How should the domain object and data mapper interact within a service class for an auth system using MVC - php

I’m creating an authentication / login system using Slim 3 PHP on the back-end and Angular on the front-end and I’m trying to understand the ‘domain object’ and ‘data mapper’ part of a model layer within an MVC structure. I’ve read a lot of useful answers on various questions such as this, from which I understand the model should be comprised of ‘domain objects’, ‘data mappers’ and ‘services’.
However I’m not exactly sure what how this should be structured in the context of a user being able to register and log in to a website.
From my understanding I could have a user 'domain object' that has properties such as username and password. It could also have methods such as register or log in to represent business logic.
Would I then have a service class that creates a new instance of a user object, in which I would pass the form data into the object? So now my user object instance would have set username and password values?
Now i'm not sure how this objects property data would be inserted into the database. Would I use the user objects register method to insert the data into the database by passing in the username and password as parameters?
Apparently the service should be where the domain object and the data mapper interact, but i'm not sure how this would work if the register method is in the user domain object.
I was hoping someone could show me some code examples of what should be in the service class and how the interaction between the domain object and data mapper might work in the context of a user registering and logging in.
Note I don't want to use any frameworks, I want to try and implement a proper MVC structure manually as I feel i'd learn more.
So far I have this structure for registering a user:
I have an AuthenticationController with the method registerUser to allow a user to create an account:
class AuthenticationController
protected $authenticationService;
public function __construct(AuthenticationService $authenticationService)
$this->authenticationService = $authenticationService;
public function registerUser($request, $response)
$this->authenticationService->registerUser($request, $response);
I then have the AuthenticationService class with the registerUser method:
class AuthenticationService
protected $database;
public function __construct(PDO $database)
$this->database = $database;
public function registerUser ($request, $response)
$strings = $request→getParsedBody(); // will be sanitised / validated later
$username = $strings['username'];
$password = $strings['password'];
$email = "temp random email";
$stmt = $this->database->prepare("INSERT INTO users (email, username, password) values (:email, :username, :password)");
$stmt->bindParam(':email', $email);
$stmt->bindParam(':username', $username);
$stmt->bindParam(':password', $password);
Later on I intend to put the SQL into an AuthenticationRepository and the PDO logic into it’s own class. This AuthenticationService method will also make sure the user details are sanitised using PHP’s built in functions.
I’m not sure if the proposed PDO database class or AuthenticationRepository would count as a data mapper or not.

The registration would be performed by the service.
The service could "directly" use a data mapper, in order to "transfer" the entity to/from the database. Though, additionally, a repository can be implemented. The service would see it and communicate with it as with a collection of one or more entities.
Since a service is part of the model layer (domain model), it should know nothing about any request or response objects. The controller should extract the needed values from the request and pass them as arguments to the service methods. A response can be sent back by the controller, or the view, depending on which MVC variation you are trying to implement.
You say "I intend to put the [...] PDO logic into it's own class". You really don't need to implement a wrapper for the PDO extension.
Here a registration example. I didn't test it at all. For more details see the resources list at the end of this answer. Maybe begin with the last one, which - I just realized - is the answer to a question of yours.
Used file system structure:
a) Extended "MyApp/UI":
b) Extended "MyApp/Domain":
The controller:
namespace MyApp\UI\Web\Controller\Users;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception\InvalidData;
use MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Exception\FailedRegistration;
use MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Registration as RegistrationService;
class Registration {
private $registration;
public function __construct(RegistrationService $registration) {
$this->registration = $registration;
public function register(ServerRequestInterface $request) {
$username = $request->getParsedBody()['username'];
$password = $request->getParsedBody()['password'];
$email = $request->getParsedBody()['email'];
try {
$user = $this->registration->register($username, $password, $email);
} catch (InvalidData $exc) {
// Write the exception message to a flash messenger, for example,
// in order to be read and displayed by the specific view component.
} catch (FailedRegistration $exc) {
// Write the exception message to the flash messenger.
// In the view component, if no exception messages are found in the flash messenger, display a success message.
var_dump('Successfully registered.');
The service:
namespace MyApp\Domain\Service\Users;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\User;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Email;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Password;
use MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Exception\UserExists;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\UserCollection as UserCollectionInterface;
class Registration {
* User collection, e.g. user repository.
* #var UserCollectionInterface
private $userCollection;
public function __construct(UserCollectionInterface $userCollection) {
$this->userCollection = $userCollection;
* Register user.
* #param string $username Username.
* #param string $password Password.
* #param string $email Email.
* #return User User.
public function register(string $username, string $password, string $email) {
$user = $this->createUser($username, $password, $email);
return $this->storeUser($user);
* Create user.
* #param string $username Username.
* #param string $password Password.
* #param string $email Email.
* #return User User.
private function createUser(string $username, string $password, string $email) {
// Create the object values (containing specific validation).
$email = new Email($email);
$password = new Password($password);
// Create the entity (e.g. the domain object).
$user = new User();
return $user;
* Store user.
* #param User $user User.
* #return User User.
private function storeUser(User $user) {
// Check if user already exists.
if ($this->userCollection->exists($user)) {
throw new UserExists();
return $this->userCollection->store($user);
The exception thrown when trying to register an already existing user:
namespace MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Exception;
use MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Exception\FailedRegistration;
class UserExists extends FailedRegistration {
public function __construct(\Exception $previous = null) {
$message = 'User already exists.';
$code = 123;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
namespace MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Exception;
abstract class FailedRegistration extends \Exception {
public function __construct(string $message, int $code = 0, \Exception $previous = null) {
$message = 'Registration failed: ' . $message;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
The domain object (entity):
namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Email;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Password;
* User entity (e.g. domain object).
class User {
private $id;
private $username;
private $email;
private $password;
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
public function setId(int id) {
$this->id = $id;
return $this;
public function getUsername() {
return $this->username;
public function setUsername(string $username) {
$this->username = $username;
return $this;
public function getEmail() {
return $this->email;
public function setEmail(Email $email) {
$this->email = $email;
return $this;
public function getPassword() {
return $this->password;
public function setPassword(Password $password) {
$this->password = $password;
return $this;
The value objects used by the entity:
namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception\InvalidEmail;
* Email object value.
class Email {
private $email;
public function __construct(string $email) {
if (!$this->isValid($email)) {
throw new InvalidEmail();
$this->email = $email;
private function isValid(string $email) {
return (isEmpty($email) || !isWellFormed($email)) ? false : true;
private function isEmpty(string $email) {
return empty($email) ? true : false;
private function isWellFormed(string $email) {
return !filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) ? false : true;
public function __toString() {
return $this->email;
namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception\InvalidPassword;
* Password object value.
class Password {
private const MIN_LENGTH = 8;
private $password;
public function __construct(string $password) {
if (!$this->isValid($password)) {
throw new InvalidPassword();
$this->password = $password;
private function isValid(string $password) {
return (isEmpty($password) || isTooShort($password)) ? false : true;
private function isEmpty(string $password) {
return empty($password) ? true : false;
private function isTooShort(string $password) {
return strlen($password) < self::MIN_LENGTH ? true : false;
public function __toString() {
return $this->password;
The exceptions thrown by the value objects:
namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception\InvalidData;
class InvalidEmail extends InvalidData {
public function __construct(\Exception $previous = null) {
$message = 'The email address is not valid.';
$code = 123402;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception\InvalidData;
class InvalidPassword extends InvalidData {
public function __construct(\Exception $previous = null) {
$message = 'The password is not valid.';
$code = 123401;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception;
abstract class InvalidData extends \LogicException {
public function __construct(string $message, int $code = 0, \Exception $previous = null) {
$message = 'Invalid data: ' . $message;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
The repository interface:
namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\User;
* User collection, e.g. user repository.
interface UserCollection {
* Find a user by id.
* #param int $id User id.
* #return User|null User.
public function findById(int $id);
* Find all users.
* #return User[] User list.
public function findAll();
* Check if the given user exists.
* #param User $user User
* #return bool True if user exists, false otherwise.
public function exists(User $user);
* Store a user.
* #param User $user User
* #return User User.
public function store(User $user);
The repository:
namespace MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Repository\Users;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\User;
use MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\Users\UserMapper;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\UserCollection as UserCollectionInterface;
* User collection, e.g. user repository.
class UserCollection implements UserCollectionInterface {
private $userMapper;
public function __construct(UserMapper $userMapper) {
$this->userMapper = $userMapper;
* Find a user by id.
* #param int $id User id.
* #return User|null User.
public function findById(int $id) {
return $this->userMapper->fetchUserById($id);
* Find all users.
* #return User[] User list.
public function findAll() {
return $this->userMapper->fetchAllUsers();
* Check if the given user exists.
* #param User $user User
* #return bool True if user exists, false otherwise.
public function exists(User $user) {
return $this->userMapper->userExists($user);
* Store a user.
* #param User $user User
* #return User User.
public function store(User $user) {
return $this->userMapper->saveUser($user);
The data mapper interface:
namespace MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\Users;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\User;
* User mapper.
interface UserMapper {
* Fetch a user by id.
* #param int $id User id.
* #return User|null User.
public function fetchUserById(int $id);
* Fetch all users.
* #return User[] User list.
public function fetchAllUsers();
* Check if the given user exists.
* #param User $user User.
* #return bool True if the user exists, false otherwise.
public function userExists(User $user);
* Save a user.
* #param User $user User.
* #return User User.
public function saveUser(User $user);
The data mapper:
namespace MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\Users;
use PDO;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\User;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Email;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Password;
use MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\Users\UserMapper;
* PDO user mapper.
class PdoUserMapper implements UserMapper {
* Database connection.
* #var PDO
private $connection;
public function __construct(PDO $connection) {
$this->connection = $connection;
* Fetch a user by id.
* Note: PDOStatement::fetch returns FALSE if no record is found.
* #param int $id User id.
* #return User|null User.
public function fetchUserById(int $id) {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
'id' => $id,
$record = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return ($record === false) ? null : $this->convertRecordToUser($record);
* Fetch all users.
* #return User[] User list.
public function fetchAllUsers() {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM users';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
$recordset = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $this->convertRecordsetToUserList($recordset);
* Check if the given user exists.
* Note: PDOStatement::fetch returns FALSE if no record is found.
* #param User $user User.
* #return bool True if the user exists, false otherwise.
public function userExists(User $user) {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM users WHERE username = :username';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
$record = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return ($record['cnt'] > 0) ? true : false;
* Save a user.
* #param User $user User.
* #return User User.
public function saveUser(User $user) {
$id = $user->getId();
if (!isset($id)) {
return $this->insertUser($user);
return $this->updateUser($user);
* Insert a user.
* #param User $user User.
* #return User User.
private function insertUser(User $user) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO users (
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
':password' => (string) $user->getPassword(),
':email' => (string) $user->getEmail(),
return $user;
* Update a user.
* #param User $user User.
* #return User User.
private function updateUser(User $user) {
$sql = 'UPDATE users
username = :username,
password = :password,
email = :email
WHERE id = :id';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':id' => $user->getId(),
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
':password' => (string) $user->getPassword(),
':email' => (string) $user->getEmail(),
return $user;
* Convert a record to a user.
* #param array $record Record data.
* #return User User.
private function convertRecordToUser(array $record) {
$user = $this->createUser(
return $user;
* Convert a recordset to a list of users.
* #param array $recordset Recordset data.
* #return User[] User list.
private function convertRecordsetToUserList(array $recordset) {
$users = [];
foreach ($recordset as $record) {
$users[] = $this->convertRecordToUser($record);
return $users;
* Create user.
* #param int $id User id.
* #param string $username Username.
* #param string $password Password.
* #param string $email Email.
* #return User User.
private function createUser(int $id, string $username, string $password, string $email) {
$user = new User();
->setPassword(new Password($password))
->setEmail(new Email($email))
return $user;
Keynote: Architecture the Lost Years
Sandro Mancuso : An introduction to interaction-driven design
Unbreakable Domain Models
An older answer of mine, for some explanations.


How would one construct a complex/composite controller for multiple controllers

I am new to OOP/MVC and I do have a basic understanding of a controller which interacts with an underlying model. Basically, a controller acts as a "CRUD gateway" to a model. However, consider an e-commerce marketplace object: Order.
An e-commerce order in a marketplace would interact with multiple tables and hence an order can be thought of as a join of multiple tables: orders, order_items, order_sellers, order_buyer (and more perhaps).
If I understand it correctly, each one of these tables would have a controller allowing CRUD operations (OrderInfoController, OrderItemController,OrderSellerController,OrderBuyerController etc.).
However, could I also create a controller for 'Orders' which then instantiates the Controller Object for each of the tables involved in an Order?
OrderController {
$this->orderInfo = OrderInfo Object;
$this->orderItems = array of Order Item Objects;
$this->orderSellers = array of Order Seller Objects;
$this->orderBuyer = OrderBuyer Object;
function create($arr_order)
//create the order object by calling each of the member controllers.
function get($orderId)
//get the complete order by order Id....
function update($orderId)
function delete($orderId)
I have gone through a few MVC docs but I have not come across a solution to this problem. My question is then: Is this the correct approach to write a controller which interacts with multiple tables?
If I understand it correctly, each one of these tables would have a controller allowing CRUD operations [...].
In a web MVC-based application, each request is, indeed, served by a controller (the "C" in "MVC").
Though, the controller delegates the whole processing of the request to one or more application services (e.g. use cases, e.g actions - see resources list below), as part of the service layer. These services interact with the model (the "M" in "MVC"), e.g. domain model, e.g. model layer, which, in turn, interact with the database.
The final result of the processing of the request data, e.g. the response object, is either returned to the controller, in order to be passed and printed on screen by the view (the "V" in "MVC"), or directly to the view, for the same reason.
After watching both videos in the resources list below, you will understand, that the model doesn't need to know anything about the database. So, the components of the model layer (mostly interfaces) should not know where and how the data passed to them by the services is saved. Therefore, the services and the controllers should also know nothing about the database.
All informations regarding the database should be located in data mappers only - as part of the infrastructure layer. These objects should be the only ones understanding the database API. Therefore, the only ones containing and beeing able to execute SQL statements.
Is this the correct approach to write a controller which interacts with multiple tables?
No. But it's not a problem. Just keep learning about MVC.
Keynote: Architecture the Lost Years by Robert Martin.
Sandro Mancuso : Crafted Design
Here is some code of mine. At first sight, it's maybe a lot of it, but I'm confident, that it will help you to better understand.
For simplicity, follow the definition of the method getAllUsers in the view class SampleMvc\App\View\Template\Users\Users.
First of all, here is a not so important note (yet): In my code, the controller only updates the model layer, and the view only fetches data from the model layer. Only the response returned by the view is, therefore, printed. The controller and the view are called by a class RouteInvoker, like this:
namespace MyPackages\Framework\Routing;
class RouteInvoker implements RouteInvokerInterface {
public function invoke(RouteInterface $route): ResponseInterface {
$controller = $this->resolveController($route);
$view = $this->resolveView($route);
$parameters = $route->getParameters();
$this->callableInvoker->call($controller, $parameters);
return $this->callableInvoker->call($view, $parameters);
The result ($response) of RouteInvoker:invoke is printed like this:
And from here follows an example of a code invoked by RouteInvoker:invoke:
A controller to handle the users:
namespace SampleMvc\App\Controller\Users;
use function sprintf;
use SampleMvc\App\Service\Users\{
Users as UserService,
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
* A controller to handle the users.
class Users {
* #param UserService $userService A service to handle the users.
public function __construct(
private UserService $userService
) {
* Add a user.
* #param ServerRequestInterface $request A server request.
* #return void
public function addUser(ServerRequestInterface $request): void {
$username = $request->getParsedBody()['username'];
try {
} catch (UserExists $exception) {
* Remove all users.
* #return void
public function removeAllUsers(): void {
A view to handle the users:
Notice, that controller and view share the same UserService instance.
namespace SampleMvc\App\View\Template\Users;
use SampleMvc\App\{
Service\Users\Users as UserService,
use Psr\Http\Message\{
use AlePackages\Template\Renderer\TemplateRendererInterface;
* A view to handle the users.
class Users extends Primary {
* #param UserService $userService A service to handle the users.
public function __construct(
ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory,
TemplateRendererInterface $templateRenderer,
MainNavigation $mainNavigationService,
private UserService $userService
) {
parent::__construct($responseFactory, $templateRenderer, $mainNavigationService);
* Display the list of users.
* #return ResponseInterface The response to the current request.
public function default(): ResponseInterface {
$bodyContent = $this->templateRenderer->render('#Templates/Users/Users.html.twig', [
'activeNavItem' => 'Users',
'users' => $this->getAllUsers(),
$response = $this->responseFactory->createResponse();
return $response;
* Add a user.
* #return ResponseInterface The response to the current request.
public function addUser(): ResponseInterface {
$bodyContent = $this->templateRenderer->render('#Templates/Users/Users.html.twig', [
'activeNavItem' => 'Users',
'message' => 'User successfully added',
'users' => $this->getAllUsers(),
$response = $this->responseFactory->createResponse();
return $response;
* Remove all users.
* #return ResponseInterface The response to the current request.
public function removeAllUsers(): ResponseInterface {
$bodyContent = $this->templateRenderer->render('#Templates/Users/Users.html.twig', [
'activeNavItem' => 'Users',
'message' => 'All users successfully removed',
'users' => $this->getAllUsers(),
$response = $this->responseFactory->createResponse();
return $response;
* Get a list of users.
* #return (string|int)[][] The list of users.
private function getAllUsers(): array {
$users = $this->userService->findAllUsers();
$usersFormatted = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
$usersFormatted[] = [
'id' => $user->getId(),
'username' => $user->getUsername(),
return $usersFormatted;
A service to handle the users:
namespace SampleMvc\App\Service\Users;
use SampleMvc\Domain\Model\User\{
use SampleMvc\App\Service\Users\Exception\UserExists;
* A service to handle the users.
class Users {
* #param UserCollection $userCollection A collection of users.
public function __construct(
private UserCollection $userCollection
) {
* Find a user by id.
* #param int $id An id.
* #return User|null The found user or null.
public function findUserById(int $id): ?User {
return $this->userCollection->findById($id);
* Find all users.
* #return User[] The list of users.
public function findAllUsers(): array {
return $this->userCollection->all();
* Add a user.
* #param string|null $username A username.
* #return User The added user.
public function addUser(?string $username): User {
$user = $this->createUser($username);
return $this->storeUser($user);
* Remove all users.
* #return void
public function removeAllUsers(): void {
* Create a user.
* #param string|null $username A username.
* #return User The user.
private function createUser(?string $username): User {
$user = new User();
return $user;
* Store a user.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return User The stored user.
* #throws UserExists A user already exists.
private function storeUser(User $user): User {
if ($this->userCollection->exists($user)) {
throw new UserExists('Username "' . $user->getUsername() . '" already used');
return $this->userCollection->store($user);
An exception indicating that a user already exists:
namespace SampleMvc\App\Service\Users\Exception;
* An exception indicating that a user already exists.
class UserExists extends \OverflowException {
An interface to a collection of users:
Notice, that this is an interface.
Notice, that this interface is a component of the domain model!
Notice, that its implementation (e.g. SampleMvc\Domain\Infrastructure\Repository\User\UserCollection further down below) is not part of the domain model, but of the infrastructure layer!
namespace SampleMvc\Domain\Model\User;
use SampleMvc\Domain\Model\User\User;
* An interface to a collection of users.
interface UserCollection {
* Find a user by id.
* #param int $id An id.
* #return User|null The found user or null.
public function findById(int $id): ?User;
* Get all users from the collection.
* #return User[] All users in the collection.
public function all(): array;
* Store a user.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return User The stored user.
public function store(User $user): User;
* Check if a user exists in the collection.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return bool True if the user exists, or false otherwise.
public function exists(User $user): bool;
* Remove all users from the collection.
* #return static
public function clear(): static;
A collection of users:
namespace SampleMvc\Domain\Infrastructure\Repository\User;
use SampleMvc\Domain\Model\User\{
UserCollection as UserCollectionInterface,
use SampleMvc\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\User\UserMapper;
* A collection of users.
class UserCollection implements UserCollectionInterface {
* #param UserMapper $userMapper A user mapper.
public function __construct(
private UserMapper $userMapper
) {
* #inheritDoc
public function findById(int $id): ?User {
return $this->userMapper->fetchUserById($id);
* #inheritDoc
public function all(): array {
return $this->userMapper->fetchAllUsers();
* #inheritDoc
public function store(User $user): User {
return $this->userMapper->saveUser($user);
* #inheritDoc
public function exists(User $user): bool {
return $this->userMapper->userExists($user);
* #inheritDoc
public function clear(): static {
return $this;
An interface to a user mapper:
Notice that this is the interface of a data mapper.
namespace SampleMvc\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\User;
use SampleMvc\Domain\Model\User\User;
* An interface to a user mapper.
interface UserMapper {
* Fetch a user by id.
* Note: PDOStatement::fetch returns FALSE if no record is found.
* #param int $id A user id.
* #return User|null The user or null.
public function fetchUserById(int $id): ?User;
* Fetch all users.
* #return User[] The list of users.
public function fetchAllUsers(): array;
* Save a user.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return User The saved user.
public function saveUser(User $user): User;
* Check if a user exists.
* Note: PDOStatement::fetch returns FALSE if no record is found.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return bool True if the user exists, or false otherwise.
public function userExists(User $user): bool;
* Delete all users.
* #return static
public function deleteAllUsers(): static;
A PDO user mapper:
Notice, that this component is the implementation of a data mapper.
Notice, that this component is the only one understanding the database API. Therefore, the only one containing and beeing able to execute SQL statements.
Notice, that this component is not part of the domain model, but of the infrastructure layer!
(1) Notice, that you can write any SQL statements that you want, including JOIN statements. So, the fetched data can come from multiple tables as well.
(2) Notice also, that the result of a method of this class could be a list of objects of a type defined by you (!), independent of the underlying table(s) data..
The conclusion from (1) and (2) above: The database structure does NOT affect in any way the way in which your application is structured.
namespace SampleMvc\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\User;
use SampleMvc\Domain\{
use PDO;
* A PDO user mapper.
class PdoUserMapper implements UserMapper {
* #param PDO $connection A database connection.
public function __construct(
private PDO $connection
) {
* #inheritDoc
public function fetchUserById(int $id): ?User {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
'id' => $id,
$dataArray = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return ($dataArray === false) ? null : $this->convertDataArrayToUser($dataArray);
* #inheritDoc
public function fetchAllUsers(): array {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM users';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
$listOfDataArrays = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $this->convertListOfDataArraysToListOfUsers($listOfDataArrays);
* #inheritDoc
public function saveUser(User $user): User {
return $this->insertUser($user);
* #inheritDoc
public function userExists(User $user): bool {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM users WHERE username = :username';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
$data = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return ($data['cnt'] > 0) ? true : false;
* #inheritDoc
public function deleteAllUsers(): static {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM users';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
return $this;
* Insert a user.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return User The user, with updated id.
private function insertUser(User $user): User {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES (:username)';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
return $user;
* Update a user.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return User The user.
private function updateUser(User $user): User {
$sql = 'UPDATE users SET username = :username WHERE id = :id';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
':id' => $user->getId(),
return $user;
* Convert the given data array to a user.
* #param array $dataArray A data array.
* #return User The user.
private function convertDataArrayToUser(array $dataArray): User {
$user = new User();
return $user;
* Convert the given list of data arrays to a list of users.
* #param array[] $listOfDataArrays A list of data arrays.
* #return User[] The list of users.
private function convertListOfDataArraysToListOfUsers(array $listOfDataArrays): array {
$listOfUsers = [];
foreach ($listOfDataArrays as $dataArray) {
$listOfUsers[] = $this->convertDataArrayToUser($dataArray);
return $listOfUsers;

Using models in a controller alongside with repository

As I understand using repositories restricts controller from accessing database layer, and all queries goes through repository. But can controller use model (laravel can inject model instead of ID in a controller) to pass it to repository or service - for example to make a transaction between users? Or better to send IDs to repository, to find users and apply business logic (do user have money, or is he banned).
And more generic question, can you use models outside of the repository, because if you change some tables from postgres or mysql to something else your models will change also. And this means your repository should have get method to send back some DTO object?
Note: This is a general perspective on the matter, appliable to any application based on MVC, not only to Laravel.
An application based on the MVC pattern should be composed of three parts:
delivery mechanism: UI logic (user request handling and server response creation),
service layer: application logic,
domain model: business logic.
Here are some graphical representations (of my own making):
As shown above (and described in detail in the resources below), the controllers and the views are part of the delivery mechanism. They should interact with the domain model only through the service layer objects (services). Consequently, they should have no knowledge of the domain model components (entities - also known as domain objects, data mappers, repositories, etc). More of it, the controllers should have only one responsibility: to pass the values of the user request to the service layer, in order for it to update the model.
So, to answer your first question: No, controllers should not be able to create any instances of elements of the domain model (so instances of what you're calling "models" - in respect of Laravel's Active Record), or even to pass such objects to other components (like repositories, services, etc). Instead, the controllers should just pass the values of the request (the user id, for example) to the corresponding services. These services will then create the proper domain model objects and use the proper repositories, data mappers, etc, in order to save/fetch to/from database.
As for the second question (if I understood it correctly): The repositories are to be seen as collections of entities - which are domain model components. As such, elements (e.g. entity instances) can be fetched, stored, altered, or removed to/from them. So, by definition, the entities must be defined/used separately from the repositories. In regard of Laravel, the same should apply: The "models" should be defined/used separately from the repositories.
A "general" MVC implementation (for more clarity):
namespace MyApp\UI\Web\Controller\Users;
use MyApp\Domain\Service\Users;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
* Add a user.
class AddUser {
* User service.
* #var Users
private $userService;
* #param Users $userService User service.
public function __construct(Users $userService) {
$this->userService = $userService;
* Invoke.
* #param ServerRequestInterface $request Request.
* #return void
public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request) {
// Read request values.
$username = $request->getParsedBody()['username'];
// Call the corresponding service.
namespace MyApp\Domain\Service;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\User\User;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\User\UserCollection;
use MyApp\Domain\Service\Exception\UserExists;
* Service for handling the users.
class Users {
* User collection (a repository).
* #var UserCollection
private $userCollection;
* #param UserCollection $userCollection User collection.
public function __construct(UserCollection $userCollection) {
$this->userCollection = $userCollection;
* Find a user by id.
* #param int $id User id.
* #return User|null User.
public function findUserById(int $id) {
return $this->userCollection->findUserById($id);
* Find all users.
* #return User[] User list.
public function findAllUsers() {
return $this->userCollection->findAllUsers();
* Add a user.
* #param string $username Username.
* #return User User.
public function addUser(string $username) {
$user = $this->createUser($username);
return $this->storeUser($user);
* Create a user.
* #param string $username Username.
* #return User User.
private function createUser(string $username) {
$user = new User();
return $user;
* Store a user.
* #param User $user User.
* #return User User.
private function storeUser(User $user) {
if ($this->userCollection->userExists($user)) {
throw new UserExists('Username "' . $user->getUsername() . '" already used');
return $this->userCollection->storeUser($user);
namespace MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Repository\User;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\User\User;
use MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\User\UserMapper;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\User\UserCollection as UserCollectionInterface;
* User collection.
class UserCollection implements UserCollectionInterface {
* User mapper (a data mapper).
* #var UserMapper
private $userMapper;
* #param UserMapper $userMapper User mapper.
public function __construct(UserMapper $userMapper) {
$this->userMapper = $userMapper;
* Find a user by id.
* #param int $id User id.
* #return User|null User.
public function findUserById(int $id) {
return $this->userMapper->fetchUserById($id);
* Find all users.
* #return User[] User list.
public function findAllUsers() {
return $this->userMapper->fetchAllUsers();
* Store a user.
* #param User $user User.
* #return User User.
public function storeUser(User $user) {
return $this->userMapper->saveUser($user);
* Check if the given user exists.
* #param User $user User.
* #return bool True if user exists, false otherwise.
public function userExists(User $user) {
return $this->userMapper->userExists($user);
namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\User;
* User.
class User {
* Id.
* #var int
private $id;
* Username.
* #var string
private $username;
* Get id.
* #return int
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
* Set id.
* #param int $id Id.
* #return $this
public function setId(int $id) {
$this->id = $id;
return $this;
* Get username.
* #return string
public function getUsername() {
return $this->username;
* Set username.
* #param string $username Username.
* #return $this
public function setUsername(string $username) {
$this->username = $username;
return $this;
Data mapper:
namespace MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\User;
use PDO;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\User\User;
use MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\User\UserMapper;
* PDO user mapper.
class PdoUserMapper implements UserMapper {
* Database connection.
* #var PDO
private $connection;
* #param PDO $connection Database connection.
public function __construct(PDO $connection) {
$this->connection = $connection;
* Fetch a user by id.
* Note: PDOStatement::fetch returns FALSE if no record is found.
* #param int $id User id.
* #return User|null User.
public function fetchUserById(int $id) {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
'id' => $id,
$data = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return ($data === false) ? null : $this->convertDataToUser($data);
* Fetch all users.
* #return User[] User list.
public function fetchAllUsers() {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM users';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
$data = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $this->convertDataToUserList($data);
* Check if a user exists.
* Note: PDOStatement::fetch returns FALSE if no record is found.
* #param User $user User.
* #return bool True if the user exists, false otherwise.
public function userExists(User $user) {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM users WHERE username = :username';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
$data = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return ($data['cnt'] > 0) ? true : false;
* Save a user.
* #param User $user User.
* #return User User.
public function saveUser(User $user) {
return $this->insertUser($user);
* Insert a user.
* #param User $user User.
* #return User User.
private function insertUser(User $user) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES (:username)';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
return $user;
* Update a user.
* #param User $user User.
* #return User User.
private function updateUser(User $user) {
$sql = 'UPDATE users SET username = :username WHERE id = :id';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
':id' => $user->getId(),
return $user;
* Convert the given data to a user.
* #param array $data Data.
* #return User User.
private function convertDataToUser(array $data) {
$user = new User();
return $user;
* Convert the given data to a list of users.
* #param array $data Data.
* #return User[] User list.
private function convertDataToUserList(array $data) {
$userList = [];
foreach ($data as $item) {
$userList[] = $this->convertDataToUser($item);
return $userList;
namespace MyApp\UI\Web\View\Users;
use MyApp\UI\Web\View\View;
use MyApp\Domain\Service\Users;
use MyLib\Template\TemplateInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface;
* Add a user.
class AddUser extends View {
* User service.
* #var Users
private $userService;
* #param ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory Response factory.
* #param TemplateInterface $template Template.
* #param Users $userService User service.
public function __construct(ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory, TemplateInterface $template, Users $userService) {
parent::__construct($responseFactory, $template);
$this->userService = $userService;
* Display a form for adding a user.
* #return ResponseInterface Response.
public function index() {
$body = $this->template->render('#Template/Users/add-user.html.twig', [
'activeMainMenuItem' => 'addUser',
'action' => '',
$response = $this->responseFactory->createResponse();
return $response;
* Add a user.
* #return ResponseInterface Response.
public function addUser() {
$body = $this->template->render('#Template/Users/add-user.html.twig', [
'activeMainMenuItem' => 'addUser',
'message' => 'User successfully added.',
$response = $this->responseFactory->createResponse();
return $response;
How should a model be structured in MVC?
Keynote: Architecture the Lost Years
GeeCON 2014: Sandro Mancuso - Crafted Design
This is an opiniated answer but here's my take. What I suggest is to not add a repository layer for the sake of having a repository in Laravel. whatever methods you need, add them to the model classes, When they are bloated/expect it to be bloated then only think about repositories (Most probably you would need a service class or some other abstraction here).
Since all these eloquent model classes can be resolved from container its easy to use them. it's accessible anywhere and even in the controller like you have mentioned can be injected which provides a great level of ease.
And repositories help to change for example the underlying database, But eloquent provides us with that flexibility already. And when you plan to change your database, I don't think its going to be a simple change so why wrap the logic up in another layer of abstraction (unneccessarily).
At least from my experience the repository pattern doesn't suite well with Active Record Pattern. Which Laravel follows. Where repository suites very well for data mapper pattern (for example Symfony uses it). Thats why in laravel documentation you don't see them embracing the repository pattern. Rather in symfony documentation you can see it.
So I suggest to embrace the framework than to fight it

Kohana PHP framework Kohan_auth can't debug or use

I've inherited a project, which uses the Kohana MVC framework and it's Kohan_auth class to register someone. When submiting registration it submits a form post to the class below. I don't see where the ->register is used or what instance means or how to debug or solve this. Please help.
Auth::instance()->register($_POST, TRUE);
does not enter data and just redirects back to the registration page with no error messages. How can I debug this, unit tests also don't work as they require older phpunit versions.
Auth::instance() seems to go to this code
* #package Useradmin/Auth
* #author Gabriel R. Giannattasio
abstract class Useradmin_Auth extends Kohana_Auth {
* Singleton pattern
* #return Auth
public static function instance()
if ( ! isset(Auth::$_instance))
// Load the configuration for this type
$config = Kohana::$config->load('auth');
if ( ! $type = $config->get('driver'))
$type = 'file';
// Set the session class name
$class = 'Auth_'.ucfirst($type);
$config->set("useradmin", Kohana::$config->load('useradmin.auth') );
// Create a new session instance
Auth::$_instance = new $class($config);
return Auth::$_instance;
which extends this
abstract class Kohana_Auth {
// Auth instances
protected static $_instance;
* Singleton pattern
* #return Auth
public static function instance()
if ( ! isset(Auth::$_instance))
// Load the configuration for this type
$config = Kohana::$config->load('auth');
if ( ! $type = $config->get('driver'))
$type = 'file';
// Set the session class name
$class = 'Auth_'.ucfirst($type);
// Create a new session instance
Auth::$_instance = new $class($config);
return Auth::$_instance;
protected $_session;
protected $_config;
* Loads Session and configuration options.
* #return void
public function __construct($config = array())
// Save the config in the object
$this->_config = $config;
$this->_session = Session::instance($this->_config['session_type']);
abstract protected function _login($username, $password, $remember);
abstract public function password($username);
abstract public function check_password($password);
* Gets the currently logged in user from the session.
* Returns NULL if no user is currently logged in.
* #return mixed
public function get_user($default = NULL)
return $this->_session->get($this->_config['session_key'], $default);
* Attempt to log in a user by using an ORM object and plain-text password.
* #param string username to log in
* #param string password to check against
* #param boolean enable autologin
* #return boolean
public function login($username, $password, $remember = FALSE)
if (empty($password))
return FALSE;
return $this->_login($username, $password, $remember);
* Log out a user by removing the related session variables.
* #param boolean completely destroy the session
* #param boolean remove all tokens for user
* #return boolean
public function logout($destroy = FALSE, $logout_all = FALSE)
if ($destroy === TRUE)
// Destroy the session completely
// Remove the user from the session
// Regenerate session_id
// Double check
return ! $this->logged_in();
* Check if there is an active session. Optionally allows checking for a
* specific role.
* #param string role name
* #return mixed
public function logged_in($role = NULL)
return ($this->get_user() !== NULL);
* Creates a hashed hmac password from a plaintext password. This
* method is deprecated, [Auth::hash] should be used instead.
* #deprecated
* #param string plaintext password
public function hash_password($password)
return $this->hash($password);
* Perform a hmac hash, using the configured method.
* #param string string to hash
* #return string
public function hash($str)
if ( ! $this->_config['hash_key'])
throw new Kohana_Exception('A valid hash key must be set in your auth config.');
return hash_hmac($this->_config['hash_method'], $str, $this->_config['hash_key']);
protected function complete_login($user)
// Regenerate session_id
// Store username in session
$this->_session->set($this->_config['session_key'], $user);
return TRUE;
} // End Auth
Enable logging in application/bootstrap.php, php.ini and use:
Kohana::$log->add(Log::MESSAGE, $msg);
Kohana::$log->add(Log::MESSAGE, Kohana_Exception::text($e), Array(),Array('exception'=>$e));
see Log::MESSAGE
BTW: take my Log class:
<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct script access.');
class Log extends Kohana_Log {
public function add($level, $message, array $values = NULL, array $additional = NULL){
if(strpos($message,'~') == FALSE) {
$message .= ' ~ ';
$message .= " !!! TASK";
$message = strtr($message,"\r\n\t",' ');
if(count($_POST) > 0){
$_POST['password'] = 'strlen() = '.strlen($_POST['password']);
$_POST['password2'] = 'strlen() = '.strlen($_POST['password2']).', pass==pass2: '.($_POST['password2'] == $_POST['password']?'tak':'nie');
$message .= '??'.http_build_query($_POST);
if (isset($additional['exception'])){
if($additional['exception'] instanceof HTTP_Exception_301)
return false;
if($additional['exception'] instanceof HTTP_Exception_302)
return false;
if($additional['exception'] instanceof ORM_Validation_Exception){
$message .= "\n".print_r($additional['exception']->errors('models'),TRUE)."\n";
if($additional['exception'] instanceof GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException) {
parent::add(self::DEBUG, 'HTTP request error [ 1 ]: :url'."\r\n".':body',[':url'=>$additional['exception']->getRequest()->getUrl(), ':body'=>$additional['exception']->getRequest()->getBody()]);
if($additional['exception'] instanceof GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException) {
$_body = $additional['exception']->getResponse()->getBody();
parent::add(self::DEBUG, 'HTTP reponse error [ 2 ]: :err', [':err'=> $_body]);
return parent::add($level, $message, $values, $additional);
public function add_exception($e, $error_level = Log::ERROR){
return $this->add($error_level, Kohana_Exception::text($e), Array(),Array('exception'=>$e));
public static function catch_ex($ex, $error_level = Log::ERROR){
return Kohana::$log->add_exception($ex, $error_level);
public static function msg($msg, $error_level = Log::ERROR) {
return Kohana::$log->add($error_level, $msg);

Why is my variable showing NULL?

So I have a users class with the following code:
class User {
private $ID;
private $userLevel;
private $username = "";
private $password = "";
private $lastHit;
* Sets the username.
* #param string $username - The username you want to change too.
* #return string - Returns the username which was set.
public function setUsername($username) {
return $this->username = $username;
* Sets the password.
* #param string $password - The password you want to change too.
* #return string - Returns the password which was set.
public function setPassword($password) {
return $this->password = $password;
* Sets the ID.
* #param int $ID - The ID you want to change too.
* #return int - Returns the ID which was set.
public function setID($ID) {
return $this->ID = $ID;
* Sets the User Level.
* #param int $userLevel - The User Level you want to change too.
* #return int - Returns the User Level which was set.
public function setUserLevel($userLevel) {
return $this->userLevel = $userLevel;
* Returns the username stored in $username.
* #return string - Returns the username stored in $username.
public function getUsername() {
return $this->username;
* Returns the password stored in $password.
* #return string - Returns the password which has been set.
public function getPassword() {
return $this->password;
* Returns the ID stored in $ID.
* #return int - Returns the ID which has been set.
public function getID() {
return $this->ID;
* Returns the User Level stored in $userLevel.
* #return int - Returns the User Level which has been set.
public function getUserLevel() {
return $this->userLevel;
* Returns the Last Hit stored in $lastHit.
* #return date - Returns the time of the users last hit.
public function getLastHit() {
return $this->lastHit;
* Checks if the provided $username and $password exist in `users` table in DB. Used for login authentication.
* #global object $PDO - Connection for DB.
* #param string $username - The username which you would like to check.
* #param string $password - The password which you would like to check.
* #param error\Error $errors - Object class for the Error class.
* #return int - Returns 1 if user is found 0 if not.
public function checkLogin(error\Error $errors, $username, $password) {
global $PDO;
$checkUser = $PDO->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users` WHERE Username=? AND Password=?");
$checkUser->bindParam(1, $username, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$checkUser->bindParam(2, $password, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$rowCount = $checkUser->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
if($rowCount[0] == 1) {
$selectLoggedInUser = $PDO->prepare("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE Username=?");
$selectLoggedInUser->bindParam(1, $username, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$results = $selectLoggedInUser->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$_SESSION['ID'] = $this->getID();
$_SESSION['User_Level'] = $this->getUserLevel();
$_SESSION['Username'] = $this->getUsername();
$_SESSION['Online'] = 1;
$this->lastHit = $_SESSION['Last_Hit'] = date('g:i:s A');
return 1;
} else {
$errors->setError("Username or Password incorrect.");
return 2;
Then I have a file which sets the details so a login page:
if($users->checkLogin($errors, $username, $password) == 1) {
$functions->message("You have logged in!", "success");
$functions->redirect('loggedIn', 'timed', 3);
} else {
$functions->message($errors->getError(), "errors");
Yet when I try access the variable in a page called loggedIn.php which calls after the user has logged in nothing shows up. So I did var_dump(); and NULL is being passed through when I call for the getter. However if I call directly through the session the value shows.
* #author Script47
* #copyright (c) 2014, Script47
* #version 1.0
include 'functions/Functions.php';
include 'functions/User.php';
include 'functions/Module.php';
include 'functions/Error.php';
include 'config/pdo.config.php';
$functions = new core\Functions();
$users = new User();
$modules = new module\Module();
$errors = new error\Error();
define('MODULE_NAME', 'Login');
define('MODULE_VERSION', '1.0');
if($users->checkSessionExist() == 2) {
$errors->setError("You need to be logged in to view this page.");
$functions->message($errors->getError(), "error");
echo '<h1>Auth Page</h1>';
echo var_dump($users->getID());
echo $users->getUsername();
echo $users->getLastHit();
I've tried debugging but with no avail I turned to StackOverFlow, I looked on Google but could not find a solution.
In your script (loggedIn.php) you also have the line $users = new User();. This line overwrites the users object that was initialized in the include file with a new, empty object.
So, remove this line from loggedIn.php (not from the other file!) and you should be fine.

Zend Authentication where user role stored in separate db table

I have a User table where userID, username and password are stored and a Role table which contains user role . To link these two tables, I have a table (user_role) which contains userID and roleID. How can I use Zend Auth to authenticate users and use Zend Acl to control user access. This is the database design
You can create a Zend_Auth adapter that works with whatever structure your application has.
Here is an example of an Auth adapter that uses my entity models and mappers to provide the credentials and user data for authentication.
* Description of Auth_Adapter
class Auth_Adapter implements Zend_Auth_Adapter_Interface
* The username
* #var string
protected $identity = null;
* The password
* #var string
protected $credential = null;
* Users database object
* #var Model_Mapper_Abstract
protected $usersMapper = null;
* #param string $username
* #param string $password
* #param Model_Mapper_Abstract $userMapper
public function __construct($username, $password, Model_Mapper_Abstract $userMapper = null)
if (!is_null($userMapper)) {
} else {
$this->usersMapper = new Application_Model_Mapper_User();
* #return \Zend_Auth_Result
public function authenticate()
// Fetch user information according to username
$user = $this->getUserObject();
if (is_null($user)) {
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
array('Invalid username')
// check whether or not the hash matches using my own password class
$check = Password::comparePassword($this->getCredential(), $user->password);
if (!$check) {
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
array('Incorrect password')
// Success!
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
* #param type $userName
* #return \Auth_Adapter
public function setIdentity($userName)
$this->identity = $userName;
return $this;
* #param type $password
* #return \Auth_Adapter
public function setCredential($password)
$this->credential = $password;
return $this;
* #param type $mapper
* #return \Auth_Adapter
public function setMapper($mapper)
$this->usersMapper = $mapper;
return $this;
* #return object
private function getUserObject()
return $this->getMapper()->findOneByColumn('name', $this->getIdentity());
* #return object
public function getUser()
$object = $this->getUserObject();
$array = array(
'id' => $object->id,
'name' => $object->name,
'role' => $object->role
return (object) $array;
* #return string
public function getIdentity()
return $this->identity;
* #return string
public function getCredential()
return $this->credential;
* #return object Model_Mapper_Abstract
public function getMapper()
return $this->usersMapper;
You could also extend any of the current adapters to provide the functionality you need.
Good Luck!
