How to update multiple rows using a single value in laravel? - php

I'm a beginner in laravel, I would like to update multiple rows using one input field.
My Database records:
For an instance, my input field has the value of 500, When I submit this field, it will then Update the multiple selected id from database from oldest to latest.
If the first row has the quantity of 100 it will be 500 - 100, and then it will proceed to the second row in which the value of input field is now 400 and it will again get the difference of the second row 400 - 200 until the input field becomes 0.
Is this possible? Thank you.

Run foreach and pass your input field inside it. Simple
You can follow below code for understanding ..
public function updateRecord(Request $req)
//get data from oldest(ASC) to latest (desc).
$var = $req->input_field;
$data = ModelName::orderBy('id','asc')->get();
foreach ($data as $key)
// ($var < 0) in case negative value
if($var == 0 || $var < 0)
//find row with id
$singleRow = ModelName::find($key->id);
//holding data base quantity
$dummyHolder = $single->quantity_requested;
$single->quantity_requested = $dummyHolder + $var;
//update variable
$var = $var - $dummyHolder;


How can I add records on an empty table

I have an empty table in my database in MySQL, and I trying to add multiple records
(I do this in this way because I'm following and order; If I delete a record then the auto increment field (id) skips 1 value. For example. I delete the id = 340 and then the following record start with an id with a value = 341)
I have an If Else statement in a function in my controller where I use to compare the id itself of my table Hours.
public function showHours($id){
$complex = ComplexNew::find($id);
$fields = CourtsComplex::all();
$hours = HoursNew::all();
$last_hours = collect($hours)->last();
if ($last_hours->id == $last_hours->id){
$last_hours->id = $last_hours->id + 1;
return Redirect()->back();
return view('hours.FormNewHours')->with('complex', $complex)->with('fields', $fields)->with('last_hours', $last_hours);
And this line is the line where I have the error.
if ($last_hours->id == $last_hours->id){
// ...
The error is: 'Trying to get property 'id' of non-object'.
Also I was trying to add another if else statement something like this:
$last_hours->id = 1;
}else if($last_hours->id == $last_hours->id){
//ADD +1 TO ID.
Because I want that if the table is empty the id of the first record must be started with value = 1 but if the table is not empty add 1 to the last id, like a for statement because this condition add always +1 to last id.
$last_hours = collect($hours)->last();
$last_hours = $hours->last();
Plus dd($last_hours) if it returns object then try accessing id like $last_hours->id

How to multiply value from one column in one table from database in codeigniter?

I want to multiply value from table after I selected from database in one column and table using forearch loops
Here is my selection data from database and I don't know to multiply total value in its column
public function total_comp_in(){
$this->query = $this->db->get_where('prifix',array('status'=>1));
return $this->query->result();
the result I want to total my value as below images.
Loop over the results and multiply it:
$total = 1;
$result = $this->query->result();
foreach($result as $row) {
$total *= $row->total;
return $total;
However, that won't make 2*2*2*2*5 equal 48... maybe if there was a 3 instead of that 5...
Try this one , you can get the result directly without looping (numbers should be only positive)
FROM prifix WHERE status = 1

how to identify unsaved value from database using php mysql

I have to identify unsaved value from mysql table using php and mysql, for example i using table named as numtab and i have already stored some numbers 1, 3, 4, 7, 23, 12, 45 in numb column.
now i have generated one new number randomly(for example 23) and i have to check this number with already stored numbers,
if 23 is exist in the table mean i have to generate another one new number and have to check once again with stored values, this process have to continue till finding unsaved number.
if generated value is not exist in table mean can stop the process and can store this number in table.
here below the format i am currently using
$qryb="select * from numtab where numb='$numb'";
$results=mysql_query($qryb)or die("ERROR!!");
if(mysql_num_rows($results) == 1)
mysql_query("insert query");
the problem is above the code is validation once only, its not verifying second time. i think if using for or while loop mean can solve this problem, but i dont know how to do looping, so help me to solve this problem.
You can use in clause like this :
$qryb="select * from numtab where numb in('$numb')";
$results=mysql_query($qryb)or die("ERROR!!");
$count = mysql_num_rows($results);
if ($count > 0) {
echo "number exist in db";
} else {
echo "number does not exist in db";
You could make a while() loop to check if the numbers exist in your database. You could also retrieve all numbers from the database, store them in an array and check if the generated number exists within that array.
The first option would be something like this:
do {
$qryb="select * from numtab where numb='$numb'";
$results = mysql_query($qryb) or die("ERROR!!");
} while(mysql_num_rows($results) >= 1)
mysql_query("insert query");
The second option would be something like this:
$query = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT(numb) as numb FROM numtab");
// set array
$array = array();
// look through query
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
// add each row returned into an array
$array[] = $row['numb'];
$numb = rand(1,100);
while(!in_array ( $numb , $array) ;
mysql_query("insert query");

PHP SQL Update array

I originally was satisfied with the following in order to update row 1 and row 2 to the same value (status=1)
if ($_POST){
$sql ="UPDATE table SET status = 1,
WHERE id IN (1,2 );";
echo "<b>Good</b>";
echo "<b>No Good</b>";
But now I want to update with different values, ie- row 1 to status 1, row 2 to status 2, and row 3 to status 3.
Off the bat, I know I need to
1. Use an array and loop through it three times.
2. pass in the array value into the $sql
I figure it would be something like this but I am still learning PHP..
$array_id = array(1, 2, 3);
$array_status = array(1, 2, 3);
if ($_POST){
$sql ="UPDATE table SET status = $array_status
WHERE id = $array_id;";
echo "<b>Update Successful</b>";
echo "<b>Update Unsuccessful</b>";
How would I go about making this happen?
You can loop through the arrays using a for loop and exec a query for each one (Radu Vlad answer), or you can build a long query and execute it once, something like this:
if ($_POST){
$sql = ""; // Blank string
$len = count($array_id); // Number of iterations
for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) { // Enter the loop
$sql .= "UPDATE
status = {$array_status[$i]}
WHERE id = {$array_id[$i]};"; // Append the query
echo "<b>Update Successful</b>";
echo "<b>Update Unsuccessful</b>";
When the val of $i is 0, then $array_id[$i] will print the first element, when $i is 1, $array_id[$i] will print the second element, and so on.
Using .= you append text to a string. By the end of the loop, $sql will be a string with 3 queries ('UPDATE ... SET ...; UPDATE ... SET ...; UPDATE ... SET ...;').
Not sure if it's the best way, though. But you get the idea.
If yow want the status to be equal to the id, do this (single query):
UPDATE table SET status=id WHERE id IN (1,2,3);
Of course you can use some math, like:
UPDATE table SET status=(id+1)*2 WHERE id IN (1,2,3);
You didn't really explain why you need that, so
try1(childish): set status = id
"UPDATE table SET status = id"
It's a bad practice, and only you could understand what those numbers are. Plus if id is auto-increment, status will be auto-increment too, you will have a duplicate column. If status has only 3 values posible, you should not do this.
try2(basic): do 3 updates, or actually, do as many as you need with a for
if ($_POST){
$status = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++){
$sql ="UPDATE table
SET status = $status
WHERE id = $i;";
A better way bacause you have more control over the status. Of course the second try is irrelevant if you have only that 3 values. This one assumes you will change the $status variable inside the for loop, in concordance with the $i (id)
try3(mature): set one or 2 arrays with the concordance between id and status, so that either $arr[$id] will have the value of status and the key will be the id, or $arr1[$i] will have the value of id, and $arr2[$i] will have the value of status
the example will have only one array(also called map, because you map a value based on another value)
if ($_POST){
$status_array = array(1 => 1,2 => 2,3 => 3);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++){
$sql ="UPDATE table
SET status = $status_array[$i]
WHERE id = $i;";
Also, this works because the array is consistent. If you do not have an consistent array you should either work with 2 arrays, or try a foreach with key->value instead of for
I would suggest you to use the following code:
$theArray = array("1" => "1","2" => "2","3" => "3"); // The scheme is ID => Status
$errorMsg = false; // Our default assumption is that no error occured
foreach($theArray as $key => $value) {
$sql = "UPDATE table SET status =".$value." WHERE id = ".$key;
if(!db() -> query($sql)) { // Execute the query and check whether it failed
$errorMsg = "Query for ID ".$key." failed.";
break; // When the query failed we exit the loop and echo the error message
if($errorMsg) { // If an error occured (errorMsg is no longer false) we echo it here
echo $errorMsg;
Basically you do just create one array $theArray, which contains key => value pairs of the IDs and the statuses you want to give them. Afterwards, you loop through this array, execute the db() -> query() for each key => value pair and check whether it failed or not. If a query failed, you break the loop and output the error message.
Instead of using two arrays ($array_id, $array_status) I do use only one associative array $theArray. The advantage here is that you only have one instead of two arrays and that you can extend the number of rows you'd like to change without changing your code. Just extend the array.
The array $theArray does not need to be in a chronological order and you can give each ID independently of the other IDs a status.
You are executing the db() -> query($sql) in your code two times. This is not very efficient and redundant. Instead you can execute the command only once and immediately check whether it failed or not based on its return value inside the if().
The errorMsg I am creating in the code let you know which query failed so it gives you a more detailed information for debugging.
If you want to update multiple rows (in single query) using the INSERT syntax, you can do this:
REPLACE table(id,status) VALUES(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)
Notice that id must be Primary Key or Unique, otherwise the REPLACE will insert a new row.
Notice also that REPLACE isn't SQL standard, and works only in MySQL.

php "count()" function and DB

I have a Joomla 1.5 site. I have articles in my site with different "status". What I'm trying to do is "count" and show how many articles have for example "status = 1"(expired) or "status = 3"(blocked) or "status = 2"(active) etc..
Here is the statuses in PhpMyAdmin -
Here is what I wrote, but it ALWAYS gives me same result - 1
<?php echo count($this->row->status==1) ?>
Did I miss something?
Use the SQL count function.
select count(*) from articles where status = 1;
Use your DB! If you are sorting, counting, etc, data from a database in PHP code you're doing it wrong.
If you want all statuses, do something like:
select status, count(*) from articles group by status;
The count function in PHP counts all the elements in an array, and in your example you passed it a boolean value. As a result count doesn't know what to do with it, and so it returns -1, which isn't a valid count.
My PHP is really rusty (I haven't used it in a looong time), but here are two possible ways to accomplish what you want:
1. Use a function map/reduce style
$row[0]->status = 1;
$row[1]->status = 2;
$row[2]->status = 1;
$row[3]->status = 3;
$row[4]->status = 1;
// Count the number of statuses that are equal to 1
echo array_reduce(array_map(function($x) {
return $x->status == 1 ? 1: 0;
}, $row), function($x, $y) {return $x + $y;});
You'll have to replace the $row variable with $this->row, obviously. The code is essentially working in two steps. The inner part:
array_map(function($x) {
return $x->status == 1 ? 1: 0;
}, $row)
Creates a list where every status that's equal to 1 becomes a 1 and everything else becomes a 0. So you have an array of "array(1, 0, 1, 0, 1)". The out part of the code:
array_reduce( ... , function($x, $y) {return $x + $y;});
Takes the new array as the first argument and sums it all up by passing in the first two values of the array into the function, and then each following value and the result of the last function call. As a result all the values get summed, and you have a proper count of the matching values.
2. Use a simple procedural style
$row[0]->status = 1;
$row[1]->status = 2;
$row[2]->status = 1;
$row[3]->status = 3;
$row[4]->status = 1;
// Do it again, but in a procedural style
$num_1_statuses = 0;
foreach ($row as $r) {
if ($r->status == 1) {
echo $num_1_statuses;
This should be really straightforward, it just has a variable that gets incremented whenever a row's status matches.
