(FPDF, PHP, SQL) table values after first page gets messy - php

I am using PHP and fPDF to create a PDF "invoice" and everything works perfectly fine on the first page but when the table has to go to the second page it only returns the first value from the sql query and everything goes to the rest goes to the third page and so on.
This is the code that loops the table rows
$sql=sprintf("SELECT * FROM rostosativos_invoice where id_proposta = '".$_GET['id']."';");
$res=mysqli_query($link, $sql);
while ($r=mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)){
// produto = posição 5
// quantidade = posição 7
// precouni = posição 6
// soma = posição 9
$cellWidth=120;//tamanho da cell
$cellHeight=6.5;//altura da cell
//verificar se o texto passa a cell
if($pdf->GetStringWidth($r['produto']) < $cellWidth){
//se não, não fazer nada
//~se estiver, ~então calcular a altura necessária para a cobrir a cell
//ao dividir o texto para ajustar ao tamanho da cell
//~depois contar quantas linhas são necessãrias para ajustar o texto na cell
$textLength=strlen($r['produto']); //total text length
$errMargin=10; //cell com margem de erro, just in case
$startChar=0; //posição inicial para cada linha
$maxChar=0; //Máxima caracteres numa linha, para incremetar mais tarde
$textArray=array(); //Guardar as strings em cada linha
$tmpString=""; //Guardar a string numa linha temporária
while($startChar < $textLength){ //loop até ao fim do texto
//loop até chegar ao máximo de caracteres
$pdf->GetStringWidth( $tmpString ) < ($cellWidth-$errMargin) &&
($startChar+$maxChar) < $textLength ) {
//mover startChar para a próxima linha
//depois adicionar para o array para saber quantas linhas serão necessárias
//reset maxChar e tmpString
//receber o numero de linhas
//usar MultiCell em vez de Cell
//mas primeiro, como a MultiCell é sempre tratada como fim de linha, precisamos de
//definir manualmente a posição xy para a próxima cell ficar ao lado.
//guardar a posição x e y antes de escrever a multicell
//receber a posição para a próxima cell ao lado da multicell
//e equilibrar o x com o tamanho da multicell
$pdf->SetXY($xPos + $cellWidth , $yPos);
//escrever as cells
$pdf->Cell(15,($line * $cellHeight),$r['quantidade'],1,0); //adaptar a altura ao número de linhas
$pdf->Cell(10,($line * $cellHeight),'UNI',1,0); //adaptar a altura ao número de linhas
$pdf->Cell(25,($line * $cellHeight),$r['precouni'].chr(128),1,0); //adaptar a altura ao número de linhas
$pdf->Cell(25,($line * $cellHeight),$r['soma'].chr(128),1,1); //adaptar a altura ao número de linhas
This is the full PHP code:
class PDF extends TFPDF {
// Page Header
function Header() {
$rows = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM rostosativos_invoice INNER JOIN rostosativos_empresas ON rostosativos_invoice.empresa = rostosativos_empresas.empresa where id_proposta ='".$_GET['id']."';");
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rows);
$id_empresa = $r['id_empresa'];
$idproposta = $r['id_proposta'];
$responsavel = $r['responsavel'];
$empresa = $r['empresa'];
$data = $r['data_registo'];
$contribuinte = $r['contribuinte'];
$assunto = $r['assunto'];
$refcliente = $r['refcliente'];
// Logo
// Arial bold 15
// Move to the right
// Title
$this->Cell(100,10,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','Sede: Rua Azenha dos Latoeiros, 1-A || 2580-557 Ribafria '),'LTR',0,'C');
$this->Cell(100,10,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','Oficina: Estrada Nacional nº1 km 33.3'),'LR',0,'C');
$this->Cell(100,10,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','Quinta do Chacão, Casal Machado 2580-364 Alenquer '),'LR',0,'C');
$this->Cell(100,10,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','E-mail: geral#rostosativos.com'),'LR',0,'C');
$this->Cell(100,10,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','www.rostosativos.com'),'LR',0,'C');
$this->Cell(100,10,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','www.facebook.com/rostosativos/'),'LBR',0,'C');
// Line break
$this->Cell(100 ,5,'',0,0);
$this->Cell(35 ,5,'Proposta: ',0,0);
$this->Cell(34 ,5, $idproposta,0,1);//end of line
$this->Cell(100 ,5,'',0,0);
$this->Cell(35 ,5,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','Ref. Cliente: '),0,0);
$this->Cell(34 ,5,$refcliente,0,1);//end of line
$this->Cell(100 ,5,'',0,0);
$this->Cell(35 ,5,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','N.º Contribuinte: '),0,0);
$this->Cell(34 ,5,$contribuinte,0,1);//end of line
$this->Cell(100 ,5,'',0,0);
$this->Cell(35 ,5,'Data: ',0,0);
$this->Cell(34 ,5,$data,0,1);//end of line
//billing address
$this->Cell(100 ,5,'Proposta para:',0,0);//end of line
$this->Cell(100 ,5,'Assunto da proposta:',0,1);//end of line
//add dummy cell at beginning of each line for indentation
$this->Cell(10 ,5,'',0,0);
$this->Cell(90 ,5,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252',$empresa),0,0);
$this->Cell(10 ,5,'',0,0);
$this->Cell(90 ,5,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252',$assunto),0,1);
$this->Cell(10 ,5,'',0,0);
$this->Cell(90 ,5,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252',$responsavel),0,1);
//invoice contents
$this->Cell(120 ,6.5,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','Designação'),1,0);
$this->Cell(15 ,6.5,'Qtd.',1,0);
$this->Cell(10 ,6.5,'UNI',1,0);
$this->Cell(25, 6.5,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','Preço UNI.'),1,0);
$this->Cell(25 ,6.5,'Total',1,1);//end of line
function Footer() {
//~Tabela de Preço, etc..
$sql=sprintf("SELECT * FROM rostosativos_invoice where id_proposta = '".$_GET['id']."' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;");
$res=mysqli_query($link, $sql);
while ($r=mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)){
$this->Cell(30, 6,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','Exclusões:'),0,0);
$this->Cell(65 ,6,'',0,0);
$this->Cell(40 ,6,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','Soma'),0,0);
$this->Cell(30, 6, $r['totalsoma'].chr(128),1,1,'R');
$this->Cell(30,6,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252',$r['exclusao1']),0, 'L');
$this->Cell(65 ,6,'',0,0);
$this->Cell(40 ,6,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','Mão de Obra'),0,0);
$this->Cell(30, 6, $r['maoobra'].chr(128),1,1,'R');
$this->Cell(30,6,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252',$r['exclusao2']),0, 'L');
$this->Cell(80 ,6,'',0,0);
$this->Cell(40 ,6,'Valor GLOBAL em EUROS',0,0);
$this->Cell(30 ,6,$r['precototal'].chr(128),1,1,'R');//end of line
// Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
// Arial italic 8
// Page number
$this->Cell(0,10,iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252','Página '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}'),0,0,'C');
//A4 width : 219mm
//default margin : 10mm each side
//writable horizontal : 219-(10*2)=189mm
//create pdf object
$pdf = new PDF('P','mm','A4');
$pdf -> AliasNbPages();
//add new page
// Add a Unicode font (uses UTF-8)
//set font to arial, regular, 12pt
$sql=sprintf("SELECT * FROM rostosativos_invoice where id_proposta = '".$_GET['id']."';");
$res=mysqli_query($link, $sql);
while ($r=mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)){
// produto = posição 5
// quantidade = posição 7
// precouni = posição 6
// soma = posição 9
$cellWidth=120;//tamanho da cell
$cellHeight=6.5;//altura da cell
//verificar se o texto passa a cell
if($pdf->GetStringWidth($r['produto']) < $cellWidth){
//se não, não fazer nada
//~se estiver, ~então calcular a altura necessária para a cobrir a cell
//ao dividir o texto para ajustar ao tamanho da cell
//~depois contar quantas linhas são necessãrias para ajustar o texto na cell
$textLength=strlen($r['produto']); //total text length
$errMargin=10; //cell com margem de erro, just in case
$startChar=0; //posição inicial para cada linha
$maxChar=0; //Máxima caracteres numa linha, para incremetar mais tarde
$textArray=array(); //Guardar as strings em cada linha
$tmpString=""; //Guardar a string numa linha temporária
while($startChar < $textLength){ //loop até ao fim do texto
//loop até chegar ao máximo de caracteres
$pdf->GetStringWidth( $tmpString ) < ($cellWidth-$errMargin) &&
($startChar+$maxChar) < $textLength ) {
//mover startChar para a próxima linha
//depois adicionar para o array para saber quantas linhas serão necessárias
//reset maxChar e tmpString
//receber o numero de linhas
//usar MultiCell em vez de Cell
//mas primeiro, como a MultiCell é sempre tratada como fim de linha, precisamos de
//definir manualmente a posição xy para a próxima cell ficar ao lado.
//guardar a posição x e y antes de escrever a multicell
//receber a posição para a próxima cell ao lado da multicell
//e equilibrar o x com o tamanho da multicell
$pdf->SetXY($xPos + $cellWidth , $yPos);
//escrever as cells
$pdf->Cell(15,($line * $cellHeight),$r['quantidade'],1,0); //adaptar a altura ao número de linhas
$pdf->Cell(10,($line * $cellHeight),'UNI',1,0); //adaptar a altura ao número de linhas
$pdf->Cell(25,($line * $cellHeight),$r['precouni'].chr(128),1,0); //adaptar a altura ao número de linhas
$pdf->Cell(25,($line * $cellHeight),$r['soma'].chr(128),1,1); //adaptar a altura ao número de linhas
//output the result
$content = $pdf->Output('propostas/'.$_GET['id'].'.pdf','F');

Make these changes right after you define the PDF and pages.
$pdf = new PDF('P','mm','A4');
$pdf -> AliasNbPages();
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); // add this line and the next
$howhigh = $pdf->GetPageHeight(); // stash the height of the page for later
The next change is in the else where the size of the larger cells is calculated. There is really no reason to go through the data to be added character by character. You can replace that block of code with:
//verificar se o texto passa a cell
if ($pdf->GetStringWidth($r['produto']) < $cellWidth) {
//se não, não fazer nada
} else {
$line = ceil($pdf->GetStringWidth($item[2]));
$line = round($line / $cellWidth,0) + 1;
Finally, the actual output of the data needs a little change to account for testing whether or not we need to start a new page. As you'll see the calculation done above are used.
//usar MultiCell em vez de Cell
//mas primeiro, como a MultiCell é sempre tratada como fim de linha, precisamos de
//definir manualmente a posição xy para a próxima cell ficar ao lado.
//guardar a posição x e y antes de escrever a multicell
$total = $yPos + (($line * $cellHeight));
if ($total > $howhigh) { // we will spill to a new page with this cell
$pdf->AddPage(); // so start a new page before we add the cell
//receber a posição para a próxima cell ao lado da multicell
//e equilibrar o x com o tamanho da multicell
$pdf->SetXY($xPos + $cellWidth , $yPos);


Create a csv file with a lot of txt files

i'm trying to read a lot of txt files and save the first line as a title, and the rest of text as a content, then export to a CSV file.
i create a id for CSV that increase by iteration, but when i have an error that i cant see in the iteration because when it save the content in the array add the last content to this value.
I need to create a CSV with 3 "columns" named, id, titulo and contenido and by each file, save in a array the information. One txt file, one iteration of array.
Sorry for my english.
this is my code:
/* Cogemos todos los archivos txt de la carpeta archivos del servidor */
$files = glob("archivos/*.txt");
/* Creamos el array para guardar los datos y le metemos la primera línea que es el nombre de los campos a importar */
/* Creamos el id que tendrá cada campo del array para después poder importar */
$id = 0;
/* Recorremos cada archivo para coger los datos */
foreach($files as $file) {
/* Sacamos el título de la primera línea del archivo txt */
$titulo = trim(fgets(fopen($file, 'r')));
/* Sacamos el resto del contenido pero quitamos la primera linea con el condicional if*/
$archivo = file($file);
foreach ($archivo as $num=>$line){
if ($num==0) {
$contenido .= $line."\n";
/* Añadimos el contenido extraido al array para luego pasarlo a CSV */
array_push($datosparacsv, array($id,$titulo,$contenido));
/* Sumamos uno al id para que sea único */
$delimitador = ','; //parameter for fputcsv
$enclosure = '"'; //parameter for fputcsv
//convert array to csv
$archivocsv = fopen('entradas.csv', 'w+');
foreach ($datosparacsv as $data_line) {
fputcsv($archivocsv, $data_line, $delimitador, $enclosure);
//read CSV
while (!feof($archivocsv)) {
$data_read .= fread($archivocsv, 8192); // will return a string of all data separeted by commas.
echo $data_read;
Example of files to read.
File 1.txt
Titulo 1
texto 1
File 2.txt
Titulo 2
texto 2
id, titulo, contenido, 0, Titulo 1, texto 1, 1, Titulo 2, texto 2
Thank you very much mates.
$contenido on line 19 is undefined and it's trying to concatenate a non-existent variable with .=. The $contenido variable also isn't required because each archive line is defined in $datosparacsv.
It's also unnecessary to define $delimitador and $enclosure because the defined values are also the default values.
Here's the correct PHP code with the expected CSV output with comments explaining each modified line.
It also preserves new lines and spaces in content as required.
/* Cogemos todos los archivos txt de la carpeta archivos del servidor */
$files = glob("archivos/*.txt");
/* Creamos el array para guardar los datos y le metemos la primera línea que es el nombre de los campos a importar */
$datosparacsv = array(
/* Creamos el id que tendrá cada campo del array para después poder importar */
$id = 0;
foreach($files as $file) {
/* Sacamos el resto del contenido pero quitamos la primera linea con el condicional if*/
$archivos = file($file);
// Remove and retrieve CSV heading values from each file with array_shift instead of a conditional in each $archivo iteration
$titulo = trim(array_shift($archivos));
// Append to the ID and title to the CSV data array with $datosparacsv[] instead of array_push() while incrementing the ID
$datosparacsv[$id + 1] = array(
foreach ($archivos as $archivo) {
// Append each line from $archivos with preserved spaces and new lines
$datosparacsv[$id][2] .= $archivo;
// Trim leading and trailing whitespace
$datosparacsv[$id][2] = trim($datosparacsv[$id][2]);
$archivocsv = fopen('entradas.csv', 'w+');
foreach ($datosparacsv as $data_line) {
// Add the data to the CSV with the default delimiter and enclosure
fputcsv($archivocsv, $data_line);
Titulo 1
texto 1
Titulo 2
texto 2
This saves entradas.csv with this data.
0,"Titulo 1","texto 1"
1,"Titulo 2","texto 2
i use this forme because i can format my anser better.
i need that the whole content of the file less the first line was in the column $contenido.
Now, with your code, works fine but if the same file has more than one line after content, it uses each line as a new line of the result.
For example i use now this files
Archivo 1.txt
Titulo 1
texto 1,texto 1
Some more text in file 1
Archivo 2.txt
Titulo 2
texto 2, texto 2, texto 2, texto 2, texto 2, texto 2
Some text 2 of the same archive
and this generates this entradas.csv
0,"Titulo 1","texto 1,texto 1"
1,"Titulo 1",
2,"Titulo 1","Some more text in file 1"
3,"Titulo 2","texto 2, texto 2, texto 2, texto 2, texto 2, texto 2"
4,"Titulo 2",
5,"Titulo 2","Some text 2 of the same archive"
But i need that:
0,"Titulo 1","texto 1,texto 1
Some more text in file 1"
1,"Titulo 2","texto 2, texto 2, texto 2, texto 2, texto 2, texto 2
Some text 2 of the same archive"
It's important that the contents saves all spaces and \n that they have in the txt file because this txt files are posts of a blog.
An example of one file.txt
¿Como puedo comer galletas?<-- Title
Las galletas se comen con la boca, poco a poco masticando.
<h2>¿Cuántos sabores de galletas hay?</h2>
Pues hay de todos los que puedas imaginar.
and all of this text after title have to stay in the same line saving \n and all.
One file only one line in the CSV.
thank you very much and im sorry for my english.

Curl return 404, but 200 with Postman

I have a curl call to API on localhost. The call worked before, but now I get a 404 error. Now, if I run the same query in Postman it works fine all time. I can't understand why.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8;'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method); //POST
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url_base.$url.$token);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
$curl_log = fopen("curl.txt", 'a'); // open file for READ and write
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_STDERR, $curl_log);
if(!empty($data)) {
if($method == "POST" || $method == "PUT") {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data); //(json)
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$aux = curl_exec($ch);
$output = fread($curl_log, 2048);
echo "<pre>" . print_r($output, 1) . "</pre>";
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
$error_msg = curl_error($ch); //404
Sorry, but the URL contain a private token
Postman Request:
curl --location --request POST 'https://PRIVATEURL' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"data":{"id":null,"name":"Solo","supplierId":null,"rooms":3,"livingRoom":null,"bathrooms":2,"toilets":1,"totalBeds":6,"supportedLosRates":false,"space":"190","spaceUnit":"SQ_M","persons":6,"childs":null,"latitude":48.8678000000000025693225325085222721099853515625,"longitude":2.35024999999999995026200849679298698902130126953125,"altId":"50","currency":"EUR","location":{"postalCode":"75002","country":"FR","region":"Paris","city":"Paris","street":"16-28 Rue du Caire","zipCode9":null},"propertyType":"PCT3","attributesWithQuantity":[],"notes":{"description":{"texts":[{"language":"ES","value":"Con el Palacio del El\u00edseo como vecino, ad\u00e9ntrese en el lujo y la sofisticaci\u00f3n franceses en el coraz\u00f3n del 8e Arrondissement en Par\u00eds. Ubicado en un edificio aristocr\u00e1tico de 1858, este apartamento de Haussmann representa una pieza de la historia representativa del \"arte de vivir\" \u00e0 la Fran\u00e7aise en el siglo XIX. Art de Vivre \u00c9lys\u00e9e ofrece un sentimiento de castillo para los viajeros epic\u00fareos que disfrutan de grandes espacios interiores mientras est\u00e1n rodeados de las mejores cosas de la vida, tanto en casa como a la puerta.Este alquiler de vacaciones exhibe antig\u00fcedades que han sido cuidadosamente coleccionadas, yuxtapuestas con mobiliario contempor\u00e1neo y equipamiento actualizado. Salga al balc\u00f3n de hierro forjado de treinta pies de largo y contemple la escena del tr\u00e1fico y los peatones de abajo. Los extras de este apartamento incluyen conexi\u00f3n Wi-Fi, una cafetera espresso, TV v\u00eda sat\u00e9lite y un sistema de sonido Sonos.Con su decoraci\u00f3n grandiosa, su serie de recepciones espaciosas con techos altos y 15 ventanas del piso al techo disfrutan de la secuencia de patrones de claroscuros moldeados por la luz cambiante del d\u00eda. Admire las cornisas finamente trabajadas, las molduras talladas, los frisos delicadamente esculpidos, los pisos de parquet de espiga de roble, las chimeneas de m\u00e1rmol, el bronce y los candelabros de cristal. Disfrute de una comida suculenta en el comedor formal y la cocina bien equipada con vistas a un patio con establos antiguos."},{"language":"EN","value":"With the Elys\u00e9e Palace as a neighbor, immerse yourself in French luxury and sophistication in the heart of the 8th Arrondissement in Paris. Housed in an aristocratic building from 1858, this Haussmann apartment represents a piece of history representative of the \"art of living\" \u00e0 la Fran\u00e7aise in the 19th century. Art de Vivre \u00c9lys\u00e9e offers a castle feeling for epicurean travelers who enjoy large indoor spaces while surrounded by the best things in life, both at home and at the door. This vacation rental exhibits antiques that have been carefully collected, juxtaposed with contemporary furniture and updated equipment. Exit to the thirty-foot-long wrought-iron balcony and watch the traffic scene and the pedestrians below. Extras in this apartment include Wi-Fi, an espresso machine, satellite TV and a Sonos sound system. With its grandiose d\u00e9cor, its series of spacious receptions with high ceilings and 15 floor-to-ceiling windows enjoy the sequence of chiaroscuro patterns molded by the changing light of the day. Admire the finely worked cornices, carved moldings, delicately sculpted friezes, oak herringbone floors, marble fireplaces, bronze and crystal chandeliers. Enjoy a succulent meal in the formal dining room and the well-equipped kitchen overlooking a courtyard with old stables. "},{"language":"FR","value":"Avec l'\''Elys\u00e9e en tant que voisin, plongez dans le luxe et la sophistication fran\u00e7aise au c\u0153ur du 8\u00e8me arrondissement de Paris. Install\u00e9 dans un b\u00e2timent aristocratique de 1858, cet appartement haussmannien repr\u00e9sente une pi\u00e8ce d'\''histoire repr\u00e9sentative de \u00abl'\''art de vivre\u00bb \u00e0 la Fran\u00e7aise au XIXe si\u00e8cle. Art de Vivre \u00c9lys\u00e9e offre un sentiment de ch\u00e2teau pour les voyageurs \u00e9picuriens qui aiment les grands espaces int\u00e9rieurs tout en \u00e9tant entour\u00e9 par les choses de la vie, \u00e0 la fois \u00e0 la maison et \u00e0 la porte. Cette location de vacances pr\u00e9sente des antiquit\u00e9s qui ont \u00e9t\u00e9 soigneusement collect\u00e9es, juxtapos\u00e9es avec des meubles contemporains et des \u00e9quipements mis \u00e0 jour. Sortez sur le balcon en fer forg\u00e9 de trente pieds de long et observez la circulation et les pi\u00e9tons en contrebas. Les extras dans cet appartement comprennent une connexion Wi-Fi, une machine \u00e0 expresso, la t\u00e9l\u00e9vision par satellite et un syst\u00e8me de son Sonos. Avec son d\u00e9cor grandiose, sa s\u00e9rie d'\''accueil avec de hauts plafonds et des fen\u00eatres 15 du sol au plafond b\u00e9n\u00e9ficient des motifs s\u00e9quence de clair-obscur en forme par la lumi\u00e8re du jour changeant. Admirez les corniches finement travaill\u00e9es, les moulures sculpt\u00e9es, les frises d\u00e9licatement sculpt\u00e9es, les planchers en ch\u00eane \u00e0 chevrons, les chemin\u00e9es en marbre, les lustres en bronze et en cristal. Profitez d'\''un succulent repas dans la salle \u00e0 manger formelle et la cuisine bien \u00e9quip\u00e9e donnant sur une cour avec de vieilles \u00e9curies. "},{"language":"IT","value":"Con l'\''Elys\u00e9e Palace come vicino di casa, immergiti nel lusso francese e nella raffinatezza nel cuore dell'\''8 \u00b0 arrondissement a Parigi. Ospitato in un edificio aristocratico dal 1858, questo appartamento Haussmann rappresenta un pezzo di storia rappresentante dell '\''\"arte di vivere\" \u00e0 la Fran\u00e7aise nel 19 \u00b0 secolo. L'\''Art de Vivre \u00c9lys\u00e9e offre un'\''atmosfera da castello per viaggiatori epicurei che amano i grandi spazi interni mentre sono circondati dalle cose migliori della vita, sia a casa che alla porta. Questa casa vacanze espone oggetti d'\''antiquariato raccolti con cura, giustapposti a mobili contemporanei e attrezzature aggiornate. Esci sul balcone di ferro battuto lungo trenta metri e osserva la scena del traffico e i pedoni sottostanti. Gli extra di questo appartamento includono la connessione Wi-Fi, una macchina per caff\u00e8 espresso, una TV satellitare e un sistema audio Sonos. Con il suo arredamento grandioso, la sua serie di ampi ricevimenti con soffitti alti e 15 finestre dal pavimento al soffitto godono della sequenza di modelli in chiaroscuro modellati dalla luce mutevole del giorno. Ammira le cornici finemente lavorate, le modanature scolpite, i fregi delicatamente scolpiti, i pavimenti in parquet di quercia a spina di pesce, i caminetti in marmo, i lampadari in bronzo e cristallo. Goditi un pasto succulento nella sala da pranzo formale e nella cucina ben attrezzata che si affaccia su un cortile con vecchie stalle. "},{"language":"PT","value":"Com o Elys\u00e9e Palace como vizinho, mergulhe no luxo franc\u00eas e na sofistica\u00e7\u00e3o no cora\u00e7\u00e3o do 8\u00ba Arrondissement, em Paris. Abrigado num edif\u00edcio aristocr\u00e1tico de 1858, este apartamento Haussmann representa uma hist\u00f3ria hist\u00f3rica representativa da \"arte de viver\" \u00e0 la Fran\u00e7aise no s\u00e9culo XIX. Art de Vivre \u00c9lys\u00e9e oferece um sentimento de castelo para os viajantes epic\u00faricos que desfrutam de grandes espa\u00e7os interiores, cercados pelas melhores coisas da vida, tanto em casa quanto na porta. Este aluguer de f\u00e9rias exibe antiguidades cuidadosamente coletadas, justapostas com m\u00f3veis contempor\u00e2neos e equipamentos atualizados. Saia da bala de ferro forjado de trinta metros de comprimento e assista a cena do tr\u00e2nsito e os pedestres abaixo. Os extras deste apartamento incluem Wi-Fi, m\u00e1quina de caf\u00e9 expresso, TV via sat\u00e9lite e sistema de som Sonos. Com sua decora\u00e7\u00e3o grandiosa, sua s\u00e9rie de recep\u00e7\u00f5es espa\u00e7osas com tectos altos e 15 janelas do ch\u00e3o ao teto desfrutam da sequ\u00eancia de padr\u00f5es de claroscuro moldados pela luz passageira do dia. Admire as cornijas finamente trabalhadas, molduras esculpidas, frisos delicadamente esculpidos, pisos de madeira de carvalho, lareiras de m\u00e1rmore, lustres de bronze e de cristal. Desfrute de uma refei\u00e7\u00e3o suculenta na sala de jantar formal e da cozinha bem equipada com vista para um p\u00e1tio com est\u00e1bulos antigos. "}]},"houseRules":{"texts":[]}},"bedroomConfiguration":null,"policy":{"internetPolicy":{"accessInternet":false,"kindOfInternet":null,"availableInternet":null},"parkingPolicy":{"accessParking":false,"locatedParking":null,"privateParking":false,"necessaryReservationParking":null},"petPolicy":{"allowedPets":"NotAllowed","chargePets":null},"childrenAllowed":false,"smokingAllowed":false},"checkInTime":"07:00:00","checkInToTime":null,"checkOutTime":"15:00:00"}}'
Output file 'curl.txt':
Connected to PRIVATEURL port 443 (#0)
ALPN, offering http/1.1
successfully set certificate verify locations:
CAfile: C:\mamp\cacert.pem
CApath: none
SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
ALPN, server accepted to use http/1.1
Server certificate:
subject: OU=Domain Control Validated; CN=*.PRIVATESERVER
start date: Nov 22 16:32:04 2018 GMT
expire date: Jan 13 14:19:55 2021 GMT
subjectAltName: host "PRIVATESERVER" matched cert's "*.PRIVATESERVER"
issuer: C=BE; O=GlobalSign nv-sa; CN=AlphaSSL CA - SHA256 - G2
SSL certificate verify ok.
POST /xml/services/rest/supplierapi/PRIVATEURL HTTP/1.1
Accept: /
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
Content-Length: 1157
Expect: 100-continue
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
We are completely uploaded and fine
The requested URL returned error: 404
stopped the pause stream!
Closing connection 0

How can I use "for" inside an "array"?

Thank you for your help.
I am working on a new site, i would love to generate a CSV from a XML website.
But i can't use "for (number...)" inside an array.
// output headers so that the file is downloaded rather than displayed
header('Content-type: text/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="demo.csv"');
// do not cache the file
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Expires: 0');
// create a file pointer connected to the output stream
$file = fopen('php://output', 'w');
// send the column headers
fputcsv($file, array('Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3'));
$json_string = "http://v2.notmaison.be/php/index.php?action=getRealEstateByNotaris&notaris=FRANCE,%20Gilles";
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$result = json_decode ($jsondata,true);
$nombre = count($result['results']);
$json = $result['results'][$numero]['im'];
$json_decoded = json_decode($json);
$data = array(
for ($numero = 0; $numero < $nombre ; $numero++) {
// output each row of the data
foreach ($data as $row) {
fputcsv($file, $row);
I have this error : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'for' (T_FOR), expecting ')' in /htdocs/biens3.php on line 25
you should use
for ($numero = 0; $numero < $nombre ; $numero++)
$data[] = Array($result['results'][$numero]['re_ru'],"test2","test3");
Try declaring $data as an empty Array, then for each $nombre you add an item/Array to $data, something liek this:
$data = Array();
for($numero = 0; $numero < $nombre; $numero++){
$data[] = Array($result['results'][$numero]['re_ru'],"test2","test3");
If your goal is to populate the array, instead of this:
$data = array(
for ($numero = 0; $numero < $nombre ; $numero++)
You can first create the array like you're doing, but just create, and
then add the elements with a loop:
$data = []; # shorter syntax than array(), but the same.
for ($numero = 0; $numero < $nombre ; $numero++)
$data[] = [
The syntax $data[] will push elements to the end of the array. Note
that you actually don't even need to create the array itself. I also
noticed that right after you're looping on the array to output its
contents. And since you don't use $data anywhere else after, you could
eliminate it and ouptup data in the same loop:
for ($numero = 0; $numero < $nombre ; $numero++)
fputcsv($file, [
This is a perfect candidate for the use of foreach rather than a for
The code can be simplified down to this
$json_string = "http://v2.notmaison.be/php/index.php?action=getRealEstateByNotaris&notaris=FRANCE,%20Gilles";
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$json_obj = json_decode ($jsondata);
$csv_file = fopen('php://output', 'w');
foreach ( $json_obj->results as $result) {
// to use all the fields from the json returned
fputcsv($csv_file, (array)$result);
Giving output:
25174,CH-82691-16,0,50.4107048,4.4445519,2,12,1,,3,4,,"Appartement meublé (3ème étage) 2 chambres avec cave et garage.<br/>Hall, séjour, cuisine équipée, sdb, wc, buanderie, 2 chambres.<br/>Balcon avant avec tente solaire. Porte blindée. Cave. Garage. Ascenseur.<br/>",,6000,2,0,-1,95000,10,"Rue Basslé",Charleroi,0,1,0,1,-1,-1,1018,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 95000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,"Classe B",201611231147,201611281115,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,,20161109022084,,,HA,,,,,OFF,,2,Appartements,"un appartement",12,Appartement,Appartement,2,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,,,3,Central,4,Equipée,"[""WEBB-AFYESF"",""WEBB-AFYES7"",""WEBB-AFYES9""]",238
22691,CH-82112-16,0,50.4234543,4.4862727,1,8,1,,9,2,,"Maison de rapport avec 2 appartements.<br/>Hall commun de +/- 16 m².<br/>Appartement rez (+/- 45 m²): chambre (+/- 18 m²), séjour-sàm (+/- 10 m²), cuisine (+/- 4 m²), sdb (+/- 2,5 m²), cour arrière.<br/>Appartement 1er étage (+/- 51 m²): séjour-sàm (+/- 29 m²), chambre (+/- 17 m²), sdb (+/- 3 m²).<br/>Grenier aménageable (+/- 70 m²).<br/>Châssis SV.","Libre à l'acte.",6060,2,60,-1,80000,114,"Rue Hanoteau",Gilly,0,-1,0,0,1,-1,594,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,2,2,-1,-1,-1,2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 80000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,"Classe E",201607191431,201607250944,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,,20160228005227,,,HA,,,,,OFF,,1,Maisons,"une maison",8,"Maison de rapport",Opbrengsteigendom,1,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,,,9,"Foyer gaz",2,"Non équipée","[""WEBB-ABZGY2"",""WEBB-ABZGY5""]",238
15311,CH-80259-15,0,50.4291858,4.4990644,1,7,1,,5,2,,"Maison avec jardin.<br/>Sous-sol: cave.<br/>Rez: sàm, living.<br/>Annexe: cuisine, sdb avec wc séparé, buanderie.<br/>Etage: 2 chambres.<br/>Grenier, jardin.<br/>Châssis PVC double vitrage.",,6060,2,432,-1,55000,31,"Rue Brasserie Gillieaux",Gilly,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,282,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 55000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,"Classe G",201509011601,201601060955,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,G,20150507024064,513,60394,HA,,,,,OFF,,1,Maisons,"une maison",7,"Maison d'habitation",Woonhuis,1,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,,,5,"Central mazout",2,"Non équipée","[""WEBB-9ZXJLP"",""WEBB-9ZXJLS"",""WEBB-9ZXJMS""]",238
24222,CH-82449-16,0,50.4276111,4.472657,4,39,1,,4,2,,"Immeuble de rapport avec commerce (et cour) au rez et 2 appartements.<br/>Sous-sol de 65 m².<br/>Rez commercial de 70 m²: commerce et pièce arrière avec WC. Cour.<br/>1er étage: appartement de 63 m² avec balcon: cuisine, séjour/sàm, hall, 1 chambre, sdb.<br/>2ème étage: appartement de 70 m² avec balcon: cuisine, séjour/sàm, débarras, hall, WC, sdb, 1 chambre.<br/>CC gaz, 3 chaudières séparées.<br/>citerne eau de pluie. Compteurs gaz et électricité séparés.",,6060,2,147,-1,160000,198,"Chaussée de Lodelinsart",Gilly,0,-1,0,0,-1,-1,1682,-1,-1,2,-1,-1,2,-1,2,2,-1,-1,-1,2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 160000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,"Classe G",201610101349,201610191534,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,,20161003008071,,,HA,,,,,OFF,,4,"Bureaux / Commerces","un bureau / commerce",39,"Maison de rapport",Opbrengsteigendom,4,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,,,4,"Central gaz",2,"Non équipée","[""WEBB-AELG3S"",""WEBB-AEVHX6"",""WEBB-AEVHX8"",""WEBB-AEVHXA"",""WEBB-AEVHXC"",""WEBB-AEVHXE""]",238
24617,CH-82546-16,0,50.3780923,4.3711288,1,7,1,,4,1,5,"Sous-sol : caves<br/>Rez-de-chaussée (40 m²) : hall, séjour, cuisine<br/>1er étage (40m²) : hall, 2 chambres, salle de bain <br/>Grenier aménageable<br/>Jardin et cour<br/>Garage<br/>Chauffage central au gaz <br/>Châssis double vitrage PVC et aluminium<br/>R.C.: 431,00 €<br/>Superficie : 3 ares 30 centiares<br/>PEB N° 20161020028100: classe E<br/>Faire offre à partir de 85.000,00 € . <br/>Offre actuelle : 85.000,00 €.<br/> <br/>",,6110,2,330,-1,85000,334,"Rue de Gozée",Montigny-le-Tilleul,3,-1,1,1,1,-1,431,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,2,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 85000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",0,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,,201610261444,201611080845,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,,20161020028100,,,HA,,,,,OFF,,1,Maisons,"une maison",7,"Maison d'habitation",Woonhuis,1,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,5,Bon,4,"Central gaz",1,Présente,"[""WEBB-AF4H3P""]",238
25383,CH-82753-16,0,50.3439488,4.4577754,3,18,1,,,,,"Terrain de 9 ares 58ca.<br/>Lot sous teinte blanche.",,6120,0,958,-1,85000,,"Rue de la Ferrée",Nalinnes,0,-1,0,0,-1,-1,5,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 85000 €","Sur place.",-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,,201612021139,201612021141,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,,,,,HA,,,,,OFF,,3,Terrains,"un terrain",18,"Prairies / pâtures",Weide,3,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,,,,,,,"[""WEBB-AG9EJM"",""WEBB-AG9EJP""]",238
18716,CH-81190-16,0,50.4239506,4.4872409,1,7,1,,5,2,,"Maison avec jardin.<br/>Sous-sol: cave avec voussettes.<br/>Rez: hall, séjour-sàm, WC.<br/>Annexe: cuisine, sdb.<br/>1er étage: hall, 3 chambres.<br/>Annexe au 1er étage: 1 chambre, WC, pièce.<br/>Grenier aménageable.<br/>Jardin à l'arrière. Châssis DV en partie et volets en partie.<br/>",,6060,4,220,-1,80000,11,"Rue de la Station",Gilly,0,-1,1,0,1,-1,773,-1,-1,2,-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 80000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,"Classe G",201602050944,201608081422,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,G,20160128025502,528,,HA,,,,,OFF,,1,Maisons,"une maison",7,"Maison d'habitation",Woonhuis,1,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,,,5,"Central mazout",2,"Non équipée","[""WEBB-A6UCCX"",""WEBB-A6UCCY"",""WEBB-A6UCD2""]",238
25159,CH-82686-16,0,50.4253111,4.501545,1,7,1,,,2,,"Maison 3 façades avec jardin.<br/>Sous-sol: caves.<br/>Rez: séjour, sàm avec coin cuisine, WC.<br/>1er étage: hall, 2 chambres.<br/>Grenier aménageable. Jardin.<br/>chauffage au charbon.<br/>Châssis DV PVC sauf un en façade.",,6060,2,350,-1,60000,47,"Rue de la Plateure",Gilly,3,-1,1,0,1,-1,297,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,-1,2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 60000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,"Classe G",201611221617,201611221625,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,,201604280334591,,,HA,,,,,OFF,,1,Maisons,"une maison",7,"Maison d'habitation",Woonhuis,1,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,,,,,2,"Non équipée","[""WEBB-AFXL43"",""WEBB-AFXL4H""]",238
24585,CH-82540-16,0,50.422774,4.4799037,2,12,1,,4,4,,"Appartement (2ème étage) comprenant hall, séjour, cuisine (frigo, four électrique et hotte), sdb avec douche multi confort, chambre.<br/>Balcon arrière, cave.",,6060,1,0,-1,55000,5,"Chaussée de Lodelinsart",Gilly,0,1,0,0,-1,-1,706,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 55000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,"Classe F",201610251409,201610251416,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,,20161017025827,,,HA,,,,,OFF,,2,Appartements,"un appartement",12,Appartement,Appartement,2,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,,,4,"Central gaz",4,Equipée,"[""WEBB-AF3GDJ"",""WEBB-AF3GDL""]",238
22272,CH-82012-16,0,50.40205,4.5199634,1,7,1,,3,2,,"Maison avec dépendances et garage.<br/>Rez (+/- 50 m²): hall, cuisine, 1 pièce.<br/>1er étage (+/- 65 m²): hall, 4 chambres.<br/>2ème étage (+/- 60 m²): hall, sdb, 3 chambres.<br/>Grenier (+/- 45 m²) aménageable.<br/>Chauffage central, terrasse, jardin.<br/>RC du n°72: 535€ - RC du n°74: 97€.",,6200,7,228,-1,80000,72/74,"Rue d'Acoz",Châtelet,0,1,1,1,1,-1,632,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 80000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,"Classe G",201606291112,201606291117,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,,20160120016969,,,HA,,,,,OFF,,1,Maisons,"une maison",7,"Maison d'habitation",Woonhuis,1,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,,,3,Central,2,"Non équipée","[""WEBB-ABDCWC"",""WEBB-ABDCWJ""]",238
22955,CH-82160-16,0,50.1681918,4.3181224,1,2,1,,9,4,5,"Châlet de 65m² meublé avec jardin comprenant :<br/> <br/>Living, cuisine, 2 chambres, salle de bains <br/>Jardin avec deux chalets <br/>Convecteurs pétrole avec thermostat<br/>Boiler au gaz <br/>PEB : F<br/>",,6440,2,280,-1,50000,314,"Parc Résidentiel Le Bosquet",Fourbechies,4,-1,1,0,-1,1,265,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 50000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,,201608081032,201608081036,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,,20160707022876,,,HA,,,,,OFF,,1,Maisons,"une maison",2,Châlet,Chalet,1,1,Gré-à-Gré,,,5,Bon,9,"Foyer gaz",4,Equipée,"[""WEBB-ACMC4J"",""WEBB-ACMC4S"",""WEBB-ACMC4X""]",238
25119,CH-82675-16,0,50.4328324,4.467517,1,7,1,4,2,,3,"Maison incendiée 3 façades avec jardin composée de :<br/>Sous-sol : caves.<br/>Rez-de-chaussée : + 43m²<br/>1er étage: + 43m²<br/>Grenier aménageable<br/>Jardin <br/>Offres à partir de 60.000,00€<br/>Offre actuelle : 75.000,00 €<br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/><br/>",,6060,1,367,-1,60000,111,"Rue Chausteur",Gilly,3,-1,1,0,1,0,609,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,"FRANCE, Gilles","Maison du notariat de Charleroi",071/41.45.34,071/20.56.56,"Faire offre à partir de: 60000 €","S'adresser en l'étude.",0,-1,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,201611210950,201612051553,contact#notairescharleroi.be,notaire.france#skynet.be,,,,,HA,,,,,OFF,,1,Maisons,"une maison",7,"Maison d'habitation",Woonhuis,1,1,Gré-à-Gré,4,Oui,3,Mauvais,2,"A installer",,,"[""WEBB-AFWCFT""]",238
Or if you only want specific fields from the json
$json_string = "http://v2.notmaison.be/php/index.php?action=getRealEstateByNotaris&notaris=FRANCE,%20Gilles";
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$json_obj = json_decode ($jsondata);
$csv_file = fopen('php://output', 'w');
foreach ( $json_obj->results as $result) {
// to use only specific fields from the input
fputcsv($csv_file, array($result->re_nu, $result->re_ru) );
Giving a csv like this
10,"Rue Basslé"
114,"Rue Hanoteau"
31,"Rue Brasserie Gillieaux"
198,"Chaussée de Lodelinsart"
334,"Rue de Gozée"
,"Rue de la Ferrée"
11,"Rue de la Station"
47,"Rue de la Plateure"
5,"Chaussée de Lodelinsart"
72/74,"Rue d'Acoz"
314,"Parc Résidentiel Le Bosquet"
111,"Rue Chausteur"
EDIT for second question
If you want the Images codes included in your output then this would do it
foreach ( $json_obj->results as $result) {
$required = array(); // init an array
// pick fields wanted in resulting csv
$required[] = $result->re_nu;
$required[] = $result->re_ru;
// get the images
$im_codes = json_decode($result->im);
foreach ($im_codes as $im) {
$required[] = 'http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/m' . $im . '.jpg';
fputcsv($csv_file, $required);
Generated output:
10,"Rue Basslé",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AFYESF.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AFYES7.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AFYES9.jpg
114,"Rue Hanoteau",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-ABZGY2.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-ABZGY5.jpg
31,"Rue Brasserie Gillieaux",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-9ZXJLP.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-9ZXJLS.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-9ZXJMS.jpg
198,"Chaussée de Lodelinsart",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AELG3S.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AEVHX6.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AEVHX8.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AEVHXA.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AEVHXC.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AEVHXE.jpg
334,"Rue de Gozée",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AF4H3P.jpg
,"Rue de la Ferrée",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AG9EJM.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AG9EJP.jpg
11,"Rue de la Station",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-A6UCCX.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-A6UCCY.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-A6UCD2.jpg
47,"Rue de la Plateure",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AFXL43.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AFXL4H.jpg
5,"Chaussée de Lodelinsart",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AF3GDJ.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AF3GDL.jpg
72/74,"Rue d'Acoz",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-ABDCWC.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-ABDCWJ.jpg
314,"Parc Résidentiel Le Bosquet",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-ACMC4J.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-ACMC4S.jpg,http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-ACMC4X.jpg
111,"Rue Chausteur",http://photos.notmaison.be/photos/mWEBB-AFWCFT.jpg
I need to output in the same time
to CSV as

how reference a key-> value if a key is from a regular expression in preg_replace in php

Having this array:
$arr['contenido']="un proyecto";
$arr['foto']="una foto";
This works very good
$text = 'estamos en el registro {id} cuyo contenido es {contenido} por lo que veremos su {foto}';
$text = preg_replace('/{(.*?)}/', '$1', $text);
echo $text;
//estamos en el registro id cuyo contenido es contenido por lo que veremos su foto
I understand that $1 y the value enclosed by { and } but I need replace with the value of array that match with the key. I trying this
$text2 ='estamos en el registro {id} cuyo contenido es {contenido} por lo que veremos su {foto}';
$text2 = preg_replace('/{(.*?)}/', $arr['$1'], $text2);
echo $text2;
estamos en el registro cuyo contenido es por lo que veremos su
but this no print anythig in the pos of {key}, how I get impresed the array value referenced by the key y n {}.
function (array $m) use ($arr) { return $arr[$m[1]]; },

Bootstrap 3.0 carousel wordpress gallery post format

I'm trying to use bootstrap 3.0 carousel to show gallery posts-formats in index.php. I'm trying to build a function with this outpout for each foto from gallery post:
<div class="item">
<img src="http://placehold.it/1500X500">
This is the function code I'm working with:
function slider ($post) {
// Recuperamos las imágenes de la primera galería de la entrada.
// Ojo, esta función es nueva en WordPress 3.6
$gallery = get_post_gallery_images( $post );
// Preparamos una variable para guardar el resultado.
$fotos = '';
// Para cada imagen de la galería...
foreach( $gallery as $image ) {
// Rellenamos nuestra variable con el contenido.
// Adaptamos el formato para el plugin Supersized:
$fotos .= "$image";
// Eliminamos la coma del final, especialmente problemática
// para navegadores obsoletos, como Internet Explorer 8
// Imprimimos la lista de fotos con el formato deseado
echo $fotos;
The problem is this funcition print de url of image but I don't know how add html code for each one.
any ideas?
Thanks in advance
// Imprimimos la lista de fotos con el formato deseado
echo '<img src="' . $fotos . '">';
