i have this table with a button in it, what i want is when i click the button "id=myBtn" get its value to a input text field.
<?php while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($queryTripulacion2)):? >
<td><input type="checkbox" name="f[]" value=<?php echo $row[2];?>></td>
<td><?php echo $row['order'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['name'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['last'];?></td>
<td ><?php echo $row['cod1']?></td>
<td class="nr"><?php echo $row['cod2'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['address'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['activity'];?></td>
<td><input type="button" id="myBtn" value="<?php echo $row['wanted_value']; ?>"></td>
<?php endwhile;?>
this is what i tried, but is not working!. I want the "wanted_value" inside my "#inputM". THANKS!
$(".tablar tbody").on('click','#myBtn',function() {
var c = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.eq(8)').text();
.eq() is a function, not part of a selector. So it should be:
var c = $(this).closest('tr').find('td').eq(8).text();
But this won't work. That TD doesn't have any text in it, it just has the input button. You need to select the button, not the TD, and use .val() rather than .text().
var c = $(this).closest('tr').find('td').eq(8).children(":button").val();
But this is all really overcomplicating it, since the button you're selecting is the same one you clicked on, so it should just be:
var c = $(this).val();
I have a simple html table that displays data from a mysql table containing a list of available tournaments.
<th>Tournament Name</th>
<?php while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)):?>
<td><?php echo $row['nTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['pTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['dTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['vTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['jTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['dTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['lTournament']; ?></td>
<td><form method="post" action="tournamentlist.php"><button type="submit" name="btn_register"></button></form></td>
<?php endwhile; ?>
What I want to do is that once the current user clicks that button, the button executes a query which takes the current user's id and the tournament id of the selected row to add them to another mysql table. Something like a tournament inscription.
The query/function I want to run is:
if (isset($_POST['btn_register'])) {
function singup() {
global $db;
$idUser = $_POST['idUser'];
$idTournament= $_POST['idTournament'];
$query = "INSERT INTO registeredCompetitor(idUser, idTournament) VALUES ('$idUser', '$idTournament')";
mysqli_query($db, $query);
header('location: tournamentlist.php');
The query works just fine on it's own but I don't know if the function itself works because of the button.
Is it possible to do such thing without the use of a form? If not, What other ways are there to do something like this?
EDIT1: Button now is ready but nor the function or the query executes once it's clicked.
You can create a form on each row that has 2 hidden fields in it. Not sure what your DB fields are called though so you'll have to change user_id and tournament_id to something appropriate.
<form action="post" action="the_name_of_your_php_script.php">
<input type="hidden" name="idUser" value="<?php echo $row['user_id']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="idTournament" value="<?php echo $row['tournament_id']; ?>">
<button type="submit" name="btn_register"></button>
Can't wrap it because <form> is not allowed as a child of <td>
All the documentation I see online permits forms inside of <td>. The other alternative is to use a link instead of a form.
You can use javascript to execute this functionality.
<th>Tournament Name</th>
<?php while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)):?>
<td><?php echo $row['nTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['pTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['dTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['vTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['jTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['dTournament'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['lTournament']; ?></td>
<td><button type="submit" onclick="sendRequest('<?php echo $idUser ?>','<?php echo $idTournament ?>')" name="btn_register"></button></td>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Javascript code
function sendRequest(idUser,idTournament ){
// i am using jquery
$.post(other_page_url,{idUser:idUser,idTournament :idTournament},function(data)
window.location = 'tournamentlist.php';
} )}
I hope it's gonna help you
You don't need to wrap this in a <form> inside the table, you can do it all via Javascript / Jquery if you wish. On the html side, add the data you need to the button in data sets:
<td><button type="submit" name="btn_register" id="btn_register" data-user-id="<?php echo $userId ?>" data-tournament-id="<?php echo $row['idTournament']; ?>"></button></td>
Then in your script, you can call the data and send to post via ajax and either load the new page after INSERT, or load as a modal, or whatever you like. You can do something like below if loading a modal (change the load part to refresh the page if you want to go directly):
$('#btn_register').on('click', function () {
var t_id = $(this).data('tournament-id');
var u_id = $(this).data('user-id');
url: "YourURL",
type: "POST",
success: function (h) {
$(".modal-title").text("Table with new stuff");
// lots of options here - you could even reload above if desired
I have php checkboxes and wanted to send its values in mysql using submit button if the checkboxes are check.
while($grow = mysqli_fetch_array($gresult)) {
$gsymbol = $grow['symbol'];
$gclose = $grow['value'];
echo "<tr><td style='width: 100px;'>".$gsymbol."</td><td>".$gclose.</td<td><input type = 'checkbox' name = 'markings' value = '".$gsymbol."'></td></tr>"};
my question is do I have to echo a form or is there are more easier way. Thanks
Maybe you would prefer to put PHP code inside your HTML. This is ugly, but I think it's better than echo the HTML.
It could be something like this:
while($grow = mysqli_fetch_array($gresult)):
$gsymbol = $grow['symbol'];
$gclose = $grow['value'];
<td style='width: 100px;'><?php echo $gsymbol; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $gclose; ?></td>
<td><input type = 'checkbox' name = 'markings' value = "<?php echo $gsymbol; ?>" ></td>
<?php endwhile; ?>
I cannot find the solution to my issue on this forum. I'm trying to give the submit button a PHP value (unique ID) by extracting data from my database. I would also like to store the value in a SESSION. The submit button doesn't work when I I give it something other than a String as value.
Student View:
<?php foreach ($tabinternships as $internship) { ?>
<td><span class="html"><?php echo $internship->id_internship() ?></span></td>
<td><?php echo $internship->email_teacher1_internship() ?></span></td>
<td><?php echo $internship->email_teacher2_internship() ?></span></td>
<td><?php echo $internship->email_responsible_internship() ?></span></td>
<td><?php echo $internship->id_promoter_internship() ?></span></td>
<td><?php echo $internship->name_enterprise_internship() ?></span></td>
<td><?php echo $internship->stage_internship() ?></span></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="apply" value="<?php $tabinternship->id_internship() ?>"></td> <!-- Method calls an Object rather than an Array because I'm only displaying the attributes of 1 Object therefore the Array is not required here-->
<?php } ?>
$tabinternships = Db::getInstance()->select_internships();
if(isset($_POST['apply']) && isset($_POST['application'])){
$_SESSION['apply']= $_POST['apply'];
$_SESSION['application']= $_POST['application'];
if(!empty($_SESSION['application']) && !empty($_SESSION['apply']) && !empty($_SESSION['redirect'])){
header("Location: index.php?action=formdeux");
Thanks for your help.
I have found the error, I wasn't using echo when giving a value to the radio input
echo $tabinternship->id_internship()
I have the following table:
foreach ($forwards as $data):
<tr style="cursor: pointer" class="main_row">
<td><?php echo $data['Offer']['id']; ?> </td>
<td><?php echo $data['Offer']['name'];?> </td>
<td><?php echo round($data['Stat']['ltr'],2)."%"; ?></td>
<td><?php echo round($data['Stat']['cpc'],2)."%"; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $data['Category']['name']?></td>
<td><?php echo $data['Country']['name'] ?></td>
endforeach; ?>
now the idea is that when ever you click one of the main_row it should redirect to a new url. the problem is that the url contains an id for instance the url could look like www.example.com/details/2 where 2 is the id.
This id is like all of the other data stored in a php variable: $data['Offer']['id'];
Now my question how can i redirect using both php and javascript? is there a work around? .
Please do note that i am fully aware that php i server side and javascript is not. it is because of this i am asking this question.
<?php foreach ($forwards as $data): ?>
<tr data-link="http://www.example.com/details/<?php echo $data['Offer']['id']; ?>">
<td><?php echo $data['Offer']['id']; ?> </td>
<td><?php echo $data['Offer']['name'];?> </td>
<td><?php echo round($data['Stat']['ltr'],2)."%"; ?></td>
<td><?php echo round($data['Stat']['cpc'],2)."%"; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $data['Category']['name']?></td>
<td><?php echo $data['Country']['name'] ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
$('table tr').click(function(){
document.location.href = $(this).data('link');
if you use jQuery though.
You can get the ID from the first column in the row:
$(".main_row").click(function() {
var id = $(this).find("td:first-child").text();
window.location.href = 'www.example.com/details/' + id;
If you use jQuery do this:
window.location.href = "YOUR_URL"+$(this).attr('id');
And modify the html for the row to look like:
<tr style="cursor: pointer" class="main_row" id="<?php echo $id ?>">
This way - any time you click on the row it appends the row ID to the url and redirect you there.
If I am understanding you question correctly, your not looking for a redirect. To redirect in php, it must be done before you echo anything to the browser.
Because you want to "redirect" after your display is rendered, you should be using anchors.
<td><a href="www.example.com/details/<?php echo $data['Offer']['id']; ?>">
<?php echo $data['Offer']['id']; ?>
The anchor will direct the browser to the href url.
I create a table using PHP from a database, meaning the size of the table and values vary.
The table creation:
<form name="goTicket" action="resolver.php" method="POST" >
$sql = "QUERY";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<tr onmouseover=\"this.style.background='#EFF5FB';this.style.cursor='pointer'\"
onmouseout=\"this.style.background='white';\" onclick=\"javascript: submitform()\">";
echo "<td>$row[Ticket]</td>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='_ticket' value='$row[Ticket]' />";
echo "<td>$row[Empresa]</td>";
echo "<td>$row[Requerente]</td>";
echo "<td>$row[Motivo]</td>";
echo "<td>$row[Data]</td>";
echo "<td>$row[Hora]</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</form>";
echo "<tr><td colspan='6' style='text-align: center;'><form action='adminmenu.php' ><br /><input type='submit' name='woot' value='Main Menu' /></form></td></tr>";
echo "<tbody>";
echo "</table>";
The Javacript function used to submit is this one:
<script type="text/javascript">
function submitform()
Now whenever I click on a row it takes to the appropriate page "resolver.php" but always sends the most recent data, from last time the while was executed.
I need the value from the first cell, or the hidden input tag, that contains what I need, from the row I click.
Thank you.
Full suggestion
<script type="text/javascript">
function submitform(ticket) {
<form name="goTicket" action="resolver.php" method="POST" >
<input type="hidden" name="_ticket" value="" />
$sql = "QUERY";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
<tr onmouseover="this.style.background='#EFF5FB';this.style.cursor='pointer'"
onclick="submitform('<?php echo $row[Ticket]; ?>')">
<td><?php echo $row[Ticket]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row[Empresa]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row[Requerente]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row[Motivo]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row[Data]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row[Hora]; ?></td>
<?php } ?>
</form><!-- not really nice -->
<tr><td colspan="6" style="text-align: center;"><form action="adminmenu.php" >
<br /><input type="submit" name="woot" value="Main Menu" /></form></td></tr>
Your problem is that you're just submitting the form without any reference to what was clicked. All the hidden inputs have the same name so the form just sends the last one.
Try the following:
echo "<tr onmouseover=\"this.style.background='#EFF5FB';this.style.cursor='pointer'\" onmouseout=\"this.style.background='white';\" onclick=\"javascript: submitform('$row[Ticket]')\">";
// delete this from while:
// echo "<input type='hidden' name='_ticket' value='$row[Ticket]'/>";
// and instead add before </form> with value=""
Then change your javascript to change the value before submitting:
function submitform(val) {
document.forms["goTicket"].elements["_ticket"].value = val;
Kudos to mplungjan also got this as I was typing!
If I see good ... Yo set form with many of hidden inputs with same name ... what you want with this... of course it return last value ...
you have to changing names in loop and then call exact name of input