How to use Redis cache in Laravel? - php

It's my first time to use Laravel and Redis. I understand how to get, set, etc of Redis on Terminal. But no idea how to apply Redis on Laravel application.
I have application that saves participant's information in DB with MVC pattern. and I'd like to change it to use Redis cache to make it faster(and for practice). What do I have to do? Could you explain it with code?
This is ParticipantController. 'edit' function send user to edit page, and user edit the information and push 'save', it activate 'update' function. store/updateUserInput functions are just saving data to DB nothing else.
* Show the form for editing the specified participant.
* #param int $id
* #return View
public function edit(int $id): View
$participant = Participant::find($id);
return view('errors.404');
return view('participants.edit', ['participant'=>$participant]);
* Update the specified participant in storage.
* #param ParticipantValidation $request
* #return RedirectResponse
public function update(ParticipantValidation $request): RedirectResponse
$participant = Participant::find($request->id);
return view('errors.404');
$detail = $request->all();
return redirect()->route('participants.create', $detail['event_id'])->with('success', 'Updated!');
+plus I tried this code on top of 'Controller' to use sth like $redis->set('message', 'Hello world'); but there's error that they cannot find 'Predis/Autoload.php'
require 'Predis/Autoload.php';
try {
$redis = new PredisClient();
catch (Exception $e) {

You can use the Cache facade
In your .env file, you must add CACHE_DRIVER=redis
Then whenever you want to get an instance of Participant:
$participant = null;
$key ="Participant".$id;
if(Cache::has($key)//get participant from cache
$participant = Cache::get($key);
else{//get participant and cache for 3 minutes
$participant = Participant::find($id);
$seconds = 180;
Cache::set($key, $participant, $seconds);


flush not work after reset manager in doctrine

i have a error in my data and i get error out of range on a integer column and i try to prevent closed entity manager for proceeding work and for this purpose i reset manager in exception
public function renewDeliveryTime($delayReport) : void
try {
$this->delayReportRepository->updateRenewedDeliveryTimeAt($delayReport, 50000000);
}catch (\Exception $exception){
// out of range error
public function updateRenewedDeliveryTimeAt($delayReport,$delayDuration)
* #var DelayReport $delayReport
the problem is after i have another object and almost same operation in database but seems $this->getEntityManager()->flush() not work any more and nothing happens in database . it is related to $this->managerRegistry->resetManager()
public function enqueue($delayReport) : void
$this->delayReportRepository->updateStatus($delayReport, DelayReport::STATUS['IN_QUEUE']);
public function updateStatus($delayReport, $status)
* #var DelayReport $delayReport
what is the problem and solution for this?
The problem with resetManager() is, that not all services wich has a reference to the entitymanager directly will be magically updated to have the new instance.
In updateStatus() Method you can easy check if your entity is Managed by the entity manager.
$uow = $this->getEntityManager()->getUnitOfWork();
if($uow->getEntityState($delayReport) !== UnitOfWork::STATE_MANAGED) {
// not managed
Dont know if a reassign can help here like $this->getEntityManager()->merge($delayReport).
BUT its really better to avoid a closed manager and validate your data before.
Not testet, if you will get the resetted EntityManager over the Registry. But its worth a try.
$entityManager = $managerRegistry->getManagerForClass(get_class($delayReport));

How can I add more to the code generated by Laravel Artisan?

I want to include some commented code above my resource controllers class declarations, ideally to be added when generating the controller using php artisan make:controller MyController -resource. Namely, I want to add the path aliases at the top of each controller file:
Verb URI Action Route Name desc
GET /photos index photos.index Display a listing of the resource.
GET /photos/create create photos.create Show the form for creating a new resource.
POST /photos store Store a newly created resource in storage.
GET /photos/{photo} show Display the specified resource.
GET /photos/{photo}/edit edit photos.edit Show the form for editing the specified resource.
PUT/PATCH /photos/{photo} update photos.update Update the specified resource in storage.
DELETE /photos/{photo} destroy photos.destroy Remove the specified resource from storage.
This is purely a convenience example, but there have been other times when I want to add other stuff to the models and migrations I am generating with artisan. Can this be done? Would I need to recompile the artisan binaries?
It's a bit tricky but if you know how to find your way around the container you should be fine.
First you have to overwrite the ArtisanServiceProvider by extending the default one and change this method.
* Register the command.
* #return void
protected function registerControllerMakeCommand()
$this->app->singleton('command.controller.make', function ($app) {
return new ControllerMakeCommand($app['files']);
By doing this you simply allow yourself to assign a custom ControllerMakeCommand in the container.
Then you simply copy that class as well and change code you want.
In your case the stub file.
* Get the stub file for the generator.
* #return string
protected function getStub()
$stub = null;
if ($this->option('parent')) {
$stub = '/stubs/controller.nested.stub';
} elseif ($this->option('model')) {
$stub = '/stubs/controller.model.stub';
} elseif ($this->option('invokable')) {
$stub = '/stubs/controller.invokable.stub';
} elseif ($this->option('resource')) {
$stub = '/stubs/controller.stub';
if ($this->option('api') && is_null($stub)) {
$stub = '/stubs/controller.api.stub';
} elseif ($this->option('api') && ! is_null($stub) && ! $this->option('invokable')) {
$stub = str_replace('.stub', '.api.stub', $stub);
$stub = $stub ?? '/stubs/controller.plain.stub';
return __DIR__.$stub;
And of course you have to copy the stub file and edit it according to your needs.

Owncloud 8.1 "myapp" sample, add a function to write to a file

On Owncloud 8.1 using the owncloud command line, I create a new test app:
ocdev startapp MyApp --email --author "Your Name" --description "My first app" --owncloud 8
The app is working, I can add it in the owncloud control panel.
Now I'd like to write to a file, so I use one example from the owncloud documentation:
[Edit] I started over and now, I don't know if I omitted something, but "myapp" comes with no "application.php" file.
So I create it at /var/www/core/apps/myapp/appinfo/application.php :
namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;
use \OCP\AppFramework\App;
use \OCA\MyApp\Storage\AuthorStorage;
class Application extends App {
public function __construct(array $urlParams=array()){
parent::__construct('myapp', $urlParams);
$container = $this->getContainer();
* Storage Layer
$container->registerService('AuthorStorage', function($c) {
return new AuthorStorage($c->query('RootStorage'));
$container->registerService('RootStorage', function($c) {
return $c->query('ServerContainer')->getRootFolder();
Then I create a file called /var/www/core/apps/myapp/storage/AuthorStorage.php with:
namespace OCA\MyApp\Storage;
class AuthorStorage {
private $storage;
public function __construct($storage){
$this->storage = $storage;
public function writeTxt($content) {
// check if file exists and write to it if possible
try {
try {
$file = $this->storage->get('/myfile.txt');
} catch(\OCP\Files\NotFoundException $e) {
$file = $this->storage->get('/myfile.txt');
// the id can be accessed by $file->getId();
} catch(\OCP\Files\NotPermittedException $e) {
// you have to create this exception by yourself ;)
throw new StorageException('Cant write to file');
The sample app already gives me a route to the index function in the pagecontroller.php
['name' => 'page#index', 'url' => '/', 'verb' => 'GET']
How do I call the function "writeTxt" from there?
Based on
I tried:
use \OCA\MyApp\Storage\AuthorStorage;
public function index() {
//added part
$a = new AuthorStorage();
//original part
$params = ['user' => $this->userId];
return new TemplateResponse('myapp', 'main', $params); //templates/main.php
After running I get a "Class 'OCA\MyApp\Storage\AuthorStorage' not found at /var/www/core/apps/myapp/controller/pagecontroller.php#44"
Even with the help of use \OCA\MyApp\Storage\AuthorStorage; ( ClassNotFoundException: Attempted to load class... Symfony ) it doesn't seem to help.
Time has gone by, so I'm posting an answer to my question for owncloud 9.
Here are the steps to a basic script with read, write, copy file ability.
"application.php" has definitively been removed from the example. It was not a bug.
Generate the demo "MyApp" app:
ocdev startapp MyApp --email --author "Your Name" --description "My first app" --owncloud 9
Edit the file myapp/controller/pagecontroller.php
* ownCloud - myapp
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* #author Your Name <>
* #copyright Your Name 2016
namespace OCA\MyApp\Controller;
use OCP\IRequest;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
use OCP\AppFramework\Controller;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OC\Files\Storage\Temporary;
class PageController extends Controller {
private $userId;
private $storage;
private $userstorage;
public function __construct($AppName, IRequest $request, IRootFolder $storage, $UserId){
parent::__construct($AppName, $request);
$this->storage = $storage;
$this->userId = $UserId;
$this->userstorage = $this->storage->get($this->userId.'/files/');
* CAUTION: the #Stuff turns off security checks; for this page no admin is
* required and no CSRF check. If you don't know what CSRF is, read
* it up in the docs or you might create a security hole. This is
* basically the only required method to add this exemption, don't
* add it to any other method if you don't exactly know what it does
* #NoAdminRequired
* #NoCSRFRequired
public function index() {
$listedudossier = $this->userstorage->getDirectoryListing();
//list all items in the root directory
//and copies the files in an directory called old
//the directory "old" is not script created
foreach ($listedudossier as $value) {
if ( $value->getType() == 'file' ){
//also works
$params = ['listedudossier' => $listedudossier ];
return new TemplateResponse('myapp', 'main', $params); // templates/main.php
* Simply method that posts back the payload of the request
* #NoAdminRequired
public function doEcho($echo) {
//creates a file
//opens a file, adds inputbox content and saves the file
$file = $this->userstorage->get('myfile.txt');
$contenu = $file->getContent();
return new DataResponse(['echo' => $echo]);
You also need to edit the myapp/templates/part.content.php
<p>Hello World <?php p($_['user']) ?></p>
<p><button id="hello">click me</button></p>
<p><textarea id="echo-content">
Send this as ajax
<p><button id="echo">Send ajax request</button></p>
Ajax response: <div id="echo-result"></div>
<p>listedudossier:<p> <?php
foreach ($_['listedudossier'] as $file) {
echo "type:".$file->getType();
echo "<p>";
echo "nom:".$file->getName();
echo "<p>";
echo "modif:".$file->getMTime();
echo "<p>";
From here you can test the code in a development environment:

Laravel multi tenant migrate

Wondering if anyone knows how or of a package that allows migrations to be done on multiple databases without having the additional connection in the config file. Currently I have two different connections, one for the default and another for the tenants. The tenant connection has the credentials input, but it doesn't have the database name since each tenant will have a different database name. Problem is when I'm doing the initial setup and need the migrations to be run it will do it for the default or the tenant(if I edit the file to include the database name). I had found a package that would do it but it is not currently compatible with laravel 5. Obviously if I have to do it manually it can be done. It would just be a pain. Thanks in advance for suggestions.
Looking through the tenancy related questions here, I stumbled upon your open one.
What I've done is override the default MigrateCommand provided by Laravel and add the --tenant option. This will allow me to migrate one, more or all tenants. You can check the implementation out at my repository. Knowing the code of conduct here, I'll also add an example implementation:
namespace Hyn\MultiTenant\Commands\Migrate;
use Hyn\MultiTenant\Traits\TenantDatabaseCommandTrait;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator;
use PDOException;
class MigrateCommand extends \Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\MigrateCommand
use TenantDatabaseCommandTrait;
* MigrateCommand constructor.
* #param Migrator $migrator
public function __construct(Migrator $migrator)
$this->website = app('Hyn\MultiTenant\Contracts\WebsiteRepositoryContract');
public function fire()
// fallback to default behaviour if we're not talking about multi tenancy
if (! $this->option('tenant')) {
$this->info('No running tenancy migration, falling back on native laravel migrate command due to missing tenant option.');
return parent::fire();
if (! $this->option('force') && ! $this->confirmToProceed()) {
$this->error('Stopped no confirmation and not forced.');
$websites = $this->getWebsitesFromOption();
// forces database to tenant
if (! $this->option('database')) {
$this->input->setOption('database', 'tenant');
foreach ($websites as $website) {
$this->info("Migrating for {$website->id}: {$website->present()->name}");
// The pretend option can be used for "simulating" the migration and grabbing
// the SQL queries that would fire if the migration were to be run against
// a database for real, which is helpful for double checking migrations.
$pretend = $this->input->getOption('pretend');
// Next, we will check to see if a path option has been defined. If it has
// we will use the path relative to the root of this installation folder
// so that migrations may be run for any path within the applications.
if (! is_null($path = $this->input->getOption('path'))) {
$path = $this->laravel->basePath().'/'.$path;
} else {
$path = $this->getMigrationPath();
try {
$this->migrator->run($path, $pretend);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
if (str_contains($e->getMessage(), ['Base table or view already exists'])) {
$this->comment("Migration failed for existing table; probably a system migration: {$e->getMessage()}");
// Once the migrator has run we will grab the note output and send it out to
// the console screen, since the migrator itself functions without having
// any instances of the OutputInterface contract passed into the class.
foreach ($this->migrator->getNotes() as $note) {
// Finally, if the "seed" option has been given, we will re-run the database
// seed task to re-populate the database, which is convenient when adding
// a migration and a seed at the same time, as it is only this command.
if ($this->input->getOption('seed')) {
$this->call('db:seed', ['--force' => true, '--tenant' => $this->option('tenant')]);
* Prepare the migration database for running.
* #return void
protected function prepareDatabase($connection = null)
if (! $connection) {
$connection = $this->option('database');
if (! $this->migrator->repositoryExists()) {
$options = ['--database' => $connection];
$this->call('migrate:install', $options);
* #return array
protected function getOptions()
return array_merge(
If you have any questions to solve this issue, let me know.

Is there any way to compile a blade template from a string?

How can I compile a blade template from a string rather than a view file, like the code below:
$string = '<h2>{{ $name }}</h2>';
echo Blade::compile($string, array('name' => 'John Doe'));
I found the solution by extending BladeCompiler.
<?php namespace Laravel\Enhanced;
use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler as LaravelBladeCompiler;
class BladeCompiler extends LaravelBladeCompiler {
* Compile blade template with passing arguments.
* #param string $value HTML-code including blade
* #param array $args Array of values used in blade
* #return string
public function compileWiths($value, array $args = array())
$generated = parent::compileString($value);
ob_start() and extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
// We'll include the view contents for parsing within a catcher
// so we can avoid any WSOD errors. If an exception occurs we
// will throw it out to the exception handler.
// If we caught an exception, we'll silently flush the output
// buffer so that no partially rendered views get thrown out
// to the client and confuse the user with junk.
catch (\Exception $e)
ob_get_clean(); throw $e;
$content = ob_get_clean();
return $content;
Small modification to the above script.
You can use this function inside any class without extending the BladeCompiler class.
public function bladeCompile($value, array $args = array())
$generated = \Blade::compileString($value);
ob_start() and extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
// We'll include the view contents for parsing within a catcher
// so we can avoid any WSOD errors. If an exception occurs we
// will throw it out to the exception handler.
// If we caught an exception, we'll silently flush the output
// buffer so that no partially rendered views get thrown out
// to the client and confuse the user with junk.
catch (\Exception $e)
ob_get_clean(); throw $e;
$content = ob_get_clean();
return $content;
For anyone still interested in this, they've added it to Laravel 9
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade;
return Blade::render('Hello, {{ $name }}', ['name' => 'Julian Bashir']);
I just stumbled upon the same requirement! For me, i had to fetch a blade template stored in DB & render it to send email notifications.
I did this in laravel 5.8 by kind-of Extending \Illuminate\View\View. So, basically i created the below class & named him StringBlade (I couldn't find a better name atm :/)
namespace App\Central\Libraries\Blade;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
class StringBlade implements StringBladeContract
* #var Filesystem
protected $file;
* #var \Illuminate\View\View|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory
protected $viewer;
* StringBlade constructor.
* #param Filesystem $file
public function __construct(Filesystem $file)
$this->file = $file;
$this->viewer = view();
* Get Blade File path.
* #param $bladeString
* #return bool|string
protected function getBlade($bladeString)
$bladePath = $this->generateBladePath();
$content = \Blade::compileString($bladeString);
return $this->file->put($bladePath, $content)
? $bladePath
: false;
* Get the rendered HTML.
* #param $bladeString
* #param array $data
* #return bool|string
public function render($bladeString, $data = [])
// Put the php version of blade String to *.php temp file & returns the temp file path
$bladePath = $this->getBlade($bladeString);
if (!$bladePath) {
return false;
// Render the php temp file & return the HTML content
$content = $this->viewer->file($bladePath, $data)->render();
// Delete the php temp file.
return $content;
* Generate a blade file path.
* #return string
protected function generateBladePath()
$cachePath = rtrim(config('cache.stores.file.path'), '/');
$tempFileName = sha1('string-blade' . microtime());
$directory = "{$cachePath}/string-blades";
if (!is_dir($directory)) {
mkdir($directory, 0777);
return "{$directory}/{$tempFileName}.php";
As you can already see from the above, below are the steps followed:
First converted the blade string to the php equivalent using \Blade::compileString($bladeString).
Now we have to store it to a physical file. For this storage, the frameworks cache directory is used - storage/framework/cache/data/string-blades/
Now we can ask \Illuminate\View\Factory native method 'file()' to compile & render this file.
Delete the temp file immediately (In my case i didn't need to keep the php equivalent file, Probably same for you too)
And Finally i created a facade in a composer auto-loaded file for easy usage like below:
if (! function_exists('string_blade')) {
* Get StringBlade Instance or returns the HTML after rendering the blade string with the given data.
* #param string $html
* #param array $data
* #return StringBladeContract|bool|string
function string_blade(string $html, $data = [])
return !empty($html)
? app(StringBladeContract::class)->render($html, $data)
: app(StringBladeContract::class);
Now i can call it from anywhere like below:
$html = string_blade('<span>My Name is {{ $name }}</span>', ['name' => 'Nikhil']);
// Outputs HTML
// <span>My Name is Nikhil</span>
Hope this helps someone or at-least maybe inspires someone to re-write in a better way.
I'm not using blade this way but I thought that the compile method accepts only a view as argument.
Maybe you're looking for:
It's a old question. But I found a package which makes the job easier.
Laravel Blade String Compiler renders the blade templates from the string value. Check the documentation on how to install the package.
Here is an example:
$template = '<h1>{{ $name }}</h1>'; // string blade template
return view (['template' => $template], ['name' => 'John Doe']);
Note: The package is now updated to support till Laravel 6.
I know its pretty old thread, but today also requirement is same.
Following is the way I solved this on my Laravel 5.7 (but this will work with any laravel version greater than version 5), I used the knowledge gained from this thread and few other threads to get this working (will leave links to all threads at the end, if this help up-vote those too)
I added this to my helper.php (I used this technique to add helper to my project, but you can use this function directly as well)
if (! function_exists('inline_view')) {
* Get the evaluated view contents for the given blade string.
* #param string $view
* #param array $data
* #param array $mergeData
* #return \Illuminate\View\View|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory
function inline_view($view = null, $data = [], $mergeData = [])
/* Create a file with name as hash of the passed string */
$filename = hash('sha1', $view);
/* Putting it in storage/framework/views so that these files get cleared on `php artisan view:clear*/
$file_location = storage_path('framework/views/');
$filepath = storage_path('framework/views/'.$filename.'.blade.php');
/* Create file only if it doesn't exist */
if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
file_put_contents($filepath, $view);
/* Add storage/framework/views as a location from where view files can be picked, used in make function below */
/* call the usual view helper to render the blade file created above */
return view($filename, $data, $mergeData);
Usage is exactly same as laravel's view() helper, only that now first parameter is the blade string
$view_string = '#if(strlen($name_html)>6)
<strong>{{ $name_html }}</strong>
return inline_view($view_string)->with('name_html', $user->name);
return inline_view($view_string, ['name_html' => $user->name]);
Laravel 9 :
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade;
return Blade::render('Your Blade Content {{ $parameter1}}', ['parameter1' => 'Name']);
