This question already has answers here:
What does the variable $this mean in PHP?
(11 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have this code:
class database{
var $conn;
function connect($server,$host_username,$host_password,$host_database){
$server = 'localhost';
$host_username = 'root';
$host_password = '';
$host_database = 'e-vent system db';
$conn= new mysqli($server,$host_username,$host_password,$host_database);
if ($conn->connect_error){
die("db connection error:". $conn->connect_error);
function read_db($table,$condition){
$read="SELECT * FROM ".$table." ".$condition;
echo "select error:". mysqli_error($conn);
return $result;
And I get this error:
Notice: Undefined variable: conn in C:\xampp\htdocs\E-vent\database.php on line 19
How can I make the $conn variable visible to the read_db function?
Change this line:
if ($conn->connect_error){
if ($this->conn->connect_error){
means replace all:
Explanation: If you want to use a variable in the entire class scope then you have to use the class variable instead of local (function) scope variable. In this line:
the $conn is a local variable whose scope is limited to the function only, but when you use $this->conn, it means you are referring to the class variable which is accessible in all the member functions of the class.
And put all the content of connect function in the class constructor so that this connection is initialized at the time of class initialization. (Thanks #Magnus for pointing this)
Have a look on the variable scope, it will help you to understand the concept.
You are using class variable into a function, it's basic rule of oops that to use class variable we must access it using object. so class variable can be used under same class using $this.
so your code must be:
Instead of
You need to make the connection object a property of the class, using $this - specifically, $this->conn. Assign your connection-object to that property. You then need to reference $this->conn everywhere else within that class, instead of using $conn.
class database {
public $conn;
public function connect($server, $host_username, $host_password, $host_database)
$server = 'localhost';
$host_username = 'root';
$host_password = '';
$host_database = 'e-vent system db';
$this->conn = new mysqli($server, $host_username, $host_password, $host_database);
if ($this->conn->connect_error) {
die("db connection error:". $this->conn->connect_error);
public function read_db($table, $condition)
$read = "SELECT * FROM ".$table." ".$condition;
$read_result = $this->conn->query($read);
if (!$read_result) {
echo "select error:". mysqli_error($this->conn);
return $result;
That being said, a couple of things to note,
You are not using parameterized queries, and are injecting variables directly into the query -- this is not secure, and you should use a prepared statement with placeholders.
The connect() method takes in all the arguments, but you still overwrite them in the function. Alternatives are to remove the arguments, remove the hard-coded values, or use the hard-coded values if the argument is empty.
You should not return errors to the user while in production. During development, this is fine - but in production, hide them, log them and display something generic to the user instead (like a 500 page, or some other error page).
You should specify if your properties and methods are public, protected, static or private.
Better to use public access modifier without using var. What does PHP keyword 'var' do?.
Class properties must be defined as public, private, or protected. If declared using var, the property will be defined as public.
And also The PHP 4 method of declaring a variable with the var keyword is still supported for compatibility reasons (as a synonym for the public keyword). In PHP 5 before 5.1.3, its usage would generate an E_STRICT warning.
PHP variables -
Need to change as follows
class database{
public $conn
And here
$this->conn= new mysqli($server,$host_username,$host_password,$host_database);
And here
if ($this->conn->connect_error){
die("db connection error:". $this->conn->connect_error);
And here as well
hoping someone can help me, I am having the following error, looked online and tried a load of things but can't seem to figure it out, error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli::mysqli_fetch_all() in C:\xampp\htdocs\cyberglide\core-class.php on line 38
heres my code:
class Core {
function db_connect() {
global $db_username;
global $db_password;
global $db_host;
global $db_database;
static $conn;
$conn = new mysqli($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database);
if ($conn->connect_error) {
return '<h1>'."Opps there seems to be a problem!".'</h1>'.'<p>'."Your Config file is not setup correctly.".'</p>';
return $conn;
function db_content() {
//this requires a get, update and delete sections, before its complete
$conn = $this->db_connect();
echo mysqli_connect_error();
$query = "SELECT * FROM content";
// Escape Query
$query = $conn->real_escape_string($query);
// Execute Query
if($result = $conn->query($query)){
// Cycle through results
while($row = $conn->mysqli_fetch_all()){
//echo $row->column;
$core = new Core();
I am trying to create a db_connect function, which I want to be able to call anywhere on the site that needs a database connection, I am trying to call that function on a function within the same class, I want it to grab and display the results from the database. I am running PHP 5.4.7, I am calling the database on a blank php file which includes a require to include the class file, then using this at the moment $core->db_content(); to test the function. I am building this application from scratch, running from MySQLi guides (not used MySQLi before, used to use normal MySQL query's) so if I am doing anything wrong please let me know, thanks everyone.
mysqli_fetch_all is a method of a mysqli_result, not mysqli.
So presumably it should be $result->fetch_all()
Important: keep in mind mysqli_result::fetch_all returns the whole result set not a row as you assume in your code
There are three problems I see here.
while($row = $conn->mysqli_fetch_all()){
The method name is fetch_all() when used in the OOP way.
fetch_all() should be used with the $result object
fetch_all() is only available when the mysqlnd driver is installed - it frequently is not.
Only $result has that method. If you want to use it in a while loop use fetch_assoc(). fetch_all() returns an associative array with all the data already.
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
thanks all, its working fine now, i had it as while($row = $conn->fetch_assoc()){
} before and changed to what i put above, but dident see it should of been $result instead of $conn, thanks for pointing that out.
This question already has answers here:
Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are "undefined variable" errors?
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
This is code is made to return the name of a chosen $ID from the database,
#DB Informations (username/password)
# This function return the 'name of the $ID from the db
function getName($ID){
$link = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pwd);
$query = "SELECT `name` FROM `tables` WHERE `id`=$ID";
$smt = $link->prepare($query);
$name = $smt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $name['name'];
# db_informations contain the credentials to connect the database. ($dsn, $user, $pwd)
Mmh require(/path/to/db_informations.php') is not working inside the function even if I put `require();' function in the body. I do not understand my mistake, can you please explain me:
Why the /path/to/file is not included by PHP? and How to?
Your DB variables are not in scope of your getName() function. You need, at bare minimum:
function getName(...) {
global $dsn, $user, $pwd;
In the greater picture, you should NOT be using global variables, nor should you be creating a DB connection in every function call. Connect to the database ONCE in your db setup file, then simply re-use that connection for the rest of the DB operations in your script.
This is a variable scope issue.
$dsn, $user, $pwd are global variables and not defined within the getName() function scope.
The quickest way to resolve this is to use global.
function getName($ID) {
global $dsn, $user, $pwd;
// code...
However, I do not recommend using global (they are evil). The better thing to do would be to define your database object (PDO) at the global scope and pass it around to your functions/classes. This is called dependency injection.
i am trying to use PDO in php using classes.
so i have defined one config file like that
global $configVars;
$configVars['online'] = false;
if(($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])!='localhost' and ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])!='abc')
$configVars['dbhost'] = "localhost";
$configVars['dbuser'] = "dbuser";
$configVars['dbpassword'] = "dbpass";
$configVars['dbname'] = "dbname";
then i have defined class to connect the database
class dbClass{
var $dbHost,
function dbClass(){
global $configVars;
$this->dbHost = $configVars['dbhost'];
$this->dbUser = $configVars['dbuser'];
$this->dbPass = $configVars['dbpassword'];
$this->dbName = $configVars['dbname'];
function connect_PDO(){
try {
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host='.$this->dbHost.';dbname='.$this->dbName.'', $this->dbUser, $this->dbPass);
echo "Connected.";
catch(PDOException $e) {
echo "I'm sorry Charlie, I'm afraid i cant do that.";
file_put_contents('PDOErrors.txt', $e->getMessage(), FILE_APPEND);
$dbh = null;
now i have defined another class to select the records from table
class cms extends dbClass
function get_rec($id=0)
($id==0?$addQuery="":$addQuery=" where id =".$id);
$statement = $dbh->prepare("select * from TABLENAME :name order by id");
$statement->execute(array(':name' => $addQuery));
$row = $statement->fetchAll();
return $row ;
now when i am using this function in my PHP file like this
$objCMS=new cms();
echo $getCMS[0];
i got following out put
Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs
i am trying to sort this out from last 2 days but no success.
i am new to PDO and want to use it.
You $dbh is declared in the base class but without a specific scope I think it's going to default to 'private'. Hence not visible in the sub class.
Also you aren't calling the constructor. Add a call to 'parent::__construct()' in your sub class.
You are going in wrong direction about solving this one.
If you want to give some object access to database, then that object needs access to database object that provides methods to interact with the database. You got that right.
But, inheritance is "IS A" relationship. And your CMS object is not a database type of object, and doesn't have same function as database object right? CMS object should just use Database and this is called composition. This relationship is also called "HAS A" relationship.
So instead of using Inheritance here, you should use Composition like this:
class CMS
protected $db;
// other CMS related stuff
$db = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password, $options);
$cms = new User($db);
This way your CMS can use database without using inheritance.
Google about composition vs. inheritance and when to use it.
Also take a look at this answer here:
PHP Mysqli Extension Warning
And read this article and go through examples to understand why
composition is a way to go when providing some class a way to
interact with database.
I know this is not an answer to your question, but you have gone in the wrong direction to solve your problems. I see lots of people use only inheritance so just be aware that there is much more then inheritance to make your objects interact. And in this situation, its just wrong to use Inheritance since your CMS object has nothing to do with Database, they are not the same "type". CMS should only use Database.
Hope this helps!
You need to call dbClass() in your constructor for cms
add this to the cms class
function cms() {
and change get_rec to have:
$statement = $this->dbh->prepare("select * from TABLENAME :name order by id");
when using $dbh you need to reference it as $this->dbh
You need to make the $dbh to $this->dbh changes in you need to update connect_PDO() also
This question already has answers here:
Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are "undefined variable" errors?
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a file that corrals my re-usable functions into one file (functions.php). It's include_once()'d on every page that needs it. I'm getting an error when my custom functions are trying to access a MySQL connection outside their own scope. The source is a bit like this:
// functions.php
$connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pass") or die("MySQL said: ".mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("database", $connect) or die("MySQL said: ".mysql_error()); // no error
/* ... */
function getmotd($user) {
$query = "SELECT cid FROM `users`
WHERE id = ".$user;
$query = mysql_query($query, $connect); // error occurs here, $connect is not a valid MySQL link-resource
/* ... */
Why can't my function access variables declared above it's scope? I can get a successful connection by reproducing $connect's declaration within the function.
Any insight into how I can work around this or what I'm doing wrong here?
You can't access $connect because it is outside the scope of the function; that is, PHP can only see the variables within the function when it's inside it. You could use the global keyword to let PHP know the variable is outside the function's scope as Kemal suggests, but I think a better course of action is to pass the connection into the function. This will give you better encapsulation. If you learn to write your functions (and later classes) with passing in the resources and data you need (a practice known as "dependency injection"), you'll find you have cleaner and more maintainable code. Here's the example:
function getmotd($db, $user) {
$query = "SELECT cid FROM users WHERE id = " . (int)$user;
$result = mysql_query($query, $db);
$connect = mysql_connect(...);
$motd = getmotd($connect, $user);
Hope this helps.
Use the global keyword.
function getmotd($user) {
global $connect;
$query = "SELECT cid FROM `users`
WHERE id = ".$user;
$query = mysql_query($query, $connect); // error occurs here, $connect is not a valid MySQL link-resource
/* ... */
You can also do it like this
function getmotd($user) {
$query = "SELECT cid FROM `users`
WHERE id = ".$user;
$query = mysql_query($query, $GLOBALS['connect']); // error occurs here, $connect is not a valid MySQL link-resource
/* ... */
If you want to make re-usable codes, you'd probably be better off with OOP. Create a class for the database, and add some properties for the database info, and access them from the functions by using the this keyword.
I have this php file. The lines marked as bold are showing up the error :"mysql_query() expecets parameter 2 to be a resources. Well, the similar syntax on the line on which I have commented 'No error??' is working just fine.
function checkAnswer($answerEntered,$quesId)
//This functions checks whether answer to question having ques_id = $quesId is satisfied by $answerEntered or not
$sql2="SELECT keywords FROM quiz1 WHERE ques_id=$quesId";
foreach($keywords as $currentKeyword)
return $matches;
$sql="SELECT answers FROM user_info WHERE user_id = $_SESSION[user_id]";
$result=mysql_query($sql,$conn); // No error??
//Retrieve answers entered by the user
//Get the questions that have been assigned to the user.
$sql1="SELECT questions FROM user_info WHERE user_id = $_SESSION[user_id]";
foreach($quesIdArray as $currentQuesId)
echo $reportCard;
Here is the file connect.php. It is working just fine for other PHP documents.
$conn= mysql_connect("localhost","root","password");
$conn is not defined in the scope of your function (even if you're including the connect.php file before that.
although you can use the suggestion to make $conn global, it's usually better practice to not make something global just for the sake of globalizing it.
i would instead pass $conn to the function as a parameter. this way, you can reuse the same function you wrote with different connections.
$conn isn't declared as a global so the function cannot access it, as it is not defined within it.
Either simply add
global $conn;
To the top of the function to allow it to access the $conn.
Or you can remove $conn from the mysql_query() statement. By default it will use the current connection (as mentioned in the comments below).
Where do you set $conn? It doesn't look like you set a connection within that function