I'm looking to mark an order in Google Shopping as shipped but getting hung up with how to format the lineItems. I'm following the official docs for shipping line items:
And here is my code:
$client = new Google_Client();
$service = new Google_Service_ShoppingContent($client);
// Get Order and Line Items
$order = $service->orders->get('MERCHANT-ID', 'ORDER-ID', array());
$lineItems = $order->getLineItems();
// Prepare Item Info
foreach($lineItems as $item) {
$items = array('lineItemId' => $item->getId(),'productId' => $item->getProduct()->getId(), 'quantity' => $item->quantityPending);
// Prepare Shipment Info
$shipment = array('shipmentId' => 'xxx', 'carrier' => 'ups', 'trackingId' => '1234567890');
// Prepare PostBody
$postBody = new Google_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersShipLineItemsRequest();
$postBody->operationId = rand();
$postBody->lineItems = $items;
$postBody->shipmentInfos = $shipment;
// Mark Google Order as Shipped
$service->orders->shiplineitems('MERCHANT-ID', 'ORDER-ID', $postBody, array());
This produces the following error, but I haven't been able to figured out exactly what is wrong:
Google_Service_Exception: { "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "reason": "invalid", "message": "Invalid value for lineItems: {lineItemId=HI2PTRMVLNCZEXP, productId=online:en:US:d3k3245, quantity=2}", "locationType": "other", "location": "" } ], "code": 400, "message": "Invalid value for lineItems: {lineItemId=HI2PTRMVLNCZEXP, productId=online:en:US:d3k3245, quantity=2}" } }
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
The API is expecting an Array of Google_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderShipmentLineItemShipment class.
$lineItemShipments = array();
$lineItemShipment = new Google_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderShipmentLineItemShipment();
$lineItemShipments[] = $lineItemShipment;
I am trying to get location insights through the Google PHP Library.
I am doing the example for -> Retrieving basic insights for a given list of locations.
from this page: https://support.google.com/business/thread/1774669/php-code-example-insights-with-mybusiness-php-v3-2?hl=en
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/google/auth_google.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/MyBusiness.php";
$mybusinessService = new Google_Service_Mybusiness($client);
$accounts = $mybusinessService->accounts;
$accountsList = $accounts->listAccounts()->getAccounts();
$locationStatistics = [];
foreach ($accountsList as $accKey => $account) {
$locations = $mybusinessService->accounts_locations;
$locationsList = $locations->listAccountsLocations($account->name)->getLocations();
$firstDay = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000\Z", strtotime(date('Y-m-1')));
$lastDay = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000\Z", strtotime("today"));
// // Final Goal of my Code
if (empty($locationsList)===false) {
foreach ($locationsList as $locKey => $location) {
$reviewLink = $location['metadata']['newReviewUrl'];
$locationNames = $location->locationName;
$reportLocationInsightsRequest = new Google_Service_MyBusiness_ReportLocationInsightsRequest($client);
$basicRequest = new Google_Service_MyBusiness_BasicMetricsRequest($client);
$metricRequests = new Google_Service_MyBusiness_MetricRequest($client);
$timeRange = new Google_Service_MyBusiness_TimeRange($client);
$reportLocationInsightsResponse = $locations->reportInsights($account->name, $reportLocationInsightsRequest);
$locationMetrics = $reportLocationInsightsResponse->getLocationMetrics();
$locationMetricsArray = array();
$locationMetricsArray['locationMetrics']['locationName'] = array($locationMetrics[0]->getLocationName());
$locationMetricsArray['locationMetrics']['timeZone'] = array($locationMetrics[0]->getTimeZone());
$metricValuesArray = array();
foreach ($locationMetrics[0]->getMetricValues() as $value) {
$metricValuesItem = array();
$metricValuesItem['metric'] = $value['metric'];
$metricValuesItem['totalValue']['timeDimension']['timeRange']['endTime'] = $value['totalValue']['timeDimension']['timeRange']['endTime'];
$metricValuesItem['totalValue']['timeDimension']['timeRange']['startTime'] = $value['totalValue']['timeDimension']['timeRange']['startTime'];
$metricValuesItem['totalValue']['metricOption'] = $value['totalValue']['metricOption'];
$metricValuesItem['totalValue']['value'] = $value['totalValue']['value'];
$metricValuesArray[] = $metricValuesItem;
$locationMetricsArray['locationMetrics']['metricValues'] = $metricValuesArray ;
$locData =array();
$locID = str_replace('https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=', '', $reviewLink);
$locData['name'] = $locationNames;
$locData['reviewLink'] = $reviewLink;
$locData['locationID'] = $locID;
But I am getting the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Google\Service\Exception: {
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"errors": [
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "badRequest"
There was nothing wrong with the code. The problem was happening from the
$firstDay = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000\Z", strtotime(date('Y-m-1')));
$lastDay = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000\Z", strtotime("today"));
If $firstDay and $lastDay are equal the API returns an error.
I am using Square Charge API, and following is my request object for a test card -
I am using Square provided PHP client to connect to the API. And I am receiving following response for "Charge" endpoint -
[HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request] {"errors":[{"category":"INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR","code":"BAD_REQUEST","detail":"invalid character 'C' looking for beginning of value (line 1, character 1)"}]}
Following is my code in PHP -
public function chargeCustomerCard($userId, $custId, $cardId, $note, $billingAddres, $amount, $idempotencyKey){
$billingAddrRequest = array("address_line_1" => $billingAddres->addr1, "address_line_2" => $billingAddres->addr2, "locality" => $billingAddres->city, "administrative_district_level_1" => $billingAddres->state, "postal_code" => $billingAddres->zip, "country" => $billingAddres->country);
$billingAddressReq = new \SquareConnect\Model\Address($billingAddrRequest);
$moneyRequest = array("amount" => $amount, "currency" => "USD");
$money = new \SquareConnect\Model\Money($moneyRequest);
$request = array("idempotency_key" => $idempotencyKey, "customer_id" => $custId, "customer_card_id" => $cardId, "delay_capture" => false, "amount_money" => $money, "billing_address" => $billingAddressReq, "note" => $note, "reference_id" => $userId);
$charge = new \SquareConnect\Model\ChargeRequest($request);
$response = null;
$charge_api = new \SquareConnect\Api\TransactionsApi();
$response = $charge_api->charge($this->authtoken, $this->locationId, $charge);
if($response != null && count($response->getErrors()) == 0){
$transaction = $response->getTransaction();
$data = array();
$data['transactionId'] = $transaction->getId();
$data['created'] = $transaction->getCreatedAt();
$data['referenceId'] = $transaction->getReferenceId(); //this should be equal to userid
$tender = $transaction->getTenders()[0];
$data['tenderId'] = $tender->getId();
$data['note'] = $tender->getNote();
$data['amount'] = ($tender->getAmountMoney()->getAmount())/100;
$data['currency'] = $tender->getAmountMoney()->getCurrency();
$processingFee = $tender->getProcessingFeeMoney();
if(isset($processingFee) && !empty($processingFee)){
$data['processingFee'] = $tender->getProcessingFeeMoney()->getAmount();
$data['processingFee'] = 0;
$data['tendertype'] = $tender->getType();
$data['cardStatus'] = $tender->getCardDetails()->getStatus();
$data['cardBrand'] = $tender->getCardDetails()->getCard()->getCardBrand();
$data['cardLast4'] = $tender->getCardDetails()->getCard()->getLast4();
$data['idempotencyKey'] = $idempotencyKey;
$data['customerPayId'] = $custId;
$data['customerCardId'] = $cardId;
return $this->generateReturnData(PAY_API_SUCCESS, '', $data);
return $this->generateReturnData(PAY_API_FAIL, '', $response->getErrors());
}catch(Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
Can someone please point out to me what am I doing wrong here. I am really stuck here. Other API endpoints are working fine, such as, Create Customer, Create Customer Card API endpoints, using the same approach and same PHP client provided by square.
PS - this is on sandbox
I want to create an invoice to third party invoice software i.e. twinfield from API. I give all the param according to its library and doc and call from API but it will give error.
"success": false,
"error": "Item code not found., The description of an item line cannot be adjusted." }
The API is php-twinfield.
The code is given below.
public function saveInvoice($values)
$user = $values['user'];
$password = $values['password'];
$organization = $values['organisation'];
$officecode = $values['officecode'];
$connection = new \PhpTwinfield\Secure\WebservicesAuthentication($user, $password, $organization);
$customerApiConnector = new \PhpTwinfield\ApiConnectors\CustomerApiConnector($connection);
$office = Office::fromCode($officecode);
$customer = $customerApiConnector->get('1008',$office);
$InvoiceApiConnector = new \PhpTwinfield\ApiConnectors\InvoiceApiConnector($connection);
//class invoiceline object
$line = new \PhpTwinfield\InvoiceLine();
->setDescription("Testinvoice anand")
//class invoice object
$invoice = new \PhpTwinfield\Invoice();
$result = $InvoiceApiConnector->send($invoice);
//$jsonResponse = JsonResponse::success($result);
catch (SoapFault $e)
$jsonResponse = empty($e->getMessage()) ? JsonResponse::error(class_basename($e)) : JsonResponse::error($e->getMessage());
//return $jsonResponse;
if change in this line $line->setArticle(0) the error is like that.
"success": false,
"error": "ResponseException" }
I am confused about the new Google Sheets API v4. My question is: how can I set validation rules for specified column(s) in spreadsheet?
There is no useful tutorial with description how to use appropriate methods.
Result should look like following sample:
That validation should be set before data upload (which works fine).
My current code:
$client = getClient();
$service = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);
$fileId = 'my-document-id';
$body = new Google_Service_Sheets_SetDataValidationRequest(array(
'setRange' => new Google_Service_Sheets_GridRange(
'setRule' => new Google_Service_Sheets_DataValidationRule(
$sheetReq = new Google_Service_Sheets_Request($client);
$batchUpdateRequest = new Google_Service_Sheets_BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest(array(
'requests' => $sheetReq
$result = $service->spreadsheets->batchUpdate($fileId, $batchUpdateRequest);
Thank you #random-parts for help, it has brought me to the right track. If someone else will try to solve similar problem in PHP in feature, please find bellow fully working example:
$client = $this->getClient();
$service = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);
$ary_values = ['yes','nope','maybe','never ever'];
foreach( $ary_values AS $d ) {
$cellData = new Google_Service_Sheets_ConditionValue();
$values[] = $cellData;
$conditions = new Google_Service_Sheets_BooleanCondition();
$setRule= new Google_Service_Sheets_DataValidationRule();
$setRule->setInputMessage('Please set correct value');
$range = new Google_Service_Sheets_GridRange();
$range->setSheetId(YOUR_SHEET_ID); //replace this by your sheet ID
$valReq = new Google_Service_Sheets_SetDataValidationRequest();
$sheetReq = new Google_Service_Sheets_Request();
$bodyReq = new Google_Service_Sheets_BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest();
$result = $service->spreadsheets->batchUpdate($fileId, $bodyReq);
The DataValidationRule object would look like the following:
"rule": {
"condition": {
"type": "ONE_OF_LIST",
"values": [
{ userEnteredValue: "Yes"},
{ userEnteredValue: "No"}
"inputMessage": "",
"strict": true,
"showCustomUi": true,
You want to use rule.condition.type ONE_OF_LIST and then enter the rule.condition.values you want in the list. showCustomUi will show the dropdown
A full example using google apps script from the Sheets script editor:
function setDataVal () {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var validation = {
"setDataValidation": {
"range": {
"sheetId": sheet.getSheetId(),
"startRowIndex": 1,
"endRowIndex": 5,
"startColumnIndex": 1,
"endColumnIndex": 5,
"rule": {
"condition": {
"type": "ONE_OF_LIST",
"values": [
{ userEnteredValue: "Yes"},
{ userEnteredValue: "No"}
"inputMessage": "",
"strict": true,
"showCustomUi": true,
var req = {
"requests": [validation],
"includeSpreadsheetInResponse": false,
Sheets.Spreadsheets.batchUpdate(req, ss.getId())
Sheets API advanced service will have to be enabled
Im new to cakephp and have implemented the Webshop Solution Snipcart. When an order is processed by snipcart they send a webhook to our site. The webhook looks like this according to their documentation:
eventName: "order:completed",
mode: "Live",
createdOn: "2013-07-04T04:18:44.5538768Z",
content: {
token: "22808196-0eff-4a6e-b136-3e4d628b3cf5",
creationDate: "2013-07-03T19:08:28.993Z",
modificationDate: "2013-07-04T04:18:42.73Z",
status: "Processed",
paymentMethod: "CreditCard",
email: "customer#snipcart.com",
cardHolderName: "Nicolas Cage",
billingAddressName: "Nicolas Cage",
billingAddressCompanyName: "Company name",
billingAddressAddress1: "888 The street",
billingAddressAddress2: "",
billingAddressCity: "Québec",
billingAddressCountry: "CA",
billingAddressProvince: "QC",
billingAddressPostalCode: "G1G 1G1",
billingAddressPhone: "(888) 888-8888",
shippingAddressName: "Nicolas Cage",
shippingAddressCompanyName: "Company name",
shippingAddressAddress1: "888 The street",
shippingAddressAddress2: "",
shippingAddressCity: "Québec",
shippingAddressCountry: "CA",
shippingAddressProvince: "QC",
shippingAddressPostalCode: "G1G 1G1",
shippingAddressPhone: "(888) 888-8888",
shippingAddressSameAsBilling: true,
finalGrandTotal: 310.00,
shippingAddressComplete: true,
creditCardLast4Digits: "4242",
shippingFees: 10.00,
shippingMethod: "Livraison",
items: [{
uniqueId: "eb4c9dae-e725-4dad-b7ae-a5e48097c831",
token: "22808196-0eff-4a6e-b136-3e4d628b3cf5",
id: "1",
name: "Movie",
price: 300.00,
originalPrice: 300.00,
quantity: 1,
url: "https://snipcart.com",
weight: 10.00,
description: "Something",
image: "http://placecage.com/50/50",
customFieldsJson: "[]",
stackable: true,
maxQuantity: null,
totalPrice: 300.0000,
totalWeight: 10.00
subtotal: 610.0000,
totalWeight: 20.00,
hasPromocode: false,
promocodes: [],
willBePaidLater: false
And the consume the webhooks looks like this:
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$body = json_decode($json, true);
if (is_null($body) or !isset($body['eventName'])) {
// When something goes wrong, return an invalid status code
// such as 400 BadRequest.
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
switch ($body['eventName']) {
case 'order:completed':
// This is an order:completed event
// do what needs to be done here.
// Return a valid status code such as 200 OK.
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
My question is, how do I do this in CakePHP version 2.4. I've been looking for days now on the internet for a solution, but tho i'm inexperienced I can't find a proper solution.
Solved it:
public function webhooks(){
//check if POST
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
//Allow raw POST's
$url = 'php://input';
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
if (is_null($json) or !isset($json['eventName'])) {
// When something goes wrong, return an invalid status code
// such as 400 BadRequest.
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
//do whatever needs to be done, in this case remove the quantity ordered from the stock in db.
switch ($json['eventName']) {
case 'order:completed':
$id = $json['content']['items'][0]['id'];
$quantity = $json['content']['items'][0]['quantity'];
$query = $this->Shop->findById($id, 'Shop.stock');
$stock = $query['Shop']['stock'];
$stock = $stock - $quantity;
$this->Shop->updateAll(array('Shop.stock' => $stock), array('Shop.id' => $id));
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
the only thing I would add to your answer is a few more "cake" ways of doing some things.
public function webhooks(){
//check if POST
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
//Allow raw POST's
$url = 'php://input';
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
if (empty($json) or empty($json['eventName'])) {
throw new BadRequestException('Invalid JSON Information');
//do whatever needs to be done, in this case remove the quantity ordered from the stock in db.
switch ($json['eventName']) {
case 'order:completed':
$id = $json['content']['items'][0]['id'];
$quantity = $json['content']['items'][0]['quantity'];
$shop = $this->Shop->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Shop.id' => $id,
'fields' => array(
if (empty($shop)) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid Shop Content'));
$stock = $shop['Shop']['stock'];
$stock = $stock - $quantity;
$this->Shop->id = $id;
$this->Shop->saveField('stock', $stock);