my code only delivery 1 row. The first. This JSON contain 3000 rows.
Does anyone know why?
if (!empty($_GET["cuit"])){
$cuit = $_GET["cuit"];
$directorioDocs = 'data/docs/';
$data = file_get_contents("data/data.json");
$proveedores = json_decode($data, true);
$i = 0;
foreach ($proveedores as $proveedor) {
if ($cuit == $proveedor[$i]['cuit']) {
$proveedorArray = array(
"cuit" => $proveedor[$i]['cuit'],
else {$proveedorArray = array("Data" => "Debe ingresar un cuit");
$i = $i + 1;
echo json_encode($proveedorArray);
$proveedorArray = array("Data" => "Debe ingresar un cuit");
echo json_encode($proveedorArray);
$proveedorArray = array(
"cuit" => $proveedor[$i]['cuit'],
Creates a new array each iteration through the loop. You need to append instead:
// assuming each item in the parent array should be another array
$proveedorArray[] = array(
"cuit" => $proveedor[$i]['cuit'],
You'll also have to do the same in your else case inside the loop.
I tell you that the solution was found when analyzing the json
I did it with this tool->
I'm missing this->
foreach ($proveedores['data'] as $proveedor) {
Also remove the index [0] that was already unnecessary
That was it
I want to send nested JSON array.Which contain following format.
"qty":"500 gms"
"qty":"500 gms"
Here is my php code:
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll();
if ($rows) {
$order["posts"] = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$post = array();
$post["order_id"] = $row["order_id"];
$post["order_totalamount"] = $row["order_totalamount"];
$post["address"] = $row["address"];
$post["pincode"] = $row["pincode"];
$post["delivery_timeslot"] = $row["delivery_timeslot"];
$post["order_date"] = $row["order_date"];
$query1= "query";
$rows1 = $stmt->fetchAll();
if ($rows1) {
foreach ($rows1 as $row1) {
$query2= "query";
$rows2 = $stmt->fetchAll();
$post["product"] = array();
if ($rows2) {
$products = array();
foreach ($rows2 as $row2) {
$products["prod_qty"] = $row2["product_minquantity"];
echo json_encode($products);
array_push($order["posts"], $post);
echo json_encode($order);
From above code I got result:
$ {"posts":
"address":"2, Chetan Society, Vadodara",
"delivery_timeslot":"Zone wise delivery",
"order_date":"2016-03-18 17:50:53",
"product":[{"product_name":"Brinjal","prod_qty":"500 gms"}]
But my actual product array is:
${"product_name":"Banana","prod_qty":"1 Kg"}{"product_name":"Brinjal","prod_qty":"500 gms"}
Kindly help out. I am stuck on it. tried a lot but did not get success.
foreach ($rows2 as $row2) {
$products["prod_qty"] = $row2["product_minquantity"];
You overwrite $products["product_name"]and $products["prod_qty"] with the values of the last $row2.
The line {"product_name":"Banana","prod_qty":"1 Kg"}{"product_name":"Brinjal","prod_qty":"500 gms"} actually consists of two echo's:
{"product_name":"Banana","prod_qty":"1 Kg"}
{"product_name":"Brinjal","prod_qty":"500 gms"}
But you don't see the difference. I suggest echoing a string in-between them or use something like var_dump() to see how many values you're echoing.
You should do something like:
for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows2); $i++) {
$products[$i]["prod_qty"] = $rows2[$i]["product_minquantity"];
This will result in: [{"product_name":"Banana","prod_qty":"1 Kg"},{"product_name":"Brinjal","prod_qty":"500 gms"}]
FYI $array[] = has the same rsults as array_push(), but had less overhead of calling array_push().
Below a complete example since it doesn't seem to workout for you:
//Demo $order
$order = array (
'posts' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'order_id' => '18',
'order_totalamount' => '40',
'address' => '2, Chetan Society, Vadodara',
'pincode' => '390023',
'delivery_timeslot' => 'Zone wise delivery',
'order_date' => '2016-03-18 17:50:53',
//Demo $rows2
$rows2 = array(
'product_name' => 'banana',
'product_minquantity' => '1 Kg'
'product_name' => 'Brinjal',
'product_minquantity' => '500 gms'
$post['product'] = array();
if ($rows2) {
$products = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows2); $i++) {
$products[$i]['product_name'] = $rows2[$i]['product_name'];
$products[$i]['prod_qty'] = $rows2[$i]['product_minquantity'];
$post['product'] = $products;
echo json_encode($products); //[{"product_name":"banana","prod_qty":"1 Kg"},{"product_name":"Brinjal","prod_qty":"500 gms"}]
//$order['posts'][] = $post;
$order['posts'][0] = $order['posts'][0] + $post;
//In this example I only have 1 item in $order['posts'] so I know to add to key 0.
//In your case you need to know which key of $rows1 you need to do the adding.
//Change the foreach loop of $rows to a for loop as well so you can define your own keynames ($i).
echo '<br>==================================================================<br>';
echo json_encode($order);
"address":"2, Chetan Society, Vadodara",
"delivery_timeslot":"Zone wise delivery",
"order_date":"2016-03-18 17:50:53",
"prod_qty":"1 Kg"
"prod_qty":"500 gms"
I have a problem with the JSON I'm creating in PHP; I create the array in a while loop from an sql query. $featuresCSV is a comma-separated string like "1,3,4". In the JSON I need it to end up like feature-1: 1,feature-2: 1,feature-3: 1 The 1 represents true for my checkbox in my front-end program.
while ($stmt2->fetch()) {
$features = array();
$featuresTmp = explode(',', $featuresCSV, -1);
foreach ($featuresTmp as &$featureItem) {
$features[] = array("feature-" . $featureItem => 1);
$items[] = array('price' => $price, 'image' => $image, 'features' => $features);
The JSON ends up looking like this:
but I need it to look like this:
Notice how feature-1 and feature-2 aren't separated by brackets in the second.
You need to assign the elements at "feature-1" and "feature-2".
foreach ($featuresTmp as &$featureItem) {
$features["feature-" . $featureItem] = 1;
The syntax $feature[] = ... is for appending to the end of an array.
Here ya go
while ($stmt2->fetch()) {
$features = array();
$featuresTmp = explode(',', $featuresCSV, -1);
foreach ($featuresTmp as &$featureItem) {
$features["feature-$featureItem"] = 1;
$items[] = array('price' => $price, 'image' => $image, 'features' => $features);
This question already has answers here:
php json_encode not working on arrays partially
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am trying to properly create and encode and array using json_encode php function. The array i am trying to encode is $myarray . From my code if do
$myarray = array(array('name' =>$value['display_name']->scalarval(),'id' => $value['id']->scalarval())) ;
echo json_encode($myarray) ; // this works but only one item is pushed to my array
if i do
$myarray[] = array(array('name' =>$value['display_name']->scalarval(),'id' => $value['id']->scalarval //pushing all elements to array
result is nothing.
what i am missing ?
see full code below on what i have so far done.
* Retrieve available Room types.
* make accessing ids automatic..
include_once("../../openerp_models.php"); // include file to connect with openerp
date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Moscow'); // Timezone settings
//openerp connection details
require_once("../../connection.php") ;
try {
//we access partner model and domain for customers only
$customer = $connection_model->search('res.partner', 'customer', '=', TRUE);
//create an array
$ids = array();
//create a for loop and loop through the ids from search
for($i = 0; $i <= count($customer); $i++ )
// assign array values
$ids [] = $customer[$i] ;
// read partner with $ids
$customer_details = $connection_model->read('res.partner', $ids);
//loop through the scalavar value
$myarray = null;
// loop through the value returned
foreach ($customer_details as $keys => $values)
$value = $values->scalarval();
//Push values to my array
$myarray [] = array(array('name' =>$value['display_name']->scalarval(),'id' => $value['id']->scalarval())) ;
//Then try to encode $myrray but this fails
$jsonstring = json_encode($myarray);
if ($jsonstring!==false)
echo $jsonstring;
} else {
echo 'Could not properly encode $myarray';
catch(Exception $ex){
print "Error ".$ex.getMessage() ;
please help. thank you.
The right way to create the array would be like this:
$myarray = array(
'name' => 'bla',
'id' => 1
), array(
'name' => 'blas',
'id' => 2
This part of your code is perfectly fine.
$data = array() ; //create new empty array
//loop through the array
foreach($myarray as $keys => $h)
$data [] = $h;
echo json_encode($data) ; //this fails silently
If you run the code, it works perfectly fine:
Your foreach() loop creates a new array $data with the same entries (also arrays) as the $myarray contains. So, you could directly encode $myarray like this:
$myarray = array(
array('name' =>' Agrolait', 'id' => 6 ),
array('name' => 'Agrolait, Michel Fletcher', 'id' => 31 ),
array('name' => 'Agrolait, Thomas Passot', 'id' => 30 )
$jsonstring = json_encode($myarray);
if ($jsonstring!==false) {
echo $jsonstring;
} else {
echo 'Could not properly encode $myarray';
Which produces this JSON string:
[{"name":" Agrolait","id":6},{"name":"Agrolait, Michel Fletcher","id":31},{"name":"Agrolait, Thomas Passot","id":30}]
json_encodereturns the value FALSE if something went wrong, and the encoded string else. If you check the result from it you at least know when it fails.
Thanks for your suggestion have solved this. My string data was not properly encoded using utf-8 as suggested by Check my answer below
* Retrieve available Room types.
* make accessing ids automatic..
include_once("../../openerp_models.php"); // include file to connect with openerp
date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Moscow'); // Timezone settings
//openerp connection details
require_once("../../connection.php") ;
try {
//we access partner model and domain for customers only
$customer = $connection_model->search('res.partner', 'customer', '=', TRUE);
//create an array
$ids = array();
//create a for loop and loop through the ids from search
for($i = 0; $i <= count($customer); $i++ )
// assign array values
$ids [] = $customer[$i] ;
// read partner with $ids
$customer_details = $connection_model->read('res.partner', $ids);
//loop through the scalavar value
$myarray = null;
// loop through the value returned
foreach ($customer_details as $keys => $values)
$value = $values->scalarval();
$myarray [] = array('name' =>utf8_encode($value['display_name']->scalarval()),'id' => utf8_encode($value['id']->scalarval())) ;
//array_push($better, $myarray) ;
//echo '<pre>';
//print_r($myarray) ;
//echo '</pre>';
echo json_encode($myarray);
catch(Exception $ex){
print "Error ".$ex.getMessage() ;
why doesn't this code sum my spent_hours for each user?
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
$total_spent_time += $row['spent_time'];
if (!array_key_exists($row['activity_type'], $data))
$data[$row['activity_type']] = array(
'spent_time' => array('user' => array())
$data[$row['activity_type']]['spent_time']['user'][$row['user']] = array('time' => $row['spent_time']);
if (array_key_exists($row['user'], $data[$row['activity_type']]['spent_time']['user']))
$data[$row['activity_type']]['spent_time']['user'][$row['user']]['time'] += $row['spent_time'];
It gives me only the last value of the row.
Try to declare counter before loop:
$total_spent_time = 0;
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$total_spent_time += $row['spent_time'];
echo $total_spent_time;
You are doing wrong some where, we need some more details of query and resultset.You are not using $total_spent_time anywhere in the array allocation.
$data[$row['activity_type']]['spent_time']['user'][$row['user']] = array('time' => $row['spent_time']);
as you are only using $row['spent_time'], and since there is no second loop if statement executs only once per user($row['user'])That's the reason you get only 1 value.
Good Day
I have an array containing data seperated by a comma:
array (
There is a lot of data and I would like the data to be set out as:
=>[d] =>10
=>[a] =>15
=>[n] =>20
My code:
foreach ($out as $datavalue) {
$dat = str_getcsv($datavalue,',');
$datevalue = substr($dat[1],2,-1);
$shiftvalue = substr($dat[1],-1);
$totalvalue = $dat[2];
$sval[$shiftvalue] = $totalvalue;
$dval[$datevalue] = $sval;
$opvalue = $dat[0];
$final[$opvalue] = $dval;
Now it seems the array is populated even if there is no data from the original string, so my output shows results for Jack on the other dates even though there was no data for him originally. Hope this makes sense. Could anyone point out or suggest a solution please?
As mentioned in the comments, explode is what you need. See this working here.
$input = array (
0 => 'Jack,140101d,10',
1 => 'Jack,140101a,15',
2 => 'Jack,140101n,20',
3 => 'Jane,141212d,20',
4 => 'Jane,141212a,25',
5 => 'Jane,141212n,30',
$result = array();
foreach ($input as $key => $value) {
$valueParts = explode(',',$value); // now valueparts is an array like ('Jack','140101d','10')
$namePart = $valueParts[0];
$idPart = substr($valueParts[1],0,-1); // we need to strip the letter from the id
$charPart = substr($valueParts[1],-1); // and the id from the letter
$nrPart = $valueParts[2]; // you could use intval() to make this an integer rather than a string if you want
// Now we fill the array
if(!array_key_exists($namePart, $result)) {
$result[$namePart] = array();
if(!array_key_exists($idPart, $result[$namePart])) {
$result[$namePart][$idPart] = array();
if(!array_key_exists($charPart, $result[$namePart][$idPart])) {
$result[$namePart][$idPart][$charPart] = $nrPart;