Mysql query count certain values - php

Trying to create a mysql query where it count the names of the filters database. Successful, getting names from a certain period is the main goal.
$query = query("
SELECT count(CASE WHEN filter='冬越しする(現在地検索)' THEN 1 END) as filter,
count(CASE WHEN filter='開花期で選ぶ' THEN 1 END) as filter2,
count(CASE WHEN filter='日当たりで選ぶ' THEN 1 END) as filter3,
count(CASE WHEN filter='株幅で選ぶ' THEN 1 END) as filter4,
count(CASE WHEN filter='背丈で選ぶ' THEN 1 END) as filter5,
count(CASE WHEN filter='機能、タイプで選ぶ' THEN 1 END) as filter6,
count(CASE WHEN filter='ビギナーおすすめ' THEN 1 END) as filter7 FROM
filter_clicked WHERE filter_date < DATEADD(day, -30, GETDATE())");

you've to user now()-now()-interval 30 day - what you've used it is sql server function
$query = query("
SELECT count(CASE WHEN filter='冬越しする(現在地検索)' THEN 1 END) as filter,
count(CASE WHEN filter='開花期で選ぶ' THEN 1 END) as filter2,
count(CASE WHEN filter='日当たりで選ぶ' THEN 1 END) as filter3,
count(CASE WHEN filter='株幅で選ぶ' THEN 1 END) as filter4,
count(CASE WHEN filter='背丈で選ぶ' THEN 1 END) as filter5,
count(CASE WHEN filter='機能、タイプで選ぶ' THEN 1 END) as filter6,
count(CASE WHEN filter='ビギナーおすすめ' THEN 1 END) as filter7 FROM
filter_clicked WHERE filter_date < date(now())-interval 30 day")


How to sum the returned results in the same query?

How can I sum the sum-ed results (goal + delivered) in a new column, in the same query?
WHEN the_status = 'goal' THEN 1
END) AS goal,
WHEN the_status = 'delivered' THEN 1
END) AS delivered
FROM the_data
where ....
You could just add a third column with both conditions:
WHEN the_status = 'goal' THEN 1
END) AS goal,
WHEN the_status = 'delivered' THEN 1
END) AS delivered,
WHEN the_status IN ('goal', 'delivered') THEN 1
END) AS goal_and_delivered
FROM the_data

How to use union query in laravel

I have a query in core php but i want to convert into Laravel, i am trying to do but that is giving the error. I don't know the exact method which i can use for this
here is the core query
select mon,year,
from monthly_activities
select extract('month' from actiondate) as mon,extract('year' from actiondate) as year,
extract('year' from actiondate)|| '-' ||to_char(to_timestamp (extract('month' from actiondate)::text, 'MM'), 'TMMon') as combo,
sum(case when actioncode = '00' then 1 else 0 end) as registered,
sum(case when actioncode = '4T' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as forwardedbycmo,
sum(case when actioncode = '4D' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as clarification,
sum(case when actioncode = '10' then 1 else 0 end) as noaction,
sum(case when actioncode = '50' then 1 else 0 end) as disposed,null as mon_srno,
sum(case when actioncode = '40' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as undertaken
from actionhistory where extract(month from actiondate)=extract(month from current_date)
and extract(year from actiondate)=extract(year from current_date)
group by mon,year order by year,mon;
and laravel query is
$first = MonthlyActivity::select('mon','year','combo','registered','forwardedbycmo',
$second = MonthlyActivity::select(extract('month' from actiondate) as mon,extract('year' from actiondate) as year,
extract('year' from actiondate)|| '-' ||to_char(to_timestamp (extract('month' from actiondate)::text, 'MM'), 'TMMon') as combo,
sum(case when actioncode = '00' then 1 else 0 end) as registered,
sum(case when actioncode = '4T' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as forwardedbycmo,
sum(case when actioncode = '4D' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as clarification,
sum(case when actioncode = '10' then 1 else 0 end) as noaction,
sum(case when actioncode = '50' then 1 else 0 end) as disposed,null as mon_srno,
sum(case when actioncode = '40' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as undertaken
from actionhistory where extract(month from actiondate)=extract(month from current_date)
and extract(year from actiondate)=extract(year from current_date))->groupBy('mon','year')->orderBy('year','mon')->get();
$result = $first->union($second);
//$users = DB::table('users')->whereNull('last_name')->union($first)->get();
return view('show',['monthly' => $result]);
As per your question title, here is union reference for Laravel.
But seeing your problem as you have used native sql functions such as extract(), I will advise you to run query as raw query.
For heads up:
You use: $var = DB::connection()->getPdo()->quote($var);
to escape any variable you are using in query.
Prepare your raw query and put it in a variable like:
$query = 'SELECT ....';
Then you run it like:
$result = DB::select($query,[]);
Dont forget to include DB class at top of controller:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
I am sorry I cannot give a lot of time to actually make a laravel query for you, so I suggested here which might help you go on.Good Luck!

Closing percent MATH in MYSQL

I want to do math in a query, and was wondering if its better to do it in PHP or MYSQL.
Also, if I choose MYSQL can anyone help me with the query.
So far I have
SELECT COUNT(*) as total, booker, appdate,
SUM(CASE WHEN status='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) book,
SUM(CASE WHEN status!='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) tot
FROM appts WHERE WEEK(app_date)= WEEK(CURDATE()) GROUP BY booker
I want one more stat from this query.
I want to do book / (book+tot)
But obviously only if book!=0 or tot!=0, since obviously I don't want to divide anything by zero.
Is there a way to do this in a MYSQL query??
I want my output to be.....
book | 14
tot | 25
hold | 35%
Id also like to ORDER BY the hold percent from highest to lowest. Is this possible????
You can achieve what you ask for using a subquery, like this:
SELECT *, IF(book + tot, 100*book/(book + tot), NULL) AS hold
SELECT COUNT(*) as total, booker, appdate,
SUM(status='DNS') book, SUM(status!='DNS') tot
FROM appts WHERE WEEK(app_date)= WEEK(CURDATE()) GROUP BY booker
) AS subquery
Note that in several places I'm using the fact that MySQL uses numbers for logical values. So you can sum up conditions without CASE, and you can write a formula for IF without <> 0 check.
Naive method:
COUNT(*) as total,
SUM(CASE WHEN status='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) book,
SUM(CASE WHEN status!='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) tot,
IF( ( SUM(CASE WHEN status!='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
SUM(CASE WHEN status='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ) = 0,
( SUM(CASE WHEN status!='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
) AS hold
FROM appts
WHERE WEEK(app_date) = WEEK(CURDATE()) GROUP BY booker
ORDER BY hold;
Or in order not to repeat your aliases, use a subquery:
SELECT *, IF (book + tot = 0, 0, book / (book + tot) * 100)
COUNT(*) as total,
SUM(CASE WHEN status='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) book,
SUM(CASE WHEN status!='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) tot,
FROM appts
WHERE WEEK(app_date) = WEEK(CURDATE()) GROUP BY booker
) AS subq
ORDER BY hold;
Or, more cleverly :) (book + tot = total)
SELECT *, IF (total = 0, 0, book / total * 100)
COUNT(*) as total,
SUM(CASE WHEN status='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) book,
SUM(CASE WHEN status!='DNS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) tot,
FROM appts
WHERE WEEK(app_date) = WEEK(CURDATE()) GROUP BY booker
) AS subq
ORDER BY hold;
And, just for fun, the hackishly compactest form:
SELECT *, COALESCE(book / total * 100, 0) AS hold -- a division by 0 returns NULL
COUNT(*) total,
SUM(status='DNS') book, -- boolean "true" is internally integer "1"
SUM(status!='DNS') tot,
FROM appts
WHERE WEEK(app_date) = WEEK(CURDATE()) GROUP BY booker
) AS subq
ORDER BY hold;


I have a simple log table in my database. For each page visit a row is inserted. Now i want to sum up a certain column for today and yesterday.
I tried the following query:
WHEN `time` > 1364767200 THEN `sqlquerycount`
end) AS `today`,
WHEN `time` BETWEEN 1364684400 AND 1364767200 THEN `sqlquerycount`
end) AS `yesterday`
FROM `log`
which results of the following PHP script:
$sql = "SELECT
SUM(CASE WHEN `time` > ".strtotime("today")." THEN `sqlQueryCount` END) AS `today`,
SUM(CASE WHEN `time` BETWEEN ".strtotime("yesterday")." AND ".strtotime("today")." THEN `sqlQueryCount` END) AS `yesterday`
FROM `log`";
"yesterday" is remaining NULL, but I don't see any problem with this query. Any idea?
I'd bet for
$sql = "SELECT
SUM(CASE WHEN `time` > ".strtotime("today")." THEN `sqlQueryCount` ELSE 0 END) AS `today`,
SUM(CASE WHEN `time` BETWEEN ".strtotime("yesterday")." AND ".strtotime("today")." THEN `sqlQueryCount` ELSE 0 END) AS `yesterday`
FROM `log`";
... provided sqlQueryCount is the the column you want to do the sum on!

Mysql addition and add them as new column

I want to fetch 2 coulmns count and do their total as a new column.
How can I do this?
i wrote this query, but this is returning wrong total.
SELECT count(case when `status`='1' then 1 else 0 end) AS HOT,
count(case when `status`='5' then 1 end)
AS Special_Case,count(case when 1=1 then 1 end) AS TOTAL
FROM `tbl_customer_conversation` group by
COUNT will only give the times a record is matched, which in your query will always return 1. Because the values can either be 1 or 0. So count(1) is also 1 and count(0) is also 1.
AS, you want the total number of HOT cases and SPECIAL_CASE you have to use SUM.
SUM(case when `status`='1' then 1 else 0 end) AS HOT,
SUM(case when `status`='5' then 1 end) AS Special_Case,
SUM(case when `status` = '1' or `status` = '5' then 1 end) AS TOTAL
FROM `tbl_customer_conversation`
group by date(`dt_added`),user_id
