Find URL in string and turn into a link - php

I'm using the code given on this page to look through a string and turn the URL into an HTML link.
It works quite well, but there is a little issue with the "replace" part of it.
The problem occurs when I have almost identical links. For example:
Everything will be fine with the first link, but the second will create a <a> tag in the first <a> tag.
First run
Because it's also replacing the html link just created.
How do I avoid this?
function turnUrlIntoHyperlink($string){
//The Regular Expression filter
$reg_exUrl = "/(?i)\b((?:https?:\/\/|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>?«»“”‘’]))/";
// Check if there is a url in the text
if(preg_match_all($reg_exUrl, $string, $url)) {
// Loop through all matches
foreach($url[0] as $newLinks){
if(strstr( $newLinks, ":" ) === false){
$link = 'http://'.$newLinks;
$link = $newLinks;
// Create Search and Replace strings
$search = $newLinks;
$replace = ''.$link.'';
$string = str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
//Return result
return $string;

You need to add a whitespace identifier \s in your regex at the start, also remove \b because \b only returns the last match.
You regex can written as:
$reg_exUrl = "/(?i)\s((?:https?:\/\/|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>?«»“”‘’]))/"
check this one:

I have change the replace part a bit, since I couldn't get the suggested regex to work.
Maybe it can be done better, but I'm still learning :)
function turnUrlIntoHyperlink($string){
//The Regular Expression filter
$reg_exUrl = "/(?i)\b((?:https?:\/\/|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>?«»“”‘’]))/";
// Check if there is a url in the text
if(preg_match_all($reg_exUrl, $string, $url)) {
// Loop through all matches
foreach($url[0] as $key => $newLinks){
if(strstr( $newLinks, ":" ) === false){
$url = 'https://'.$newLinks;
$url = $newLinks;
// Create Search and Replace strings
$replace .= ''.$url.',';
$newLinks = '/'.preg_quote($newLinks, '/').'/';
$string = preg_replace($newLinks, '{'.$key.'}', $string, 1);
$arr_replace = explode(',', $replace);
foreach ($arr_replace as $key => $link) {
$string = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $link, $string);
//Return result
return $string;


PHP Preg Replace. Remove strings inside {~ string ~} pattern, but skip <pre>{~ string ~}</pre> [duplicate]

I am using a WordPress plugin named Acronyms ( This plugin replaces acronyms with their description. It uses a PHP PREG_REPLACE function.
The issue is that it replaces the acronyms contained in a <pre> tag, which I use to present a source code.
Could you modify this expression so that it won't replace acronyms contained inside <pre> tags (not only directly, but in any moment)? Is it possible?
The PHP code is:
$text = preg_replace(
, "<acronym title=\"$fulltext\">$acronym</acronym>"
, $text
You can use a PCRE SKIP/FAIL regex trick (also works in PHP) to tell the regex engine to only match something if it is not inside some delimiters:
This means: skip all substrings starting with <pre> and ending with </pre>, and only then match $acronym as a whole word.
See demo on
Here is a sample PHP demo:
$acronym = "ASCII";
$fulltext = "American Standard Code for Information Interchange";
$re = "/(?s)<pre[^<]*>.*?<\\/pre>(*SKIP)(*F)|\\b$acronym\\b/";
$str = "<pre>ASCII\nSometext\nMoretext</pre>More text \nASCII\nMore text<pre>More\nlines\nASCII\nlines</pre>";
$subst = "<acronym title=\"$fulltext\">$acronym</acronym>";
$result = preg_replace($re, $subst, $str);
echo $result;
<pre>ASCII</pre><acronym title="American Standard Code for Information Interchange">ASCII</acronym><pre>ASCII</pre>
It is also possible to use preg_split and keep the code block as a group, only replace the non-code block part then combine it back as a complete string:
function replace($s) {
return str_replace('"', '"', $s); // do something with `$s`
$text = 'Your text goes here...';
$parts = preg_split('#(<\/?[-:\w]+(?:\s[^<>]+?)?>)#', $text, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$text = "";
$x = 0;
foreach ($parts as $v) {
if (trim($v) === "") {
$text .= $v;
if ($v[0] === '<' && substr($v, -1) === '>') {
if (preg_match('#^<(\/)?(?:code|pre)(?:\s[^<>]+?)?>$#', $v, $m)) {
$x = isset($m[1]) && $m[1] === '/' ? 0 : 1;
$text .= $v; // this is a HTML tag…
} else {
$text .= !$x ? replace($v) : $v; // process or skip…
return $text;
Taken from here.

PHP Regex expression excluding <pre> tag

I am using a WordPress plugin named Acronyms ( This plugin replaces acronyms with their description. It uses a PHP PREG_REPLACE function.
The issue is that it replaces the acronyms contained in a <pre> tag, which I use to present a source code.
Could you modify this expression so that it won't replace acronyms contained inside <pre> tags (not only directly, but in any moment)? Is it possible?
The PHP code is:
$text = preg_replace(
, "<acronym title=\"$fulltext\">$acronym</acronym>"
, $text
You can use a PCRE SKIP/FAIL regex trick (also works in PHP) to tell the regex engine to only match something if it is not inside some delimiters:
This means: skip all substrings starting with <pre> and ending with </pre>, and only then match $acronym as a whole word.
See demo on
Here is a sample PHP demo:
$acronym = "ASCII";
$fulltext = "American Standard Code for Information Interchange";
$re = "/(?s)<pre[^<]*>.*?<\\/pre>(*SKIP)(*F)|\\b$acronym\\b/";
$str = "<pre>ASCII\nSometext\nMoretext</pre>More text \nASCII\nMore text<pre>More\nlines\nASCII\nlines</pre>";
$subst = "<acronym title=\"$fulltext\">$acronym</acronym>";
$result = preg_replace($re, $subst, $str);
echo $result;
<pre>ASCII</pre><acronym title="American Standard Code for Information Interchange">ASCII</acronym><pre>ASCII</pre>
It is also possible to use preg_split and keep the code block as a group, only replace the non-code block part then combine it back as a complete string:
function replace($s) {
return str_replace('"', '"', $s); // do something with `$s`
$text = 'Your text goes here...';
$parts = preg_split('#(<\/?[-:\w]+(?:\s[^<>]+?)?>)#', $text, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$text = "";
$x = 0;
foreach ($parts as $v) {
if (trim($v) === "") {
$text .= $v;
if ($v[0] === '<' && substr($v, -1) === '>') {
if (preg_match('#^<(\/)?(?:code|pre)(?:\s[^<>]+?)?>$#', $v, $m)) {
$x = isset($m[1]) && $m[1] === '/' ? 0 : 1;
$text .= $v; // this is a HTML tag…
} else {
$text .= !$x ? replace($v) : $v; // process or skip…
return $text;
Taken from here.

replace URLs but not images using a regular expression

I have a string like this:
$str = ':-:casperon.png:-: :-:sample.jpg:-:';
and I need to replace urls from the $str, but not images like casperon.png.
I have tried the following regex for replacing urls.
$regex = '/((http|ftp|https):\/\/)?[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+([\w.,#?^=%&:\/~+#-]*[\w#?^=%&\/~+#-])?/';
$str = preg_replace_callback( $regex, 'replace_url', $str);
and the php function like below.
function replace_url($m){
$link = $name = $m[0];
if ( empty( $m[1] ) ) {
$link = "http://".$link;
return ''.$name.'';
But it replaced the image as links. But I need the image as normal.Only the urls need to replace. So I put the images in between :-:image:-: the symbols. Can anyone help me..?
You can use this regex:
RegEx Demo
This regex works on the concept of first selecting the unwanted text betweem :-: and :-: and discarding it using (*SKIP)(*F) directives.
You can change your code like that, using filter_var to check the possible urls:
function replace_url($m){
$link = (empty($m[1])) ? 'http://' . $m[0] : $m[0];
if (!filter_var($link, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL))
return $m[0];
return '' . $m[0] . '';
$regex = '~((?:https?|ftp)://)?[\w-]+(?>\.[\w-]+)+(?>[.,]*(?>[\w#?^=%/\~+#;-]+|&(?:amp;)?)+)*~';
$str = preg_replace_callback( $regex, 'replace_url', $str);

str_replace not replacing correctly

I have the following, simple code:
$text = str_replace($f,''.$u.'',$text);
where $f is a URL, like, and $u is the name of the URL (my function names it 'Google').
My problem is, is if I give my function a string like
it returns
Google" target="_blank">Google</a> Google" target="_blank">Google</a>
Which obviously isn't what I want. I want my function to echo out two separate, clickable links. But str_replace is replacing the first occurrence (it's in a loop to loop through all the found URLs), and that first occurrence has already been replaced.
How can I tell str_replace to ignore that specific one, and move onto the next? The string given is user input, so I can't just give it a static offset or anything with substr, which I have tried.
Thank you!
One way, though it's a bit of a kludge: you can use a temporary marker that (hopefully) won't appear in the string:
$text = str_replace ($f, '' . $u . '',
That way, the first substitution won't be found again. Then at the end (after you've processed the entire line), simply change the markers back:
$text = str_replace ('XYZZYPLUGH', $f, $text);
Why not pass your function an array of URLs, instead?
function makeLinks(array $urls) {
$links = array();
foreach ($urls as $url) {
list($desc, $href) = $url;
// If $href is based on user input, watch out for "javascript: foo;" and other XSS attacks here.
$links[] = '<a href="' . htmlentities($href) . '" target="_blank">'
. htmlentities($desc)
. '</a>';
return $links; // or implode('', $links) if you want a string instead
$urls = array(
array('Google', ''),
array('Google', '')
If i understand your problem correctly, you can just use the function sprintf. I think something like this should work:
function urlize($name, $url)
// Make sure the url is formatted ok
if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL))
return '';
$name = htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES);
$url = htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES);
return sprintf('%s', $url, $name);
echo urlize('my name', '');
// my name
I havent test it though.
I suggest you to use preg_replace instead of str_replace here like this code:
$f = '';
$u = 'Google';
$regex = '~(?<!<a href=")' . preg_quote($f) . '~'; // negative lookbehind
$text = preg_replace($regex, ''.$u.'', $text);
echo $text . "\n";
$text = preg_replace($regex, ''.$u.'', $text);
echo $text . "\n";
Google Google
Google Google

PHP extract text from string - trim?

I have the following XML:
How can i write everything after the second colon to a variable?
E.g. 22204349686
if(preg_match('#<id>.*?:.*?:(.*?)</id>#',$input,$m)) {
$num = $m[1];
When you already have just the tags content in a variable $str, you could use explode to get everything from the second : on:
list(,,$rest) = explode(':', $str, 3);
$var = preg_replace('/^([^:]+:){2}/', '', ',2005:22204349686');
I am assuming you already have the string without the <id> bits.
Otherwise, for SimpleXML:
$var = preg_replace('/^([^:]+:){2}/', '', "{$yourXml->id}");
First, parse the XML with an XML parser. Find the text content of the node in question (,2005:22204349686). Then, write a relevant regex, e.g.
$str = ',2005:22204349686';
preg_match('#^([^:]+):([^,]+),([0-9]+):([0-9]+)#', $str, $matches);
I suppose you have in a variable ($str) the content of id tag.
// get last occurence of colon
$pos = strrpos($str, ":");
if ($pos !== false) {
// get substring of $str from position $pos to the end of $str
$result = substr($str, $pos);
} else {
$result = null;
Regex seems to me inappropriate for such a simple matching.
If you dont have the ID tags around the string, you can simply do
echo trim(strrchr($xml, ':'), ':');
If they are around, you can use
$xml = '<id>,2005:22204349686</id>';
echo filter_var(strrchr($xml, ':'), FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
// 22204349686
The strrchr part returns :22204349686</id> and the filter_var part strips everything that's not a number.
Use explode and strip_tags:
list(,,$id) = explode( ':', strip_tags( $input ), 3 );
function between($t1,$t2,$page) {
if($p1!==false) {
} else {
return false;
return substr($page,$p1+strlen($t1),$p2-$p1-strlen($t1));
if($text!==false) {
//got some text..
