I am unable to explode comma separated data array from the database in codeigniter framework. I want to echo the array into multiple rows with string value like:
Product Name
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
But i am getting array to string conversion error.
<?php foreach ($res as $key => $value) { ?>
<tr class="border-bottom">
<?php $prodArray = $value->product;
echo explode(',',$prodArray) ?>
<?php } ?>
So, how can i explode and fetch the data in codeigniter
<td>S. NO</td>
<td>Product Name</td>
$no = 1;
foreach($products as $product){
<td><?php echo $no;?></td>
<td><?php echo $product->product_name;?></td> //update with your column name
public function get_products()
$this->db->from('products_table'); //update with your table name
return $this->db->get()->result_object(); // sucess result or handle exceptiom here
public function product()
$this->load->model('product'); // can be loaded in the parent::__construct(); at the begining of the controller
$this->products = $this->product->get_products();
<?php foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
$prodArray = $value->product;
if($prodArray){ foreach($prodArray as $product) {
<tr class="border-bottom">
<?php echo $product; ?>
<?php } } } ?>
I am using Codeigniter 3 and trying CRUD operation. I have created the basic crud operation and am showing the data in a table however I have linked a paragraph tag in the controller below the table to the form controller, If I want to enter another data
The issue is when I click on the link to enter another data it redirect me the original form in controller but when I enter the data and submit it, The data is shown below the table in the paragraph tag.
I am not able understand why this is happening as the controller is the same
I had faced a similar issue before when redirecting in controller.I had redirected the page after submission to show_form() controller which was basically redirecting the page to $this->load->view('learn/view_form');
in which I have kept a condition that if No data is present click to enter. Now when it redirects to show_form() controller it goes into else condition even if the data is present
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit("No direct script access allowed");
class Learning extends CI_Controller{
public function __construct(){
$this ->load->helper("url");
//functions should be passed here
//creating a function
function start_learn() {
//this varible
function start_crud(){
function show_form(){
function insert_form(){
$name = $this->input->post("u_name");
$email = $this->input->post("u_email");
$mobile = $this->input->post("u_mobile");
//File Uploading
else {
$filework = $this->upload->data();
$file =$filework['file_name'];
$data = array(
function view_form(){
function delete_entry(){
function time_to_update(){
$this->load->view("learn/update.php",$data); //bus associative array hi leta hai
function up_db(){
$name =$this->input->post('up_name');
$email = $this->input->post('up_email');
$mobile = $this->input->post('up_mobile');
$file = $this->input->post('up_file');
$id = $this->input->post('up_id');
//File Uploading
$data= $this->tatti_test->remove_prev($id);
else {
$data= $this->tatti_test->remove_prev($id);
$filework = $this->upload->data();
$file =$filework['file_name'];
$data = array(
} /*this accesses command from main ci controller */
<?php $this->load->view("common/header.php");
if ($returned_data != 0){ ?>
<table border='1'>
<th>Sr No</th>
<th>Final Name</th>
<?php $i=0; foreach ($returned_data as $key=>$d){
<?php echo ++$i; ?>
<?php echo $d['name'];?>
<?php echo $d['mobile'];?>
<?php echo $d['email'];?>
<?php echo $d['file_name'];?>
<img src="<?php echo base_url().'/assets/images/'.$d['file_name'];?>" width="100px" ; height="100px" />
<p>Add another entry
<?php echo anchor("learning/start_crud"," here "); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<p>No data to show please click
<?php echo anchor("learning/start_crud"," here "); ?>to enter</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php $this->load->view("common/footer.php");
class Tatti_test extends CI_Model{
function insert_tatti($insert_data){
function show_form(){
$query = $this->db->get("f_form");
if ($query->num_rows() > 0){
$response = $query->result_array();
else {
$response = 0;
return $response;
function for_unlink($id){
$query = $this->db->get("f_form");
foreach ($query->result_array() as $rows){
return $response = $rows;
function delete_entry($id){
function update_entry($id){
$query = $this->db->get("f_form");
$response = [];
if($query->num_rows() > 0 ){
foreach($query->result_array() as $rows);
$response = $rows;
return $response;
function up_nw($introduced_data,$id){
function remove_prev($id){
$query = $this->db->get('f_form');
$response = [];
foreach($query->result_array() as $rows){
return $response;
This is how the data is showing when clicked on the link below table
enter image description here
You're html formatting is messed up. You should have the closing </table> outside your foreach loop or premature <table> closure.
Also moved the Add another entry link outside the foreach loop. So it only appears once, and your document format not messed up.
You can use this fixed view instead:
<?php $this->load->view("common/header.php");
if ($returned_data != 0){ ?>
<table border='1'>
<th>Sr No</th>
<th>Final Name</th>
<?php $i=0; foreach ($returned_data as $key=>$d){
<?php echo ++$i; ?>
<?php echo $d['name'];?>
<?php echo $d['mobile'];?>
<?php echo $d['email'];?>
<?php echo $d['file_name'];?>
<img src="<?php echo base_url().'/assets/images/'.$d['file_name'];?>" width="100px" ; height="100px" />
<?php } ?>
<p>Add another entry
<?php echo anchor("learning/start_crud"," here "); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<p>No data to show please click
<?php echo anchor("learning/start_crud"," here "); ?>to enter</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php $this->load->view("common/footer.php");
I realize that you are trying to do CURD,
first of all, try this to improve your code and fill the missing library of codeigniter: https://github.com/avenirer/CodeIgniter-MY_Model
For your code:
No data passed to the view in show_form(),
You should check the form submission and the conditions to load the view,
simple thing to do is follow the best practice using ready scripts,
Hope this will be useful,
I have two tables meals type and meals. I want to print each meals corresponding to its meals type.
Error is that only showing last meals type meals only
view page is like
foreach ($mealstype as $type) {
<h2><?php echo $type->type; ?></h2>
<table class="table table-bordered">
foreach ($meals as $meals_get) {
<td><?php echo $meals_get->item; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $meals_get->price; ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<td> <input type="checkbox" class="ck" value="total"> Toal</td>
function availability() {
$this->data['mealstype'] = $this->Home_model->mealstype();
foreach ($this->data['mealstype'] as $type) {
$typeid = $type->id;
$meals[] = $this->Home_model->meals($typeid, $hotel_id);
$this->data['meals'] = $meals[];
$this->load->view('home2', $this->data);
Please check this answer
public function availability() {
$build_array = array();
mealstype= $this->Home_model->mealstype();
foreach($mealstype as $row){
$build_array[] = array(
'parent_array' => $row,
'child_array' =>$this->Home_model->meals($row->id,$hotel_id),
'child_sum' =>$this->Home_model->meals_sum($row->id,$hotel_id)
$this->data['build_array'] = $build_array;
and the view page is like this:
<?php foreach($build_array as $type){?>
<h2><?php echo $type['parent_array']->type;?></h2>
<table class="table table-bordered">
foreach ($type["child_array"] as $meals_get) {?>
<td><?php echo $meals_get->item;?></td>
<td><?php echo $meals_get->price;?></td>
<?php }?>
<td> Toal</td>
<?php } ?>
Controller, check "hotel_id"
function availability()
$this->data['mealstype'] = $this->Home_model->mealstype();
if( count( $this->data['mealstype'] ) > 0 )
foreach($this->data['mealstype'] as $type)
$type->meals = $this->Home_model->meals( $type->id, $hotel_id ); // hotel_id no declared???
$this->load->view('home2', $this->data);
<?php if( count( $mealstype ) > 0): foreach( $mealstype as $type ): ?>
<h2><?php echo $type->type; ?></h2>
<table class="table table-bordered">
<?php if( count( $type->meals ) > 0 ): foreach( $type->meals as $meals_get ): ?>
<td><?php echo $meals_get->item; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $meals_get->price; ?></td>
<?php endforeach; endif; ?>
<td><input type="checkbox" class="ck" value="total"> Toal</td>
<?php endforeach; endif ?>
Try to replace into this :
function availability() {
$data = array();
$data['mealstype'] = $this->Home_model->mealstype();
foreach ($data['mealstype'] as $type) {
$typeid = $type->id;
$type->meals = $this->Home_model->meals($typeid,$hotel_id);
$this->load->view('home2', $data);
check it and print_r($data); what it comes set on the basis of that in view file..
You have $hotel_id I am not sure where you set this I can not see it any where else.
We also need to see your model
public function availability() {
$data['mealstypes'] = array();
$mealstypes = $this->home_model->mealstype();
foreach ($mealstypes as $mealstype)
$meals = array();
$meals_results = $this->home_model->meals($mealstype->id, $hotel_id);
foreach ($meals_results $meal_result) {
$meals[] = array(
'mealstype' => $meal_result->mealstype,
'price' => $meal_result->price
$data['mealstypes'][] = array(
'type' => $mealstype->type
'meals' => $meals
$this->load->view('someview', $data);
<?php foreach ($mealstypes as $mealstype) {?>
<h2><?php echo $mealstype['type'];?></h2>
<?php foreach ($mealstype['meals'] as $meal) {?>
<?php echo $meal['mealstype'];?>
<?php echo $meal['price'];?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
I am working on a point of sale for a hardware shop developed using codeigniter framework.
I want to come up with a detailed statement of account like in the picture below
I have two tables which are sales and payment, I want to get data from this two tables so that I can generate a statement of account of a specific customer.
This will help since the customer can be able to see all the items he/she bought on cash basis or credit basis and also show how much they has paid grouped by date.
It will also be possible to calculate the amount due.
I can be able to list separately (sales and payment) by using the below code and thereby calculate the amount due.
$salestotal = 0;
if (is_array($sales) || is_object($sales))
foreach ($sales as $key=>$sale): {?>
<?php echo $sale->date; ?>
<?php echo $sale->id; ?>
<?php echo $sale->grand_total; ?>
<?php echo $sale->paid; ?>
$salestotal += $sale->grand_total;
} endforeach ; }?>
$paymentstotal = 0;
if (is_array($payments) || is_object($payments))
foreach ($payments as $key=>$payment): {?>
<?php echo $payment->date; ?>
<td class="text-center">
<?php echo $payment->sale_id; ?>
<td class="text-center">
<?php echo $payment->paid_by; ?>
<td class="text-center">
<?php echo $payment->cheque_no; ?>
<td class="text-center">
<?php echo $payment->amount; ?>
<td class="text-center">
<?php echo $this->customers_model->getUserna($payment->created_by); ?>
<td class="text-center">
<?php echo $payment->pos_paid; ?>
<td class="text-center">
<?php echo $payment->pos_balance; ?>
<td class="text-right">
<?php echo $this->customers_model->getStorename($payment->store_id); ?>
$paymentstotal += $payment->amount;
} endforeach ;}?>
My controller
function statement($id = NULL)
if (!$this->Admin) {
$this->session->set_flashdata('error', $this->lang->line('access_denied'));
if($this->input->get('id')) { $id = $this->input->get('id', TRUE); }
$this->data['sales'] = $this->customers_model->getSales($id);
$this->data['payments'] = $this->customers_model->getPayments($id);
$this->data['customer'] = $this->customers_model->getCustomername($id);
$this->data['customer_id'] = $id;
$this->page_cons('customers/statement', $this->data);
My Model
public function getSales($id)
$q = $this->db->get_where('sales', array('customer_id' => $id));
if( $q->num_rows() > 0 ) {
return $q->result();
return FALSE;
public function getPayments($id)
$q = $this->db->get_where('payments', array('customer_id' => $id));
if( $q->num_rows() > 0 ) {
return $q->result();
return FALSE;
How do I combine this two tables?
I hope I am clear enough on this question, I have been trying to Google but I have no luck.
I will appreciate any help. Thanks
MYSQL tables
You can reuse the given methods getSales() and getPayments() in a new method getSalesWithPayments() to combine the two results:
public function getSalesWithPayments($customerId) {
$sales = [];
foreach ($this->getSales($customerId) as $sale) {
$sale->payment = null;
$sales[$sale->id] = $sale;
foreach ($this->getPayments($customerId) as $payment) {
$sales[$payment->sale_id]->payment = $payment;
return $sales;
In the first loop you initialize $sale->payment (for the case that a sale has no payment yet) and populate the $sales array, which is indexed by the id column. This way you can easily access any sale by its id without an expensive search.
In the second loop you assign the payments to the corresponding sales.
Note that you might need to add logic to handle empty results (which wouldn't be necessary if you would just return an empty array instead of FALSE).
You can now use it like..
$this->data['sales'] = $this->customers_model->getSalesWithPayments($id);
<?php foreach ($sales as $sale): ?>
<td><?php echo $sale->date; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $sale->id; ?></td>
<?php if($sale->payment !== null): ?>
<td><?php echo $sale->payment->date; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $sale->payment->amount; ?></td>
<?php else: // empty cells if no payment ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
If you post the sales and payments table the answer will be better and exact. You can use MySQL Join to get combined data from 2 tables.
Try this:
->join('payments', 'payments.sales_id = sales.id', 'right')
->where(array('sales.customer_id' => $id));
$results = $this->db->get();
I am trying to display 'Category' database and this part is quite easy. The hard part is I need to count the subcategory from the 'Category' database and displaying them with one table.
Category | Sub Category
Cat A | 5
Cat B | 7
here is my Model:
function category() {
$query = $this->db->get('category');
$result = $query->result_array();
foreach($query->row() as $q) {
$this->db->where('subcat_id', $q['cat_id']);
$query2 = $this->db->get('subcat');
if($query2) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
here is my Controller:
function dispaly_category() {
$data['category'] = $this->mymodel->category();
$this->load->view('view', $data);
here is my View:
<?php foreach($category as $c) : ?>
<td><?php echo $c->category_name; ?></td>
<td><?php echo (count subcat for the above category); ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
i just post an answer with the assumption you've one Table only (you don't need a separate table for subcategories, but in case you really need your second table you should be able to derive this based on my answer)
Your Model
function category()
$query = $this->db
->select("c.*, count(cc.id) AS countSubCategories")
->from("category c")
->join("category cc", "cc.parent_id = c.cat_id","left")
return $query->result();
Your Controller
function display_category()
$arrViewData = array(
'category' => $this->mymodel->category()
$this->load->view('view', $arrViewData);
your view
<?php foreach($category as $c) : ?>
<td><?php echo $c->category_name; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $c->countSubCategories; ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Adding products to my cart is working fine, but after adding product to cart its not able to view it in my view page without refreshing view page,
I tried redirect() method still no use.
How do i view my page after adding products to cart.
Any help??
my controller:
class Cart extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct() {
public function addtocart($cal_id, $f_id) {
if (empty($cal_id)) {
$product = $this->cart_model->cart_contents($cal_id, $f_id);
foreach ($product as $row) {
$name = $row->title;
$fees = $row->fees;
$product = array(
'id' => $cal_id,
'qty' => 1,
'price' => $fees,
'name' => $name,
public function destroy() {
my model:
class cart_model extends CI_Controller
public function __construct() {
public function cart_contents($cal_id,$f_id)
return $product->result();
my view
if ($cart = $this->cart->contents()) {
<h3><u>Cart page</u></h3>
foreach ($cart as $contents) {
<td><?php echo $contents['name']; ?></td>
<td><input type="text" value="<?php echo $contents['qty']; ?>"></td>
<td><?php echo $contents['price']; ?></td>
<?php } ?>
</table> <?php
// redirect(base_url('/index.php/Cart/Cart_view'));
I dont understand what you are trying to do. When you load your view $this->load->view('Cart_view');, it is required to pass the data array, containing all the variables into the view like this $this->load->view('Cart_view',$data); . Without data array, view cannot display data. When ever you write code atleast, make variables names in such a way that other people will be able to understand what that variable stands for. Without enough data, i am taking the liberty of modifying your code
public function addtocart($cal_id, $f_id) {
if (empty($cal_id)) {
} else {
$product = $this->cart_model->cart_contents($cal_id, $f_id);
foreach($product as $row):
$data['view'].=' <tr>
public function cart_contents($cal_id,$f_id){
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
<h3><u>Cart page</u></h3>
<?php if($count>0){
echo $view;