Determine submitted number in which range - php

Example: The shop has 3 different payment amount of promotion, if buy 10 get 1 credit and 20 for 2 credit...These promotions I set on config like this:
10 amount
1 reward
20 amount
2 reward
30 amount
3 reward
So, how can I loop or foreach these can determine my purchased amount?
note: I am new to programming so please guide me to my homework.
I expect the output should:
if amount=20
array[0] true
array[1] true
array[3] wrong(require amount=30)
then get the final credit i get

so, all you need is to loop through your config and find if your curr amount is less then config amount:
$config = [
'amount' => 10,
'reward' => 1,
'amount' => 20,
'reward' => 2,
'amount' => 30,
'reward' => 3,
to loop through you can use foreach
when the condition is true there is no reason to loop more - so just break
try yourself before opening the demo


Yii2 - Kartik Widget-Rating overwrite values

it's possible overwrite the values of each star?
i need define step = 3.75, min = 0 and max = 15, and prevent from selecting half a star.
the values I want are:
star 1 => 0; star 2 => 3.75; star 3 => 7.5; star 4 => 11,25; star 5
=> 15.
echo $form->field($model, 'rating')->widget(StarRating::classname(), [
'pluginOptions' => [
'stars' => 5,
'step' => 3.75,
'min' => 0,
'max' => 15,
but when i make this, the selection of each star not display correctly, half of star is selected.
I thought you only want to display the client side (with manual numbers). And you will not get numbers from DB
the correct way is to overwrite the star-rating file. Which should be referred to the Kartik forum.
You must overwrite that the first star has a zero score (highlight first star = 0)
However, you can use the following code in your model.
public function beforeSave($insert)
// if ($insert) { // only for Save (No Update)
if (!empty($this->Your_field)) {
$this->setAttribute('Your_field', $this->Your_field-3.75);
// }
return parent::beforeSave($insert);
Instead of your_field, enter your field name (field of the rate).
You have made the settings incorrectly.
Refer the plugin documentation and demos for details.
quotation krajee:
The logic for highlighting stars depends on the stars, min, max, and
step configurations. The percentage of each star to be highlighted for
each step, will be evaluated using the following expression:
STAR_HIGHLIGHT_PERCENT = (max - min) * step * 100 / stars
For example:
If min = 0, max = 5, step = 0.5, and stars = 5, then
STAR_HIGHLIGHT_PERCENT will evaluate to 50% of each star for each
If min = 1, max = 5, step = 0.5, and stars = 5, then
STAR_HIGHLIGHT_PERCENT will evaluate to 40% of each star for each
So, for example 2 above, the stars will not be completely highlighted
as desired. It is therefore important you set the configuration of
stars, min, max, and step correctly.
Refer the plugin documentation and demos for details.
for You:
'stars' => 4,
'step' => 3.75,
'min' => 0,
'max' => 15,
echo StarRating::widget(['name' => 'rating',
'pluginOptions' => [
'stars' => 5,
'step' => 3.75,
'min' => 0,
'max' => 18.75,
'starCaptions' => new JsExpression("function(val){return val-3.75 + ' hearts';}")
If your field values are integers 1 to 5
To display half stars and full stars, You must use round numbers.
After putting the numbers in the following formula:
(max - min) * step * 100 / stars
Equal to: 50% or 100%
And to display only a full star, Equal to: 100%
However, it is better that the rate and step are equal.
For example, if step is 2, is better than max equal to 10 (5 Stars)
All of this varies according to the value of your field:
for example:
values: .5, 1, 1.5 , ... 5
Default (stars=5,max=5,step=0.5)
values: 1, 2, 3 , ... 5
values: 1, 2, 3 , ... 12
(stars=6,max=12,step=1) => Half star = one point
values: 2, 4, 6 , ... 12
(stars=6,max=12,step=1) => one star = 2 point

CakePHP group and count

I am having trouble figuring this out.
I have the following 3 tables: -
Transactions Table
List item
Products Table
Products_Transactions Table
So the relationship is as follows - a transaction is made, and then the products_transactions table joins them together since a transaction can have multiple products and a product can have multiple transactions. The join_table also keeps track of the amount sold, so, for instance, a newspaper sells in transaction #1 and with a quantity of 2 (so 2 newspapers sold).
Now, I want to make a MySQL statement that finds all products sold, in a specific date interval, so I get something like this: -
3 x Newspapers
12 x Sodas
15 x Beer
So, it just counts and sums up all the products sold.
I have seriously tried everything - I am working with CakePHP so a solution provided in that would be helpful, but even just the plain SQL to achieve this might help me out.
So far, this is what I have: -
$productTransactionsTable = TableRegistry::get('products_transactions');
$productsTransactions = $productTransactionsTable->find('all');
$productsTransactions->matching('transactions', function ($q) {
return $q->where([
'transaction_date >=' => new \DateTime('-1 week'),
'transaction_date <=' => new \DateTime('now'),
'device_id IN' => $this->deviceIdsInDepartment(2)
'count' => $productsTransactions->func()->count('quantity'),
'name' => ''
But this just gives out 1 single result that counts everything together into 1 row, like this:
/src/Controller/EconomyController.php (line 665)
(int) 0 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'count' => (int) 4504,
'name' => 'D Morgenbrød',
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
'*' => true
'[dirty]' => [],
'[original]' => [],
'[virtual]' => [],
'[errors]' => [],
'[invalid]' => [],
'[repository]' => 'products_transactions'
Any help is appreciated! I am seriously stuck here!
Thank you!
I think you are counting the total number of sold quantities and grouping so you are getting above results. I think, you need to try the following approach:
$data = $query
'name' => '',
'quantity' => 'products.quantity',

Find matching equal orders using arrays and PHP

I am cracking my brain and can't find a good solution for my problem. I am trying to design a system that I can use for batch picking in our order system.
The point is that from a set of orders I want to pick 6 orders that are most equal to each other. In our warehouse most orders are them so we can safe a lot of time by picking some orders at the same time.
Assume I have the following array:
$data = [
156 => [
332 => [
456 => [
765 => [
234 => [
191 => [
189 => [
430 => [
482 => [
765 => [
The array key is the order id, and the values are the product ID's it contains. If I want to pick the top 3 orders which look at much like each other, where do I start?
Any help would be much appreciated!
1. Step
Sort productId inside order (ASC)
2. Step
In loop check difference (array_diff) in each order to each other.
Create array with defference. For example:
$diff = [
'156' => [ //order id
'234' => 4, // with order 234 has 4 differences
'332' => 7, // with order 332 has 7 differences
// and so on...
3. Step
Order $diff by ASC and receive order with less differences.
Also you could add total size of products in order for compare with difference. For example, If you have an order with 100 products and 10 diffs - it's better than order with 10 products and 9 diffs.
Here is what i would do if I had the problem :
$topOrders = [];
foreach($data as $value):
foreach($value as $order):
$$order = 1;
$topOrders[$order] = $$order;
In $topOrders, you have an array that contains as key the ID, and as value you got the number of orders. All you have to do is to sort your array to get your top 3.

JSON - Structuring the data

Essentially, I am trying to format the follow:
I have a series of users, that are part of different communities and each community has a series of tasks to complete BUT some of the tasks within the community are only related to some users. Like so:
Community 1
Members: Joe, James
Tasks: Task 1, Task 2, Task 3
Assigned: Task 1 -> Joe, Task 3 -> James
Community 2:
Members: James
Tasks: Talk 1, Task 14, Task 15
Assigned: Task 1 -> Joe, Task 14 -> James
So essentially. Joe has to complete Task 1, and James has to complete Task 3.
I need a array (that can be encoded to json) that stores the community ID as well as all of the tasks that they have completed but, it should be easily accessible to get the community and the tasks that they have completed.
I have a list of communities that currently exist, and I would like to show all of tasks that have been completed (by the specific user) depending on the community id, as well as this, I also want to add and delete things from the "tasks" category, so need a way to easily get access to these members
I have come up with the following so far:
$progress = array (
"communities" => array(
"id" => 1,
"tasks" => array(
1 => "completed",
2 => "completed"
"id" => 2,
"tasks" => array(
150 => "completed",
140 => "completed"
But I don't know if this is the right style of array for this, since, I don't know how complex it will be when I need to add/remove or show the total amount of tasks left for a communities
This array I'm working with now:
$x = array(
1 => array(
2 => array(
Then produces this kind of JSON:
Is this somewhere right? Will I be able to add and delete nodes, as well as add top layer sections to this?
Code sample as a reply to your comment
$progress = array (
"communities" => array(
1 => array(
"tasks" => array(
1 => array("status" => "completed", "assigned_users" => array("James", "Joe")),
2 => array("status" => "pending", "assigned_users" => array("James"))
2 => array(
//Content of task2
With an extended model like this, you'll be able to:
assign a task to one user or more
remove a user from a specific task
know which users are busy or available
count tasks and getting resources (users) assigned
Getting the task 1 of the first community
echo $progress['communities'][1]['tasks'][1];
Walk the communities collection
foreach ($progress['communities'] as $c) {
//Browse the tasks
foreach ($c['tasks'] as $t) {

Get an overall score for an array of weighted values

I have an array of scores and each score is weighted for importance. I would like to get an overall score out of 100 depending on the score and the weight giving to each item.
$array_one = array(
'score' => 1.23,
'max' => 10,
'weight' => 10
'score' => 56.78,
'max' => 100,
'weight' => 20
'score' => 7.56,
'max' => 10,
'weight' => 20
'score' => 4.67,
'max' => 10,
'weight' => 30
So if an item has a larger weight, it is giving a bigger percentage in the score out of 100. i.e if I get 4 scores equaling 50% of the max value in the range, but they all increase in weight 10,20,30,40, the second score has 10% more weight than the first, the third 20% more weight than the first, and the 4th 30% more weight than the first and so on. Also, some weights will be the same 10,20,20,30 or 10,10,10,10 etc. I hope this makes sense. So in summary each items score should be a percentage of the max value, then scores are weighted against 100. Expected results should return one overall score for all 4 items.
Sum the scores divided by max multiplied by their weight. Take the sum of weights and divide by your max score (100). Then, divide the first number by the second number. This will be the total weighted score mapped to the [0, 100] range.
