Export as PDF Using PHP COM - php

I want to convert an Excel file to PDF.
Here is my code:
function excel() {
$excel = new COM("Excel.Application") or die ("ERROR: Unable to instantaniate COM!\r\n");
$file = base_url('archieve/ADAF - 2018000007.xlsx');
$Workbook = $excel->Workbooks->Open($file) or die("ERROR: Unable to open " . $file . "!\r\n");
$Worksheet = $Workbook->Worksheets(1);
echo 'file loaded';
$xlTypePDF = 0;
$xlQualityStandard = 0;
try {
$Worksheet->ExportAsFixedFormat($xlTypePDF, base_url('archieve/ADAF test.pdf'), $xlQualityStandard);
} catch(com_exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage()."\n";
echo 'file convert';
$excel = NULL;
When I run the function, the server is still loading and reaches timeout. The code is in a different server.
Is my code wrong? Since I have tested in local PC and it works.
I tried to run the COM using Python and it worked fine. Turns out there is a problem in PHP when export as pdf. I still have the issue. Any suggestions?


PHP - Convert word to PDF with PHP

I am looking for a way to convert Word or text files to PDF using PHP.
Or is there a way to create image files from Word documents.
I tried with this code, it is well works in localhost but server side no.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'vendor/phpoffice/phpword/src/PhpWord/PHPWord.php';
$objReader= \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::createReader('Word2007');
$rendername= \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Settings::PDF_RENDERER_TCPDF;
die("Provide Render Library And Path");
$objWriter= \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::createWriter($contents,'PDF');
if(count($argv) != 3)
echo "Please pass input file name ([qualityforge.net][1]) and output file name.\n";
$inputFileName = realpath($argv[1]);
echo "Invalid output file name.\n";
$outputFileName = rtrim(realpath(dirname($argv[2])), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($argv[2]);
$printer = new BCL\easyPDF\Printer\Printer();
$printjob = $printer->getWordPrintJobEx();
$printjob->PrintOut($inputFileName, $outputFileName);
catch(BCL\easyPDF\Printer\PrinterException $ex)
echo $ex->getMessage(), "\n";
$printer = null;

How to Copy one folder local file to SFTP server using PHP

This is my code to send single file from local to SFTP server. Single file successfully send.
I want to send one folder from local to SFTP server , but i dont know how to send one folder. i need help
$src = 'xxxxxxx';
$filename = 'test.txt';
$dest = 'xxxxxxxx'.$filename;
// set up sftp ssh-sftp connection
$connection = ssh2_connect('xxxxxx', 22);
ssh2_auth_password($connection, 'username', 'password');
// Create SFTP session
$sftp = ssh2_sftp($connection);
$sftpStream = #fopen('ssh2.sftp://'.$sftp.$dest, 'w');
try {
if (!$sftpStream) {
throw new Exception("Could not open remote file: $dest");
$data_to_send = #file_get_contents($src);
if ($data_to_send === false) {
throw new Exception("Could not open local file: $src.");
if (#fwrite($sftpStream, $data_to_send) === false) {
throw new Exception("Could not send data from file: $src.");
} else {
//Upload was successful, post-upload actions go here...
} catch (Exception $e) {
error_log('Exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
ssh2_scp_send in php looks like just support sending file.
maybe these ways work:
1.compress folder, send the compressed file
2.use ssh2 to mkdir, then send each file iteratively
3.try with system() function to excute cmd line order "scp -r folder_path user#host:target_path"

Can PHP decompress a taz file? (.tar.Z)

I have tried to use Zlib to decompress the file, but it just said "Data error" and gave me an empty file.
This is the code I tried:
// Open a new temp file to write new file to
$tempFile = fopen("tempFile", "w");
// Make sure tempFile is empty
ftruncate($tempFile, 0);
// Write new decompressed file
fwrite($tempFile, zlib_decode(file_get_contents($path))); // $path = absolute path to data.tar.Z
// close temp file
I have also tried to decompress it in parts, going from .tar.Z to .tar to just a file. I tried using lzw functions to take off the .Z, but I was unable to make it work. Is there a way to do this?
Here is some more code I have tried. Just to make sure the file_get_contents was working. I still get a "data error".
$tempFile = fopen("tempFile.tar", "w");
// Make sure tempFile is empty
ftruncate($tempFile, 0);
// Write new decompressed file
$contents = file_get_contents($path);
if ($contents) {
fwrite($tempFile, gzuncompress($contents));
// close temp file
EDIT2: I think the reason why LZW was not working is because the contents of the .tar.Z file looks like this:
The LZW functions I have tried both use ASCII characters in their dictionaries. What kind of characters are these?
So you want to decompress a taz file natively with PHP? Give my new extension a try!
lzw_decompress_file('3240_05_1948-1998.tar.Z', '3240_05_1948-1998.tar');
$archive = new PharData('/tmp/3240_05_1948-1998.tar');
Also note, the reason the zlib functions aren't working is because you need LZW compression, not gzip compression.
according to this url https://kb.iu.edu/d/acsy you can try
$file = '/tmp/archive.z';
shell_exec("uncompress $file");
if you don't have Unix like OS check https://kb.iu.edu/d/abck for appropriate program.
The file is compressed with LZW compression, and I tried a few but there seems to be no reliable method for decompressing these in PHP. Cosmin's answer contains the correct first step but after using your system's uncompress utility to decompress the file, you still have to extract the TAR file. This can be done with PHP's built-in tools for handling its custom PHAR files.
// the file we're getting
$url = "ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/hourly_precip-3240/05/3240_05_2011-2011.tar.Z";
// where to save it
$output_dir = ".";
// get a temporary file name
$tempfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . basename($url);
// get the file
$compressed_data = file_get_contents($url);
if (empty($compressed_data)) {
echo "error getting $url";
// save it to a local file
$result = file_put_contents($tempfile, $compressed_data);
if (!$result) {
echo "error saving data to $tempfile";
// run the system uncompress utility
exec("/usr/bin/env uncompress $tempfile", $foo, $return);
if ($return == 0) {
// uncompress strips the .Z off the filename
$tempfile = preg_replace("/.Z$/", "", $tempfile);
// remove .tar from the filename for use as a directory
$tempdir = preg_replace("/.tar$/", "", basename($tempfile));
try {
// extract the tar file
$tarchive = new PharData($tempfile);
// loop through the files
$dir = new DirectoryIterator($tempdir);
foreach ($dir as $file) {
if (!$file->isDot()) {
echo $file->getFileName() . "\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Caught exception untarring: " . $e->getMessage();
} else {
echo "uncompress returned error code $return";
Please try this.
try {
$phar = new PharData('myphar.tar');
$phar->extractTo('/full/path'); // extract all files
$phar->extractTo('/another/path', 'file.txt'); // extract only file.txt
array('file1.txt', 'file2.txt')); // extract 2 files only
$phar->extractTo('/third/path', null, true); // extract all files, and overwrite
} catch (Exception $e) {
// handle errors
Source : http://php.net/manual/en/phardata.extractto.php
I haven't tested it but i hope it will work for you.

Uploading a file using WebDav protocol from Unix

I need to transfer a file from my Unix machine to a Windows machine. Problem is i can transfer a file already created on my machine via ftp from unix to any machine. also i can open webdav connection create new file and save it there.
What i am unable to do is to write my code to upload my file fro my local location using webdav.
i tried using pear client but due to lack of documentation, i am still not able to achieve the task .
Here is my attempt:
global $filename, $logger;
try {
/* $client = new HTTP_WebDAV_Client();
$pass = "pwd";
$dir = "webdavs://".$user.":".$pass."#hostname/";
$client->stream_write("HELLO WORLD! , I am great ");
$req =new HTTP_Request($dir);
$req->setBasicAuth($user, $pass);
$result = $req->addFile('file_upload_field', $filename);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
echo $result->getMessage();
} else {
$response = $req->sendRequest();
if (PEAR::isError($response)) {
echo $response->getMessage();
} else {
echo $req->getResponseBody();
$ftp_server = "hostname-ftp";
//$ftp_server = "hostname-webdav";
$connection = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
ftp_login($connection, 'user', 'pwd);
ftp_put($connection, $filename, $filename, FTP_BINARY);
} catch(Exception $e){
$message = "There was a problem while uploading" . $filename;
It was a togh call, but i figured it out. I am adding my code snippet so it may be helpful for someone. Instead of uploading the file, i converted that file into data stream and then copied that data stream to my call that writes stream on webdav server.
try {
$filecsv = file_get_contents($filename);
$client = new HTTP_WebDAV_Client_Stream();
$pass = "pass";
$dir = "webdavs://".$user.":".$pass."#hostname/";
} catch(Exception $e){
$message = "There was a problem while uploading" . $filename;

php FTP Wrapper writes empty files (0 Byte), FTP Extension doesn't

On a server with PHP 5.2.17 running, using any function which makes use of the built in ftp wrapper to upload a file, creates an empty file on the server:
file_put_contents() returns with the accurate number of bytes
copy() also returns with true
Both create the file, but it's empty.
When trying with ftp_put() from the FTP extension, both in binary and ascii mode, it works well.
On my workstation with PHP 5.3.10 it somehow works also with the wrapper.
In code:
$source = '/tmp/testfile';
$target = 'ftp://user:pass#example.com/testfile';
copy($source, $target);
gives no error or warning, but leaves an empty file on the server.
$source = '/tmp/testfile';
$target = 'testfile';
$ftp = ftp_connect('example.com');
ftp_login($ftp, 'user', 'pass');
ftp_put($ftp, $target, $source, FTP_ASCII);
works in every respect.
thanks for any suggestion!
Have you tried SSH2 libs? Some sample implementation below:
public function uploadSFTP($host_name, $port, $user, $publicSshKeyPath, $privateSshKeyPath, $remoteFile, $localFile, $fileOperation = 'w')
$ssh_conn = ssh2_connect($host_name, $port);
if (ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($ssh_conn, $user, $publicSshKeyPath, $privateSshKeyPath))
$sftp_conn = ssh2_sftp($ssh_conn);
$inputfileStream = #fopen('ssh2.sftp://' . $sftp_conn . $remoteFile, $fileOperation);
if (!$inputfileStream)
throw new Exception('Could open remote file for writing: ' . $remoteFile);
$localFileContents = #file_get_contents($localFile);
if ($localFileContents === FALSE)
throw new Exception('Could not open local file for reading :' . $localFile);
if (#fwrite($inputfileStream, $localFileContents) === FALSE)
throw new Exception('Could not SFTP file');
catch (Exception $e)
// Do something...
