I am newbie on REST and Slim applications.
I was not able to autoload some classes:
Type: RuntimeException Message: Callable UserController does not exist
File: /var/www/fdes/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/CallableResolver.php Line:
#0 /var/www/fdes/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/CallableResolver.php(61): Slim\CallableResolver->resolveCallable('UserController', 'login')
#1 /var/www/fdes/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/CallableResolverAwareTrait.php(45):
#2 /var/www/fdes/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Route.php(351): Slim\Routable->resolveCallable('UserController:...')
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"
Directory Structure:
namespace Api\Controllers\User;
use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\Response;
use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;
class UserController extends BaseController {
protected $db;
Can u guys let me know what i am missing here?
Thanks Folks!
I think your namespace of your controller is wrong.
The namespace should be namspace App\Api\Controllers\User.
Furthermore it would be good if your folder structure would be identical to your namespace. So api should be Api, etc.
I always get the class not found exception in php laravel 6 when i create a class and extend a parent class named A which is located in the same directory.
However, another child class that is located in same directory could extend class A successfully.
In addition, i couldn't also instantiate the class A due to class not found exception in another .php file.
Please help me on this.
Thanks in an advance.
Parent class: myContext
namespace config\models;
class myContext {
public static $conn;
Class myUser: extension is fine.
namespace config\models;
class myUser extends myContext {
private $name;
Class oauth: extension returns myContext class not found.
namespace config\models;
class oauth extends myContext {
private $user;
Instantiate the class - returns class not found.
use config\models\myContext as context;
$cont = new context();
Check whether the namespace is added correctly when the parent class is imported.
external classes and PHP files in Laravel - Class not found
Laravel - Model Class not found
Laravel 6: Class 'Form' not found
To get the provided example codes to work you need to use require_once
use app\config\models\myContext as context;
$test = new context();
A search on SO brought me to this source
You try to add this line of code in the composer.json file, then execute the composer dumpautoload command on the command line
In composer.json file,
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/",
"config\\models\\": "config/models"
"classmap": [
After that composer dump-autoload.
have you add autoload for config/ folder in composer.json. Laravel only default autoload for app/
I am using Laravel 5.5. I have added a custom directory inside App folder in my workspace. So, the folder structure is:
Inside App\Bishwa\Transformers there are two PHP files:
Those files look like follows:
namespace Bishwa;
abstract class Transformer {
public function transformCollection(array $items){
return array_map([$this, 'transform'], $items);
public abstract function transform($item);
namespace Bishwa;
class LessonTransformer extends Transformer {
public function transform($lesson){
return [
'title' => $lesson['title'],
'body' => $lesson['body'],
'active' => (boolean)$lesson['some_bool']
Then Inside LessonsController.php I have the following:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response;
use App\Lesson;
use Bishwa\LessonTransformer;
class LessonsController extends Controller
protected $lessonTransformer;
function __construct(LessonTransformer $lessonTransformer){
While running action of the controller, It gave me an error message saying:
Reflection Exception: Class Bishwa\LessonTransformer does not exist
I have tried composer dump-autoload, restarting the server again but none of them helped. Am I doing wrong while Namespacing or What?
Change your namespace of the files in your custom directory to App\Bishwa.
Well thanks to Jerodev and Jack. Since, both of them were write I decided to write myself a combined solution to this problem.
1st Solution:
In case of custom namespaces and custom classes I have to include the path to classname in Composer.json file in the following portion:
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"
2nd Solution:
Changing NameSpace of my files to custom directory App\Bishwa .
Namespace of transformer.php and LessonTransformer.php now becomes:
namespace App\Bishwa\Transformers;
While using in LessonsController:
use App\Bishwa\Transformers\LessonTransformer;
Once again, big thanks to Jerodev and Jack. Its my silly mistake, that I couldn't figure that out.
Just started working through laracasts and trying to move on from direct eloquent use in the controllers.
I have implemented everything that I need to but hitting this error:
Class tva\Repositories\VehicleRepositoryInterface does not exist
My folder structure is:
use tva\Repositories\VehicleRepositoryInterface;
class VehiclesController extends \BaseController {
protected $vehicle;
public function __construct(VehicleRepositoryInterface $vehicle)
$this->vehicle = $vehicle;
In the repositories folder:
namespace tva\Repositories;
class VehicleRepository implements VehicleRepositoryInterface {
namespace tva\Repositories;
interface VehicleRepositoryInterface {
And also updated my composer.json:
"psr-0": {
"tva": "app/"
To me, this should work?
Issue solved, instead of using psr-0 I added the directory to the classmap and all issues solved.
Getting the following error form PHPUnit:
Fatal error: Class 'FoobarTest\Money\Money'
not found in /www/foobar/tests/FoobarTest/Money/MoneyTest.php on line 11
My structure is like:
/src/Foobar/Money/Money.php (class Money, namespace Foobar\Money)
/tests/FoobarTest/Money/Money.php (class Money, namespace FoobarTest\Money)
Autoloading done through composer:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Foobar\\": "src/"
"psr-0": {
"FoobarTest\\": "tests/"
Tried with PSR0, PSR2, PSR4, ...
MoneyTest class:
namespace FoobarTest\Money;
class MoneyTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
// ...
Money class:
namespace Foobar\Money;
class Money
// ...
Why is it trying to load FoobarTest\Money\Money instead of Foobar\Money\Money ?
To help php autoloader (and composer) you must import the target class using
use Foobar\Money\Money;
in your test file.
Also you probably want to give your test file a MoneyTest.php name to match the corresponding class name.
In my folder "/Vendor/User/Admin" I created a new custom class (Adminuser.php)
namespace \User\Admin;
class Adminuser {
public $username;
public $password;
Now Im trying to use it in a controller:
namespace Section\AdminBundle\Controller;
use \User\Admin;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
$AdminUser = new \User\Admin\Adminuser(); // CLASS NOT FOUND!!
Why is this happening?, the namespace is wrong? (I tried a few options..)
Im very begginer with Symfony, sorry.
You have 2 main issues.
The First
When declaring a namespace you should not start with a \
namespace \User\Admin;
Should just be:
namespace User\Admin;
The Second
If you want those classes to live in your Vendors Dir then you need to make sure the class is being autoloaded by symfony correctly. To do this we will use composer.
In your composer.json you will want to change this section from:
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "": "src/" }
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "": "src/" },
"psr-0": { "": "vendor/User/Admin" }
Then composer will add classes under that folder to the available namespaces and you will be able to access it as expected.
just remove the first "\" in the namespace, as the comments said. So the first file is:
namespace User\Admin;
class Adminuser {
public $username;
public $password;
if the problem persist check your autoloading configuration, maybe the right way would be using src dir to develop your code, not vendor :S