How to pass an instance to symfony form validator class? - php

I am trying to create a custom symfony form validator constraint. I created two class, one constraint and one validator and it works fine. But I need to pass doctrine entitymanager instance to validator class, as I am using them standalone and not framework, I don't have yaml configuration file. I created a constructor in validator class to have $em, and in controller I have:
->add('email', EmailType::class, [
'constraints' => [
new Assert\Email(['message' => '', 'mode' => 'strict', 'normalizer' => 'trim']),
new Assert\EmailExists($em),
But I am not getting $em, in my validator class, what should I do? I also tried to have constructor in main constraint class, then in validator I had parent::construct(), still not working.
I did read this too How to configure dependencies on custom validator with Symfony Components? but instead of making the factory class, I used the current factor class and used this:
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory;
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
->register('customEmailUniqueEntity', 'EmailExistsValidator')
$validatorBuilder = Validation::createValidatorBuilder();
new ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory($container)
$validator = $validatorBuilder->getValidator();
$violations = $validator->validate('email address', [
new EmailExists()
if (0 !== count($violations)) {
// there are errors, now you can show them
foreach ($violations as $violation) {
echo $violation->getMessage().'<br>';
With this code both dependency injection and validation works fine, but is there a trick to have this custom constraint as 'constraint' array argument within form builder rather than validating it manually?
->add('email', EmailType::class, [
'constraints' => [
new Assert\Email(['message' => '', 'mode' => 'strict', 'normalizer' => 'trim']),
new Assert\EmailExists($em),
With code above I cannot pass $em to the constructor of my custom Validator. Any trick possible?
In order to inject doctrine EntityManager, in EmailExists class I had:
public function validatedBy()
return 'customEmailUniqueEntity';
//return \get_class($this).'Validator';
then I had:
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
->register('customEmailUniqueEntity', 'EmailExistsValidator')
because if I was returning validator class from validatedBy() I could not inject $em to the constructor of validator. With the answer below I used:
But now I am getting customEmailUniqueEntity class not found error, as if I return validator from validatedBy(), injection will not work, what should I do? I tried to return
public function validatedBy()
return 'EmailExists';
//return \get_class($this).'Validator';
but this one, of course I am getting initialize() error. Please advise.
I added addTag to:
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory;
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
->register('customEmailUniqueEntity', 'EmailExistsValidator')
$validatorBuilder = Validation::createValidatorBuilder();
new ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory($container)
$validator = $validatorBuilder->getValidator();
$violations = $validator->validate('email address', [
new EmailExists()
if (0 !== count($violations)) {
// there are errors, now you can show them
foreach ($violations as $violation) {
echo $violation->getMessage().'<br>';
and in constructor of EmailExistsValidator I have:
and I got $em object in validator, so $em is injected and adding addTag() did not cause any error. If I remove validatedBy() of EmailExists contsraint, injection will not be done. In that method I am doing
return `customEmailUniqueEntity;`
because if I return EmailExistsValidator, injection will not be done.
Now how to use validator.constraint_validator or EmailExists() as constraints array param of the form? if I use new EmailExists() I will get Two Few Aguments for validator class as $em wll not be injected this way. What to do?

Constraints are not validators.
Symfony will take a constraint and search for its validator by attaching Validator to the classname.
So in symfony you register your constraint by EmailExists but the class/service which actually does validation is EmailExistsValidator.
And this is also the place to inject EntityManagerInterface into it.
All information can be found here: Symfony - How to Create a custom Validation Constraint

Your customEmailUniqueEntity service will never be taken into account by the ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory when it determines the actual validator to be used for the EmailExists constraint.
In order to let the factory know which services are constraint validators you need to tag it with the validator.constraint_validator tag like this:
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\DependencyInjection\AddConstraintValidatorsPass;
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
->register('customEmailUniqueEntity', 'EmailExistsValidator')
$container->addCompilerPass(new AddConstraintValidatorPass());


Symfony custom Validator constraint: Not executed (or called?)

Hello Stackers,
After readling a lot of documentation, SymfonyCasts and other questions here I still didn't find a cause to my problem. In my opinion, and I could of course be very wrong since the product is so big, I followed the steps as given by the Symfony Docs I still cannot seem to get a Custom Validator Constraint working.
We have a form controller, which I hereby call BasicFormController.php. This is where the actual form submission is sent at. At the end I added an empty response, just to see if it can continue. The problem here is with the the EmailNotFiltered constraint. It get's called here, but after that it just stops.
$constraint = new Assert\Collection([
'firstName' => new Assert\Length(['min' => 1, 'max' => 50]),
'lastName' => new Assert\Length(['min' => 1, 'max' => 50]),
'email' => new ProductAssert\EmailNotFiltered(),
'textWhy' => new Assert\Length(['min' => 20, 'max' => 1000]),
# Validate for all violations.
$violations = $validatorInterface->validate($request->get('data'), $constraint);
# Form contains violations
if (count($violations) >= 1) {
return new JsonResponse(['data' => $violations, 'status' => "error"]);
return new JsonResponse([]);
Then the Validator Constraint itself. EmailNotFiltered.php. Nothing weird, just as in the instructions.
namespace App\Validator;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
class EmailNotFiltered extends Constraint
public $message = "Invalid email address. Declined by filter.";
public function __construct(array $groups = null, mixed $payload = null)
parent::__construct([], $groups, $payload);
public function validatedBy()
return static::class.'Validator';
Followed with the Validator, in the same Folder, EmailNotFilteredValidator.php. I've just removed all my own logic to test if I can even get a violation to build.
namespace App\Validator;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidator;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\UnexpectedValueException;
class EmailNotFilteredValidator extends ConstraintValidator
public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint): void{
->setParameter('{{ string }}', $value)
However, if I throw an exception there, it's not seen. The last place an exception can be thrown and where it will be seen is at the Constraint base file, in the constructor. After that it's done.
I removed all the default logic from the Validator too, just to be sure. But with that, it does not work too. It doesn't really matter, it just doesn't seem to even build up a single violation.
Am I understanding the step-by-step documentation wrong? Or what is the thing I'm doing wrong here?

Where is ->getForm() method located for Symfony3 CreateFormFactory

First off, I am building using Symfony components. I am using 3.4. I was following the form tutorial which lead me to this page
I noticed that Symfony added a Form directory to my application.
This was great! I thought I was on my way. So, in my controller, I added this line.
$form = Forms::createFormFactory();
When I tried loading the page, everything went well with no error messages until I added the next two lines.
->addExtension(new HttpFoundationExtension())
I removed the ->addExtension(new HttpFoundationExtension()) line and left the ->getForm() thinking it would process without the add method call. It did not. So, I backed up to see if the IDE would type hint for me.
In the IDE PHPStorm, these are the methods that I have access to but not getForm per the tutorial
Every tutorial I have tried ends with not being able to find some method that does not exist. What do I need to install in order to have access to the ->getForm() method?
I have made a couple of steps forward.
$form = Forms::createFormFactory()
The code above loads with no errors. (Why is still fuzzy). But next stop is the createView(). None existant also. I only get hinted with create().
Reading between the lines in this video help with the last two steps.
This is what I have now.
$session = new Session();
$csrfManager = new CsrfTokenManager();
$help = new \Twig_ExtensionInterface();
$formFactory = Forms::createFormFactoryBuilder()
$form = $formFactory->createBuilder(TaskType::class)
$loader = new FilesystemLoader('../../templates/billing');
$twig = new Environment($loader, [
'debug' => true,
$twig->addExtension(new HeaderExtension());
$twig->addExtension(new DebugExtension());
$twig->addExtension($help, FormRendererEngineInterface::class);
return $twig->render('requeueCharge.html.twig', [
'payments' => 'Charge',
'reportForm' => $form->createView()
Does anyone know of an update standalone for example? The one that everyone keeps pointing two is 6 years old. There have been many things deprecated in that time period. So, it is not an example to follow.
Your Form class and method createFormFactory must return object that implement FormBuilderInterface then getForm method will be available. You need create formBuilder object.
But this can't be called from static method because formBuilder object need dependency from DI container. Look at controller.
If you want you need register your own class in DI and create formBuilder object with dependencies and return that instance of object.
You don't need to use abstract controller. You can create your own class which is registered in DI for geting dependencies. In that class you create method which create new FormBuilder(..dependencies from DI from your class ...) and return instance of that FormBuilder. Then you can inject your class in controller via DI.
Example (not tested)
// class registered in DI
class CustomFormFactory
private $_factory;
private $_dispatcher;
public CustomFormFactory(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher, FormFactoryInterface $factory)
$_dispatcher = $dispatcher;
$_factory = $factory;
public function createForm(?string $name, ?string $dataClass, array $options = []): FormBuilderInterface
// create instance in combination with DI dependencies (factory..) and your parameters
return new FormBuilder($name, $dataClass, $_dispatcher, $_factory, $options);
$factory = $this->container->get('CustomFormFactory');
$fb = $factory->createForm();
$form = $fb->getForm();

Symfony validator throws exception on invalid Collection

The symfony validator throws an exception when I attempt to validate a scalar using a Collection constraint. I would expect it to return a violation instead.
Example code:
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Collection;
$validator = Validation::createValidator();
$input = 'testtesttest';
$constraints = [
new Collection([
'fields' => [
'one' => new Length(array('min' => 10))
$violationList = $validator->validate($input, $constraints);
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException: Expected argument of type "array or Traversable and ArrayAccess", "string" given in vendor/symfony/validator/Constraints/CollectionValidator.php:37
Am I doing something wrong here?
For other Constraint classes (e.g. NotBlank, Type) the validator adds to the violation list when it encounters something invalid. To have it throw an exception instead in the case of a Collection seems bizarre to me. Am I doing something obviously wrong?
Sorry for responding a year after but I was stuck with the same issue.
The solution for me was to create a custom Validation Constraint.
Firstly you have to create a custom constraint: CustomCollection which will contain the following code (note that my class is extending the Collection constraint and not the default Constraint class):
namespace AppBundle\Validator\Constraints;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Collection;
class CustomCollection extends Collection
public $message = 'You must provide an array.';
Then you have to implement your custom constraint's logic (in this case validate that your value is a valid array) :
namespace AppBundle\Validator\Constraints;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CollectionValidator;
class CustomCollectionValidator extends CollectionValidator
public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
if (!\is_array($value)) {
parent::validate($value, $constraint);
Now if I take your code as example, you have to change the constraint from Collection to CustomCollection in order to get a violation :
$input = 'testtesttest';
$constraints = [
new CustomCollection([
'fields' => [
'one' => new Length(array('min' => 10))
$violationList = $validator->validate($input, $constraints);
You are misusing the Collection constraint. This constraint is meant for validating collections (e.g. array, a traversable object).
You should pass an array of constraints to the validate method.
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length;
$validator = Validation::createValidator();
$input = 'testtesttest';
$constraints = [
new Length(array('min' => 10)),
// ... And other constraints
$violationList = $validator->validate($input, $constraints);
You can see more info about the validator here:

Possible to create a factory to instantiate custom Form validators?

(using Zend Framework 2.2.4)
My validator factory, doesn't seem to "exist" at validation time. If I attempt to instantiate the validator from the controller in which the form is housed, it conversely works fine:
This works...
$mycustomvalidator = $this->getServiceLocator()
Here's how things are set up otherwise in the code, I can't seem to find the problem, and was hopeful to avoid opening up ZF2 source to understand. By way of documentation, it seems right.
Module Config
public function getValidatorConfig()
return array(
'abstract_factories' => array(
Factory Class
namespace LDP\Form\Validator;
use Zend\ServiceManager\AbstractFactoryInterface,
class ValidatorAbstractFactory implements AbstractFactoryInterface
public function canCreateServiceWithName(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator, $name, $requestedName)
return stristr($requestedName, 'LDP_PinAvailable') !== false;
public function createServiceWithName(ServiceLocatorInterface $locator, $name, $requestedName)
// baked in for sake of conversation
$validator = new \LDP\Form\Validator\PinAvailable();
if( $validator instanceof DatabaseFormValidatorInterface )
$validator->setDatabase( $locator->get('mysql_slave') );
return $validator;
Custom Validator
namespace LDP\Form\Validator;
class PinAvailable extends \Zend\Validator\AbstractValidator implements DatabaseFormValidatorInterface
* #var \Zend\Db\Sql\Sql
private $database;
public function setDatabase( \Zend\Db\Sql\Sql $db )
$this->database = $db;
public function isValid( $value )
$DBA = $this->database->getAdapter();
// do the mixed database stuff here
return true;
Lastly, the form field validator config part of the array:
'pin' => array(
'required' => true,
'filters' => array(
array('name' => 'alnum'),
array('name' => 'stringtrim'),
'validators' => array(
array( 'name' => 'LDP_PinAvailable' )
Piecing it all together, the form loads, and when submitted, it does with the stack trace below:
2013-10-28T17:09:35-04:00 ERR (3): Exception:
1: Zend\Validator\ValidatorPluginManager::get was unable to fetch or create an instance for LDP_PinAvailable
#0 /Users/Saeven/Documents/workspace/Application/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/ServiceManager/AbstractPluginManager.php(103): Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->get('LDP_PinAvailabl...', true)
#1 /Users/Saeven/Documents/workspace/Application/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Validator/ValidatorChain.php(82): Zend\ServiceManager\AbstractPluginManager->get('LDP_PinAvailabl...', Array)
The ValidatorPluginManager extends the Zend\ServiceManager\AbstractPluginManager. The AbstractPluginManager has a feature called "autoAddInvokableClass", which is enabled by default.
Basically, what this means, is that if the service name requested can't be resolved by the ValidatorPluginManager, it will then check if the name is a valid class name. If so, it will simply add it as an invokable class right there, on-demand, which of course means that it will never fall back to your abstract factory.
To circumvent this behavior, the easiest method is to simply make your abstract factory respond to service names that do not actually resolve to the actual class names.
See: AbstractPluginManager.php#L98-L100
Digging some more, I've found the problem. It distilled to these lines in Zend\Validator\ValidatorChain circa line 80:
public function plugin($name, array $options = null)
$plugins = $this->getPluginManager();
return $plugins->get($name, $options);
There was no plugin manager available in context.
It took about three seconds of Googling to find that I had to do this when I prepared the form in the controller:
$validators = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('ValidatorManager');
$chain = new ValidatorChain();
$chain->setPluginManager( $validators );
$form->getFormFactory()->getInputFilterFactory()->setDefaultValidatorChain( $chain );
Hopefully this helps someone else. You are able to use regular old classnames when setting it up this way, no need to warp the classnames.
In ZF3/Laminas, if a validator is registered as an invokable, you can call the validator in the getInputFilterSpecification() of your form, and no problem. If a validator is instantiated using a factory, you get into trouble. If I understand correctly, even if your form is registered like this
'form_elements' => [
'factories' => [
SomeForm::class => SomeFormFactory::class,
and your validator:
'validators' => [
'factories' => [
SomeValidator::class => SomeValidatorFactory::class,
you won't be instantiating the validator via factory. The reason is that the form factory (the one you get like $form->getFormFactory()) has an input filter factory and in there sits default validator chain. And this validator chain has no ValidatorManager attached. And without the ValidatorManager, the default chain cannot map the validator name to the validator factory.
To solve all this headache, in your controller factory do this:
and your troubles are over.

Deprecated method addValidation and class CallbackValidator in Symfony2

I have a problem. I need to validate a field that is not in entity in form type class. Previously I used this code:
$builder->addValidator(new CallbackValidator(function(FormInterface $form){
if (!$form['t_and_c']->getData()) {
$form->addError(new FormError('Please accept the terms and conditions in order to registe'));
But since Symfony 2.1 method addValidator and class CallbackValidator are deprecated. Does anyone know what I should use instead?
I've done it in this way:
add('t_and_c', 'checkbox', array(
'property_path' => false,
'constraints' => new True(array('message' => 'Please accept the terms and conditions in order to register')),
'label' => 'I agree'))
The interface FormValidatorInterface was deprecated and will be removed in Symfony 2.3.
If you implemented custom validators using this interface, you can
substitute them by event listeners listening to the
FormEvents::POST_BIND (or any other of the *BIND events). In case
you used the CallbackValidator class, you should now pass the callback
directly to addEventListener.
For anyone else looking for help changing their validators to event subscribers (as it is slightly different to normal subscribers) follow this:
Step 1
$builder->addValidator(new AddNameFieldValidator());
$builder->addEventSubscriber(new AddNameFieldSubscriber());
Step 2
Replace your validator class (and all the namespaces) to a subscriber class.
Your subscriber class should look like the following:
// src/Acme/DemoBundle/Form/EventListener/AddNameFieldSubscriber.php
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Form\EventListener;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvents;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormError;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class AddNameFieldSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(FormEvents::POST_BIND => 'postBind');
public function postBind(FormEvent $event)
$data = $event->getData();
$form = $event->getForm();
$form->addError(new FormError('oh poop'))
You do not need to register the subscriber in a service file (yml or otherwise)
