I'm trying to save the passed course_id into lesson form in a DRY format.
I've tried saving each variable individually and it worked, however when I try to DRY up the code it is not working. Here is the code That I've tried.
public function store(StoreLessonsRequest $request)
if (! Gate::allows('lesson_create')) {
return abort(401);
$request = $this->saveFiles($request);
$lesson = Lesson::create($request->all() +
$lesson->course_id = session()->get('id') +
+ ['position' => Lesson::where('course_id', $request->course_id)->max('position') + 1]);
foreach ($request->input('lesson_materials_id', []) as $index => $id) {
$model = config('medialibrary.media_model');
$file = $model::find($id);
$file->model_id = $lesson->id;
return redirect()->route('admin.exams.create', ['course_id' => $request->course_id]);
I expected the course_id to save, but is giving me an error of Unsupported operand types.
Here is how I finally solved it. First I've declared the variable then I've passed it through.
public function store(StoreLessonsRequest $request)
if (! Gate::allows('lesson_create')) {
return abort(401);
$request = $this->saveFiles($request);
$seesion = session()->get('id');
$lesson = Lesson::create($request->all()
+ ['position' => Lesson::where('course_id', $request->course_id)->max('position') + 1] + ['course_id' => $seesion] );
foreach ($request->input('lesson_materials_id', []) as $index => $id) {
$model = config('medialibrary.media_model');
$file = $model::find($id);
$file->model_id = $lesson->id;
I'm having one more problem in the logical realm.
I have an array containing ids:
$product_ids = ['1', '5', '3']; <- Example
Another string that I convert to an array separating it by commas, this to indicate the quantities of the products to be withdrawn. For example for product 1 I want 3 drives so I would need the array element to be "1,3".
$finalarray = ["1,3", "5,2", "3,10"];
Next I indicate the code that is executed in the controller (where is what I previously told):
public function ordenform(Request $request)
$input = $request->all();
'nombre' => 'required|string',
'apellido' => 'required|string',
'productos' => 'required',
'cantidades' => 'required|string',
'enviosino' => 'required|in:si,no',
// Quantity Array
$cantidades = explode(',', $input['cantidades']);
if (count($cantidades) != count($input['productos'])) {
return back()->withErrors(['Las cantidades no corresponden a los productos agregados']);
$total = 0;
$ganancia = 0;
foreach ($input['productos'] as $producto) {
$producto = Product::find((int) $producto);
$total += $producto->value;
$ganancia += $producto->ganancia;
$producto->stock = (int) $producto->stock - 1;
if ($input['enviosino'] == 'si') {
$total += (int) $input['envio'];
if ($input['envio'] == null) {
$input['envio'] = 0;
// Products IDS Array
$jsonproductos = json_encode($input['productos']);
'nombre' => $input['nombre'],
'apellido' => $input['apellido'],
'product_ids' => $finalprods,
'value' => $total,
'ganancia' => $ganancia,
'envio' => $input['envio'],
$caja = Config::where('id', 1)->get()->first();
$caja->dinerototal += $total;
$caja->gananciatotal += $ganancia;
return back()->with('success', 'Orden creada correctamente');
Finally, I need to pass as creation parameter the final array to the column products_ids (later I will modify the name).
Another option I thought of is passing objects to an array:
[{id: 1, quantity: 3}]
But I don't know how to get to create that object, I'm still kind of new hehe.
I hope I have explained myself well, English is not my native language. I'm sorry.
I am attentive to your comments !! Greetings.
PS: I am using Laravel
To achieve [{id: 1, quantity: 3}] there will be several idea, but it seems to be an arrayList, so below is how you can create an arrayList in PHP. I have not tested the code, just written here, but should give you the idea to achieve this.
I am considering one is Order class.
class Order {
private $id;
private $quantity;
public function setId(int $id) {
$this->id = $id;
return $this;
public function getId(){
return $this->id;
public function setQuantity(int $quantity) {
$this->quantity = $quantity;
return $this;
public function getQuantity(){
return $this-> quantity;
public function toArray(){
return [
'id' => $this->getId(),
'quantity' => $this->getQuantity()
another is OrderList.
class OrderList {
private $orderList;
public function __construct(Order ...$orders) {
$this->orderList = $orders;
public function toArray(){
$arr = [];
foreach ($this->orderList as $order) {
$arr[] = $order->toArray();
return $arr;
and then use like
$order1 = new Order();
$order1 = $order1->setId(1)->setQuantity(10);
$order2 = new Order();
$order2 = $order1->setId(2)->setQuantity(20);
$orderList = new OrderList($order1, $order2);
string(47) "[{"id":2,"quantity":20},{"id":2,"quantity":20}]"
You do not need json_encode, I have added it to print only.
Nevermind, resolved ->
$prodsfinal = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($cantidades); $i++) {
$array = [
'id' => json_decode($input['productos'][$i]),
'cantidad' => (int) $cantidades[$i],
array_push($prodsfinal, $array);
I have a problem with my code, when a User have all "stations" the code work but if he dont have one i have the (undefined offset *) error,
my code look like that ( in my controller )
public function index()
$entityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$stations = $this->getListOfStations();
$stationsJson = [];
$events = $entityManager->getRepository('App:User')
foreach ($stations as $station) {
$stationsJson[] = [
'typeEvents' => $events[$station->getId()],
return new JsonResponse(array('stations' => $stationsJson));
private function getListOfStations()
/** #var UserInterface $user */
$user = $this->getUser();
$entityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
if (!$this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN')) {
$stations = $user->getStations();
} else {
$stations = $entityManager->getRepository('App:Station')->findAll();
return $stations;
and my repository
public function getEventInRealTime($user)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('u');
$events = $qb
->select('s.id as stationId, COUNT(e) as number, e.label as type')
->innerJoin('u.stations', 's')
->innerJoin('s.events', 'e')
->where('u = :user')
->setParameter('user', $user)
->andWhere('DAY(e.currentTime) =:day')
->setParameter('day', date('d'))
->andWhere('MONTH(e.currentTime) =:month')
->setParameter('month', date('m'))
->andWhere('YEAR(e.currentTime) =:year')
->setParameter('year', date('Y'))
->groupBy('s.id, type');
$data = $events->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
$result = [];
foreach ($data as $row) {
$result[$row['stationId']][] =
'number' => $row['number'],
'type' => $row['type']
return $result;
i think its a problem its like, he dont find the "stations" when i do a findAll(), but i dont know how to fix it, when the user is super_admin he can have see all the stations but if is not super admin he can see only his stations
I am coding in Laravel, How can I pass variable to one function to another function in Controller,
In controller file I have 2 functions like this
public function hiringEmployee(Request $request)
$hireEmployee = new EmployeeHire();
$hireEmployee->candidateName = $request->get('candidateName');
$file = $request->file('file');
$name = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$file->move('uploads/cv', $name);
$hireEmployee->file = $name;
return redirect('list-candidate');
public function assignInterview(Request $request, $id)
$assignInterview = EmployeeHire::find($id);
$interview = $request->get('interview');
$assignto = $request->get('assignto');
$dateTime = $request->get('dateTime');
$note = $request->get('note');
$interviewDetails = ([
'interview' => $interview,
'assign_to' => $assignto,
'date_time' => $dateTime,
'note' => $note,
$assignInterview->interview_details = $interviewDetails;
Mail::send('emails.hireemployee', ['candidateName' => $candidateName], function ($message) use ($assignto, $name) {
$message->subject('Interview For New Candidate!');
$message->from('hrm#wcg.com', 'HRM');
return redirect('list-candidate');
I want to use $candidateName and $name in assignInterview() function from hiringEmployee() function.
How can I do it?
You won't be able to use the $name and $candidateName directly from the other function as they look like they are for two different requests, however, it looks like you're saving that data to database when you're creating a new EmployeeHire in your hiringEmployee() method so you should already have access to that information in your assignInterview() method:
$assignInterview = EmployeeHire::find($id); // this is where you loading the model
$candidateName = $assignInterview->candidateName;
$name = $assignInterview->file;
In your situation , you can use two approach:
Use Session Variable as below:
Session::put('candidateName', $candidateName);
$value = Session::get('candidateName');
Use class attribute:
class acontroller extends Controller
private $classCandidateName;
You can try something like this:
public function hiringEmployee(Request $request)
$hireEmployee = new EmployeeHire();
$hireEmployee->candidateName = $request->get('candidateName');
$file = $request->file('file');
$name = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$file->move('uploads/cv', $name);
$hireEmployee->file = $name;
return redirect('list-candidate');
public function assignInterview(Request $request, $id)
$assignInterview = EmployeeHire::find($id);
return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['Error message here']);
$interviewDetails = ([
'interview' => $request->get('interview'),
'assign_to' => $request->get('assignto'),
'date_time' => $request->get('dateTime'),
'note' => $request->get('note'),
$assignInterview->interview_details = $interviewDetails;
Mail::send('emails.hireemployee', ['candidateName' => $assignInterview->candidateName], function ($message) use ($assignto, $assignInterview->file) {
$message->subject('Interview For New Candidate!');
$message->from('hrm#wcg.com', 'HRM');
return redirect('list-candidate');
Please, you should to be careful with find($id). If it is a null, you will get an error.
Have fun!
I am trying to increase the speed of my queries in Laravel 5.7 and I have the call down to ~2.5 seconds. I am trying to figure out more ways to make it faster and if I could get some help I'd greatly appreciate it.
How my data is structured:
public function getUserDataTmp(Request $request) {
$input = file_get_contents("php://input");
$request = json_decode($input);
if ($this->authTokenAccess($request) == true) {
$bottomWords = bottom_exterior_word::select('word','sentence','sequence','id','group_id')->where('user_id','=', $request->id)->get();
$emergencyWords = left_exterior_word::select('word','sentence','sequence','id')->where('user_id','=', $request->id)->get();
foreach($bottomWords as $tmp => $key) {
$group_id = $key->group_id;
$bottomWords->user_id = $request->id;
$bottomWords[$tmp]->words = $key->getMainWords($group_id, $request->id);
foreach($emergencyWords as $key => $word) {
$emergencyWords[$key]->image = imageModel::select('base64','id')->where('emergency_id','=', $word->id)->first();
$data = [
'data' => [
'return' => 'success',
'code' => 'VEDC001',
'response' => 'Successfully Gathered Words',
'main_categories' => $bottomWords,
'emergency_words' => $emergencyWords
getMainWords Function(bottom_exterior_word model):
public function getMainWords($group_id, $id)
// return("TEST");
$words = \App\main_word::select('id','group_id','sentence','sequence','word')->where('group_id','=', $group_id)->where('user_id','=', $id)->get();
foreach ($words as $key => $word) {
$words[$key]->image = Image::select('base64','id')->where('word_id','=', $word->id)->first();
return $words;
Start by refactoring so that you dont query inside a foreach loop
foreach($bottomWords as $tmp => $key) {
$group_id = $key->group_id;
$bottomWords->user_id = $request->id;
$bottomWords[$tmp]->words = $key->getMainWords($group_id, $request->id);
I would change the getMainWords function to accepts an array of group id's and use the whereIn clause:
The whereIn method verifies that a given column's value is contained
within the given array:
$users = DB::table('users')
->whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3])
Same treatment for this loop.
foreach($emergencyWords as $key => $word) {
$emergencyWords[$key]->image = imageModel::select('base64','id')->where('emergency_id','=', $word->id)->first();
In general minimizing the NUMBER of queries will improve response time.
Old post, would just like to update it though. Since I have first posted this, I have learned a lot more about Laravel and am a lot more experienced with it.
Here is my new function and solution:
public function data(Request $request)
return response()->success(
'emergencywords' => EmergencyWord::with('image')->whereUserId($request->user()->id)->get(),
'categorywords' => CategoryWord::with(['image','words.image'])->whereUserId($request->user()->id)->get(),
Category Word Relationships:
public function image()
return $this->hasOne('App\Image','id','image_id');
public function words()
return $this->hasMany('App\MainWord','category_words_id','sequence');
Emergency Word Relationships:
public function image()
return $this->hasOne('App\Image','id','image_id');
Main Word Relationships:
public function image()
return $this->hasOne('App\Image','id','image_id');
I have this problem in uploading my csv to my database (SQL). I am using Maatwebsite... And here's is my controller:
class UploadCSV extends Controller
public function store(Request $request){
$path = $request->file('import_file')->getRealPath();
$data = \Excel::load($path)->get();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$arr[] = ['s_id' => $value->id,
'school_name' => $value->sname,
'region' => $value->reg,
'province' => $value->prov,
'municipality' => $value->mun,
'division' => $value->div,
'district' => $value->dis,
'enrollment_sy_2014_2015' => $value->enrolled,
'mooe_in_php_for_fy_2015' => $value->mooe,
'latitude' => $value->lat,
'longitude' => $value->lng
dd('Insert Record successfully.');
//return json_encode($arr);
dd('Request data does not have any files to import.');
Which gives me this endless error message:
The CSV contains only 200+ rows. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance :))
Maybe try something like this, create new Model (assuming Map is the name of your Model and save():
class UploadCSV extends Controller
public function store(Request $request){
$path = $request->file('import_file')->getRealPath();
$data = \Excel::load($path)->get();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$entry = new Map;
$entry->s_id = $value->id;
$entry->school_name = $value->sname;
$entry->region = $value->reg;
$entry->province = $value->prov;
$entry->municipality = $value->mun;
$entry->division = $value->div;
$entry->district = $value->dis;
$entry->enrollment_sy_2014_2015 = $value->enrolled;
$entry->mooe_in_php_for_fy_2015 = $value->mooe;
$entry->latitude = $value->lat;
$entry->longitude = $value->lng;
dd('Request data does not have any files to import.');