm not sure how to set it as that.
abstract class AHttpRequestHandler
public function handleRequest()
} else if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') {
} else {
abstract protected function handleGetRequest();
abstract protected function handlePostRequest();
protected function handleIllegalRequest()
throw new Exception('Illegal request detected in HttpRequestHandler::handleIllegalRequest().');
In response to comments:
I will only be handling one or the other (GET or POST), never both at the same time.
Either an HTML form will be submitted via POST, or a redirect will be made with a query string, which will be a GET request. I am not familiar with how a mixed request could be made (both GET and POST), but since this is a personal project I have control over whether it happens or not.
I use the AHttpRequestHandler class (above) by implementing the handleGetRequest() and handlePostRequest() methods in a sub-class, which is and abstract controller, AController. Then, for each page of my CMS, I create a sub-class of AController, such as ImageUpload or ImageDetailsEditor. I can provide more details if it will help.
Here are the AController, Controller, and View classes:
abstract class AController extends AHttpRequestHandler
protected $view;
public function __construct()
protected function handleGetRequest()
throw new Exception('handleGetRequest not yet implemented.');
protected function handlePostRequest()
throw new Exception('handlePostRequest not yet implemented.');
abstract protected function initView();
class Controller extends AController
protected $content;
public function __construct()
$this->view = new View();
protected function handleGetRequest()
$this->content = 'GET Request';
protected function handlePostRequest()
$this->content = 'POST Request';
protected function initView()
$this->view->content = $this->content;
//An over-simplified view for example use only
class View
public $content;
public function display()
echo "<p>$this->content</p>";
The actual use:
require_once 'Controller.php';
$controller = new Controller();
First of all you can make a GET request and a POST request in the same time. Think of a form that you post but the url has some variables in the query ( get ).
1.I don't understand the need for such a class but the first thing you could do is make two separate classes for post and get that extend the AHttpRequestHandler class. That way you only need an abstract function handleRequest that you will implement in the child classes.
2.You should apply "Intention Revealing Names". Your class should be RequestHandler and your methods should not contain Request in them. You know that from the class name.
3.Think about this: you might need to handle the post request in one controller. So you will have to add the second abstract method each time just to respect the abstract class.
4.You should not make circular calls between classes ( The Hollywood principle ). handleRequest is called from the child class, and then the parent calls handleGetRequest or handlePostRequest from the child.
Like I said, you are the developer, you know each controller what will use:POST or GET ( what about COOKIEs? ), so you can handle them at controller level without the need to extra classes just for the sake of it.
see ref
see ref
see ref
see ref
And the Controller should receive a request (command), not extend the request to keep things apart. Have no catch phrase for that, perhaps seperation of concerns. That's an extension to 1. above but only if you really need a request object.
Having an abstract class for requests is a good idea and it is there in all frameworks. But I dont think its good to extend this class by all controllers. A better solution will be to separate this to two, an abstract request class and base controller class. In request class you can have methods to identify whether it is a get request or post request, like
class Request{
public function isPost() {
return ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST');
public function isGet() {
return ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET');
Also we will have a base controller class with at least the following options
class Controller
public $request;
public function __construct() {
$this->setRequest(new Request());
public function setRequest(Request $request) {
$this->request = $request;
All our client controllers will extend the base controller as usual. The advantage of this method is client controllers will have the freedom to determine the request type. if they want to make use of GET and POST request at a time, that also will be possible. The above given is of course an incomplete one. You need to add more methods to the base classes or not is your choice.
