I am new to web development and completed some practise project on xampp on windows.
without using laravel i used to access my website by typing 'localhost/myproject' but in laravel it doesnot work.
i have few quesions -
what does php artisan serve do internally?
After running command php artisan serve why we can only access our project by '' instead why we cant use 'localhost:8000/myproject'.
The artisan serve command uses the Built-in web server from PHP itself.
The reason you can't use localhost is probably the fault of your OS. You have to add the localhost alias to your hosts file which can be located in different places depending on your operating system.
You can access your project without IP address like localhost/myproject/public without doing anything but keep in mind every time you have to put public word. If want to remove public word and access like as normal php project from localhost example localhost/myproject then do these simple steps.
Cut files (index.php, .htaccess and robots.txt) from public directory from your laravel project and paste files to root of your project.
Now open the index.php file and change the lines like below and save.
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/app.php';
Now you can easily access your project without IP address :)
For better understanding you can watch this YouTube video. (Bangla Language)
Right now I have to open laragon start all > go into commands > and write php artisan serve, only then can I access the local website.
My question is how can I start all and serve the website on start of the program.
Thank you in advance!
you have to put your project folder into C:\laragon\www\
when start the laragon service it's gonna search in that folder and use the name of the folder project to create a custom url, for example
if you put your project folder named newproject into the C:\laragon\www folder, when you start the service, laragon it's gonna make an url with the name of that folder newproject.test
C:\laragon\www\newproject-> newproject.test
C:\laragon\www\blog-> blog.test
I have multiple restful apis build using yii2 framework, What i wouldlike is to use a single vendor directory stored in a different address
That is
I have an application hosted at www.example1.com and another one hosted at www.example2.com and the one i would like to contain the vendor files to be at www.example3.com so that in both example1 and example2 i only have to upload the resful folder without vendor directories
After some looking into yii2 advanced folder i have found these lines in index.php
require(__DIR__ . '/_protected/vendor/autoload.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/_protected/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php');
Ive tried as a work around by doing
require(__DIR__ . 'http:://example1.com/pathto/_protected/vendor/autoload.php');
But the above fails, How best can i achieve this
You can't do it via HTTP.
The only solution is to create shared, NFS volume, which will be mounted on both servers as your vendor/ directory. After you will be able to use the same vendor dir for two servers.
If those two sites are deployed to the same server, it might be easier.
It is very simple .
you can just copy the vendor file into your next project and change the two lines of required file path (autoload.php & yii.php) to the correct vendor location.
the /config/web.php. add vendorPath to the config with your vendor directory.
As the vendor is moved from /var/www/html/myapp/vendor to /var/www/html/frameworks/yii2, you will find problem installing a new extension or updating the existing through composer command. To fix it, modify your composer.json (right under your project directory) by adding the vendor-dir attribute under the config section, eg:
// other settings ...
"config": {
"vendor-dir":"your path",
"process-timeout": 1800
// other settings ...
Also, you may find "a man-in-the-middle attack" message when either update or install the new extension (i don't know if there is a relation to the modification of composer.json but i get it several times during experiments). To fix it run composer update --dry-run. then it would ok.
This can be done: Include through http.
You need to set some php variables (allow_url_include, allow_url_fopen). And you need to get rid of __DIR__ constant in front of your php file path:
Don't do this. Really. You don't want to go through all these unsafe php setups. And you don't want to expose your vendor files to all the people in the world. If your script can access php source code via http, everyone can. Also, includes over http will be extremely slow.
The (probably) only solution
If you really want to share core php files between multiple websites, you can purchase virtual server, set up both websites on it and create one folder accessible from all websites on this server.
You don't even need virtual server, you can go with some kind of multihost service with custom folder for each website and shared folder for core (vendor) files.
I made a laravel project on my localserver. I just copy the project folder and pasted on my web server in public_html folder. It's giving an error when i open it.
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Can anyone please let me know step by step how to put my laravel project on web serve?
Well there are three ways to upload and make workable on shared hosting which I came to know.
Rename server.php file to index.php (which is not the correct way)
Shift public/* to root (also, its not the correct way)
Need to add a line in public/index.php after initialization of $app
$app->bind('path.public', function() {
return _DIR_;
and that's proper way as per my knowledge.
(My last answer was deleted before I could submit my edits, so here's another, more complete answer)
There is an easy answer, and a long answer.
Long answer
The most important part to know is that the only part of Laravel that should be accessible to the public is in the public folder. Which means that, on your shared host, the content of public should reside in whatever folder is the public on your host (they usually are named "www", or "public_html", but it can be anything, really).
I'm going to assume here that you have only one project on your account and say that, if it's the case, you now only need to upload every other file and folder at the same level as the public folder you have and set the correct permission to the storage folder.
In the end, if the only thing you do is upload all of your project to the root folder of your account, then rename Laravel's public folder to public_html, this is supposed to work (of course, assuming that you can also use the CLI and call artisan and composer commands).
Easy answer
If you can use the command line and create synlinks on your host, you can simplify your life by uploading all of your project into a folder outside of the public_html folder and symlink public to your public_html like so: ln -s /full/path1/project/public /full/path/to/public_html
Detailed answer and more tips
You can read this article that goes into more detail and gives commands to achieve everything. I tried to keep my answer as concise as possible, so if you want a more step by step approach, this link or a bit of google searching will do the trick!
I have a problem when upload laravel project on my shared hosting. On that hosting I have two addon domains with separate folders in document root. But when I put laravel project in document root and move everything from public folder in root to remove that "/public" from url, I cant access to my addon domains. I'm getting 500 Internal service error. When I remove .htaccess file I can access to my other domains, but I can't access to my Laravel project. How can I change default laravel .htaccess file?
Well, you should not move everything from public folder, this is a very important part of your Laravel application, it was built this way to separate your application source code from the public files anyone can access, if you make your application root also your public folder, anyone will be able to access any php files from your application, and this is so unsafe...
What you need to do is to point your document root to /serverRoot/applicationRoot/public.
If you really cannot do that, I'm afraid you'll have to edit index.php and try to change thos two lines:
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php';
require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/start.php';
And see if it works for you.
Laravel's default .htaccess file is there just for rewriting your URLs, so you dont see aindex.php` on them. Basically it does 2 things:
1) If you access your site using http://www.site.com/, internally it will point to http://www.site.com/index.php.
2) When you access your site using http://www.site.com/index.php it hides the index.php part.
This is kind of recursive, because the first step leads to the second one.
Now you have to think and see how this is conflicting with your other domains, because the files you are serving in those domains matters and since we are not aware of what they are, helping more is kind of difficult.
The directory structure of my project is like this:-
The webroot is /var/www/public, so accessing the test domain localhost.dev would serve the files inside the public directory and hence would run /var/www/public/index.php. No need to access like localhost.dev/public/index.php
The problem is when I create the project in Netbeans, I have to set the index file so that the project can be debugged using xdebug and Netbeans.
So when adding the project I provided /var/www as Project source folder (Sources Folder) as the includes and classes are in this folder. In the next project configuration screen (Choose Project > Name and Location > file path is taken as Run Configuration), I'm asked for the Project URL and the index file. Since the index.php file is actually under the /var/www/public/, when I browse the file and select it, the url to index page is taken as localhost.dev/public/index.php instead of just localhost.dev/index.php. This is preventing me from debugging the project.
Can anyone please point out how to add projects to Netbeans when all the source files are not in web root and the project is to be debugged using xdebug.
I think its a bad practice to put all the project files directly in /var/www.
I think you will never see that in real deployed projects. So my first recommendation will be to change the way you are structuring your project. If that's not possible, in Netbeans select /var/www/public as the Project folder.
If Netbeans need references to the folders in /var/www, create symbolic folders inside public pointing to those in /var/www.
The last resource you have is to create a rewrite rule in Apache to make localhost.dev/public be the same as localhost.dev. You can look for this in Apache documentation.
I have a similar set up with one minor difference: my setup uses a remote site on my local development server. On the "Run Configuration" window of the project properties, I set "Run As" to "Remote Web Site (FTP, SFTP)". I don't think this affects the information in my answer, but I'm mentioning it just in case.
Go to the "Sources" window of your project properties, find the entry for "Web Root", click "Browse" and select the /var/www/public directory. That should cause xDebug to use localhost.dev/index.php. You'll notice when you go to the "Run Configuration" window and browse for the Index File that the browse window will start in "public" rather than "www".
An important note about this type of configuration that caused me a great deal of frustration.
When using xDebug, you'll want to be able to set breakpoints in and work with the files outside of the web root (public) directory. Because you've set the web root to /var/www/public, you won't be able to work with the files in /var/www/includes or /var/www/classes.
The thing you need to do is to add the files outside of your web root to the Global Include Path.
There are two methods for adding directories to your Global Include Path, which one you use depends on how you've configured your project.
In your case, the external directories are included in your project, so you need to add them via the "Options" interface. Go to Tools->Options and select the "PHP" tab, then add the /var/www/includes and /var/www/classes folders to the Global Include Path.
The other method for adding files to the Global Include Path is for files that are located outside of your project source folder. For directories like /var/folder_outside_www/, you use the "PHP Include Path" window in the project properties.
I haven't found a better way but I use this steps:
Menu:Project Properties -> Link:Run Configuration -> Button:Advanced
Debug URL, choose: Ask Every Time
Path Mapping, Server Path: http://localhost.dev/ ,Project Path: /var/www/public/
Now, when you start Debugging process, Netbeans will display Specify URL pop-up which you can change from http://localhost.dev/public/index.php into http://localhost.dev/index.php
Set /var/www/public as project folder (contain netbeans project folder) and include in project properties /var/www/includes/ and /var/www/classes/ as global include directories. Or best way use PHPStorm.