i am not able to export multiple time searched and selected data to CSV.
i am fetching data from database which has more than 1000 records.
so for example, if i select 2 rows on page one then i search for some other record and select that record and export but it is only exports searched record not the records from the page one.
$('#master tfoot th').each(function() {
var title = $(this).text();
$(this).html('<input type="text" placeholder="Search ' + title + '" />');
// DataTable
var master = $('#master').DataTable({
dom: 'Blfrtip',
buttons: [
extend: 'print',
text: 'Print all (not just selected)',
exportOptions: {
modifier: {
selected: null
select: true
// Apply the search
master.columns().every(function() {
var that = this;
$('input', this.footer()).on('keyup change', function() {
if (that.search() !== this.value) {
This is a known limitation when using processing on the server-side. In this case the datatable-object only knows the data of the current draw. This is the reason you are only able to export the visible/rendered content of the table.
If you want to export the data from all currently selected rows, you could listen for the select.dt and deselect.dt events of the datatable and store the row-data of the selection in an extra array from that you can create the csv-data for an export.
Further information and examples about the events can be found in the oficial doumentation:
select event
deselect event
Whenever the selection changes, an event will be dispatched. We can listen for this select-event, check if the selection is of type row and add the data to an array or object. Since we want to prevent duplicates, we should choose an unique key for the data (based on an id or some other data of the row).
Depending on how you have implemented your datatable and the processing, you have to watch for the deselect-event too. And maybe add some special handling of the pagination inside the datatable, so that rows on other pages are displayed as selected when you navigate to them again.
let selectedRows = {}; // holds all the data of selected rows
let table = $('#example').DataTable({ /* settings */ });
table.on('select', function(e, dt, type, indexes) {
if ( type === 'row' ) {
let data = table.rows( indexes ).data();
for (let item of data) {
let key = item[0] + '_' + item[2] + '_' + item[2]; // an unique key, for example built from: eventName, firstName and lastName
if (!(key in selectedRows)) {
selectedRows[key] = item;
// Todo: handle deselect and maybe pagination...
You can then export that data inside the browser with javascript.
let csvData = 'COLUMN_1,COLUMN_2,COLUMN_3, ..., COLUMN_N';
for (let row of selectedRows) {
csvData = csvData + '\n'
+ '"' + row.column_1 + '",'
+ '"' + row.column_2 + '",'
+ '"' + row.column_3 + '",'
/* ... */
+ '"' + row.column_N + '",';
// Create temporary download-element
let a = window.document.createElement('a');
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([csvData], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8;' }));
a.download = 'export.csv';
a.display = 'none';
// Append element to body and click it
// Remove element from body
Note: If your data has strings that includes double quotes ", you have to escape them with an extra double quote "".
I have a form that looks like below.
I have three "white" dropdowns to filter the value for the Equipment Registration Tag dropdown ( The values of the dropdown input field that has the Equipment Registration Tag label will only come out after the user selects values for the three "white" dropdowns). So the Equipment Registration Tag values will differ based on the "white" dropdowns value.
I want it to be a live filter, the dropdown options will change immediately every time user selects the "white" dropdown value. Currently, my approach is to use the onchange=" this.form.submit()" attribute on the "white" dropdowns and return the values after the filter, but I realize this method has a disadvantage which is a user might accidentally submit the form when changing the value of "white" dropdowns. How can I prevent this and only allow users to submit the form by clicking the save button?
$this->Calibration_Location = $request->get('selected_location');
$this->Calibration_Category = $request->get('selected_category');
$this->categories = Equipment::select('Category')->distinct()->get()->toArray();
$this->locations = Equipment::select('Location')->distinct()->get()->toArray();
$matchThese = ['Category' => $this->Calibration_Category, 'Location' => $this->Calibration_Location];
$this->Registration_Select_Tags = Equipment::select('Registration Tag')->distinct()->where($matchThese)->get();
I have also tried jQuery, but I can only trigger by a specified dropdown field, not any one of them.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var location, category
$('#selected_transfer_location').change(function() {
location = $(this).val();
$('#selected_transfer_category').change(function() {
category = $(this).val();
// $('#transfer_registration_tag').find('option').not(':first').remove();
url: 'Transaction/' + location + '/' + category,
type: 'get',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(response) {
var len = 0;
if (response.data != null) {
len = response.data.length;
if (len > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var id = response.data[i]['Registration Tag'];
var name = response.data[i]['Registration Tag'];
var option = "<option value='" + id + "'>" + name +
I hope my question is clear, still new to Laravel and I hope could receive some hints from you.
First approach could be that, you use call ajax Query on change of each on of them and fetch filtered results. Something like this:
$('#dropdown1, #dropdown2, #dropdown3').change(function(){
var val1 = $('#dropdown1').val();
var val2 = $('#dropdown2').val();
var val3 = $('#dropdown3').val();
//And then your ajax call here to fetch filtered results.
Only issue is this Ajax call will occur min 3 times, one for each of them.
Second approach could be you give small button below those dropdowns, something like FetchTags. When user selects all the 3 values, will click on that button and you call your ajax onClick of that btn. So that your Ajax will be called only once.
You can use livewire to do that. It easy.
To install it, you have to use composer by taping the fowllowing command:
composer req livewire/livewire
Please check this tutorial to see how to how to do what you want to do using the framework.
I have search results generated by a 3rd party script that I would like to add data to. I have parsed the results to get an array of id's, and queried the database for additional fields. The ajax success method receives the formatted array back, but now I'm stuck on how to get those results into the right place in the DOM.
<div class="ihf-results-property-info">
<div class="ihf-results-price">LIST: $2,150,000</div>
<div class="ihf-results-links"> 24 Photos
<div class="ihf-results-extra-info">
<div class="ihf-results-listingnum hidden-xs">Listing # 727938</div>
The last div I included in the example has the unique ID I'm using for the query. I'd like to use that to associate the ajax return with proper placement in the DOM. Here is my javascript:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// grab the listings numbers so we can query the db for extra data
var listings = $('.ihf-results-listingnum').map(function() {
// grab just the digits
var listingNum = $(this).text().replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
// add the listing number to the parent so we can target it later
$( this ).parents('.ihf-results-extra-info').parent().addClass('marketing-details-' + listingNum);
return listingNum;
// use .get to create an array of the listing numbers
type: "GET",
url: "custom/07-idx-queries.php",
data: 'mlsNums=' + listings, // looks like ?mlsNums=735383,727468,699876...
success: function(result) {
// this logic came from here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15311320/how-to-work-with-jquery-ajax-and-php-array-return
resultJson = $.parseJSON(result);
if (typeof resultJson == 'object') {
jsObject = eval(resultJson);
jsArray = [];
for(elem in jsObject){
// this works as expected, except keys are 0 based
// This is where it all falls apart. I want to extract each object and stick it in the DOM in the correct place
jQuery.each(jsArray, function(key, value) {
$( this ).appendTo('.marketing-details-' + key);
else {
console.log("error occurred");
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
And the php I'm using produces the desired results from the db, with the exception that it is a numerical array. I think an associative array would work better when trying to put the results into the DOM, tha way I could use the ID's as the key and match them to the classes I added. Here is the relevant code from custom/07-idx-queries.php:
$mls_nums = explode(",",$_GET['mlsNums']);
// removed all of the conditionals to keep the question clean
$html = array();
foreach ($mls_nums as $mls_num) {
// just retreiving a single object from each row for now
$remarks = $mysqli->query("SELECT mr FROM listings WHERE ln = '$mls_num'")->fetch_object()->mr;
// format the data
$my_html = "<p class='marketing-remarks mlsnum-".$mls_num."'>$remarks</p>";
// build an array of the results - necessary?
// send the data back in a JSON string
echo json_encode($html);
So my goal is to query the db for up to 10 rows, and insert the results into an equal number of new divs that are children to a div with the same id number in its class. I greatly appreciate any help.
In your PHP do this:
$html[$mls_num] = $my_html;
// this isn't needed
// array_push($html,$my_html);
Now your returned data has a way to tie into the target div.
Not clear if you have control over the HTML in the first part of your example, but this would be one approach.
<div class="ihf-results-listingnum hidden-xs">Listing # 727938</div>
<div class="remarks" id="remarks_<?= $listingid; ?>"></div>
Then in the JavaScript $("#remarks_" + key).html(value);
Otherwise, you need to use jQuery to locate the div with the listing id using the :contains selector:
$("div:contains('# " + key + "')").appendTo(value);
'# " + key + "' would equate to # 1234 or whatever it is. This won't work if the same listing is on the page twice though!
Okay, here is the working success method. Thanks to LG_PDX for the cleaned up php. I eliminated the unnecessary processing as .each() appears to iterate just fine over the JSON response:
success: function(result) {
resultJson = $.parseJSON(result);
if (typeof resultJson == 'object') {
$.each(resultJson, function(key, value) {
$('.marketing-details-' + key).append( value );
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
I am building a facility on a website (using Symfony2) that allows the user to create reports and display them on a screen using AJAX. The reports are effectively SQL statements that are created on the fly and are then ran on the Database.
The problem I have is that I can't fathom a way to display these results to the screen without first knowing what fields are used in the report. The queries could contain just 2 fields from a table, or 15 fields, and I'd like the code to be robust enough to handle this.
So far, this is the code I'm using:
type: 'POST',
url: urlLink,
success: function (data) {
var Type = (data.recordType);
var Results = (data.results);
var Name = (data.name);
var Description = (data.description);
var Titles = (data.titles);
$('#listTable > tbody:last').empty();
$('#listTable > thead:last').empty();
$('#listTable > thead:last').append('<tr>'+Titles+'</tr>');
$.each(Results, function(i, item) {
$('#listTable > tbody:last').append('<tr><td>' + Results[i] + '</td><td>' + Results[i] + '</td><td>' + Results[i] + '</td><td>' + Results[i] + '</td><td>' + Results[i] + '</td><td>' + Results[i] + '</td></tr>');
The variable Titles comes from the query, as when the user is adding fields to the database these are then added to a string which I then explode using PHP in the controller.
Inside the foreach, every column comes back with [object Object]. When I remove the [i] from the code and replace it with .column-name it will then work. But this is what I'm trying to avoid. I'd like to have something similar to what I do with the Table Titles.
Maybe try this, and show output of console.log(data);
var data = $.parseJSON(data);
$.each(data, function() {
$.each(this, function(k, v) {
/// do stuff
The user is required to click on an actor from a actors list. The existing movie titles are removed and then only movies titles pertaining to the chosen actor show.
My "dvdtitle" listbox receives a list of "Undefined" after an actor is chosen. However I checked the response data from json_encode function with $('#actor').text(data) to get it visual and I do get correct.
[{"503":"Caught In The Crossfire"},
{"690":"Dead Man Running"},
{"1064":"Get Rich Or Die Trying"},
{"1145":"Gun"},{"1254":"Home of The Brave"},
{"2184":"Righteous Kill"},
{"2519":"Streets Of Blood"},
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
$q = $_POST['input'];
$final_array = array();
$resultActor = mysql_query("SELECT id, title, plot, catagory, release_date, rated FROM dvd WHERE actors LIKE '%".$q."%' ");
while($rowActor = mysql_fetch_array($resultActor)) {
$final_array [] = array( $rowActor['id'] => $rowActor['title'] );
echo json_encode($final_array);
// JavaScript Document
var actorValue = $('#actorsname option:selected').text();
type: "POST",
url: 'getactors.php',
data: {input: actorValue},
cache: false,
datatype: "json",
success: function(data) {
$('#dvdtitle option').each(function(i, option) {
$(option).remove(); // Empty DVD Listbox
$('#actor').text(data); // to visualy check my json Data
$.each(data, function(i, j) {
var row = "<option value=\"" + i.value + "\">" + j.text + "</option>";
The problem is that your Ajax is returning an object containing one key/value pair with the movie ID as a key and the movie title as a value. This makes retrieving the data more difficult because you don't know in the each loop which ID to look for.
Ideally, you'd have your JSON formatted this way instead:
{"id":503,"title":"Caught In The Crossfire"},
{"id":690,"title":"Dead Man Running"}
That would allow you to retrieve the data in your each loop using j.id and j.title because the JSON uses "id" and "title" as keys. But because you don't have it organized that way, you need to loop through each key/value pairs of the object.
Ideally, you'd want to change your PHP to this:
$final_array[] = array(
'id' => $rowActor['id'],
'title' => $rowActor['title']
And use j.id and j.title (e.g. var row = "<option value=\"" + j.id + "\">" + j.title + "</option>";).
Here's an example without modifying your PHP code:
This example is based on your example above. The data variable is what's received in your Ajax request.
// This is the data retrieved using Ajax.
var data = [{"503":"Caught In The Crossfire"},{"690":"Dead Man Running"},{"1064":"Get Rich Or Die Trying"},{"1145":"Gun"},{"1254":"Home of The Brave"},{"2184":"Righteous Kill"},{"2519":"Streets Of Blood"},{"3273":"Twelve"}];
// Loop through each object in the data array.
$.each(data, function(key, movie)
// Because the ID is a key and the title a value, we can't determine the ID/title unless we loop through each one of the key/value pairs in the object. Each movie only has one key/value pair so this won't be a problem.
$.each(movie, function(id, title)
$('<option />').attr('value', id).text(title).appendTo('select#dvdtitle')
jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/j7HGr/
I hope that makes sense.
PS: You may also want to change $q=$_POST['input']; to use mysql_real_escape_string to prevent SQL injections.
data is an array of objects. The value of i is the index of the object, and j is the object.
$.each(x, function(i, j){
$.each(j, function(k, v){
var row = "<option value=\"" + k + "\">" +v+ "</option>";
You can see the jquery documentation for more information: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.each/
I'm cloning input fields on a table that have an autocomplete class. When I clone the fields I have no problem. The problem is that in the cloned fields, the autocomplete doesnt work (on the one that is not cloned it does work). My autocomplete code is this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#btnAdd').click(function() {
var num = $('.clonedInput').length; // how many "duplicatable" input fields we currently have
var newNum = new Number(num + 1); // the numeric ID of the new input field being added
// create the new element via clone(), and manipulate it's ID using newNum value
var newElem = $('#input' + num).clone().prop('id', 'input' + newNum);
newElem.find(':input').each(function() {
var name = $(this).attr('name').replace(/\d+$/, '');
$(this).prop({id: name + newNum, name: name + newNum}).val("");
// insert the new element after the last "duplicatable" input field
$('#input' + num).after(newElem);
// enable the "remove" button
// business rule: you can only add 15 names
if (newNum == 15)
$('#btnDel').click(function() {
var num = $('.clonedInput').length; // how many "duplicatable" input fields we currently have
$('#input' + num).remove(); // remove the last element
// enable the "add" button
// if only one element remains, disable the "remove" button
if (num-1 == 1)
My Autocomplete code is :
var autoc = {
source: "lib/search.php",
minLength: 1,
select: function( event, ui ) {
log( ui.item ?
"Selected: " + ui.item.value + " aka " + ui.item.id :
"Nothing selected, input was " + this.value );
var renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
return $( "<li></li>" )
.data( "item.autocomplete", item )
.append( "<a style='height:75px; text-align:center; font-weight:bold;'>"+ item.label + "</a>" )
.appendTo( ul );
$(".member").each(function (i) {
$(this).autocomplete(autoc).data("autocomplete")._renderItem = renderItem;
I've been trying to fix it by putting the autocomplete code inside of the clone code, Im not sure what Im doing wrong. It would be great if somebody could help! Thanks!
You have to reinitialize the autocomplete field after it's been cloned. And I think wrapping it within .live() is necessary as well
My solution to this was something like this:
$('#my_clone_button').live('click',function() {
my_clone_script; #this is my function to clone
$('select your new cloned input').each(function() {
enable_autocomplete($(this), json_url); #this is my function to initialize autocomplete
try $('#input' + num).clone(true) passing true tells the clone to copy the events and data also. This means that it will copy that the input is a autocomplete field.