I have been declaring all the routes for my application inside web.php , but it is now getting quite large. I find that I am losing a lot of time shifting between web.php and each controller and this is hurting productivity.
I feel like it would be better to define routes inside of the controller, perhaps ideally delegating some URL to a controller and then allowing the controller to handle the "sub routes" since this would allow me to use inheritance when I have two similar controllers with similar routes.
It is not possible given how laravel works. Every request is passed onto router to find its designated spot viz. the controller with the method. If it fails to find the route within the router, it just throws the exception. So the request never reaches any controller if the route is not found. It was possible in earlier versions on Symphony where you would configure the route in the comment of a particular controller method.
Sadly with laravel it works how it works.
But for me, I just like to have the routes in a separate file.
Alternate solution, easier way to sort all the routes.
You can move your route registration into controllers if you use static methods for this. The code below is checked in Laravel 7
In web.php
use App\Http\Controllers\MyController;
In MyController.php
(I use here additional static methods from the ancestor controller also posted below)
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
class MyController extends Controller {
static public function registerRoutes($prefix)
Route::group(['prefix' => $prefix], function () {
Route::any("/foo/{$id}", self::selfRouteName("fooAction"));
Route::resource($prefix, self::selfQualifiedPath());
public function fooAction($id)
In Controller.php
class Controller extends BaseController {
protected static function selfAction($actionName, $parameters = [], $absolute = false)
return action([static::class, $actionName], $parameters, $absolute);
protected static function selfQualifiedPath()
return "\\".static::class;
protected static function selfRouteName($actionName)
//classic string syntax return "\\".static::class."#".$actionName;
// using tuple syntax for clarity
return [static::class, $actionName];
selfAction mentioned here is not related to your question, but mentioned just because it allows making correct urls for actions either by controller itself or any class using it. This approach helps making action-related activity closer to the controller and avoiding manual url-making. I even prefer making specific functions per action, so for example for fooAction
static public function fooActionUrl($id)
return self::selfAction('foo', ['id' => $id]);
Passing prefix into registerRoutes makes controller even portable in a sense, so allows inserting it into another site with a different prefix in case of conflict
I have an api and some routes are public some need to be protected via auth. I want to have them in one controller class as they are related. I can extend the controller and have beforeRoute function but it runs for any route that is in that controller. is it possible to add a middleware only to specific routes? I'm a js dev and in express I can just pass middleware functions for any route, even multiple middlewares.
class Clanky /*extends \controllers\ProtectedController */{
public function post_novy_clanek(\Base $base) {
//needs to be protected
public function get_clanky(\Base $base) {
public function get_clanek(\base $base) {
public function get_kategorie(\Base $base) {
PHP is new to me, I just want to know how I can implement the concepts I know from other languages and frameworks in this weird fatfree framework. Thanks.
Use can use f3-access plugin for that purpose https://github.com/xfra35/f3-access
Fatfree is not opinionated about how to do this.. other options to solve this ask might be:
Use php8 attributes on the method and check these in beforeroute.
Consider an own named route naming schema like #admin_routename and apply checking auth in beforeroute
Use f3-middleware plugin and add auth there
Extend an other admin controller that provides auth in beforeroute or use a trait.
I have a controller with the "getUsers" function in a controller called "UserController" , and inside it I want to call a function of the "CarController" controller called "getCars", the two options I have are:
a) Make the second call as "static" , then I can call it without instantiating the class
b) Do not do that function of the static class and I call it in this way
$ car_id = 100;
$ userController = new UserController ();
$ userController-> getCars ($ car_id);
I do not know which is the best practice, or what pros or cons has one or another.
I'm using laravel.
It is a bad practice to call a controller from another controller, this usually signals that you have badly designed your code and you should think of a different way to achieve what you want.
None the less, you can do it like this:
If your controller method has parameters you can pass them as the second argument:
app()->call('App\Http\Controllers\CarController#getCars', [$param1, $param2]);
To answer your question, you should not call one controller method from another. As #elfu mentioned, this is not the intended functionality of a controller anyway. His post is correct and in your case you should probably use the User model as the location of this method, but I thought I'd at to it a little.
If you do want to share methods between multiple controllers, a good place to do this is through a Trait. In some cases, you are not referencing a model that is shared between controllers, and a Trait would be your best option.
To include a trait, you can reference it by including it at the top of your controller and then with a 'use' statement after the class declaration for the controller. Here is an example:
use App\Traits\ExampleTrait;
class CarController extends Controller
use ExampleTrait;
You would do the same in the UserController. Then, any method that you place in the ExampleTrait will be directly accessible from the CarController and the UserController by referencing it as $this->methodName(), just like referencing any other method in the same controller.
In your particular case, I would say that your logic should probably be stored in the User model, since the cars for a user are really an ATTRIBUTE of the User model, but the above gives you another option to work with.
In my humble opinion you should not call another controller in a controller.
It looks like you have some business logic in that controller. So you should move your logic to the entity (User.php) and call it in both controllers methods.
A regular controller returns a view (at least that is what is expected), so if you want to call another controller you should just send that route to that method (in web.php file) instead of calling it in another controller.
Hope that helps you.
You can call one controller function from another but the best way is to create a trait and use it both the controllers like:
trait Common
public function method(){}
class FirstController extends Controller
use Common;
class SecondController extends Controller
use Common;
If you want to bind parameters to the call, you can use:
$videos = app()->call('App\Http\Controllers\StorageController#returnViewVideo',[
The following code worked for me well. and also it also can be used in routes.php
public function mobileImageUpload(Request $request){
$namespace = 'App\Http\Controllers';
$controller = app()->make($namespace.'\ImageController');
return $controller->callAction('mobileImageUpload',[$request]);
I'am a Brazilian developer, so... sorry for my limited English right away.
Well, in fact my problem is more a convention problem because until now I hadn't use services with Laravel (my apps were that simple so far).
I read about it before ask this question, but nothing helped with this specific situation. I'll try to describe in a objective way.
before that, just a comment: I know about the mistake using just controllers in these example. The ask is really about that mistake.
Well, the actual structure is:
abstract class CRUDController extends Controller {
protected function __construct($data, $validatorData) {
// store the data in a attribute
// create with Validator facade the validation and store too
abstract protected function createRecord();
protected function create() {
try {
// do the validation and return an Response instance with error messages
// if the data is ok, store in the database with models
// (here's where the magic takes place) in that store!
// to do that, calls the method createRecord (which is abstract)
// return a success message in an Response instance
catch(\Exception $e) {
// return an Response instance with error messages
class UserController extends CRUDController {
public function __construct($data) {
parent::__construct($data, [
'rules' => [
// specific user code here
'messages' => [
// specific user code here
'customAttributes' => [
// specific user code here
protected function createRecord() {
$user = new UserModel();
// store values here...
return $user;
// here's the route to consider in that example
Route::post('/user', 'WebsiteController#register');
class WebsiteController extends Controller {
private $request;
public function __construct(Request $request) {
$this->request = $request;
public function register() {
$user = new UserController();
// here's the problem: controller working with another controller
class UserAPIController extends Controller {
// use here the UserController too
and many other classes that extends CRUDController in the same way...
What I want
I want to create a controller (called here as CRUDController) to reuse methods like the pattern says (create, read, update and delete).
To be really objective here I'll use the create method as an example.
With the code above it seems clear the purpose? I think so... all my controllers have that code of validation equal and reusable. That's the thing.
Besides that, I want to my route of website call another controller (UserController) to store new users... but in the same way, I'll create an API that uses the same controller in the same way (with validations etc). That's the purpose of Responses in the CRUDController (I'll read them in the WebSiteController to resolve what to do, like show a view and in the other hand with the API I'll basically return the Response.
My real problem
Convention and pattern. The MVC pattern is broken here. Controller calling another controller is wrong and I know that.
I want to know what thing I should use! Services? Is that right? I see a lot (really) of examples of services but nothing like that, working with models and reusing code, etc. I never use Services but I know how to use, but I don't know if it's right to these cases.
I really hope that someone can help here and sorry once again for the mistakes with the English. Thanks a lot.
You're calling the CRUD controller a controller but it does not behave as an MVC controller. At best it's just a helper class. You could always do this:
abstract class CRUDManager {
//As you had the CRUDController
class UserManager extends CRUDManager {
//As you had the UserController
In your AppServiceProvider:
public function boot() {
$app->bind(UserManager::class, function ($app) {
return new UserManager(request()->all()); //I guess that's what you need.
Whenever you need to use it you can do:
public function register(UserManager $user) {
Now one thing to point out. It's not a good idea to initialise the request in the constructor. You should use dependency injection in controller methods. I don't even know if the request is available when the controller is being constructed (I know the session is not). The reason why I say this is that the middleware runs after the controller is constructed and therefore the request may be modified when the controller method is called.
Another note: If you did the original solution because you needed to use certain controller methods, then you can just use the corresponding traits (because the controller itself does not really have many method). I'm guessing a trait like ValidatesRequests would be one you'd need to use.
I'll answer my own question. I use a pattern called Repository Pattern to resolve the problem (or I try to use, because it's the first time using this pattern: maybe I don't use in the right way in every steps).
Files structure
With that structure I did what I wanted in my question without working just with controllers.
I create a trait called InternalResponse. That trait contains a few methods that receive a transaction, validate if it's the case and then return a Response (called "internal" in my logic because the controller will read and maybe change the Response before return it in the end).
The Repository class, which is abstract (because another class must extend it to make sense to use. In this case the class UserRepository will extend...), uses the Trait mentioned.
Well, with it in mind, it's possible to know that the UserController uses the UserRepositoryInterface, that provides an object UserRepository: because the UserRepositoryServiceProvider register this with that interface.
I think there's no need to write code here to explain, because the problem is about an pattern, and these words explain well the problem (in the question) and the resolution with this answer here.
I'll write here a conclusion, I mean, the files structure with comments to explain a little bit more, to end the answer.
Conclusion: Files structure with comments
// the controller uses dependency injection and call methods of
// UserRepository, read and changes the Response receveid to finally
// create the final Response, like returning a view or the response
// itself (in the case it's an API controller)
// an normal model
// register the UserRepositoryInterface to
// return a UserRepository object
// the main interface for the Repository
// the main repository. It's an abstract class.
// All the others repositories must extend that class, because
// there's no reason to use a class Repository without an Model
// to access the database... That class share methods like create,
// read, update and delete, and the methods validate and transaction
// too because uses the trait InternalResponse.
// the interface for UserRepository class
// that class extend Repository and uses the UserModel
// trait with methods like validate and transaction. the method
// validate, read and validate the data receveid for the methods
// create and update. and all the CRUD methods uses the method
// transaction to perform the data to the database and return a
// response of that action.
That's what I do and like I said before, I don't know if it's a hundred percent correct in reference to Repository Pattern.
I hope this can help someone else too.
Thanks for all.
With Slim I group my controllers and generally have an abstract BaseController I extend for each group. I use class based routing:
/* SLIM 2.0 */
// Users API - extends BaseApiController
$app->post('/users/insert/' , 'Controller\Api\UserApiController:insert');
// Campaigns - extends BaseAdminController
$app->get('/campaigns/', 'Controller\CampaignController:index')->name('campaigns');
and needed to password protect some routes, at other times I needed to have a slightly different configuration. BaseApiController, BaseAdminController... etc. There were times I needed to know which route I was in so I could execute a certain behavior for just that route. In those cases I would have a helper function like so:
/* SLIM 2.0 */
// returns the current route's name
function getRouteName()
return Slim\Slim::getInstance()->router()->getCurrentRoute()->getName();
This would give me the route name that is currently being used. So I could do something like...
namespace Controller;
abstract class BaseController
public function __construct()
/* SLIM 2.0 */
// Do not force to login page if in the following routes
if(!in_array(getRouteName(), ['login', 'register', 'sign-out']))
header('Location: ' . urlFor('login'));
I cannot find a way to access the route name being executed. I found this link
Slim 3 get current route in middleware
but I get NULL when I try
I have also tried the suggested:
'determineRouteBeforeAppMiddleware' => true
I've inspected every Slim3 object for properties and methods, I can't seem to find the equivalent for Slim3, or get access to the named route. It doesn't appear that Slim3 even keeps track of what route it executed, it just... executes it.
These are the following methods the router class has and where I suspect this value would be:
I was hoping someone has done something similar. Sure, there are other hacky ways I could do this ( some I'm already contemplating now ) but I'd prefer using Slim to give me this data. Any Ideas?
NOTE: I'm aware you can do this with middleware, however I'm looking for a solution that will not require middleware. Something that I can use inside the class thats being instantiated by the triggered route. It was possible with Slim2, was hoping that Slim3 had a similar feature.
It's available via the request object, like this:
Some more details available here
The methods in your controller will all accept request and response as parameters - slim will pass them through for you, so for example in your insert() method:
use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as request;
class UserApiController {
public function insert( request $request ) {
// handle request here, or pass it on to a getRouteName() method
After playing around I found a way to do it. It may not be the most efficient way but it works, and although it uses Middleware to accomplish this I think there are other applications for sharing data in the Middleware with controller classes.
First you create a middleware but you use a "Class:Method" string just like you would in a route. Name it whatever you like.
//Middleware to get route name
Then your middleware:
// RouteMiddleware.php
namespace Middleware;
class RouteMiddleware
protected $c; // container
public function __construct($c)
$this->c = $c; // store the instance as a property
public function getName($request, $response, $next)
// create a new property in the container to hold the route name
// for later use in ANY controller constructor being
// instantiated by the router
$this->c['currentRoute'] = $request->getAttribute('route')->getName();
return $next($request, $response);
Then in your routes you create a route with a route name, in this case I'll use "homePage" as the name
// routes.php
$app->get('/home/', 'Controller\HomeController:index')->setName('homePage');
And in your class controller
// HomeController.php
namespace Controller;
class HomeController
public function __construct($c)
$c->get('currentRoute'); // will give you "homePage"
This would allow you to do much more then just get a route name, you can also pass values from the middleware to your class constructors.
If anyone else has a better solution please share!
What I wanna do is to know, inside a view, if I'm in a specific controller or not. From what I know, I've got two choices and I don't have the answer to either of them :-D
inject a view variable using the share method in my AppServiceProvider, which involves getting the current controller name(or at least the action name so that I can switch it) inside the service provider.
inject a variable to all the views returned in the controller. For example does controllers have a boot method? Or can I override the view() method in the following code snippet?
public function someAction(Request $request)
return view('someview', ['myvar' => $myvalue]);
well of course there's the easy (yet not easy :|) solution: add the variable in all methods of the controller. I don't like this one.
You could use the controller's construct function.
Add this to the top of your controller:
public function __construct()
view()->share('key', 'value');