How to use transaction with many queries from different Model in Codeigniter? - php

Below is the syntax from a Model using Codeigniter Framework. So i want to do this kind of query, i grouped many query inside another class like this, but i used this transaction outside the class like this.
$insert1 = $this->Actmain->tempPerwakilanToTransaksi($t_nib_kppa_temp['id_permohonan']);
$insert2 = $this->Actmain->transaksiPerwakilanToHistory($t_nib_kppa_temp['id_permohonan'],$arrData['id_history']);
if(!$insert1 || !$insert2) {
return FALSE;
} else {
echo "Yatta desune"
I want to check if at least one query that didn't work successfully, it will rollback all the query. The problem is, it's always return true which came from query in variable $insert1 or $insert2. It's always echo Yatta Desune but the insert and update query didn't executed.
What is the proper way to used db transaction in Codeigniter 3 but bunch of query executed in different Model ?


Why query result suddenly changed after called from other medthod in Laravel

I have problem here with query result from Eloquent, I tried to query from DB and put in variable $contractList in my mount() method and the result as expected. But when I tried to retrieve specific data from $contractList with $contractList->find($id), the result not same as in mount() method.
Here is query from mount():
public function mount(){
$contractList = Kontrak::select(['id', 'mou_id'])->with(['order:id,kontrak_id', 'order.worklist:id', 'order.worklist.khs:id,mou_id,worklist_id,khs', 'amdNilai:id,kontrak_id,tgl_surat'])->withCount('amdNilai')->get()
Here the result:
But when I tried to find specific data from $contractList, properties that shown not same as in mount:
public function itemSelected($id)
//amd_nilai_count not showing
$kontrak = $this->contractList->find($id);
if ($kontrak->amd_nilai_count == 1) {
$this->nilai_amd = $this->calculateNilai($id);
Here is the result called from itemSelected():
I have tried use get() but the result still problem, how to get same properties same as in mount().By the way im use laravel & livewire.
As i read your comments you seem to mix up ActiveRecords ORM with an Data Mapper ORM. Laravel uses active records.
Laravel will always fetch models on every data operation.
Kontrak::select('name')->find(1); // select name from kontraks where id = 1;
Kontrak::find(1); // select * from kontraks where id = 1;
This will always execute two SQL calls no matter what and the objects on the heap will not be the same. If you worked with Doctrine or similar, this would be different.
To combat this you would often put your logic in services or similar.
class KontrakService
public function find(int $id) {
return Kontrak::select(['id', 'mou_id'])->find($id);
Whenever you want the same logic, use that service.
However, many relationship operations is hard to do with this and then it is fine to just fetch the model with all the attributes.

How to check a condition if it was true then insert some thing at race condition

We have an api function which check a condition on database with a select-query then if it was true we want just for one time insert some thing to database for example inserting to database that insertion done. Problem is when we call multiple times this api-function concurrently race condition happen, in another words assume we call this function 2 times, first request check the condition it's true then second request check that and it's true again so their do insert to database. But we want to when we check condition no other one can check it again until we do insertion.
We use php/Laravel and know about some ways like using insert into ... select or using some thing like replace into ... and so on.
$order = Order::find($orderId);
$logRefer = $order->user->logrefer;
if (!is_null($logRefer) && is_null($logRefer->user_turnover_id)) {
$userTurnover = new UserTurnover();
$userTurnover->user_id = $logRefer->referrer_id;
$userTurnover->order_id = $order->id;
$logRefer->order_id = $order->id;
$logRefer->user_turnover_id = $userTurnover->id;
If logrefer not found set it and corresponding user-turnover just for one time. We expect to see just one user-turnover related to this order but after running it multiple time concurrently we see multiple user-turnover has inserted.
I usually take advantage of transaction when operations need to be sequential but i think that in your case the situation it's a bit complex due to the fact that also the condition need to be evaluated conditionally if the function it's running. So the idea that i can give you it's to have on the database a variable (another table) used as semaphore which allow or not to perform actions on the table (condition gived by the fact that you set or unset the value of the semaphore). I think as good programmer that semaphore are useful in a lot of cases of concurrential functions.
The database should have a unique key on columns expected to be unique, even if some mechanism in the code prevents duplicates.
Wrap connected queries into a transaction which will fail and roll back in a race event condition
try {
DB::transaction(function() {
$order = Order::find($orderId);
} catch (\Illuminate\Database\QueryException $ex) {
Log::error(“failed to write to database”);

Yii2 - Calling model functions on entire activeRecords?

What I am trying to do
I want to query a specific set of records using active model like so
$jobModel = Jobs::find()->select('JOB_CODE')->distinct()->where(['DEPT_ID'=>$dept_id])->all();
Then I want to assign a flag attribute to the records in this activerecord based on whether they appear in a relationship table
What I have tried
So in my job model, I have declared a new attribute inAccount. Then I added this function in the job model that sets the inAccount flag to -1 or 0 based on whether a record is found in the relationship table with the specified account_id
public function assignInAccount($account_id){
if(JobCodeAccounts::find()->where(['JOB_CODE'=>$this->JOB_CODE])->andWhere(['ACCOUNT_ID'=>$account_id])->one() == null){
$this->inAccount = -1;
What I have been doing is assigning each value individually using foreach like so
foreach($jobModel as $job){
However, this is obviously very slow because if I have a large number of records in $jobModel, and each one makes a db query in assignInAccount() this could obviously take some time if the db is slow.
What I am looking for
I am wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this, so that I can assign inAccount to all job records at once. I considered using afterFind() but I don't think this would work as I need to specify a specific parameter. I am wondering if there is a way I can pass in an entire model (or at least array of models/model-attributes and then do all the assignations running only a single query.
I should mention that I do need to end up with the original $jobModel activerecord as well
Thanks to scaisEdge's answer I was able to come up with an alternative solution, first finding the array of jobs that need to be flagged like so:
$inAccountJobs = array_column(Yii::$app->db->createCommand('Select * from job_code_accounts where ACCOUNT_ID = :account_id')
->bindValues([':account_id' => $account_id])->queryAll(), 'JOB_CODE');
and then checking each job record to see if it appears in this array like so
foreach($jobModel as $job){
if(in_array($job->JOB_CODE, $inAccountJobs))
$job->inAccount = -1;
$job->inAccount = 0;
Does seem to be noticeably faster as it requires only a single query.

Laravel use query result in a controller

I have a problem with laravel
I want to use a query result in my controller with a if clause to manage what i return to the view.
$res = Chaussures::where('id',$id);
else {
I tried this but it didn't work
You need to execute the query to get the result first. Then you can do whatever you need with the data.
Searching for models by ID is such a common task that Laravel has a method called find() to make it easier. This line does the same as the above.

Database transaction not working in controller codeigniter

I am calling multiple models in controllers and all models do database query.
i did something like this
public function InsertSale()
// all logic part and models calling which do insert/update/delete
Above code is not working even if something fails after some queries they dont rollback.
Having true in $this->db->trans_start(true); will put the transaction in to test mode which means that, regardless of what happens, the query will be rolled back.
If you wanted to see if the query would work you would use:
Which will return either true/false depending on the outcome.
So that you have to follow like this
$this->db->trans_start(); # Starting Transaction
$this->db->insert('table_name', $someDataArray); # Inserting data
# Updating data
$this->db->where('id', $id);
$this->db->update('table_name', $someDataArray);
This is work fine. Check this answer too
