not found The requested resource / was not found on this server - php

I want to run a laravel project on local server but I have only the backup from server so I made some changes but now my php artisan is working but when coming to routes it shows that:
Not found theb requested resource/was not found on this server


The api not work in Postman when requested by url

i have start the server using xampp
used this url in postman for request and still get this error
**Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.54 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1p PHP/8.2.0 Server at localhost Port 80**
my route in api.php is
I have tried with php artisan serve with url
but didn't work
You need to clear your route cache by
php artisan route:cache
This is common when testing with Postman. Once your routes cache is cleared, your route will be picked up by Postman.

The requested resource / was not found on this server the cause is described in body

I deleted a Laravel project that I was hosting on my machine ( localhost:8888) and since then I couldn't run any other project (php via phpstorm for example ) and I keep getting 404 The requested resource / was not found on this server. I understand that when I deleted the project the url is indicating to something that is no longer there how can I solve this problem ?

SilverStripe - The website server has not been able to respond to your request

I'm trying to create my first SilverStripe website following this tutorial.
So far I have created my website and configured my .env page.
# DB credentials
I'm not sure entirely how the database is created when creating a site. I checked my databases and I do not have one for it. I can make one manually but I wasn't sure if I should and list it under SS_DATABASE_NAME, or if it will auto-create the db.
I'm assuming this is why when I visit my local site localhost/SSexample/public I get an error saying "The website server has not been able to respond to your request".
Am I missing a step in setting up the site or should I manually create a db named SS_examples?
on a side note my apache server is set up with xampp and my SilverStripe project is in C:/xamp/htdocs.
Steps I took to create site:
Built site in C:\xampp\htdocs by running: composer create-project silverstripe/installer SSexample
Visited my project by going to localhost/SSexample/public
created .env file as listed above
[2019-12-31 22:29:22] error-log.ERROR: Uncaught Exception SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\DatabaseException: "Couldn't run query: SELECT DISTINCT "SiteConfig"."ClassName", "SiteConfig"."LastEdited", "SiteConfig"."Created", "SiteConfig"."Title", "SiteConfig"."Tagline", "SiteConfig"."CanViewType", "SiteConfig"."CanEditType", "SiteConfig"."CanCreateTopLevelType", "SiteConfig"."ID", CASE WHEN "SiteConfig"."ClassName" IS NOT NULL THEN "SiteConfig"."ClassName" ELSE 'SilverStripe\\SiteConfig\\SiteConfig' END AS "RecordClassName" FROM "SiteConfig" LIMIT 1 Table 'ss_lessons.siteconfig' doesn't exist" at C:\xampp\htdocs\SSlessons\vendor\silverstripe\framework\src\ORM\Connect\DBConnector.php line 64 {"exception":"[object] (SilverStripe\\ORM\\Connect\\DatabaseException(code: 0): Couldn't run query:\n\nSELECT DISTINCT \"SiteConfig\".\"ClassName\", \"SiteConfig\".\"LastEdited\", \"SiteConfig\".\"Created\", \"SiteConfig\".\"Title\", \"SiteConfig\".\"Tagline\", \"SiteConfig\".\"CanViewType\", \"SiteConfig\".\"CanEditType\", \"SiteConfig\".\"CanCreateTopLevelType\", \"SiteConfig\".\"ID\", \n\t\t\tCASE WHEN \"SiteConfig\".\"ClassName\" IS NOT NULL THEN \"SiteConfig\".\"ClassName\"\n\t\t\tELSE 'SilverStripe\\\\SiteConfig\\\\SiteConfig' END AS \"RecordClassName\"\n\r\nFROM \"SiteConfig\"\n\r\nLIMIT 1\n\nTable 'ss_lessons.siteconfig' doesn't exist at C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\SSlessons\\vendor\\silverstripe\\framework\\src\\ORM\\Connect\\DBConnector.php:64)"} []
It seems that the installer at localhost/SSexample/public should allow you to configure your database connection settings (and create the database for you).
Getting The website server has not been able to respond to your request error means that you have a problem with webserver - is it running?
EDIT: The website server has not been able to respond to your request is actually Silverstripe's generic error 500 message.
EDIT2: one has to enable dev environment - by adding SS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE="dev" to .env file and then access localhost/SSexample/public/dev/build to get database created and populated.

Laravel Socialite Login, localhost:8000 my laravel project is not running here... Guide please

I am trying to create Socialite Login using laravel. I have wamp server, and my project is running on http://localhost/SocialiteLogin/ <- on this url I am getting laravel logo/demo page.
Project is running well on my browser but when I type this address into (Create OAuth client ID->Authorized JavaScript origins) it gives me this error:
Invalid Origin: URIs must not contain a path or end with "/".
I have seen different videos related to this, their laraval project are running directly on localhost:8000 and they paste the same address into "Authorized JavaScript origins" but when I type this url(localhost:8000) I am getting error:
This site cannot be reached.
Please tell me how can I set my project so that it run on localhost:8000 so that I can use it in Create OAuth client ID.

laravel - Move app to another server, blank page and artisan error

I need to move app in laravel from web server to local sever (I trying on XAMPP). I moved all files, database and in files I changed URI in:
<? header("Location: http://localhost/public"); ?>
but I get errors in:
On http://localhost/ I have blank page
On http://localhost/public and every another route I getting error:
When I use php artisan or another commands I getting error:
Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT
I forgot about somethink?
Ok, I downgrade my PHP to 5.6.* but artisan still not working - same error, what's the problem?
Here is logs - problem is in SMF but I don't know why ...
Sorry, I know this is obvious. But, have you run PHP composer install? And as a basic test you can create an empty laravel project to test your computer's configuration. If it works then you know its something in your project you need to update.
Laravel installation
