Facebook Marketing API get campaign info - php

I'm using the code autogenerated by facebook to try and connect to the marketing API to get campaign stats. In doing so, I'm getting:
Uncaught FacebookAds\Http\Exception\AuthorizationException: (#100) results, actions:like, video_play_actions:video_view, video_avg_time_watched_actions:video_view, unique_actions:link_click are not valid for fields param.
$fields = array(
$params = array(
'level' => 'campaign',
'filtering' => array(array('field' => 'campaign.delivery_info','operator' => 'IN','value' => array('active'))),
'breakdowns' => array(),
'time_range' => array('since' => '2017-05-19','until' => '2019-05-19'),
echo json_encode((new AdAccount($ad_account_id))->getInsights(
)->getResponse()->getContent(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
Above I used campaign.delivery_info per this answer. I've also tried (per the auto-generated code):
'filtering' => array(array('field' => 'delivery_info','operator' => 'IN','value' => array('active')))

Seems you are asking for old values field, try this:
$fields = array(
Hope this help
NB: results field is not available


Exact search query with Elastica QueryBuilder

I'm having a problem with an Elastica QueryBuilder exact search in a Symfony app. The Elastica version is 2.1, which depends on Elasticsearch 1.5.2. I'm searching an index where one of the fields is mapped as
type: string
index : not_analyzed
The field is a student's major that can have one or more words, such as "Ancient History".
The query is set up like this:
/** #var ElasticaFactory $ef */
protected $ef;
public function __construct(ElasticaFactory $ef)
$this->ef = $ef;
$query = $this->ef->createQuery();
$qb = $this->ef->createQueryBuilder();
$bool = $qb->filter()->bool();
array('majors' => $params['majors'])
When I run this query, I get a SearchPhaseExecutionException error. The full text of the error message is here.
Stack trace shows the full contents of the request:
Client ->request ('students/_search', 'GET', array('query' => array('filtered' => array('query' => array('term' => array()), 'filter' => array('bool' => array('should' => array(array('term' => array('majors' => 'Ancient Studies')))))))), array('from' => '0', 'size' => '10'))
in /vagrant/persona/vendor/ruflin/elastica/lib/Elastica/Search.php at line 455
When I set up the query as a "match" below, it works with no errors:
$qb->query()->match('majors', $params['majors']),
However, a match query returns too many irrelevant results. I need specifically an exact search query.
Next, in order to eliminate any issues with Elastica, I converted the query into a raw ES query, like this:
'query' => array(
'filtered' => array(
'query' => array(
'term' => array()),
'filter' => array(
'bool' => array(
'should' => array(
'term' => array(
'majors' => 'Art History'
This gave me the same error message as quoted above. Looks like there is a problem with the query itself, and not with Elastica.
When I rearranged the query to exactly follow the documentation as below, it returned no results, even though matching records were present
'query' => array(
'filtered' => array(
'filter' => array(
'term' => array(
'majors' => 'Art History'
Any help would be appreciated!

Mailchimp API with Groupings

I need to add a MailChimp subscriber to a specific grouping. I have no issue getting the subscriber subscribed, but can't seem to get them into a specific grouping.
This is what I have:
$newsletter = $_POST['newsletter'];
$newsletter = 'yes';
if ($newsletter = "yes") {
$MailChimp = new \Drewm\MailChimp('api');
$result = $MailChimp->call('lists/subscribe',
'id' => 'listnumber',
'email' => array('email'=> $_POST['usersEmail']),
'merge_vars' => array(
'FNAME'=>$_POST['usersName'], 'LNAME'=>$_POST['usersLastName'],
'groupings' => array(
'id' => 494281,
'groups' => 'KeepBoardUsers'
'double_optin' => false,
'update_existing' => true,
'replace_interests' => false,
'send_welcome' => false
Also I am not entirely sure where to grab the listing id. I can't seem to find documentation. I worked off the URL. But I don't think that is right because that is the id for all groupings.
For those that have this problem this was the issue. The groups have to be an array, even for a single group.

Getting "Invalid parameter" exception on getReportsStats with no reason

Can anyone help me with a fast code review?
$fields = array(
$params = array(
'data_columns' => $fields,
'time_interval' => array(
'day_start' => array(
'year' => 2011,
'month' => 9,
'day' => 1
'day_stop' => array(
'year' => 2011,
'month' => 9,
'day' => 10
$stats = $adAccount->getReportsStats(array(), $params);
After running this code I am getting:
<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught exception 'FacebookAds\Http\Exception\AuthorizationException' with message 'Invalid parameter' in /home/maciekmp/public_html/face_test/FacebookAds/Http/Exception/RequestException.php:129
I found the following in the facebook api developer docs. Search on "async". If the data you are querying is too old you will have to do an asynchronous call to the graph api. Which is usually the case with the error you received. The current version of the php-sdk does not support passing an async parameter out of the box. Since AdAccount defaults to GET request and async calls to the graph api must be done with POST request, you will need to extend the AdAccount class and create and prepare a request to use the POST method.
I found that when you try get more than 30 days of to the current date it shows this error.
29 days of data and it works, which is rather pointless! I'm going to ask in their developer forum.
$fields = array('campaign_id', 'total_actions', 'spend'); // The fields I ask for?
$params = array(
'data_columns' => array (
// 'action_values_28d_view'
// 'date_preset' => 'last_28_days',

php fedex set signature Label ADULT

I am working on wordpress site and using woocommerce extension http://www.woothemes.com/products/fedex-shipping-module/
I am Passing the values Signature value to adults. But it is not working
Please correct me where i am wrong
$request['RequestedShipment']['RateRequestTypes'] = $this->request_type;
$request['RequestedShipment']['PackageDetail'] = 'INDIVIDUAL_PACKAGES';
$request['RequestedShipment']['SpecialServicesRequested'][] = array(
'SpecialServiceTypes' => 'SIGNATURE_OPTION',
'SignatureOptionDetail' => array(
'OptionType' => 'ADULT'
Do i need to change something from the from the RateService_v13.wsdl file
Please suggest
I resolved this issue
For further user having the same issue can resolve this by below code
$item['SpecialServicesRequested'] = array(
'SpecialServiceTypes' => 'SIGNATURE_OPTION',
'SignatureOptionDetail' => array(
'OptionType' => 'ADULT'
$request['RequestedShipment']['RequestedPackageLineItems'][] = $item;
If Suppose anyone is using Fedex Integration with Laravel you may use below code.
In place of _DIRECT you may use _ADULT or any other option.
$packageLineItem1 = new FedexShipServiceCT\RequestedPackageLineItem();
->setSpecialServicesRequested(new FedexShipServiceCT\PackageSpecialServicesRequested(array(
'SignatureOptionDetail' => new FedexShipServiceCT\SignatureOptionDetail(array(
'OptionType' => FedexShipServiceST\SignatureOptionType::_DIRECT
->setDimensions(new FedexShipServiceCT\Dimensions(array(
'Width' => 1,
'Height' => 1,
'Length' => 1,
'Units' => FedexShipServiceST\LinearUnits::_IN
->setWeight(new FedexShipServiceCT\Weight(array(
'Value' => 1,
'Units' => FedexShipServiceST\WeightUnits::_LB

How to log dimension like AWS CloudWatch bundled metric

Can anyone explain how to use the AWS PHP SDK to log the metric in the style like the above screen.
I use the following PHP code but the select menu is showing "ELB: AvaliabiltyZone", how to make it show "Aggregated by AvaliabiltyZone"? What is the logic used here?
$response = $cw->put_metric_data("ELB", array(
"MetricName" => "Latency",
"Dimensions" => array(
array("Name" => "AvaliabiltyZone" , "Value" => "us-east-1c")
"Timestamp" => "now",
"Value" => 1,
"Unit" => "None"
You misspelled "AvailabilityZone"
This maybe won't answer the question, but it might fix some things...
$cw = new AmazonCloudWatch();
$res1 = $CW->put_metric_data('Sys/RDS' ,
array(array('MetricName' => 'Uptime' ,
'Dimensions' => array(array('Name' => 'AvaliabiltyZone',
'Value' => 'us-east-1c')),
'Value' => $Uptime,
'Unit' => 'Seconds')));
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