I have been tyring to get this api working for literally hours. I can't even get the try this api part working with api key. I tried to use it with cURL like this:
$submitSite = curl_init($submit_url);
curl_setopt_array($submitSite, [CURLOPT_PUT => true,
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => ["Accept: application/json"]]);
$responseContent = curl_exec($submitSite);
But it returns 0. I url encoded siteUrl and feedpath parts and added the api key at the end. How can I submit my website's sitemap automatically?
You're missing the authorization part. You must have the proper permissions to https://www.googleapis.com/auth/webmasters to add the sitemap.
In your code I don't see any headers for this authorization.
For more info check: https://developers.google.com/webmaster-tools/search-console-api-original/v3/how-tos/authorizing
I am working on Walmart integration to my own web application using PHP. When I tried to acknowledge my Mexico orders, I got an empty response. The data type of response is string with 0 length, error code 400. It looks like my credentials are good. Is "https://marketplace.walmartapis.com/v3/orders/{PurchaseOrderId}/acknowledge" a valid API url?
$ch = curl_init();
$qos = uniqid();
$options = array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
"WM_SVC.NAME: Walmart Marketplace",
"Authorization: Basic $authorization",
"Accept: application/json",
"Content-Type: application/json",
"WM_MARKET: mx",
curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
Code Snippet
After putting it aside for a few months, today I picked it up and finally got it resolved luckily and got a 202 Accepted Response with empty content(Walmart's documentation says the response to a successful call contains the acknowledged order, but it actually contains nothing except for 202 Accepted code).
When I tried to acknowledge my Mexico orders, the response is actually not empty. The header contains error message: http code 400 Bad Request. I confirmed that it is due to wrong payload structure after testing.
So "https://marketplace.walmartapis.com/v3/orders/{PurchaseOrderId}/acknowledge" is a valid API URL and is the same as US API. The difference between them is that MX site needs a well-structured payload through POST while US site does not(US API only needs an empty payload through POST).
The key point to a successful call is the structure of the payload. The structure should be like the samples in the documentation.
Pay attention to the details of the structure. Refer to the picture for the structure of payload here.
The "orderLine" and "orderLineStatus" should be declared as ARRAY instead of single element. And this is the reason why I failed to call the acknowledge API before.
Looks like you are using an old API, which has been discontinued, the same has been communicated late December 2020.
We have improved our onboarding experience with following steps:
Create an account on Walmart IO platform - https://walmart.io by clicking on the user icon just before the search box.
Login to the account and accept "Terms of Use"
Click on "Create Your Application" to create a new application and fill in appropriate details.
Use this tutorial to generate two sets of public/private keys - https://walmart.io/key-tutorial
* One set will be used for production.
* Other set will be used for stage.
Upload both public keys using - https://walmart.io/key-upload?app_name=<your app name>
Consumer ID will be generated for both sets for prod and stage which can be seen on the dashboard - https://walmart.io/userdashboard
Click on "Request Access" for Checkout APIs at https://walmart.io/reference and fill out the form.
Once the access is approved, documentation will be available for integrating with Commerce API through Walmart I/O.
We will send out client secrets for stage and prod as soon as they’re ready.
I am using a fairly simple piece of code to send events to a Google Analytics account:
$req = curl_init('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect');
curl_setopt_array($req, array(
$response = curl_exec($req);
What I am trying to achieve is sending offline conversions to our Google Analytics as events. We do know the initial source of these conversions and want this data in Google Analytics too. utmcsr and utmcmd are supposed to be used to send source & medium data but.. all events end up as direct traffic. Any idea what might be the issue?
What you're using is called Measurement protocol. There are multiple comfortable libraries to use it. You still can use it through curl, but then I don't recognize the utmcsr and utmcmd. Where are they from?
Here is the parameter reference for it: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters I don't see there the parameters you're trying to pass in your request.
The utm params are a part of the dl parameter. The document location. You can inspect an existing collect call and see how this info is passed. Here, I used SO's existing tracking, just faked the utm params:
Disregard all cd parameters and the dp. You don't seem to be needing them for now.
Feel free to explore the measurement protocol properly starting from here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1
It appears that using the cm and cs parameters allow you to post source and medium to Google Analytics with server side analytics tracking.
What helped me tremendously:
My code:
$req = curl_init('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect');
curl_setopt_array($req, array(
$response = curl_exec($req);
$curl = curl_init();
I want to access the current logged in Wordpress user in a separate Laravel installation.
Wordpress is running as website.com and I've got a subdomain with tool.website.com with the Laravel application (on another server but same domain).
I'm using the Native Wordpress API and created an authentication route.
The issue:
When I access the /authenticate route directly, the user ID is returned and works correctly. But when I access the route through tool.website.com false is returned..
Things I've got working:
I've created an API request which returns the user id in an API call:
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
register_rest_route( '/authenticate', array(
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'authenticate',
) );
} );
The function looks like this:
$user_id = wp_validate_auth_cookie( $_COOKIE[LOGGED_IN_COOKIE], 'logged_in' );
The WP cookie is available on both the sub / main domain. I can see they are identical and toplevel.
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.website.dev');
Things I've tried:
Using wp_get_current_user() to retrieve the user, this seems to need a nonce. I experimented hours and hours with the nonce approach on many different ways, but I could not get this to work (false or 0 was returned). I understand this is due to restrictions of using a nonce from outside of Wordpress.
Using the default native API approach to get the user, also needs the nonce.
Reading the https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/ manual, git repository & several articles / comments online.
Thinking about the OAuth approach, but I do not want users to login again as they are already logged in when they reach the tool.
Sending stuff like posts etc works without problems, so the API connection is not the problem.
I'm wondering if my approach is in the right direction. Hopefully someone can give me some guidance.
I found the following workaround:
- tool.website.com
Send the Cookies from tool.website.com to the API as post data.
$cookie_array = $_COOKIE;
// use key 'http' even if you send the request to https://...
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => http_build_query($cookie_array)
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$data = file_get_contents(self::BASE_URL . "authenticate", false, $context);
- website.com
Retrieve the cookie from Post data, and use the standard LOGGED_IN_COOKIE constant in Wordpress to select the correct one (this can be refactored to sending the correct cookie at once).
// We retrieve the cookie (which is sadly not available through the API call alone)
$the_cookie = $request->get_body_params();
// As the cookie lives at domain level, we can use the same Cookie key in the WP API and other subdomains of this domain
// The cookie key remains the same
$user_id = wp_validate_auth_cookie( $the_cookie[LOGGED_IN_COOKIE], 'logged_in' );
This solution seems steady; hopefully it will help someone. If there are other solutions, please add them in this topic; as I'm sure there must be different ways achieving this.
I have auto-login link on one domain - this domain is used for authorization:
After following this link, user is redirected into control panel:
If something is wrong - user redirected to
https://example.com/login page.
In another domain example2.com users have billing panel and link https://example.com/api/login/{key}/{username} is placed in it.
So i need to do check from example2.com to example.com like this:
$url = https://example.com/api/login/{key}/{username};
if function-to-check-autologin($url) == "true" {
//do something
My searching result is curl, but i cant configurate request by myself.
How could I do it? curl or another way?
You haven't explained what 'auto-login' is, or how it works. All your domains are 'example.com' so they're all the same domain. Surely you don't make it easy for people to understand your question. I will try to state how I understand it.
You've got a user logged in on one internet domain and you want to redirect
them to a second domain where they should remain logged in.
There are many ways you can do this, but they all depend on certain conditions.
If you use the standard http login method you could redirect to second domain with:
Since you indicate you're using a SSL certificate on both sites that would be reasonable safe. This will work even if you don't share a database.
If both domains are using the same database, you could handover an encrypted link to the logged in session of the user. This is how I do it normally. I keep sessions in my database, and each session has an ID. I encrypt that, any good method will do, and send it over to the second domain where I decrypt it like this:
Of course the session itself should tell you whether the user is logged in. Make sure your encryption method is safe.
In both cases, if the URL gets into the wrong hands, a login could be faked. That's why the use of SSL is important, but some risks remain.
Although your question is vague, I would give you some clues.
First of all, you have to set CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER option to false unless you're going to deal with peer's certificate.
Also you have to tell CURL to handle redirects. This assume that you set CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION option as well as CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS and CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER.
In order to send POST data with request you have to set CURLOPT_POST option to true and CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to array of POST data or url-encoded string.
Once CURL request is done you can learn all information about it by curl_getinfo function. Calling it with CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT as 2nd parameter will give number of redirects, and CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL - last effective URL.
So the code might look like this:
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data_array,
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT) == 1 && curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL) == $sample_redirect_url)
echo 'OK';
I've written a Wordpress Plug-in that interacts with Salesforce via the REST API. It successfully gets an Instance URL and an Authentication Token using a username/password.
I'm able to submit queries and create objects using wp_remote_post with GET and POST respectively.
However, when creating objects, though successfully created in the Salesforce instance, I get the following in response to my POST:
{"message":"HTTP Method 'POST' not allowed. Allowed are HEAD,GET,PATCH,DELETE","errorCode":"METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED"}
Using the same json body content from these requests, I am able to submit and create via the Salesforce Workbench with no problems at all. I get a proper response that looks like this:
"id" : "003E000000OubjkIAB",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
Is there something in the Headers that I'm sending that Salesforce only partially disagrees with? Here are some other arguments that are getting sent as a result of using wp_remote_post - http://codex.wordpress.org/HTTP_API#Other_Arguments
Here's the php code that's calling it:
$connInfo['access_token'] = get_transient('npsf_access_token');
$connInfo['instance_url'] = get_transient('npsf_instance_url');
$url = $connInfo['instance_url'] . $service;
$sfResponse = wp_remote_post($url, array(
'method' => $method,
'timeout' => 5,
'redirection' => 5,
'httpversion' => 1.0,
'blocking' => true,
'headers' => array("Authorization" => "OAuth ". $connInfo['access_token'], "Content-type" => "application/json"),
'body' => $content,
'cookies' => array()
The $content is being encoded via json_encode before it gets to this point.
It is specific to one of the extra CURL options being sent by the WP_Http_Curl class. I haven't yet narrowed down which one Salesforce is having a problem with.
The solution is disable redirection in the request. You have it as 5 (the default) -- it needs to be set to 0 for this to work.
The initial request works but Salesforce sends a location header as a part of the response (the URL of the newly created object). WordPress thinks it is being told that the URL moved and that it should try again at this new URL. The response you're seeing is the result of that second request to the actual object you just created. That URL doesn't accept POST requests apparently.
It's a bit odd for Salesforce to be sending such a header, but there's also some discussion going on on the WordPress side that WordPress shouldn't follow location headers for non-301/302 responses which would solve this.
Thanks for posting this by the way. You update made me start debugging WP_Http_Curl which made me realize it was actually making a second HTTP request.