I tried to find any documentation about using Symfony Flex but so far no luck.
Almost all docs point to installing a bundle that uses symfony Flex, not how to create a bundle that is using it.
I even tried to reverse engineer some of the packages but again, no luck.
My goal is to generate a default configuration file for my bundle in config/packages/my_bundle.yaml.
What I need to know is where do I need to put it and what env variables (if any) will I have available?
What is a Flex Recipe?
Keep in mind that the flex recipe is a separate repository from your package repository, that needs to be hosted separately from the Bundle package.
In the most likely scenario that your is a public bundle/recipe, you'll have to submit your recipe to the "contrib" repository, get it approved and merged, so it's available as a community recipe.
Additionally, it's important to remember that most users will not have the contrib repository enabled by default. So if this is important for installing this bundle, you should tell your users how to do so before they install your recipe (e.g. in your bundle's readme file).
Private Recipes
The other option would be having a private Flex recipe, as described here. The easiest way to generate a private recipe is to follow the same steps that Symfony does. Check this question and its answers for more details: How to generate a private recipe JSON from the contents of a recipe directory?
With that out of the way: Basically, a Flex recipe is a repository with a manifest.json file with specific keys to enable certain "configurators".
The available manifest.json configurators are:
Which bundles should be enabled on bundles.php. These are added when the recipe is installed, and removed when the recipe is uninstalled.
"bundles": {
"Symfony\\Bundle\\DebugBundle\\DebugBundle": ["dev", "test"],
"Symfony\\Bundle\\MonologBundle\\MonologBundle": ["all"]
The "configuration" configurator deals with two keys: copy-from-recipe and copy-from-package. The first one can copy files from the recipe repository, the second one copies files from the package repository.
"copy-from-package": {
"bin/check.php": "%BIN_DIR%/check.php"
"copy-from-recipe": {
"config/": "%CONFIG_DIR%/",
"src/": "%SRC_DIR%/"
In this example, a file bin/check.php in the package will be copied to the projects %BIN_DIR%, and the contents of config and src on the recipe package will be copied the corresponding directory.
This is the typical use case to provide default configuration files, for example. From what you ask, this is your stated purpose for wanting to create a flex recipe.
Env Vars
This configurator simply adds the appropriate environment variable values to the project's .env and .env.dist. (Again, these would be removed if you uninstalled the recipe)
"env": {
"APP_ENV": "dev",
"APP_DEBUG": "1"
Composer Scripts
This configurator adds tasks to the scripts:auto-scripts array from the project's composer.json. The auto-scripts are tasks that are executed every time composer update or composer install are executed in the project.
"composer-scripts": {
"vendor/bin/security-checker security:check": "php-script",
"make cache-warmup": "script",
"assets:install --symlink --relative %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd"
The second part on each line specifies what kind of command it is: a regular PHP script (php-script), a shell script (script), or a Symfony command (symfony-cmd, executed via bin/console).
This will add entries to the project's .gitignore file.
"gitignore": [
A complete example of a manifest.json (lifted from here, as most other examples on this post):
"bundles": {
"Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\FrameworkBundle": ["all"]
"copy-from-recipe": {
"config/": "%CONFIG_DIR%/",
"public/": "%PUBLIC_DIR%/",
"src/": "%SRC_DIR%/"
"composer-scripts": {
"make cache-warmup": "script",
"assets:install --symlink --relative %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd"
"env": {
"APP_ENV": "dev",
"APP_DEBUG": "1",
"APP_SECRET": "%generate(secret)%"
"gitignore": [
Additional configurators
There are two configurators which do not rely on the manifest.json file:
Post-install output.
If a file named post-install.txt exists in the recipe's package, its content is displayed when installation is complete. You can even use styles as defined here, for additional prettiness/obnoxiousness.
<bg=green;fg=white> </>
<bg=green;fg=white> Much success!! </>
<bg=green;fg=white> </>
* <fg=yellow>Next steps:</>
1. Foo
2. <comment>bar</>;
3. Baz <comment>https://example.com/</>.
This will be presented to the user after the installation is complete.
If a file named Makefile exists in the recipe's repository, the tasks defined here would be added to the project's Makefile (creating the Makefile if it didn't exist).
#test -f bin/console && bin/console cache:clear --no-warmup || rm -rf var/cache/*
.PHONY: cache-clear
Simple as that. I guess than most packages would not need a makefile command, so this would have much less use than other configurators.
You can read the full documentation here.
In our company, several internal projects rely on the same copied code parts to handle connections to the same APIs (like: Google Suite, JIRA,...). To avoid copying the same code over and over again for new projects, I want to create Symfony packages that collect these API classes.
The tricky part: I'm looking for a way to add the neccessary env variables automatically to .env, just like Symfony's recipe structure does it. But as these projects should only be used internally, pushing their recipe configuration to a public repository is a no-go for me. Adding a custom recipe server (like the one by moay) looks interesting to me, but needs additional configuration in each projects composer.json.
Is there any better way to resolve this, such that I could simply define the needed variables solely in my project, such that they get added to .env without any additional magic?
NB: anything that requires symfony/flex is fine, as this should be part of all new projects in our company
These are solutions I want to avoid:
add configuration to bundles / packages itself, such that these configuration values are put under version control
add configuration through any other command that is run manually after installing
You can use composer events for this process. After the package is installed, you add it to the .env file with a symfony command.
Composer unable to run post install script
There is a sample in the symfony composer.json file.
"scripts": {
"auto-scripts": {
"cache:clear": "symfony-cmd",
"assets:install %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd"
"post-install-cmd": [
"post-update-cmd": [
After each update or installation, this command is run "post-update-cmd, post-install-cmd".
In Symfony, the .env file is now committed into the repository. So It's not a good practice to put sensitive data on it.
A better solution is to create a file name .env.local. This file is not committed and it overrides all environnement value in .env
so you could have in .env
and in your .env.local
source: https://symfony.com/doc/current/configuration.html#overriding-environment-values-via-env-local
I would like to load vendor assets, downloaded with composer inside vendor directory, from my twig template.
Using a relative path is one solution (in this example I'm going to include bootstrap css, but the same problem is for any other libs required from composer, as jQuery, jQueryUI etc. )
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css') }}" >
Symfony docs suggest to use asset:install in order to generate a symlink from vendor directory to public, but I was unable to understand how it works.
assets:install -h wasn't so clear to let me understand how to link a specific vendor path to the public directory.
Creating a simlink with
ln -s /path/of/vendor/lib /path/public/dir
works fine but, symlinks created will be deleted every time I look for an update with composer.
Any idea about "a best practice" to include assets from vendor directory?
Thank you
In terms of 'Best Practice', I generally use npm with gulp or something to that effect, which generates distribution css and js files that are output to a designated file in public/.
Here's an example from a recent project package.json file
"devDependencies": {
"bootstrap": "^4.1.3",
"gulp": "^4.0.0",
"gulp-concat": "^2.6.1",
"gulp-sass": "^3.1.0"
"scripts": {
"compile:styles": "gulp styles"
Rather run npm install --save-dev bootstrap gulp gulp-concat gulp-sass to get the latest versions etc.
And you'll need this gulpfile.js too
var gulp = require('gulp');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
gulp.task('styles', function(){
return gulp
.pipe(sass({outputStyle:'compressed', includePaths: ['node_modules']}).on('error', sass.logError))
Once setup, you can run npm run compile:styles from the console and the app/Resources/sass/main.scss SASS file will be pre-processed, minified and output to public/css/styles.min.css.
Note that the gulp file includes the node_modules folder so you can import bootstrap inside the main.scss file, e.g.
$primary: #55a367;
#import 'bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';
From a twig template:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/styles.min.css') }}">
I generally commit both the main.scss and styles.min.css
The reason why you can't tell the assets:install to link and arbitrary vendor directory is that the command is designed to loop through the list of installed bundles and link a well-known directory (Resources/public) directory if it exists. It relies on both the short bundle name and the directory existing, so it can only work with symfony bundles, there's no support for other libraries like bootstrap or jquery. (Link to current command source).
The recommended way to handle frontend libraries nowadays is encore.
In a situation where that's not possible, you could use composer scripts. I wouldn't call this "best practice", might end up being more trouble than it's worth but is an option you can consider.
You would create a shell, php script or console command where you basically replicate the functionality of assets:install to link your library assets. You will still need to manually update the script when you install a new library, but you can configure it to automatically run after installing or updating packages.
Copy this simple sample bash script into you project directory, name it install_vendors.sh:
if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
rm $PUBLIC -rf
mkdir $PUBLIC
function link_asset
link_asset twbs/bootstrap/dist bootstrap
Add it to the scripts section of composer.json and the auto-scripts:
"scripts": {
"vendors:install": "bash install_vendors.sh",
"auto-scripts": {
"cache:clear": "symfony-cmd",
"assets:install %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd"
// ...
You can also execute it at any time with composer run vendors:install.
Then include them in your twig files: {{ asset('vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css') }}.
I'm trying to setup a custom directory structure
for some shared classes in my Symfony project. I
want to create a custom folder in the root of my
project and I want to use the Symfony auto-load
feature to automatically register services from
that folder.
So I added a custom services namespace to the
services.yaml file:
# src ./config/services.yaml
resource: '../TestNamespace/*'
And I added an empty class in the custom folder:
# src ./TestNamespace/TestClass.php
namespace TestNamespace;
class TestClass
When I run the app I get the following error:
(1/2) InvalidArgumentException
Expected to find class "TestNamespace\TestClass" in file
while importing services from resource
"../TestNamespace/*", but it was not found! Check the
namespace prefix used with the resource.
(2/2) FileLoaderLoadException
Expected to find class "TestNamespace\TestClass" in file
"/path/to/ClassLoadErrorDemo/demo/TestNamespace/TestClass.php" while
importing services from resource "../TestNamespace/*", but it was not
found! Check the namespace prefix used with the resource in
/path/to/ClassLoadErrorDemo/demo/config/services.yaml (which is loaded
in resource "/path/to/ClassLoadErrorDemo/demo/config/services.yaml").
I double checked the paths, namespace and the class
name multiple times and everything seems fine and I
don't understand why I still get the error.
Controllers in the ./src folder seem to load fine.
What am I doing wrong here?
Steps to reproduce
I created a demo repo to isolate the problem.
git clone https://github.com/smoelker/SymfonyClassLoadErrorDemo.git
cd SymfonyClassLoadErrorDemo/demo
composer install
mv TestNamespace/TestClass.php_ TestNamespace/TestClass.php
php bin/console server:start
Update your composer.json autoload setup
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"TestNamespace\\": "TestNamespace/",
"": "src/"
After run: composer dump-autoload and try again.
composer dump-autoload --classmap-authoritative will only work if your src directory is present at the time you run the command.
This can be an issue with multi-stage Docker builds in particular, when you are normally only copying the composer.json/composer.lock into the build image.
We have composer as our dependency injection framework which will pull in a library we created, foobar, which works fine. The library foobar has 14 version v1.1.1 -> v1.1.14. All the way up to .12 composer updated the app fine. But now we are getting this error:
Update failed (Source directory /home/username/dev/git/appname/vendor/foorbar/library has unpushed changes on the current branch:
Branch v1.1.14 could not be found on the origin remote and appears to be unpushed)
The composer.json:
"name": "App",
"description": "Foo Bar",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"zendframework/zendframework": "2.2.",
"foobarzf2lib/library": "v1.1."
"minimum-stability": "stable",
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "foobarzf2lib/library",
"version": "v1.1.14",
"source": {
"url": "https://git-codecommit.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/foobarzf2lib",
"type": "git",
"reference": "test"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"FooBar\\" : "FooBar/"
More things to know:
Vendor is ignored in git.
Tried doing $ composer.phar clearcache.
Would be ideal to not have to delete the library every time.
Remove vendor folder and reinstall packages.
Branch v1.1.14 could not be found on the origin remote and appears to be unpushed)
This means that wherever you're pulling the package from does not have a v1.1.14.
Make sure you push v1.1.14 to the package provider and everything should be fine.
Composer treats the local repository (the one inside the vendor folder) as leading. Whenever composer thinks it is not connected any longer (or diverged) for the checkout in place, it refuses to update (which I think is good and sane).
This may seem cumbersome but that is perhaps the price to pay for the ease of use. Composer is actually managing that git checkout while taking care of updates (it has various remotes configured and then a cache, all without additional setup).
In my case I can see similar errors (not the exact error message as asked about, I get a notification one or some files were changed without any direct changes when the remote did change non-fast-forward) and I resolved it the following way (perhaps it works in case of a missing branch, too? Nevertheless reviewing the issue with a git command similar to the following might shed better insights):
git -C <path> pull && composer update
Could work then, where <path> is the directory path given in composers' error message. If it does not, a more specific error message from git hopefully says more.
Point in case is that you need to resolve the version conflict before composer continues. That is similar when you have a merge conflict in git, you can't do the next commit without resolving it as otherwise you'd have files in the repository with merge conflict markers (and won't compile).
In case of interest, one aspect of my git configuration is pull.rebase=merges. That is in principle to do a rebase on pull (IIRC perhaps preserving some merges).
As an alternative - and similar to removing the whole vendor folder - removing just the reported path should work. As this is git, that repository is gone and as composer was concerned of it, it is not any longer:
rm -rf -- <path> && composer update
where <path> is (must be) the path in the composer error message. Take care with rm -rf, it can be easily over-reaching - just fyi.
(this is similar to the reported resolution in composers issue tracker)
I've problem in configuring Propel with Composer in my php project.
this is how appears my tree directory:
| |--data/
| | |--propel.json
| | |--schema.xml
| |--vendor/
| |--composer.json
In /data/ folder I would store all my propel files, that is generated-classes/ , generated-conf/ and generated-sql/ .
To realize this purpose, with a terminal in /data/ folder, I put the commands in the following sequence:
$ propel sql:build
$ propel model:build
$ propel config:convert
and all go right.
To make more suitable work, in composer.json I've added this extra feature:
"autoload": {
"classmap": ["./data/generated-classes/"]
so that, almost in theory, putting
require '../app/vendor/autoload.php';
inside index.php should be enough. Unfortunately, when I try to use one propel classes inside this page, returns the error
Type: Propel\Runtime\Exception\RuntimeException
Message: No connection defined for database "my_api". Did you forget to define a connection or is it wrong written?
File: 'C:\pathToMyProject'\project\app\vendor\propel\propel\src\Propel\Runtime\ServiceContainer\StandardServiceContainer.php
Line: 279
I thought that propel doesn't find the propel.json file stored in /data/folder.
As extra, if in index.php I simply add
require_once '../app/data/generated-conf/config.php';
all goes right.
There's a trick to autoload propel without use this last require_once? (obviously keep the tree as is).
Thanks for reading.
The order of CLI commands is important:
composer install or update to fetch propel
then the commands to generate the models with propel
then re-scan / re-generate the autoloading files with composer dump-autoload --optimize
You could include the configuration file in the bootstrap process of your application - like you already have.
Or you could use the files directive in Composers autoload section
to define file(s), which should be included on every request.
Referencing: https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#files
"autoload": {
"files": ["./data/generated-conf/config.php"],
"classmap": ["./data/generated-classes/"]