Php save more Array into MySQL - php

I'm trying to save arrays on a MySQL database with PHP.
The code inserts only the first line, if I have an array of 5 elements it just inserts the first element and the others and 4 don't save them for me.
Can anyone tell me where I'm wrong?
Thanks a lot.
//getting user values
$day = $_POST['Day'];
$nDay = $_POST['n_Day'];
$fieldOne = $_POST['Field_one'];
$fieldTwo = $_POST['Field_two'];
$timeOne = $_POST['Time_one'];
$timeTwo = $_POST['Time_two'];
$idR = $_POST['id_ristorante'];
$day_array = explode(",",$day);
$nDay_array = explode(",",$nDay);
$timeOne_array = explode(",",$timeOne);
$timeTwo_array = explode(",",$timeTwo);
$len = count($day_array and $nDay_array and $timeOne_array and $timeTwo_array);
//require database
//checking if email exists
$conn=$dbh->prepare('SELECT id_ristorante FROM Orari WHERE id_ristorante=:idR');
$conn->bindParam(':idR', $idR, PDO::PARAM_STR);
if($conn->rowCount() !==0){
$output['isSuccess'] = 0;
$output['message'] = "Orario giĆ  inserito";
} else {
$day = $day_array[$i];
$nDay = $nDay_array[$i];
$timeOne = $timeOne_array[$i];
$timeTwo = $timeTwo_array[$i];
$conn=$dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO Orari (Day, n_Day, Field_one, Field_two, Time_one, Time_two, id_ristorante) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
//encrypting the password
if($conn->rowCount() == 0) {
$output['isSuccess'] = 0;
$output['message'] = "Errore, riprova.";
} elseif($conn->rowCount() !==0){
$output['isSuccess'] = 1;
$output['message'] = "Orari salvati!";
echo json_encode($output);

When you trying to do count on multiple array as:
$len = count($day_array and $nDay_array and $timeOne_array and $timeTwo_array);
The and cause the array to be boolean evaluated so the final assign to $len is 1 and that why the loop is done only once and only the first element is inserted to DB.
If all the array in the same length you should just do count on 1 of them as:
$len = count($day_array)
Better practice will be to do count on each on them and then assign $len with the minimum value

Change this line
$len = count($day_array and $nDay_array and $timeOne_array and $timeTwo_array);
$len = count($day_array) + count($nDay_array) + count($timeOne_array) + count($timeTwo_array);


Why my Cakephp web service query takes lot of time to return data?

I've got a web service which takes around 15 secs to return JSON response to front-end.My code looks like this:
Controller code:
public function getDetailReport($data){
$user_id = $data->user_id;
$test_id = $data->test_id;
$result_obj = new TestSetDetailResultTable();
$data_array = $result_obj->getDetailReportByUser($user_id, $test_id);
if($data_array['status'] == 1) {
echo $this->successMessage('successfully Executed',$data_array['record']);
} else {
echo $this->failMessage($data_array['error'],$data_array['message']);
Model code:
public function getDetailReportByUser($user_id,$test_id) {
$data_array = Array();
$subject_array = Array();
$answer_array = Array();
$topper_array = Array();
$percentile_array = Array();
$max_marks = 0;
$perc = 0;
$hrs = 0;
$mint = 0;
$sec = 0;
$query = new AppQuery();
$row_list = $this->loadRowList($query);
if(count($row_list) > 0) {
$max_marks = $row_list[0]->maximum_marks;
$perc = $row_list[0]->percentage;
$row_time = $this->loadRowList($query);
$row_user = $this->loadRowList($query);
if(count($row_time)> 0 && count($row_user) > 0) {
foreach ($row_list as $list) {
$item['test_name'] = $list->test_name;
$item['total_question'] = $list->total_question;
$item['right_answer'] = $list->right_answer;
$item['wrong_answer'] = $list->wrong_answer;
$item['question_attempted'] = $list->question_attempted;
$item['question_not_attempted'] = $list->question_not_attempted;
$item['positive_marks'] = $list->positive_marks;
$item['negative_marks'] = $list->negative_marks;
$item['obtaine'] = $list->obtaine;
$item['maximum_test_time'] = $list->maximum_test_time;
$item['maximum_marks'] = $list->maximum_marks;
$item['test_date'] = $list->test_date;
$number = floatval($list->obtaine)* 100 / intval($list->maximum_marks);
$item['percentage'] = number_format($number, 2, '.', ''); // upto 2 decimal places
$data_array['detail'] = $item;
$tmp = Array();
$hrs = $row_time[0]->spent_hours;
$mint = $row_time[0]->spent_minute;
$sec = $row_time[0]->spent_second;
$completed_minute = $row_time[0]->compeleted_minute;
$completed_second = $row_time[0]->compeleted_second;
if($completed_second < 0) {
$completed_second = -1 * $completed_second; // only removing - sign
$tmp = $this->calculateTime($hrs, $mint, $sec);
$tmp['compeleted_minute'] = $completed_minute;
$tmp['compeleted_second'] = $completed_second;
$data_array['time'] = $tmp;
foreach ($row_user as $list) {
$tem['total_user'] = $list->total_user;
$data_array['users'] = $tem;
// Now get The subject wise Result
$temp = Array();
$subject_result = $this->loadRowList($query);
foreach ($subject_result as $res) {
$temp['subject_name']= $res->subject_name;
$temp['marks_obtained'] = $res->obtaine;
$temp['total_question'] = $res->total_question;
$temp['question_attempted'] = $res->question_attempted;
$temp['wrong_answer'] = $res->wrong_answer;
// $temp['total_spent_hours'] = $res->total_spent_hours;
// $temp['total_spent_minute'] = $res->total_spent_minute;
// $temp['total_spent_second'] = $res->total_spent_second;
$time_arr2 = $this->calculateTime($res->total_spent_hours, $res->total_spent_minute, $res->total_spent_second);
$temp['total_spent_hours'] = $time_arr2['hours'];
$temp['total_spent_minute'] = $time_arr2['minute'];;
$temp['total_spent_second'] = $time_arr2['second'];
$temp['max_marks'] = intval($res->total_question) * intval($res->positive_marks);
$subject_array[] = $temp;
$data_array['subject_result'] = $subject_array;
//>>>>>>>>>>> Now get Answer of Question with Time spent>>>>>>>>>>
$temp = Array();
$answer_list = $this->loadRowList($query);
foreach ($answer_list as $res) {
$temp['question']= utf8_encode($res->question);
$temp['user_answer']= $res->user_answer;
$temp['correct_answer'] = $res->correct_answer;
$temp['spent_hours'] = $res->spent_hours;
$temp['spent_minute'] = $res->spent_minute;
$temp['spent_second'] = $res->spent_second;
$temp['obtaine'] = $res->obtaine;
$answer_array[] = $temp;
$data_array['answer_with_time'] = $answer_array;
/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>For Topper result for Comparing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*/
$temp = Array();
$top_arr = $this->loadRowList($query);
foreach ($top_arr as $top) {
$temp['user_name'] = $top->user_name;
$temp['test_name'] = $top->test_name;
$temp['total_question'] = $top->total_question;
$temp['right_answer'] = $top->right_answer;
$temp['wrong_answer'] = $top->wrong_answer;
$temp['question_attempted'] = $top->question_attempted;
$temp['question_not_attempted'] = $top->question_not_attempted;
$temp['positive_marks'] = $top->positive_marks;
$temp['negative_marks'] = $top->negative_marks;
$temp['maximum_marks'] = $top->maximum_marks;
$temp['obtaine'] = $top->obtaine;
$temp['percentage'] = $top->percentage;
$temp['maximum_test_time'] = $top->maximum_test_time;
$temp['test_date'] = $top->test_date;
$timer = $this->calculateTime( $top->spent_hours, $top->spent_minute, $top->spent_second);
$temp['spent_hours'] = $timer['hours'];
$temp['spent_minute'] = $timer['minute'];
$temp['spent_second'] = $timer['second'];
$temp['completed_minute'] = $top->completed_minute;
$sec_var = $top->completed_second;
if($sec_var < 0) {
$sec_var = -1 * $sec_var;
$temp['completed_second'] = $sec_var;
$percentile = $this->getPercentileRank($test_id,$top->percentage,$top->maximum_marks);
$temp['percentile'] = $percentile; // percentile
// $temp['rank'] = intval($percentile); // Rank
$topper_array[] = $temp;
//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> topper array contain Topper Percentile,now we need to get Rank according to Percentile
$topper_array = $this->rank($topper_array);
$data_array['toppers_result'] = $topper_array;
/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>For Topper Result>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*/
/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>For Login user Percentile>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*/
$percentile = $this->getPercentileRank($test_id, $perc, $max_marks);
$percentile_array = $this->loginUserRank($topper_array, $percentile);
$data_array['percentile'] = $percentile_array;
/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>For Login user Percentile End>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*/
/*>>>>>>>>>Get subject Wise Time of Toppers >>>>>>>>>>>>>*/
$subject_wise_time = $this->getSubjectWiseTopperTime($test_id);
$data_array['subject_wise_topper_time'] = $subject_wise_time;
/*>>>>>>>>>Get subject Wise Time of Toppers End >>>>>>>>>>>>>*/
/*>>>>>>>>>Get Answer with Time of Toppers >>>>>>>>>>>>>*/
$topper_answer_with_time = $this->topperAnswerTime($test_id);
$data_array['topper_answer_with_time'] = $topper_answer_with_time;
/*>>>>>>>>>Get Answer with Time of Toppers Ends >>>>>>>>>>>>>*/
return $this->modelMessage(1,'non','success',$data_array); exit;
} else {
return $this->modelMessage($this->getStatus(),$this->getError(),$this->getMessage()); exit;
} else {
return $this->modelMessage($this->getStatus(),$this->getError(),$this->getMessage()); exit;
I'm trying to debug this code but I don't know what am I missing here.How can this take 15 secs of time to return response back? Have I done something wrong?
When you debug than calculate the needed times with microtime(true), my guess are the DB querys for instance:
$answer_list = $this->loadRowList($query);
echo "Time for answer_list $neededTime s for query $query";
Than you see what need to longest time. Than look on your query an look on your database schema. In most cases you can solve that issue by adding some indices on your db table. You can "debug" the query with explain on sql level, this will show you if you use an index.

Insert multiple users and random passwords Php&mysql

I am struggling to create multiple user&password and insert it in mysql column.
inserting multiple username is working but not multiple random password.
mysql table "users" - columns 'user' & 'password' primary key = user column
How it works:
A user enters a username and numbers (how many user & pass to create) in an HTML form.
The code uses the submitted username and adds a serial from "1" to limit (submitted number).
Example input:
submitted user is john
submitted numbers is 20
Example result:
john1, john2... john20
In the future when the user requests another 10 user & pass with same name "john" the number will start from 21 (john21, john22... john30)
adding another series is not done yet any help and tips are welcome.
My code:
function muser() {
function randomPassword() {
$alphabet = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuwxyz23456789"; // skip 0OoIl1
$pass = array();
$alphaLength = strlen($alphabet) - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
$n = rand(0, $alphaLength);
$pass[] = $alphabet[$n];
return implode($pass);
if(isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
$user_input_user = $_REQUEST["user"];
$user_input_limit = $_REQUEST["limit"];
$ipass = randomPassword();
$uiuser = $user_input_user;
$uilimit = $user_input_limit;
$limit = $uilimit;
for($x = 1; $x <= $limit; $x++) {
$queryuser[] = "('$uiuser$x', '$ipass'),";
return implode($queryuser);
$mquery = 'INSERT INTO `users` (`user`, `pass`) VALUES ';
$imuser = muser();
$fquery = substr($imuser, 0, -1);
$sql = $mquery . $fquery .';';
The problem is caused because you give value to $ipass only once.
change the for loop from this
for($x = 1; $x <= $limit; $x++) {
$queryuser[] = "('$uiuser$x', '$ipass'),";
for($x = 1; $x <= $limit; $x++) {
$queryuser[] = "('$uiuser$x', '$ipass'),";
$ipass = randomPassword();

php calculator switching multiplier based on input

Hello I am building a simple computer in php.
It should work in the way that when the user selects number greater than 30, the variable ( in this case m1 ) becomes m2 and so on.
How can i accomplish this?
Thank you in advance
$m1 = 5 /*prezzo della maglia - price 1*/;
$m2 = 2;/*price when quantity is over a number*/
$m3 = 1;/*price when quantity is over a number*/
$s1 = 3; /*price of print 1*/
$s1 = 3; /*price of print 1 if quantity change*/
$bxs = $_GET['bxs'];
$bs = $_GET['bs'];
$bm = $_GET['bm'];
$bl = $_GET['bl'];
$bxl = $_GET['bxl'];
$b2xl = $_GET['b2xl'];
/*riga del nero*/
$nxs = $_GET['nxs'];
$ns = $_GET['ns'];
$nm = $_GET['nm'];
$nl = $_GET['nl'];
$nxl = $_GET['nxl'];
$n2xl = $_GET['n2xl'];
$somma = $m1*($bxs+$bs+$bm+$bl+$bxl+$b2xl+$nxs+$ns+$nm+$nl+$nxl+$n2xl);
It is simple, but you must provide the user way enter that value.
For example by the GET parameter number
$userInput = $_GET['number'];
Then you only need to create basic if statement. You can read about it at
$somma = $bxs+$bs+$bm+$bl+$bxl+$b2xl+$nxs+$ns+$nm+$nl+$nxl+$n2xl;
if($userInput <= 30){
$somma *=$m1;
}else if($userInput >30) {
$somma *=$m2;
} else if($userInput > 8779){ // your number : )
$somma *=$m3;

PHP - array_push() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in

I'm currently experiencing issues where array_push() is not working. I have ensured the arrays are directly accessible and declared correctly. Yet I'm still receiving these warnings and the values are not being pushed onto the array.
Here is my code:
$xml = simplexml_load_file("{$path}/{$email_safe}/{$datafile}.xml");
// Retreive data details for specified activity
$lapCount = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap->count();
// Lap Variables
$totalTime = array(); $distance = array(); $maxSpeed = array();
$calories = array(); $intensity = array(); $trigMethod = array();
$avgSpeed = array();
// Convert filename to DateTime format
$datafile = convertID($datafile);
$datafile = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($datafile));
// Variables for accurate distance calculations
$polarDistance = true;
$firstPoint = array();
$secondPoint = array();
// Collect details for each lap
for($x = 0; $x < $lapCount; $x++) {
$totalLapDistance = 0;
$lapNumber = $x+1;
$totalTime[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->TotalTimeSeconds;
$distance[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->DistanceMeters;
$maxSpeed[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->MaximumSpeed;
$calories[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Calories;
$intensity[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Intensity;
$trigMethod[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->TriggerMethod;
$avgSpeed[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Extensions->LX->AvgSpeed;
// Store activity details into the 'detail' table
$sqlLap = "INSERT INTO lap (lapDate,lapNumber,TotalTime,distance,maxSpeed,avgSpeed,calories,intensity,trigMethod) VALUES (\"$datafile\",\"$lapNumber\",\"$totalTime[$x]\",\"$distance[$x]\",\"$maxSpeed[$x]\",\"$avgSpeed[$x]\",\"$calories[$x]\",\"$intensity[$x]\",\"$trigMethod[$x]\")";
$runLap = mysql_query($sqlLap) or die("unable to complete INSERT action:$sql:".mysql_error());
// Trackpoint variables
$altitude = array(); $tDistance = array(); $latitude = array();
$longitude = array(); $speed = array(); $pointTime = array();
// Retreive lapID
$lapID = getLapID();
// Find how many tracks exist for specified lap
$trackCount = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track->count();
$trackpointTotalCount = 1;
for($t = 0; $t < $trackCount; $t++) {
// Find out how many trackpoints exist for each track
$trackpointCount = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint->count();
// Collect details for each specificied track point
for($tp = 0; $tp < $trackpointCount; $tp++) {
$altitude[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->AltitudeMeters;
$tDistance[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->DistanceMeters;
$pointTime[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->Time;
$latitude[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->Position->LatitudeDegrees;
$longitude[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->Position->LongitudeDegrees;
$speed[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->Extensions->TPX->Speed;
// Check Track point
if(checkTP($altitude[$tp], $tDistance[$tp], $latitude[$tp], $longitude[$tp], $speed[$tp])) {
// Check if accurate distance should be calculated
if($polarDistance) {
$aa = $latitude[$tp];
$bb = $longitude[$tp];
$cc = $altitude[$tp];
if($tp == 0) {
array_push($firstPoint, $aa, $bb, $cc);
} else if($tp != 0) {
array_push($secondPoint, $aa, $bb, $cc);
// Add distance between trackpoints to total lap distance
$totalLapDistance += calcDistance($firstPoint, $secondPoint);
// Insert current trackpoint data into 'trackpoint' table
$sqlTC = "INSERT INTO trackpoint (tpDate,tpNumber,altitude,distance,latitude,longitude,speed,pointTime) VALUES (\"$datafile\",\"$trackpointTotalCount\",\"$altitude[$tp]\",\"$tDistance[$tp]\",\"$latitude[$tp]\",\"$longitude[$tp]\",\"$speed[$tp]\",\"$pointTime[$tp]\")";
$runTC = mysql_query($sqlTC) or die("unable to complete INSERT action:$sql:".mysql_error());
if($polarDistance) {
if($tp != 0) {
$firstPoint = &$secondPoint;
if($polarDistance) {
if($tp != 0) {
// Update lap with more accurate distance
echo $totalLapDistance . '<br />';
$sqlUlap = "UPDATE lap SET accDistance='$totalLapDistance' WHERE lapID = '$lapID' ";
$runUlap = mysql_query($sqlUlap) or die("unable to complete UPDATE action:$sql:".mysql_error());
I didn't include all of the code below as there is quite a lot and I very much doubt it's relevant.
The warnings themselves only appear when trying to push a variable onto $secondPoint:
array_push($secondPoint, $aa, $bb, $cc);
However values are not being pushed onto either of the variables ($firstPoint, $secondPoint)
As a test I did echo $aa,bb and $cc and they did contain correct values.
Anybody have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: I have showed more of the code as I do use these arrays later, however this should not affect how the values are initially pushed? Below is some code which may affect it, namely the assign by reference?
if($polarDistance) {
if($tp != 0) {
$firstPoint = &$secondPoint;
That unset($secondPoint) will probably do it.
Try this instead:
if($polarDistance) {
if($tp != 0) {
$firstPoint = $secondPoint;
$secondPoint = array();

Getting remainding lines in a CSV

I have a script here which will get all the lines in a csv and insert them into a database (FileMaker to be exact), and I want it to count to 100 lines, break the loop, then tell me the remainding lines which are left. My code is below, Please see and any help would be greatly appreciated.
public function insertTimesheet() {
//Get the public variables
$fm = $this->fm;
$timesheet = $this->data['timesheets'];
$total = count($timesheet);
$fm = $this->fm;
$count = 0;
$total = count($timesheet);
//Loop through the data items in the array
foreach ($timesheet as $element) {
//Checks each key value in the array
for ($i = 0; $i < count($timesheet); ++$i) {
if($i == 100){
printf('%d Timesheets added', $i);
// Return which timesheets have not been added //
//Prevents duplicate entries
//Manually add some data to the array
$timesheet[$i]['Created_By_Staff_ID'] = $_SESSION["user"]->staff_id;
$timesheet[$i]['Key_Staff_ID'] = $_SESSION["user"]->staff_id;
$timesheet[$i]['Timesheet_Type'] = 'CSV_UPLOAD';
$timesheet[$i]['Resource_ID'] = 'N/A At this time [CSV UPLOAD]';
//Convert the dates to USA dates (FileMaker Format)
$timesheet[$i]['Date_From'] = $this->convertDate($timesheet[$i]['Date_From']);
$timesheet[$i]['Date_To'] = $this->convertDate($timesheet[$i]['Date_To']);
//Insert the data into the Database
$addReq = & $fm->createRecord('Web_Staff_Timesheet', $timesheet[$i]);
$result = $addReq->commit();
//Checks for filemaker errors
if (!FileMaker::isError($result)) {
$return['error'] = false;
$return['msg'] = 'Timesheet added successfully';
$strOut = sprintf('<br />Working on %d of %d timesheets', $count, $total);
//return true;
} else {
$return['error'] = true;
$return['errorCode'] = $result->code;
$return['msg'] = 'Unable to add Timesheet';
$strOut = sprintf('<br />Sorry, we could not add your time sheet, FileMaker Produced this error: %s <br /> Failed to insert the following timesheets [Line number]: ', $return['errorCode'], $count);
return false;
//Clear the array to prevent duplicates
unset($timesheet, $element, $this->data);
return $strOut;
Just FYI guys, I've sorted it out now. Thanks for your time anyways!
