I am trying to add and update using the same API, currently, I can add but I am not clear about how to update using the same API.
I am adding folders against id and my body response looks like this:
"id": "2",
"folder_detail": [1,3,4]
I can add folders with id 1,3 and 4 against id 2 but next time when I hit the same API with folder[1,3,5] it should update folders details not should add again, I can do that by making separate API but I want to do that in one API.
My Controller code:
try {
$folder = Doctor::where('id', $request->get('id'))->first();
$folder->doctor()->attach($request->get('folder_detail', []));
return response([
'status' => true,
'message' => 'Folder detail added',
], 200);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
return response([
'status' => false,
'message' => __('messages.validation_errors'),
'errors' => $ex->getMessage(),
], 500);
public function doctor()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Folder', 'folder_details');
Your help will be highly appreciated?
Okay so after our back and forth in the comments I think you are looking for something like this:
$folders = $request->get('folder_detail', []);
foreach($folders as $folder) {
$record = Folder::firstOrNew(['id', $folder]);
$record->doctor_id = $request->id;
// You can add your own records here, or use the 'fill' function
So, this way, you loop through all your folders. Check if the folder with the specific ID already exists, if it does not, it creates a new one. The doctor is linked through the doctor_id on your record.
Find record if exist then update otherwise create
$post = $request->all();
$doctor = Doctor::find($post['id']);
//your data for update doctor model
//remove old folders which is related with this doctor
Folder::where('doctor_id', $doctor->id)->delete();
//add current data of folder
foreach($post['folder_detail'] as $folder){
'doctor_id' => $doctor->id,
'folder_detail' => $folder
//return your response here
} else {
$doctor = Doctor::create([
//data for create doctore
//add current data of folder
foreach($post['folder_detail'] as $folder){
'doctor_id' => $doctor->id,
'folder_detail' => $folder
//return your response here
I am new at PHP. We are creating REST API in Phalcon and I've created a put request. It already works, but I would like to check if update has really happened before sending a success response. So I've created a conditional for that ( if (!$product->update()) ), but it always returns 'true'. How can I check if any field has changed in a record?
public function put()
$id = $this->getParam('id');
$input = $this->getRawData();
$product = Product::findFirst([
'conditions' => 'id = :id:',
'bind' => ['id' => $id]
if ($product === null){
throw new NotFoundException();
if (!$product->update()) {
} else {
You can use Model Events, i.e. afterUpdate and notSaved, like:
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;
use Phalcon\Http\Response;
class ModelBase extends Model
public function afterUpdate()
$response = new Response();
'success' => true,
'message' => "Record updated"
public function notSaved()
$response = new Response();
'success' => false,
'message' => 'Record not saved'
The Product and all other models will extend ModelBase. Then your code could be:
public function put()
$id = $this->getParam('id');
$input = $this->getRawData();
$product = Product::findFirst([
'conditions' => 'id = :id:',
'bind' => ['id' => $id]
if ($product === null){
throw new NotFoundException();
And Phalcon event will respond if the model was updated or not. If you prefer, you can also use custom http response codes for update or notSaved. More information about Model Events in the documentation
You are calling $product->update() three times. You do it once after the assign, then again for your if test, which is why it's always returning TRUE there I believe, and once inside the toArray() which may not actually return anything since the second and third updates don't have any data to update (not sure about that though).
I would code this as follows:
$results = $product->update();
if (!results) {
} else {
I am assuming that the $product->assign($input); statement is working as expected to update the $product data for you. I don't use that. I prefer to do direct assignments for updates so nothing is left to chance, ie. $product->whatever = $input['whatever'];.
Give this a try and hopefully it will work as expected for you.
I have two separate APIs calls. One for click on edit page and another for update page:
The controller method when the user hits edit link:
public function EditList($page_id)
$listEdit= DB::table('page_master')->where('id',$page_id)->first();
return view('edit-list',compact('listEdit'));
and its route:
$router->get('/edit-List/{id}', 'AjaxController#EditList');
The above code successfully shows me the edit page where I will perform the update.
My next step is update record:
The controller method
public function updatePage($id)
$updatePage = $this->page->updatePage($id);
$resultArray = ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Page not exist!'];
return Response::json( $resultArray, 400);
$resultArray = ['status' => 1, 'message' => 'Page updated !'];
return Response::json($resultArray, 200);
and its routes:
Route::post('update/list/{id}',['uses' => 'ApiController#updatePage']);
Now when i click on update record it shows me the page does not exist even though the page is there in database but always showing the page does not exist page.
What should I change to make the routes work properly?
public function updatePage($id)
$updatePage = self::find($id);
if (is_null($updatePage)) {
return false;
$input = Input::all();
return $updatePage;
I'm trying to change a value in my DB for a single item, I use first() to get an item, but for some reason when I try this function, every entry with the same primary key has the authenticated user gets the attribute 'AreFriend' updated at 1, why?
public function acceptrequest($id)
$user = app('Dingo\Api\Auth\Auth')->user();
if (!$targetuser = User::find($id)) {
return response()->json(['status' => "The requested resource does not exists!"], 403);
if ($relation = $user->requestspending()->where('user_id', $targetuser->user_id)->first()) {
$relation->AreFriend = 1;
return response()->json(['status' => "Request accepted!"], 200);
} else {
return response()->json(['status' => "You do not have an invitation from this user!"], 403);
In my database, relations with the $user id are updated. The variable $relation is an item, not a collection.
I have table which have multiple reference to ohter tables like
id name email
id title
user_id category_id
Here a user will have multiple category associated with him/her
I am able to save these successfully with new records like following
View File:
echo $form->field($package_categories, 'category_id')->dropDownList( ArrayHelper::map(
StudyMaterialCategories::find()->all(), 'id', 'title'),
['multiple' => true]
Save New record:
$model = new Packages();
$package_categories = new PackageCategories();
$request = Yii::$app->request;
if ($request->isPost) {
$transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
try {
$post = $request->post();
foreach ($post['PackageCategories']['category_id'] as $key => $value) {
$package_categories = new PackageCategories();
$package_categories->category_id = $value;
$package_categories->package_id = $model->id;
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
Yii::$app->session->setFlash("error", $ex->getMessage());
Till now It's running successfully.
But I'm stuck when going to update the table. The problem part is dropdown list. How to set multiple selected option as per database if I'm coming with array of object.
Have a look on the following code
$package_categories = PackageCategories::find()
->where('package_id=:package_id', ['package_id' => $id])->all();
if (count($package_categories) < 1) {
$package_categories = new PackageCategories();
$request = Yii::$app->request;
if ($request->isPost) {
$transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
try {
$post = $request->post();
$package_categories = new PackageCategories();
[':package_id' => $model->id]
foreach ($post['PackageCategories']['category_id'] as $key => $value) {
$package_categories = new PackageCategories();
$package_categories->category_id = $value;
$package_categories->package_id = $model->id;
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
Yii::$app->session->setFlash("error", $ex->getMessage());
if I try to get first object of the array $package_categories of only able to set selected one option
This is an example code of a model class Permit which has a many to many relationship with Activity through PermitActivity (pivot table model).
Model Class Activity
public class Permit extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord {
public $activities_ids;
public function rules() {
return [
[['activities_ids'], 'safe'],
// Method called after record is saved, be it insert or update.
public function afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes) {
// If this is not a new record, unlink all records related through relationship 'activities'
if(!$this->isNewRecord) {
// We unlink all related records from the 'activities' relationship.
$this->unlinkAll('activities', true);
// NOTE: because this is a many to many relationship, we send 'true' as second parameter
// so the records in the pivot table are deleted. However on a one to many relationship
// if we send true, this method will delete the records on the related table. Because of this,
// send false on one to many relationships if you don't want the related records deleted.
foreach($this->activities_ids as $activity_id) {
// Find and link every model from the array of ids we got from the user.
$activity = Activity::findOne($activity_id);
$this->link('activities', $activity);
parent::afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes);
// Declare relationship with Activity through the pivot table permitActivity
public function getActivities(){
return $this->hasMany(Activitiy::className(), ['id' => 'activity_id'])
->viaTable('permitActivity',['permit_id' => 'id']);
public function afterFind(){
$this->activities_id = ArrayHelper::getColumn($this->activities, 'id');
This way the model class is the one responsible for creating and updating the relationship using the pivot table.
The most important thing is to have the relationship method declared correctly.
This is an example of the view using kartikv\widgets\Select2. I don't really know if dropDownList supports multiple select, however Select2 has so many useful features i usually use it over other options.
echo $form->field($model, 'activities')->widget(Select2::classname(), [
'data' => $data,
'options' => [
'placeholder' => '...'
'pluginOptions' => [
'allowClear' => true,
'multiple' => true,
I have been trying to update the handicap score using a post request. But I seem to get an error saying : creating default object from empty value.
Code :
public function handicap(Request $request)
$user = Auth::user();
$rules = array(
'handicap' => 'required'
$validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
// process the login
if ($validator->fails())
return response()->json(['msg' => 'Failed to update Handicap score!'], 200);
else {
if(Handicap::where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->exists())
$handicap = Handicap::find($user->id);
$handicap->user_id = $user->id;
$handicap->handicap = $request->input('handicap');
return response()->json(['msg' => 'You have successfully updated your handicap score!'], 200);
$handicap = new Handicap;
$handicap->user_id = $user->id;
$handicap->handicap = $request->input('handicap');
return response()->json(['msg' => 'You have added your handicap score successfully!'], 200);
If user does not exist in Handicap table then the else block code runs and creates a handicap score for the user else the if block needs to execute and update the score. I tried many alternatives but dont seem to get it working. Dont know what am I doing wrong.
I checked the $user, $handicap variables using return. those variables have the info that I need to add to the table. Its just that Its not updating.
Your problem probably comes from the line you have Handicap::find($user->id). Obviously it's null, because such model was not found, even though your if statement returns true.
In your if statement you have where('user_id' , '=', $user->id), but you are using Handicap::find($user->id) which is basically Handicap::where('id', '=', $user->id)->first().
Try changing it to:
$handicap = Handicap::where('users_id', '=', $user->id)->first();
You may give this a try:
public function handicap(Request $request)
$validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), [
'handicap' => 'required'
// process the login
if ($validator->fails()) {
return response()->json(['msg' => 'Failed to update Handicap score!'], 200);
$handicap = Handicap::firstOrNew([
'user_id' => $request->user()->id;
$handicap->user_id = $request->user()->id;
$handicap->handicap = $request->handicap;
return response()->json(['msg' => 'You have successfully updated your handicap score!'], 200);