Data attribute only returning first value - php

I'm trying to get the body of my page to change color when hovering over some list items. Each list item has its own color stored in a data attribute, which I can see in the chrome inspector. The code is doing what I'd like, but returning only the first color in the list for every item, when I want the body to be the color of each list item.
<ul class="menu">
<?php foreach($page->children() as $subpage): ?>
<li id="tesq" data-color="<?= $subpage->color() ?>">
<a href="<?= $subpage->url() ?>">
<?= html($subpage->title()) ?></a>
<?php endforeach ?>
$(function() {
$('li').hover(function() {
$("body").css('backgroundColor', function () {
return $("#tesq").data('color')
}, function() {
$("body").css('backgroundColor', 'lightgrey')
Any help much appreciated

In your current code, you are trying to get data attribute from the entire collection so it will return the data attribute value of the first element among the collection.
In addition to that use class for a group of elements instead of the id(id should be unique in the context - $("#tesq") will select only the first element).
So do it based on the hovered element, where you can use this inside the event handler callback to refer the eleemnt.
<ul class="menu">
<?php foreach($page->children() as $subpage): ?>
<li class="tesq" data-color="<?= $subpage->color() ?>">
<a href="<?= $subpage->url() ?>">
<?= html($subpage->title()) ?></a>
<?php endforeach ?>
$(function() {
$('.tesq').hover(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$("body").css('backgroundColor', function () {
return $'color')
}, function() {
$("body").css('backgroundColor', 'lightgrey')
The callback is completely unnecessary here and you can avoid it.
$(function() {
$('.tesq').hover(function() {
$("body").css('backgroundColor', $(this).data('color'));
}, function() {
$("body").css('backgroundColor', 'lightgrey')


JQuery Compare Class of List Items

Using JQuery I want to check that each list item has the css class Complete. If so, i want to display a button, if not I want to keep the button hidden.
The classes are currently inserted dynamically using PHP when the page loads.
My code so far is;
<button id="steps-complete" hidden>Download Now</button>
<ul class="wb-steps">
<li class="<?php echo $class ?>">Step 1</li>
<li class="<?php echo $class ?>">Step 2</li>
<li class="<?php echo $class ?>">Step 3</li>
jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
var steps = [];
jQuery( ".wb-steps li" ).each(function( index ) {
// successfully displays complete for each list item
console.log( index + ": " + jQuery( this ).attr('class') );
// if all stepa have 'complete' show button
You have the $class variable, and its value is set as the class of all list items.
Since you are using PHP to render the page, you can use the same variable to test if the button should be shown or not. So you wouldn't need jQuery in this case, you can just remove that part.
Here's what it would look like:
if (strpos($class, 'Completed') !== false) {
<button id="steps-complete" hidden>Download Now</button>
This works in your case because you set the same class to all items.
Hope this helps.
i've made a function to check of the children of the wb-steps have a class named john, if not then we show the steps complete
jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
if($(".wb-steps").children().not('.john').length = 0){
console.log("there was a div found with a class named john");
<script src=""></script>
<button id="steps-complete" hidden>Download Now</button>
<ul class="wb-steps">
<li class="<?php echo $class ?>">Step 1</li>
<li class="<?php echo $class ?>">Step 2</li>
<li class="<?php echo $class ?>">Step 3</li>
You can simply count the elements to see if all of them have the complete class:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var $steps = $(".wb-steps li");
var show = $steps.length === $steps.filter('.complete').length;
.toggleAttribute('hidden', show);

pass value from list with data-value to a mysql query

I have a list
<ul id="my_ul">
<li data-value="1">111</li>
<li data-value="2">112</li>
<li data-value="3">113</li>
I tried to pass the data-value on click event to MySQL query. I tried it with jQuery but when i var_dump the result its NULL.
Here is how i am getting the value
$('#my_ul').on("click", "li", function(){
$.ajax("fetch_test.php",{method:"post", data:{val:$(this).attr("data-value")}});
and here is the fetch_test.php file code :
function showValue(){
include_once "connect.php";
$query="SELECT * FROM product INNER JOIN smetka on WHERE product.smetka_id=$test";
$alert .="<li data-value='$row[id]'><a href='test.php'>$row[name]";
$alert .= "</a></li>";
return $alert;
How can i pass the data-value from the li?
You should bind the event handler with anchor element and use event.preventDefault() to cancel its the default action. You can use .closest() to traverse up to li element.
$('#my_ul').on("click", "li a", function(e) {
//Cancels default action of anchor
var value = $('li').data("value");
$.ajax({url: "fetch_test.php", method:"post", data:{val:value}});
<script src=""></script>
<ul id="my_ul">
<li data-value="1">111</li>
<li data-value="2">112</li>
<li data-value="3">113</li>
Use event.preventDefault() to prevent redirection to test.php
Instead of
$('#my_ul').on("click", "li", function(){
$.ajax("fetch_test.php",{method:"post", data:{val:$(this).attr("data-value")}});
$('#my_ul').on("click", "li", function(event){
$.ajax("fetch_test.php",{method:"post", data:{val:$(this).attr("data-value")}});

wordpress jQuery ajax loads unwanted duplicate posts

I will try to explain the best I can. Basically I have a grid (masonry) of items and I want to append ajax loaded content (wordpress single.php post) inside each grid div (red).
I have a div class called ajaxcontainer inside each red div that I populate with content. When I click the a href trigger content gets appended as it should, this works once but when I click another item in the grid the old ajaxcontainer gets populated with new content from that href. Basically duplicating.
I want the old ajaxcontainer to keep the old content even though I click another item.
<article style="background:<?php echo $color ?>;" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"
<?php post_class($classes); ?>>
<div class="hover">
<h2><?php echo $head ?></h2>
<p class="tags"><?php echo $tagsstring; ?></p>
<?php echo $url ?>
<a class="trick" rel="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" href="<?php the_permalink();?>">goto</a>
<div class="thumbnail <?php echo $paddingstring?>" style="background-image:url(<?php echo $thumbnail[0] ?>);">
</article><!-- #post-## -->
What I have right now:
cache: false,
success: function (result, status, xhr) {
// not showing the alert
var $this = jQuery(this)
$('.ajaxcontainer', $this).hide().fadeIn();
beforeSend: function () {
complete: function (xhr, stat) {
// hide dialog // works
$(".trick").each(function () {
$(this).on("click", function (e) {
$(this).parents('.item').append("<div class='ajaxcontainer'>hello world</div>")
var post_link = $(this).attr("href");
$(".ajaxcontainer").load(post_link + ' #content');
return false;
Any help is appreciated :)
I maybe wrong, but from what I see, if you have duplicated content, next() could help.
Something like $(this).parents('.item').next().append("hello world") in the function.

How can i use ajax with javascript function

I am very new with Ajax.
i am using the following javascript function to get the value from the list those user select the li.
but using this function each time the page is reloading. i am trying to use ajax using this can i use ajax with this need syntax.
My function:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function pagelim(index)
var page_lim=$('#page_num li').get(index).id;
self.location="<?php echo get_option('head'); ?>"+'?details&limit=' + page_lim ;
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function dateby(index)
var date_by=$('#sort-by-date a').get(index).id;
var cls=document.getElementById(date_by).className;
self.location="<?php echo get_option('head'); ?>"+'?details&sort=' + date_by ;
Value get from list:
<div class="sort-links">
<span class="by-date" id="sort-by-date">Sort by: <a href="#" id='<?php _e($sort_by)?>' class='<?php _e($class)?>' onclick="dateby($(this).index())" >Date</a>
//list to select value
<span id="view-on-page">View on Page: <?php if($lim=="") { _e($limit); } else { _e($lim); } ?>
<ul id="page_num">
<li id="5" onclick="pagelim($(this).index())">5</li>
<li id="10" onclick="pagelim($(this).index())">10</li>
<li id="15" onclick="pagelim($(this).index())">15</li>
Welcome to the wonderful world of functional programming.
I'm assuming you are doing a "get" request based on "index" which is a url? If that's the case, then you need to provide a callback.
$('#page_num li').get(index. function(id) {
var page_lim = id; // assuming that's what you sent back.
self.location="<?php echo get_option('head'); ?>"+'?details&limit=' + page_lim ;
Notice that you have to put everything in a function that is called after the ajax request is finished. I'm assuming that all you are sending back from the request is the id you need.
jQuery AJAX calls are asynchronous, meaning that the the function $(...).get(url, callback); returns a value BEFORE the AJAX call has finished. That callback function only happens after the AJAX call is completed. I'd advise some time spent with the jQuery API documentation.
You might also Google "javascript functional programming" and see if you can get an explanation of how JavaScript (and thus jQuery) does not always return the value you expect from functions. It's very different from other languages like PHP or ASP.NET in that regard.
Hi hope this will help you... Create a div (say "MyDiv") and put all the elements which you want to change dynamically(without page refresh)... Then try jQuery.load() method...Like
<div id = "MyDiv">
<div class="sort-links">
<span class="by-date" id="sort-by-date">Sort by: <a href="#" id='<?php _e($sort_by)?>' class='<?php _e($class)?>' onclick="dateby($(this).index())" >Date</a>
//list to select value
<span id="view-on-page">View on Page: <?php if($lim=="") { _e($limit); } else { _e($lim); } ?>
<ul id="page_num">
<li id="5" onclick="pagelim($(this).index())">5</li>
<li id="10" onclick="pagelim($(this).index())">10</li>
<li id="15" onclick="pagelim($(this).index())">15</li>
</div> //end of MyDiv
Then change your script like
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function pagelim(index)
var page_lim=$('#page_num li').get(index).id;
$("#MyDiv").load("<?php echo get_option('head'); ?>"+'?details&limit=' + page_lim);
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function dateby(index)
var date_by=$('#sort-by-date a').get(index).id;
var cls=document.getElementById(date_by).className;
$("#MyDiv").load("<?php echo get_option('head'); ?>"+'?details&sort=' + date_by);
Please note that I havnt tested this...
Its very simple to use jQuery to perform AJAX requests... So pls refer this page
Try binding to the click event of your links. This way you can remove any inline javascript and its all neatly contained in your function.
$("li a").click(function() {
//should alert the id of the parent li element
// your ajax call
type: "POST",
// post data to send to the server
data: { id: $(this).parent.attr('id') }
url: "your_url.php",
// the function that is fired once data is returned from your url
success: function(data){
// div with id="my_div" used to display data
This method means your list elements would look something like,
<li id="5">5</li>
This doesn't look ideal though as id="5" is ambiguous.
Try something like,
<li class="select_me">5</li>
then your click event binding can look like this,
// bind to all li elements with class select_me
$("li.select_me").click(function() {
// alert the text inside the li element

This JavaScript Function Works Alone, But Not With Other JavaScript Functions

I have this javascript :
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function($) {
$('#target-share ul li').click(function() {
and it really works as I expected. but when I add this another javascript to do drop-down animation, that javascript not working anymore :
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#select-shareto a").click(function () {
var newClass = $(this).find("span").attr('class');
var newText = $(this).find("span").text();
$("#select-shareto a").removeClass("selected");
$("a#to-chosen span").removeClass().addClass(newClass).text(newText);
return false;
$('a#to-chosen').click(function() {
$('#select-shareto').slideToggle('fast', function() {
// Animation complete.
those javascript actually affected on this HTML code :
<div id="target-share">
<span class="to-admin">Admin</span>
<ul id="select-shareto">
<li data-val="0-1">
<span class="to-Finance">Finance</span>
<li data-val="1-1">
<span class="to-admin-private">Admin Private</span>
<li data-val="1-0">
<span class="to-ceo">CEO</span>
<li data-val="0-0">
<span class="to-ceo-private">CEO Private</span>
<input id="shareto" type="text" value="0-1" name="shareto">
</div><!-- #target-share -->
any idea how to make those 2 javascript works side-by-side? thanks.
$("#select-shareto a").click(function () {
return false;
Hereby, you stop the further propagation of this event - other handlers for this click event won't be called any more. Instead, use this:
$("#select-shareto a").click(function (e) {
(Demo at
I'm assuming you tried to insert the code where the comment animation complete is and if so you just need to put the code:$('#target-share ul li').click(function() { $('input#shareto').val($(this).data('val'));});
Your code is already wrapped in a $(document).ready so you don't need another one.
