I created a small symfony4 bundle to manage Mysql database backup.
I created a packagist folder to implement it easily.
after install, my package path is:
I'm able to use every class from this bundle excepted commands.
This is one command:
namespace Fpasquer\BackupSymfony\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
class BackupExportCommand extends AbstractBackup
protected static $defaultName = 'Fpasquer:BackupSymfony:extract';
When I run it :
php bin/console Fpasquer:BackupSymfony:extract
I get this exception:
There are no commands defined in the "Fpasquer:BackupSymfony" namespace.
I'm sure my bundle is installed correctly because in my app:controller I'm able to use DependencyInjection from this bundle
Do you have any idea what's wrong?
I'm trying to setup a custom directory structure
for some shared classes in my Symfony project. I
want to create a custom folder in the root of my
project and I want to use the Symfony auto-load
feature to automatically register services from
that folder.
So I added a custom services namespace to the
services.yaml file:
# src ./config/services.yaml
resource: '../TestNamespace/*'
And I added an empty class in the custom folder:
# src ./TestNamespace/TestClass.php
namespace TestNamespace;
class TestClass
When I run the app I get the following error:
(1/2) InvalidArgumentException
Expected to find class "TestNamespace\TestClass" in file
while importing services from resource
"../TestNamespace/*", but it was not found! Check the
namespace prefix used with the resource.
(2/2) FileLoaderLoadException
Expected to find class "TestNamespace\TestClass" in file
"/path/to/ClassLoadErrorDemo/demo/TestNamespace/TestClass.php" while
importing services from resource "../TestNamespace/*", but it was not
found! Check the namespace prefix used with the resource in
/path/to/ClassLoadErrorDemo/demo/config/services.yaml (which is loaded
in resource "/path/to/ClassLoadErrorDemo/demo/config/services.yaml").
I double checked the paths, namespace and the class
name multiple times and everything seems fine and I
don't understand why I still get the error.
Controllers in the ./src folder seem to load fine.
What am I doing wrong here?
Steps to reproduce
I created a demo repo to isolate the problem.
git clone https://github.com/smoelker/SymfonyClassLoadErrorDemo.git
cd SymfonyClassLoadErrorDemo/demo
composer install
mv TestNamespace/TestClass.php_ TestNamespace/TestClass.php
php bin/console server:start
Update your composer.json autoload setup
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"TestNamespace\\": "TestNamespace/",
"": "src/"
After run: composer dump-autoload and try again.
composer dump-autoload --classmap-authoritative will only work if your src directory is present at the time you run the command.
This can be an issue with multi-stage Docker builds in particular, when you are normally only copying the composer.json/composer.lock into the build image.
I make right usage of Laravel's facades and PhpStorm gives me warnings, why is that?
And on image I pointed "x" for some...types of data? In functions I use, why do I have these? How to remove them?
Using facades with Laravel
Luke Waite is right:
You're not using facades. You've imported the classes, and on the
first, Categories, the IDE is telling you that the get method is not a
static method.
Just import the facade instead (if it exist).
See the documentation on Facades to learn more on how to use the available facades and how to define your own.
A facade class should look like this:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class Cache extends Facade
* Get the registered name of the component.
* #return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'cache';
Where the 'cache' string is the name of a service container binding and defined in a service provider, something like this:
use App\Cache\MyCache;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class CacheServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register bindings in the container.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->singleton('cache', function ($app) {
return new MyCache();
Fixing the warnings with Facades
That being said, I was tired of the warnings and the missing auto-completion and highlighting with facades so I also searched to find a way to fix these.
I came upon laravel-ide-helper which adds Laravel CLI commands that generates php files that only serves to be parsed by your IDE.
Require this package with composer using the following command:
composer require barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
After updating composer, add the service provider to the providers
array in config/app.php
Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\IdeHelperServiceProvider::class, To
install this package on only development systems, add the --dev flag
to your composer command:
composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
In Laravel, instead of adding the service provider in the
config/app.php file, you can add the following code to your
app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php file, within the register()
public function register()
if ($this->app->environment() !== 'production') {
// ...
This will allow your application to load the Laravel IDE Helper on
non-production enviroments.
Automatic phpDoc generation for Laravel Facades
You can now re-generate the docs yourself (for future updates)
php artisan ide-helper:generate
Note: bootstrap/compiled.php has to be cleared first, so run php artisan clear-compiled before generating (and php artisan
optimize after).
You can configure your composer.json to do this after each commit:
"post-update-cmd": [
"php artisan ide-helper:generate",
"php artisan ide-helper:meta",
"php artisan optimize"
The .phpstorm.meta.php and _ide_helper.php files will be generated and should be added to your .gitignore as you don't want to commit these.
I'm trying to inject the class HotelsTransformer without success with the next code:
namespace App\Transformers;
class UserTransformer extends Transformer
namespace App\Transformers;
class HotelsTransformer extends Transformer
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use \App\Hotel;
use \App\Transformers\HotelsTransformer;
class ApiHotelsController extends ApiController
protected $HotelsTransformer;
public function __construct(HotelsTransformer $HotelsTransformer)
$this->HotelsTransformer = $HotelsTransformer;
When I inject UserTransformer, it's all OK, but when I change UserTransformer with HotelsTransformer it throws me this error.
I don't know why is this happening, because I cloned UserTransformer and change its name but same error persists.
Check your following namespace. May be it does not exist or namespace path is not correct
use \App\Transformers\HotelsTransformer;
Try to run composer dumpauto command.
Try running these commands from your terminal (from the root directory of your project)
// use sudo if it asks for the root permission
composer update
composer dump-autoload
php artisan config:clear
Rerun the app/project and try again.
These 2 commands will refresh composer loaded classes and clear the cache to make the project run freshly, hope it helps.!
Ok, I have solved it, the filename was wrong, changed:
1 hour spent on that like a crazy, good job.
I use Lumen 1.0 for an API project.
I have already enable Eloquent by uncomment the following line in bootstrap/app.php file :
But when I want to create my first model with migration it fails :
php artisan make:model Book --migration
Error message :
Command "make:model" is not defined.
Did you mean one of these?
Laravel doc about Eloquent (http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/eloquent#defining-models).
Lumen doc (http://lumen.laravel.com/docs/installation) doesn't include Eloquent doc because, it's not enable by default.
Do you have any ideas to avoid this error ?
Add details
php artisan --version
Displays :
Laravel Framework version Lumen (5.1.6) (Laravel Components 5.1.*)
You're seeing this error because Lumen doesn't come with make:model.
To see a list of all the artisan commands you have at your disposal just run php artisan.
That being said I did just find this package which I've added to a lumen installation and it seems to work fine https://github.com/webNeat/lumen-generators#installation
Hope this helps!
If you check all the available commands using php artisan list you will see that you don't have all the default ones offered by laravel. But you can get the most importants using the lumen-generator package (not to be confused with lumen-generators). It has the advantage of offering more commands than the other one mentioned.
To use it just install it using composer:
composer require flipbox/lumen-generator
Then enable it in your bootstrap/app.php file:
You will now be able to use all these new commands using artisan:
key:generate Set the application key
make:command Create a new Artisan command
make:controller Create a new controller class
make:event Create a new event class
make:job Create a new job class
make:listener Create a new event listener class
make:mail Create a new email class
make:middleware Create a new middleware class
make:migration Create a new migration file
make:model Create a new Eloquent model class
make:policy Create a new policy class
make:provider Create a new service provider class
make:seeder Create a new seeder class
make:test Create a new test class
Just have a look at the official documentation: https://github.com/flipboxstudio/lumen-generator
Go to the project directory and add the generators package to your composer.json using the following command:
composer require wn/lumen-generators
Add following code segment to app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php:
public function register()
if ($this->app->environment() == 'local') {
Make sure that you have un-commented the following line in bootstrap/app.php to allow service providers on your project:
Run php artisan list on the project directory (document root). Now you will see new items there.
just create your model file manually in the app directory
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Article extends Model {
protected $table = ‘articles’;
protected $fillable = [
$app->register(Flipbox\LumenGenerator\LumenGeneratorServiceProvider::class); add this line into "bootstrap\app.php" and save this file then make the command.It will work.
there are some packages that can help you to have all of artisan command that you has on Laravel .
install below package to have more artisan command.
I am trying to run a php script form the command line.
sudo vim UpdateLatestIssuesCommand.php
But its giving me the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\ContainerAwareCommand' not found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/imagine-publishing/src/Imagine/CorporateBundle/Command/UpdateLatestIssuesCommand.php on line 12
I cant figure out why I am getting this error because the file its says it cant find is actually there.
Heres my code:
namespace Imagine\CorporateBundle\Command;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\ContainerAwareCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
class UpdateLatestIssuesCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand
You have to run the command like this
php app/console demo:greet Fabien
where, demo:greet is the name of the command, Fabien is the argument
Because, console component has to bootstrap required resources for you before it runs the command.
FYI: Console Component