Undefined variable: alert Laravel 5.6 - php

Hey guys I am new to laravel and I have been trying to store all records of table 'alert' to a variable and then pass that variable to a view so that I can display them.
I have a controller - AlertController and inside that a function:
public function showalert(){
$alert = Alert::all()->toArray();
return view('content')->with(compact('alert'));
In my view I have this code
#foreach($alert as $title)
I am receiving this error :Undefined variable: alert (View: \views\content.blade.php)

You can try below
// controller file
public function showalert(){
$alert = Alert::all();
return view('content', [ 'alert' => $alert ]);
// view file
#foreach($alert as $title)

Use this approach:
public function showalert(){
$alert = Alert::all();
return view('content', compact('alert'));


Undefined variable $user->username (Laravel 5.7)

I can't get the data from the database. Getting an error:
ErrorException (E_ERROR)
Undefined variable: user
public function __construct()
$this->middleware('auth', ['except' => ['getById',
'getByUsername', 'submissions', 'comments', 'showSubmissions',
public function showSubmissions($username)
$user = new UserResource(
User::withTrashed()->where('username', $username)->firstOrFail(),
$submissions = SubmissionResource::collection(
->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
return view('user.submissions', compact('user', 'submissions'));
{{ $user->username }}
Route::get('/user', 'UserController#getByUsername');
I need get information about user (username).
What is the problem and where is the error?
Based on your comment you have this route:
Route::get('/submission', function () {
return view('user.submissions');
When you are loading this view, you are not passing the user object to it. Then when the view is running, it is trying to access a variable that does not exist.
To fix this, you need to pass a variable to the view you are loading. For example, you could do something like this:
Route::get('/submission', function () {
return view('user.submissions', ['user' => auth()->user()]);
Note that you can change how you get the user instance depending on your use case. I am just getting the authenticated user to demonstrate the principle.

Call to undefined method appends()

I created a filter for db table, but filtration just work for first page
I try this code in controller
public function index(Request $request)
$user=User::orderBy('created_at', 'ASC');
if ($request->get('type')) {
$user->where('type', $request->get('type'));
if ($request->get('id')) {
$user->where('id', (integer)$request->get('id'));
if ($request->get('first_name')) {
$user->where('first_name', $request->get('first_name'));
if ($request->get('email')) {
$user->where('email', $request->get('email'));
$users = $user->paginate(20);
$user->appends(['search' => $request->get('search')]);
return view('admin.user.index', compact('users'));
But I get this error
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::appends()
How I can fix this error or how I can make filter works with all pages ?
As I can see you have used following line and paginate the user data in users
$users = $user->paginate(20);
So you need to use users variable instead of user
$users->appends(['search' => $request->get('search')]);

Getting Error Of Undefined Variable "data" php Codeigniter

I am updating table taking id in url which is auto increment.. i am also defiend a variable data in controller that is $data['data']=$this->articlesmodel->find_data($art_id); and this varible passing to view that is $this->load->view('admin/edit',$data);
and in view at form open i called the variable id**}",['class'=>'form-horizontal']);?>
but the error occure that the $data is undefiend.
this is view code
<?php echo form_open("admin/update_data/{$data->id}",['class'=>'form-horizontal']);?>
This is controller code
public function edit_data($art_id)
This is Model Code
public function update_data($art_id, Array $data )
return $this->db

How to use variables in routes in laravel?

I'm trying to build a application in laravel 5.3 in which I get the variable from request method and then trying to pass that variable in a redirect to the routes. I want to use this variable in my view so that I can be able to display the value of variable. I'm currently doing this:
In my controller I'm getting the request like this:
public function register(Request $request)
$data = request->only('xyz','abc');
// Do some coding
$member['xyz'] = $data['xyz'];
$member['abc'] = $data['abc'];
return redirect('member/memberinfo')->with('member' => $member);
Now I've following in my routes:
Route::get('/member/memberinfo', 'MemberController#memberinfo')->with('member', $member);
Now in MemberController I want to use $member variable and display this into my view:
public function memberinfo()
return view('member.memberinfo', ['member' => $member]);
But I'm getting an error in the routes files
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Routing\Route::with()
Help me out, how can I achieve this.
When you're using redirect()->with(), you're saving data to the session. So to get data from the session in controller or even view you can use session() helper:
$member = session('member'); // In controller.
{{ session('member')['xyz'] }} // In view.
Alternatively, you could pass variables as string parameters.
return redirect('member/memberinfo/xyz/abc')
Route::get('/member/memberinfo/{xyz}/{abc}', 'MemberController#memberinfo');
public function memberinfo($xyz, $abc)
return view('member.memberinfo', compact('xyz', 'abc'));
You can use like this:
Route::get('/member/memberinfo', 'MemberController#memberinfo')
and the redirect:
return redirect('member/memberinfo')->with('member', $member);
You need to replace => with ,
public function register(Request $request)
$data = request->only('xyz','abc');
// Do some coding
$member['xyz'] = $data['xyz'];
$member['abc'] = $data['abc'];
return redirect('member/memberinfo')->with('member', $member); // => needs to be replaced with ,
Hope this works!
Replace line
return redirect('member/memberinfo')->with('member' => $member);
return redirect('member/memberinfo')->with('member', $member);

Laravel 4 Creating Form for adding record with relationship

I have created very basic Model. I have persons table and emails table.
Also I have create a link in the persons/show.blade.php ("Add mail").
My models are
class Person extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'persons';
public function email()
return $this->HasMany('Email');
class Email extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'emails';
public static $rules = array(
public function person()
return $this->belongsTo('Person');
How can I pass the $person->id to the new Controller?
In my show.blade.php for Person I added
{{ HTML::linkRoute('email.adduseremail','Προσθήκη Email',array($person->id))}}
and I added to my EmailController
public function adduseremail($id)
return View::make('email.createforuser',['id'=>$id]);
public function storeforuser($pid)
$validator = Validator::make(Input::all(),Email::$rules);
if ($validator->fails()) {
$messages = $validator->messages();
foreach ($messages->all('<li>:message</li>') as $message)
return Redirect::back()->withInput()->WithErrors($messages);
$person = Person::FindorFail($pid);
$email = new Email;
$email->email = Input::get('email');
return Redirect::route('person.index');
and my createforuser view is
{{Form::label('email', 'Email:')}}
{{Form::input('text', 'email')}}
I keep getting Trying to get property of non-object (View: /var/www/laravel/app/views/email/show.blade.php)
Is there any example using Form and Models for inserting new objects to the database for 'belongsTo' Relationship? I couldn't find anything complete , just partial examples.
I generally use laravel sessions or laravel cache to tempererally save an id that i need to use later like:
The same is for cache except cache will only last for the current request session is persistent for the session
Hope that helps
I am no sure if I 'm supposed to answer my own question but finally I found a solution.
I set two new routes
Route::post('email/adduseremail/{pid}', array('uses'=>'EmailController#adduseremail','as' => 'email.adduseremail'));
Route::post('email/storeforuser/{pid}', array('uses' =>'EmailController#storeforuser','as' => 'email.storeforuser'));
and created the corresponding methods in my Controller
public function adduseremail($id)
$pname = Person::Find($id)->name;
$psurname = Person::Find($id)->surname;
return View::make('email.createforuser',array('id'=>$id,'name'=>$pname, 'surname'=>$psurname));
public function storeforuser($pid)
$validator = Validator::make(Input::all(),Email::$rules);
if ($validator->fails())
$messages = $validator->messages();
foreach ($messages->all('<li>:message</li>') as $message)
return Redirect::back()->withInput()->WithErrors($messages);
$person = Person::FindorFail($pid);
$email = new Email;
$email->email = Input::get('email');
return Redirect::route('person.show',array($person->id));
then on my view blade pages I can pass the parameters from View to Form and so on
{{Form::Open(array('route' => array('email.adduseremail', $person->id),'method' => 'POST','style'=>'display:inline;'))}}
{{Form::submit('Add Email')}}
{{Form::open(array('route'=>array('email.storeforuser',$id),'method' => 'POST','style'=>'display:inline;'))}}
{{Form::label('email', 'Email:')}}
{{Form::input('text', 'email')}}
Hope it helps others also
