Need set auto increment and reset id - php

I need to develop a application for hospital patient registration system. Three int are required: index {PK auto increment} and opd_id and quiue_id.
I need to increase the opd_id and quiue_id when each patient is registered in the system and then I need to reset quiue_id daily and opd_id monthly. How should I do it?
something like this:
$datez = 1;
$date3 = date('h-i-s A', time());
if ($date3 = '11-59-059 PM') {
$datez = 1 ;
} else {
echo $datez;

To check if today is first day month you can use this:
if(date('j') === '1') { }
And your code have a bug:
if ($date3 = '11-59-059 PM'){
You need to compare (double =) not to assign (one =):
if ($date3 == '11-59-059 PM'){


Issues comparing two dates in php

For some reason I am having difficulties comparing a previous date and current date. I have tried many different things, and tried to google my way to an answer but with no luck.
This is how my code is..
$phpdate = date("Y-m-d");
$sql = "SELECT lastDailyCollect FROM users WHERE steamid='".$_POST['steamid']."'";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$lastDailyCollect = $row['lastDailyCollect'];
if ($lastDailyCollect == $phpdate) {
//give user error message
}elseif ($lastDailyCollect != $phpdate) {
//let user know it suceeded
}else {
//comparison error
I want to check if the user is able to collect a daily bonus. The last collection date of each user is stored in a mysql database, in a table called users.
It always goes to the comparison error.
Hope somebody can help.
What you can do to check if lastDailyCollect date was previous day by subtracting one day from the current date and storing it in $yesterday then matching if previous date is equal to lastDailyCollect date.
$date = date("Y-m-d"); //2017-05-12
$lastDailyCollect = "2017-05-11";
$yesterday = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date . "-1 days")); //2017-05-11
if($lastDailyCollect == $yesterday) {
//give user error message
echo 'lastDailyCollect is equal to Previous day';
//let user know it suceeded
echo 'lastDailyCollect is not equal to previous day';

How to get an employee's attendance if it does not log out on a particular date

I am looking for some basic attendance logic. What I have done so far is that employees can click on two different kinds of buttons and mark themselves as Signed In, Signed Out (status 1 and 2) using one button and Break Start, Break Over (status 3 and 4) using the other button.
Now when I calculate employee's total Sign In hours and total Break hours for a particular date I do something like below.
First iterate over a loop of Starting date and Ending date for which I want to see the working hours.
Now first of all check if the employee logged in on a particular date, by finding a status 1 entry of that date.
If the employee logged in on that date, then I fetch all attendance records for that date.
Now I iterate over this date's attendance records add up the time differences starting from first status 1 (i.e. Login) to next status and from next status (which can be either a break start 3 or a log out 2) till the next status (which can be either break over 4 or log in 1).
This is working good and my working hours' calculations are coming fine.
There is however one logical part that I am not able to understand i.e. if the employee does not logout on the same date for which I have fetched out the records, then the time span from last login or break start till the logout are not getting calculated. Because the final logged out status does not fall on the same date for which I fetched the records.
So, I need some help in understanding any suggestions how this can be managed and how can I calculate the working hours if the employee's logout status falls on a different date than login date.
Thanks in advance.
Here is some code.
public function getEmployeeAttendance($company_uid , $emp_uid)
for($m=1; $m<=12; $m++)
$mon = strtotime(date('Y-' . $m . '-00'));
$first = date("Y-m-01", $mon); // First Date Of cuRRENT mONTH
$last = date("Y-m-t", $mon); // Last Date Of cuRRENT mONTH
$date[] = range_date($first, $last);
$atten = array();
//echo "<pre>";
foreach($date as $dt)
foreach($dt as $d)
// A function to check if there was a status 1 on this date
$myAttendance = $this->Attendance_Model->myAttendance($company_uid , $emp_uid, $d);
# If Employee Signed In on This Date (i.e. Status was 1)
if(count($myAttendance) >0)
# Calculate Working Hours
$attenRec = $this->Attendance_Model->getAttendanceRecords($company_uid , $emp_uid, $d);
$signInHrs = 0;
$breakHrs = 0;
$workingHrs = 0;
for($i=0; $i<count($attenRec); $i++)
// Get this record's status
$status = $attenRec[$i]['status'];
// Get next record's status
if(!empty($attenRec[$i + 1]))
if($status == '1' || $status == '4') // Sign In or Break Over
$thisTime = strtotime($attenRec[$i]['atten_time']);
$nextTime = strtotime($attenRec[$i + 1]['atten_time']);
$diff = round(($nextTime - $thisTime) / 3600, 2);
$signInHrs += $diff;
if($status == '3') // Break Start
$thisTime = strtotime($attenRec[$i]['atten_time']);
$nextTime = strtotime($attenRec[$i + 1]['atten_time']);
$diff = round(($nextTime - $thisTime) / 3600, 2);
$signInHrs += $diff;
$breakHrs += $diff;
$onlySignInHrs = floor($signInHrs);
$remainingSignInHrs = $signInHrs - $onlySignInHrs;
$signInMinutes = round($remainingSignInHrs * 60);
$myAttendance['signInHrs'] = $onlySignInHrs . " Hrs : " . $signInMinutes . " Min";
$onlyBreakHrs = floor($breakHrs);
$remainingBreakHrs = $breakHrs - $onlyBreakHrs;
$breakMinutes = round($remainingBreakHrs * 60);
$myAttendance['breakHrs'] = $onlyBreakHrs . " Hrs : " . $breakMinutes . " Min";
$workingHrs = $signInHrs - $breakHrs;
$onlyWorkingHrs = floor($workingHrs);
$remainingWorkingHrs = $workingHrs - $onlyWorkingHrs;
$workingMinutes = round($remainingWorkingHrs * 60);
$myAttendance['workingHrs'] = $onlyWorkingHrs . " Hrs : " . $workingMinutes . " Min";
# Save This Date's Attendance
$atten[] = $myAttendance;
return $atten;

Php custom date format and comparison

In my database I have one table in which I keep registered users.
One column is Date of register and I keep this value in my own string format.
For example "[2013-11-30] [19:42:46]"
Then I want to make a check.
If user is 30 days old or more.
The sure thing is that the above code is wrong.
The problem is that if one user registers at 29/01/2015
will not been showing in 30 last days if the current day is 02/02/2015!
$today = date_parse_from_format("[Y-m-d] [H:i:s]", gmdate("[Y-m-d] [H:i:s]"));
$store = date_parse_from_format("[Y-m-d] [H:i:s]", $row["LastSeen"]);
if (
(($store[year] >= $today[year]) && ($store[month] >= $today[month]))
{ $date_last = "<font color='green'>".$row["LastSeen"]."</font>"; }
{ $date_last = "<font color='red'>".$row["LastSeen"]."</font>"; }
Use date_create_from_format instead of date_parse_from_format. Then you can simply compare the resulting values:
$today = date_create_from_format("[Y-m-d] [H:i:s]", gmdate("[Y-m-d] [H:i:s]"));
$store = date_create_from_format("[Y-m-d] [H:i:s]", $row["LastSeen"]);
if ($store < $today) {
// ...
else {
// ...

Creating discount system for specific period

I'm using CodeIgniter, I want to offer discount for limited period of time. I don't know how to code it, would sessions be okay? But what if I want it only for first 15 mins, how can I manage that?
You can try something like this:
You might have to change your logic slightly to make this work.
function discount_period($field,$time)
$t = time();
$t0 = $_SESSION[$field];
$diff = $t - $t0;
if ($time > 1500 || !isset($t0))
return true;
$_SESSION[$field] = time();
/* Inside your header */
I don't know how you gonna do it but you can use this snippet of code as a reference.
$userLoggedInDate = new DateTime('now'); //The time user logged in. You can store it in the session variable the first time the user had logged in.
$promoDate = 'April 26, 2014';
$date = new DateTime($promoDate); //promo start date
$date2 = new DateTime($promoDate.'+15 min'); //add 15 mins to the date
var_dump($userLoggedInDate>$date2); //is logged in date greater than the promo end time?
var_dump($userLoggedInDate<$date2); //is logged in date less than the promo end time?

Increment through date on week basis

I am building a php application using pgsql as its back end.
I would like to increment the date by some amount of date shich should be loaded from my database which have given value as available=1,3,5(implying monday,wednesday,friday of a week).I would like to increment these available values to current date. I am using N format in date() function to represent the values of days in a week as 1 to 7 which is stored in available field in the database
If current date =22-07-2013 which is monday,then i have to increment this to wednesday(available=3) and then to friday(available=5) And then to monday of the next week.
And so on..
but i cant do that..
i am in need of such a code where the value of available may change according to the tuples in that tuple.So i would like to increment the current date based on the value of available.
So please help me to achieve it.
The code I used is attached herewith.Please have a look at it.
$sq = "SELECT * FROM $db->db_schema.dept where active='Y' and dept_id=$dept_id";
$result = $db->query($sq);
$to_time = strtotime("$b");
$from_time = strtotime("$a");
$minutes= round(abs($to_time - $from_time) / 60,2). " minute";
$days= explode("," , $result[0]['available']);
$dt1 =date("m/d/Y $ftime ");
$m= date('N');
-- $dt=array();
{ $l=$l+1;
echo "dasdsa";
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("$a +$l days"));
dept_id -> primary key of the table dept
$db->query($sq); -> query is used to fetch the given values and is defined in another file named database.php in the program folder.
f_time and t_time -> fields in the table dept which describes the from_time and to_time.f_time is the time from which we have to start increment and t_time is the time to end this increment.
Please inform me whether there is any improvement in the code I have given. .
What you could do is something like this:
You say how many days you want to increment. And give an array of availables.
$inicialDate = time(); //Timestamp of the date that you are based on
$tmpDate = $inicialDate; //Copy values for tmp var
$increment = 5; //Increment five days
$available = [1,3,5]; //Days available
/*Ok, now the logic*/
while($increment > 0){
$tmpDate = strtotime("+1 day", $tmpDate); //Increase tmpdate by one day
if(in_array(date("N",$tmpDate), $available){ //If this day is one of the availables
$finalDate = date("m/d/Y",$tmpDate);
This logic should work, although I don't know how to reproduce it via a SQL Procedure.
From what I can tell, you are after something like
UPDATE sometable
SET some_date_column = some_date_column + ('1 day'::INTERVAL * some_integer_value);
