Connecting IBM Cloud php app to IBM Cloud DB2 - php

During the IBM Cloud Foundy upgrade to cflinuxfs3 a few things got missed, including providing a way to connect IBM Cloud php app to IBM Cloud DB2.
The provided buildpacks do not support DB2 connections and the instructions on IBM Knowledge Center are no longer valid.
Anyone knows how to connect IBM Cloud php app to IBM Cloud DB2 after the Sept 16th upgrade?

If your cloud solution does not supply a working extension for Db2 to work with your PHP in your chosen environment, that is not a matter for StackOverflow.
Instead, Use the github issues page(s) to work with your buildpack supplier and cloud vendor to build the required extension with the required toolchain, or pay someone to do the build and test and deploy to your instances.
If you use an IBM Db2 driver and and IBM written Db2 extension for PHP, then it is a CLI / ODBC application, and because of that, the configuration for SSL needs to follow the IBM-documented steps - all of which have the pre-requisite that you have a working PHP extension for Db2 that works in your environment, along with other pre-reqs.


PHP buildback with DB2 extension and SSL for bluemix

Is there a PHP buildpack out there which I can use which has the DB2 extensions and the SSL for the DB2. I have been searching for it and tried using the PHP Buildpack, but with no luck to connect to the DB2.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
I haven't tested that but you should be able to use the standard PHP builpack that comes with IBM Cloud and its Cloud Foundry.
The PHP buildpack allows to configure extensions to be downloaded. If you add as extension, it should be considered as it is part of the regular PHP ecosystem. Another Db2 driver is PDO_IBM.

As I connect APP OpenShift php with MSSQL remote?

I would like to know how to compile mssql in php5.4 of Openshift? I've heard of freetds, but really I'm a bit of a novice with this and have not managed to make it work.
I want to connect to a remote server from my application MSSQL OpenShift php.
you can with a rhc code or install a DIY cartridge?
please help
OpenShift Online does not currently have any of the modules that you would need to connect to MSSQL installed. You have a couple of options:
Visit and add a suggestion for installing modules that would enable you to connect to a remote MSSQL server from the PHP cartridges.
Write an API in front of the MSSQL database that enables you to interact with it in the way that you need to. Maybe using another hosting provider that has the MSSQL extensions installed or a windows hosting provider,etc

How can I use PHP to connect to ODBC to DB2 on Windows 2003?

My old server:
- Windows 2003 Server
- IBM DB2 UDB Version 8.1
- ODBC: User DSN:
There is a .NET webapps connect to MYDB using ODBC, it is good now.
But Windows 2003 is end of support from Microsoft on this month. So, I want to move from it.
The problem: I don't know .NET at all. The current .NET webapps was closed source and I cannot contact to provider company (it was defunct).
I want to get all tables from DB2 from PHP (running in my Ubuntu 14.04 desktop). I like to use PDO ODBC to connect. But it seems to be over my skills. My desktop is on the same subnet LAN with Windows 2003 server (ping to and from is OK), telnet server2003 ip port 5000 is OK.
I am stuck after install ODBC, config something in my desktop... Nothing works.
Who helps me? Every help is appreciated. There are no words to show my appreciation!
In addition to configuring and troubleshooting PHP access to DB2 via PDO ODBC, you will also need to migrate your DB2 8.1 server and clients, if any, to a newer DB2 release level (IBM ended support for DB2 UDB 8.1 back in May 2009). Fortunately, IBM now offers a no-cost version of DB2 called Express-C, which is authorized for production use. The current release, DB2 Express-C 10.5 Fix Pack 5, can accommodate databases up to 15 terabytes in size.
If it turns out that your company has an active DB2 license available for your application, then forget about Express-C and install whatever DB2 server edition is covered by your license.
To move your data out of DB2 UDB 8.1, you'll need to export the contents of each table to a separate file and import them into the new database. The db2move utility can assist with this process by iterating through all the tables in your database, saving you from typing all those EXPORT statements yourself.
Once your DB2 data is migrated to a new database, you can install a DB2 client on your Linux PHP server and test your connectivity. To keep the file size down, IBM offers a variety of DB2 client downloads, which can add some confusion as to which one you need. For ODBC and PHP applications, you should download the IBM Data Server Driver Package or, to be safe, the larger IBM Data Server Client which contains all the drivers and client libraries. Be sure that the client you download is the same version and Fix Pack level as your DB2 server (e.g. 10.5 Fix Pack 5).
IBM's online documentation and the PHP manual have a bit of information about connecting PHP applications to DB2.

Connecting a DB2 database from a Webserver in PHP Wordpress

We have got a website that has been written in PHP (Wordpress)
It is running on a VPS that has got the DB2 module installed.
But we are unable to get the website connecting with the DB2 database that is on the I5 (AS400) server to be able to preform SQL statements.
Currently the website we have got that is connected is in .asp and the person who did all that is no longer here.
I came across this article
Connect PHP to AS400 with ODBC or DB2
Which is a bit of a help.
But does anyone have some instuctions or step by step information about setting this up on the I5 (AS400) server and the website on the webserver. I have come across a IBM product call DB2 connect is this what I need.
There are 3 versions of DB2: DB2 for Linux, Unix, Windows; DB2 for Z (mainframe); DB2 for IBM i. The machine you are calling i5 or AS/400 is running the IBM i operating system. The typical DB2 ODBC driver is probably for DB2 LUW. You want toe ODBC drivers for IBM i. These come with the product called IBM i Access for Windows. In earlier years, it was called Client Access for Windows.
The installer is on a DVD. The installation image is also on the IBM i server.
Map a network drive to QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows on your IBM i.
Double-click cwblaunch.exe
Use the wizard to complete the install.
You can select to install only the ODBC driver by choosing 'Custom' install.

DB2 ODBC Connection with PHP in Linux

This has become a frustrating thing for me and I'm reaching out to you guys after two days of unsuccessful attempts.
I need to make odbc connection to DB2 through php, but here's my issue:
I have installed unixODBC and php-odbc. Where can I find iSeriesAccess-6.1.0-1.2.i386.rpm
I have searched everywhere on IBM website without success.
I really appreciate it if someone could give me a link to download this rpm file.
IBM Access (the product containing the ODBC driver) is licensed software and is only available through ESS:
This optional package, IBM i Access Client Solutions - Linux Application Package, is only available for download on the Entitled Software Support (ESS) website under 5761-SS1 or 5770-SS1. Physical media is not available. Here is an example of downloading IBM i Access Client Solutions along with its two optional packages (Linux Application Package and Windows Application Package).
Obtaining Access Client Solutions
IBM i Access is not free software. There's an IBM Technote explaining how to obtain the software. In short, you need to log in to the IBM ESS (Entitled Software Support) site at the following URL:
My company uses IBM i Access, however, the files had to be downloaded via the company that set up our server. They had access in ESS to download the drivers, whereas the account that we had in-house didn't. I guess that means the license is theirs and not ours.
