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Closed 3 years ago.
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We have an app that has separate pwa and standard web site made in CodeIgniter(PHP framework).
Is there a way to send push notifications from a web site version of the app, to the pwa users that never visited the website?
For example when somebody post a comment on a user picture using the web site, is there a way to notify the pwa user?
From the research I've done, its possible to send the notifications from website if user accepts them, but if used that method, user would first have to visit the website on their cell phone and accept the push notifications. That is not very user friendly.
Ideally, the user would just use the pwa, accept the notifications there, and actions on the website would trigger notifications to the pwa-s user cellphone.
Browser based notifications are designed to be opt-in. That policy is enforced by the browser.
Without that our phones would be buzzing 24 hours a day.
You could build a native app that does notifications.
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Closed 6 months ago.
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I am building a desktop application that will have a settings screen in web. If the user click on the settings button it shall open laravel web application and shall authenticate automatically. So I need a deeplink to login directly into the application and redirect user to settings page.
Is there any way to solve this scenario with laravel Auth or any further suggestions?
I guess that for deep link you mean "very long and difficult to guess url".
I suggest you to manage the access using an authentication token (is generally used for API, but also "remember me" functionality use a token stored in cookie) and make it possible to configure the token in the desktop application.
this allow you to:
disable a token at any time
create different tokens for different users
much better security compared to hidden url
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Closed 4 years ago.
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The current website is running only with HTML pages.
My idea to set up a web epayment system (Donation System) is that I would like to build a web server with Xmapp. I am going to build a db stored the payment info . The HTML form passes the info to the db and the field of payment amount passes to the payment website . After the user clicks the submit button , it redirects to the epayment websites .The users end the process with the epayment websites. And it auto-generate an email to the user.
Is this idea possible ?
1.Any more convenient ways to set up the db with purely HTML?
2.Should I register the shop ac in the epayment websites ?
Smith is still right but it looks like you are going to have to implement a basic CRUD application with php, you 'cannot' implement this without a programming language ( i.e. with only html).
There are apis for payment integration with php.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a Social Network type Laravel application where users can comment and follow each other, and subscribe a page/user to get notification whenever a new blog/post has been published by the page.
Suppose, 1000+ users has subscribed to get notification for a page. Now, whenever the page publishes a post, I should send notification to all users who has subscribed.
I have a table for notifications like:-
user_id - the user who has subscribed
page_id - the page who published the blog/post
notification - the notification text (same for all users)
Basically, I want to send the notification to all users who has subscribed to the page. In laravel, I can use loop or chunk for all users to add rows to the database. But I want to know what will be the most robust way to send notification to users in laravel. Thanks.
Definitely consider looking into Laravel's Queue for this. It will give a fine tuned control over how many get sent at once, when they get sent and how to handle the case of failure. I use the Queue + Redis for a lot of very similar functionality.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to understand how web notification(HTML5) is works.
I found some solutions for call user for permissions:notify.js,
currently I am looking for any way to send notifications for subscribed users. I planing to create a backend script in PHP. What kind of data, should I save when user allows notifications receiving, for easy sending notifications?
There are two kinds of web notifications:
on-site push notifications: you can send them only when a user has a page of your website open. You can use the Web Notification API (or notify.js) to display the notification. You also need to fetch the notification from a server: you can use AJAX, long polling, websockets, etc.
off-site push notifications: you can reach a user even when he is not on your website. You need to use the Web Notification API together with the W3C Push API and service workers. In this case you need to collect an endpoint that represents the user device (browser), then store it on a server and then send notifications to it (for example using this PHP library). Otherwise you can use a service like Pushpad (I am the founder) which offers a PHP library.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've built a website that authenticates users via facebook.
The way I've set it up is like this: The website uses the facebook JS SDK on the front end, and when the user authenticates with facebook their access_token is sent to my server via an ajax call (using HTTPS for security) - where the graph api is queried and their session is initiated server-side (Using a database for secure session storage of user data).
Can anyone think of any potential problems this approach might lead to? Thanks!
This is a very common scenario. The only issue is that unless you request offline_access that token you get is only valid for an hour.