So I am basically re-doing some code on an existing system, mainly the database functions and I am putting them in a class rather than a function (currently the mysqli_connect DSN information is set in global variables and is being used every single time a query is being done which is why I am trying to clean this up but I am not trying to re-do this entire system all right now).
Current system has many PHP files that will include the main dbconnect.php file with a function of something like function db_query($query,$DSN){} and we have in almost every single other file the actual SQL query being written out and then passed off as db_query($query); and that is it.
I have moved over to something along the lines of the below code:
class Db {
protected static $connection;
function __construct() {
if (! isset($GLOBALS['DEBUG'])) { $GLOBALS['DEBUG'] = 0; }
public function connect() {
if(!isset(self::$connection)) {
self::$connection = new mysqli($GLOBALS['DSN']);
if(self::$connection === false) {
return false;
unset($GLOBALS['DSN']); //unset so that login info is not roaming around anymore now that the connection has been established
return self::$connection;
public function db_query($query) {
$connection = $this->connect();
$result = $connection->query($query);
return $result;
include_once 'dbconnect.php';
(new Db()); //I have also tried new Db();
$query = "SELECT * FROM table;";
db_query($query); //I have to try to do it like this since 99.9% of the system is already using this method and I don't want to have to go through all the code and update it with something like:
$db = new Db();
I understand that $db = new Db(); $db->db_query($query); is correct but I am trying to do it like this new Db(); without a variable assigned to it because all of the other functions for dbconnect.php are written without a variable in front of the function call such as db_query($query); like they are right now without me having to go and update all of them to $db->db_query($query);.
I hope this makes sense and any suggestions would be great without compromising the benefit of using classes to begin with (AKA setting public static functions is just not worth it)
Thank you
Part of refactoring is to update code. Honestly, any IDE would make replacing the usage of db_query() a breeze. You can replace the db_query( with (new Db())->db_query(. Since you are already storing the connection statically, I suggest making the class methods also static. Having something like Db::query(...) would be less redundant and more readable.
I have a function like this:
function write_to_db($foo) {
$db = new PDO("sqlite:bar.db");
$query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO table VALUES (?)");
$query->bind_param("s", $foo);
Problem is that I am calling this function multiple times inside my php-script(s). Is there a way to make the $db variable static somehow so that it won't need to open & close the file multiple times during executing of the php-script?
Sending the database as a parameter is not an option as the function is called withing classes and other functions and then I would need to make all of them aware of the database.
Edit: ok, I was told this is the best practice and I guess I don't need to worry about performance.
Yes there is way to make it. You can do it via Singleton object. You can find more information about of Singleton Pattern.
So I made a simple implementation of it which what you want to do.
class SqliteSingleton
private static $connection = null;
public static function getConnection($path = null){
if ($this->connection == null) {
$this->connection = new PDO("sqlite:" . $path);
return $this->connection;
You can use it at anywhere you want.
$connection = SqliteSingleton::getConnection('bar.db');
Also you can do research and made more efficient class design then this.
I have a PHP class with a few functions defined, this class is responsible for database access:
class database {
function open($params) {
// code here to open the db
function close() {
// code here to close the db
function count_users() {
// code here counts the number of user records
// Return -1 for testing
return -1;
function insert_user($user) {
// code here inserts a user record
function select_user($user_id) {
// code here selects a user record
I have accessor classes defined as follows:
class user {
public $user_id;
public $email_address;
// etc, etc
class db_user {
static function select_user($user_id) {
$db = new database();
$user = NULL;
$result = $db->select_user($user_id);
// Test the result and decode user record into $user, etc
return $user;
static function count_users() {
$db = new database();
$count = $db->count_users();
return $count;
My issue occurs when I attempt to count the number of users through db_user::count_users(); which always fails with a Fatal Error: call to undefined method database::count_users
If I dump the database class methods using get_class_methods, I can see that the count_users function isn't present in the list but I have no idea why.
I'm very much a PHP n00b so there maybe something really obvious I'm not doing. My db_user and user classes have many other functions which pull data back through the database class and all of these succeed - just this one function.
Please help!
Ok, so, having removed a couple of functions from the database class and re-uploaded the file to the live server, it appears that it is somehow being "cached" as when I dump the methods belonging to the database object, the removed methods are still displayed in the list.
The count_users function is also not present in the method list yet when I inspect the file uploaded to the server, it is there in code.
Is there any way of removing this caching???
Try as follows:
class user extends database {
//code user class goes here
class user extends db_user {
//code user class goes here
simple problem solved.
You can store you instance of Database to the variable.
class db_user {
public static $db;
static function openDatabase(){
self::$db = new database();
static function select_user($user_id) {
$user = NULL;
$result = self::$db->select_user($user_id);
// Test the result and decode user record into $user, etc
return $user;
static function count_users() {
$count = $db->count_users();
return $count;
The issue, it would appear, is related to another version of the "database.php" file hiding in a sub-folder which must have been copied there by mistake.
Having removed this troublesome file, all now works as expected.
Thanks for your help.
Tried running your code in on-line phptester tool - first complained about missing $params in $db->open(), removing the argument (or passing the $params) it works fine on php 5.2,5.3,5.4. No complaints about count_users().
Today i tried to convert my functions to PHP Class.
I tried with some basic steps.
class DataBase {
private $host;
private $user;
private $password;
private $db;
private $mysqli;
function __construct() {
$this->host = "localhost";
$this->user = "root";
$this->password = "";
$this->db = "my_database";
$this->mysqli = new mysqli($this->host, $this->user, $this->password, $this->db);
function __destruct() {
public function query($query, $params = '', $bind_result) {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($query);
//Need to change this to process the array of params
$stmt->bind_param('i', $params);
//Change this to handle array of bind
//Loop the result and store it in a temp array
//Don't print the statement. Just close the statement and return the array.
printf("%s\n", $bind_result);
/* close statement */
I have to now create another class. I created one dummy table in database.
class Dummy {
private $database;
function __construct() {
$this->database = new Database();
public function getAllDummy() {
$query = "SELECT name FROM dummy WHERE id = ?";
$this->database->query($query, 1, 'name');
But I don't think it is the right way to do the things. I feel some of them are in the right way and some of them are wrong.
When i call the query() function, Do i need to connect the database all the time in every classes' construct method? Or Do i need to change the Database class to static functions? So i can call the functions like Database::query();
It seems i need to create everything from the start. Is such a model already available in internet? like cakephp, codeigniter
I would like to recommend you to read something about ORM for PHP. For example I m using Doctrine 2 ( It is kinda complex but definitely worth to learn. There is everything you are trying to code already done, so why you should make it again?
In your OOP principe there are some mistakes.
You are creating Database instance for every class like Dummy, if you will have class Users, Articles, you will create 3x Database, it isnt really good. You should make Database as service or Singleton and make it just once. Good solution for this can be Dependency injection (
Also I would recommend you to generalize whole Dummy class, to make it more general. Dont make method "getAllDummy" but for example "getAll($tableName)"so you can use it for every table.
Besides Doctrine (Which is powerfull and almighty already but still to complex) I can suggest you db.php ( which does everything what doctrine but is single file and is very easy to use. Cons: It is not well documented yet and has no big community yet.
I'm trying to refactor some code but I'm kinda confused. I define my database connection like so:
global $conn;
$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host",$root,$pw); [...]
Now I'd like a function for retrieving table rows but it needs $conn. Is there any way in which I can pass $conn into this function? I tried to set it as a default value but that doesn't work:
function get($table,$conn=$conn,$limit=10){ [...]
I then tried the use keyword but I think it's only available for anonymous functions:
function get($table,$limit=10)use($conn){
$query = $conn->query(" [...]
How do other people do this? Am I missing something obvious here?
function get($table, $limit=10)
As you already wrote in your question, this function header is incomplete. The function itself can not do what it needs to do without having $conn.
As this is a function in the global namespace, the most straight forward thing could be to use a global variable:
function conn_get($table, $limit=10) {
global $conn;
I also name-spaced the function to make the relation clear. The problem with this are two things:
global functions are expensive to maintain
global variables are expensive to maintain
So what you normally do in that case is to wrap this into a class:
class Conn
private $conn;
public function __construct(PDO $conn) {
$this->conn = $conn;
public function get($table, $limit=10) {
$query = $this->conn->query("[...]");
You then pass around a Conn object which can be used:
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$host", $root, $pw);
$conn = new Conn($pdo);
And then:
$conn->get('ColorTable', 200);
The private variable takes over the role of the global variable with the benefit that every method inside the same object can access it. So everything now is in it's own space and contrary to the global space, will not go into each others way that fast. This is easy (easier) to change and maintain over time.
When you call the function i.e:
$table_rows = get($table, $conn);
You are passing local variables inside the function scope.
However you can't define a not-static variable as default: $conn=$conn will throw a fatal error.
In PHP, use is the way to go for anonymous / lambda-functions but not for ordinary functions.
If you have the database connection flying around in global scope, you can either pass it as a normal variable to your functions like so:
function get(PDO $conn, $table,$limit=10) {
$query = $conn->query(" [...]
Other than that (bad practice!) is to get the global $conn variable into the function like so:
function get($table,$limit=10) {
$query = $GLOBALS['conn']->query(" [...]
However, an object oriented approach is recommended! You might want to inject the Database Class via dependency injection into the classes, where you need it.
the most simple thing you can do is to create a function that will return you the $conn variable
function conn (){
$conn = NULL;
...some database connection setup etc...
return $conn;
and call it to other functions that you need to use it
function getDb(){
conn()->query(" [...]");
the conn() function will be available to all your functions on your PHP script.
but if you plan to make a more complex web application I recommend you to use a PHP framework or make a PHP class and apply OOP principles that would handle the database connection for you.
So recently I've really started to use php actively, and I need some insights on different ways to use database connections.
At first I just used the simple mysql_connect():
$connection = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(DB_DB, $connection);
After a while I created a database class which I started to include and initialize in every file - something like this:
class MySQL_DB {
var $connection;
function MySQL_DB(){
$this->connection = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(DB_DB, $this->connection);
function query($q){
$res = mysql_query($q, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
return $res;
$database = New MySQL_DB;
And this is what I'm using at the time - and it's working fine - but there are always ways to improve.
So my question to you is how do you manage your database connections?
Do you use classes?
What does your classes contain (just
the connection or even functions?)
What practices do you recommend?
I recommend to use PDO. Don't reinvent the weel. It's a nice OO-interface to many database engines.
Additionally I create a small function which just inititializes PDO object. So all connection settings can be changed in one place.
Your current approach is pretty standard, and works well. I used it for a long time. It's true that modules like PDO provide base functionality like this now, which is very nice as well and can get you away from problems with home-brew code.
However, I've taken the connection management one step further. If you get into a complex application, you might get into a situation where you have multiple databases, or heavy database use. Including a single database connection file and having a global $database variable becomes unwieldy for multiple databases, and it's unnecessary for application requests that might not need a database connection. Remember, connecting to the database is expensive.
What I've done is create a singleton DatabaseManager class that handles the database object for me, and makes sure multiple connections to a given DB don't get instantiated. Instead of initializing a new database object at the top of your app, you simply call on the DatabaseManager every time you need the object.
$db = DatabaseManager::getDatabase();
Here's an example class that I had whipped up for a CodeIgniter project. You can see in the getDatabase() function it simply loads CodeIgniter's default database object, which you would substitute for your own class (and run the connection routine for it) if you weren't using CI. This is a pretty simplistic management class, and could be extended to manage multiple connections to different databases fairly easily.
* Implements the Singleton pattern to prevent multiple instantiations and connections
* to the application database.
class Database_manager
private static $instance;
public $db;
* Constructor function is declared private to prevent instantiation.
protected function __construct()
* Returns an instance of a Database_manager.
* #return object Database_manager object
public static function getInstance()
if (self::$instance == null) {
$className = __CLASS__;
self::$instance = new $className();
return self::$instance;
public static function getDatabase()
$instance = self::getInstance();
if ($instance->db == null) {
//utilize CodeIgniter's database loader
$instance->db = $instance->load->database('',true);
if (! is_object($instance->db)) throw new Exception("Could not load database.");
return $instance->db;
Perhaps the most common advantage I get out of using this style of connection management is when I have to take down an application for database maintenance. By not instantiating a database connection until I need it, I can easily put up a "maintenance in progress" message on a site (short circuiting normal MVC dispatching), and not worry about requests to the application opening a DB connection while maintenance is in progress.
Usage of classes are the way to go to increase customized re-usability.
Bring in all generic implementations into the class. You are on the right track.
This website has the following clean approach.
This website link is no longer present. Archive Link.
class connection {
// Possible Modules are as follows:
private $module = DBX_MYSQL;
private $host = "localhost";
private $database = "test";
private $username = "testuser";
private $password = "testpass";
private $link;
private $result;
public $sql;
function __construct($database=""){
if (!empty($database)){ $this->database = $database; }
$this->link = dbx_connect($this->module,$this->host,$this->database,$this->username,$this->password);
return $this->link; // returns false if connection could not be made.
function query($sql){
if (!empty($sql)){
$this->sql = $sql;
$this->result = dbx_query($this->link,$sql,DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED);
return $this->result;
return false;
function fetch($result=""){
if (empty($result)){ $result = $this->result; }
return dbx_fetch_row($result);
function __destruct(){
In your database manager example, you did not define a parent for your class.
Therefore, invoking parent::__constructor() yields an exception,
and also, you cannot use the load property of code ignitor.
Which class did you use as an extension for your DatabaseManager?
Since i do not know where you placed your databasemanager code, nor which class you used as its parent, i circumvented the exceptions by making the getDatabase() method receive an input parameter which i called $loader.
Normally, this $loader object will be the model class requiring access to a database.
public static function getDatabase($loader)
$instance = self::getInstance();
if ($instance->db == null) {
//utilize CodeIgniter's database loader
$instance->db = $loader->load->database('default',true);
if (! is_object($instance->db)) throw new Exception("Could not load database.");
return $instance->db;
Best regards.