Eloquent - global condition on joining table - php

I have multiple (related) eloquent models, and most (not all) of those has field tenant_id.
Since tenant condition must always be present on every query and every join, I don't want to leave this to programmer each time, but want to add a global join conditions for specific models.
For global where conditions I already have it handled in own abstract model:
public static function boot()
if (in_array(HasTenant::class, class_uses(static::class))) { // check if has trait
static::addGlobalScope('tenant', function (Builder $builder) {
$tenantId = 1; // this is dynamic
$builder->where($builder->getModel()->getTable() . '.tenant_id', $tenantId);
Then, for example, a have score table, joined with customer - both tables have tenant_id field.
Query code:
return (new ScoreDatabaseModel())
Code for joining driver table:
public function driver()
return $this->belongsTo(DriverDatabaseModel::class, 'driver_id');
Which produces SQL:
select *
from `score`
left join `driver` on `driver`.`id` = `score`.`driver_id`
where `score`.`tenant_id` = 1
What I would like is to add condition to every join whose model has tenant_id field (denoted by HasTenant trait), to add tenant_id condition and produce SQL like:
select *
from `score`
left join `driver` on `driver`.id = `score`.`driver_id` AND `driver`.`tenant_id` = 1
where `score`.`tenant_id` = 1


withExists() or withCount() for nested relationship (Many To Many and One To Many) in Laravel Eloquent

I have the following relationships in models:
public function skus()
return $this->belongsToMany(Sku::class);
public function prices()
return $this->hasMany(Price::class);
I need to get an attribute indicating whether a product has at least one price or not (in the extreme case, just the number of prices).
Product::withExists('sku.prices') or Product::withCount('sku.prices')
I know about this repository https://github.com/staudenmeir/belongs-to-through, but I prefer to use complex query once
UPDATE: I have already written a sql query for this purpose, but I don't know how to do it in Laravel:
FROM prices
ON prices.sku_id = skus.id
INNER JOIN product_sku
ON skus.id = product_sku.sku_id
WHERE products.id = product_sku.product_id
) AS prices_exists
FROM products
Here you can get at least one record
$skuPrice = Sku::with('prices')
->has('prices', '>=', 1)

Yii2 GridView shows "(not set)" if dataProvider contains GROUP BY and INNER JOIN

I have show (only show, not compleate CRUD) the result of a query which is built as following:
SELECT SUM(a) AS ab, b, COUNT(*) as C
ON y.a = x.a
WHERE b=123
so I built this query with ActiveRecord in SearchModels search() method.
In the model of table a I added a hasOne()-relation.
To display the data of this query, I'm using GridView. In it's columns array I use y.b and so on...
My problem: The columns from table x are displayed correct, but for every "joined column" from table y it displays (not set).If I print the by ActiveRecord builded query, and execute it in my sql client, it displays all data. I guess this is depending on the Models primaryKey() function, but I can't change it to get the table work properly. Does somebody know a solution for my problem or why dataProvider/GridView takes care of the selected model's (in this case model of table x) primaryKey() method (or how to make dataProvider/GridView ignore the primaryKey()?
In model you should create relation method with relation model.
For example:
class Patient extends ActiveRecord
public function getOrders()
return $this->hasMany(Order::class, ['patient_id' => 'id']);
class Order extends ActiveRecord
public function getPatient()
return $this->hasOne(Patient::class, ['id' => 'patient_id']);
For access data:
// SELECT * FROM `patient` WHERE `id` = 1
$patient = Patient::findOne(1);
$orders = $patient->orders;

Laravel 5.8 Eloquent query without using DB::raw() -- get rows based on latest value of many to many relationship

My goal is to select all issues that have been marked as false-positive. The issues are connected to Status via a ManyToMany relationship with pivot table IssuesStatus. The current status of an issue is determined by the value of the status column on the Status table.
I've come up with a solution that works but seems somehow suspect. I'm looking for a way to rewrite the query using Eloquent query builder without relying on the DB::raw() method.
public function getFalsePositivesAttribute() {
return Issue::where(DB::raw(
'( select `status` '.
'from `issues-status` '.
'left join `status` on `status`.id = `issues-status`.status_id '.
'where `issues-status`.issue_id = `issues`.id '.
'order by `issues-status`.id desc limit 1 )'
), '=', 'false-positive')->get();
Example of desired SQL query:
`issues` AS `Issues`
`issues-status` `IssueStatus` on `Issues`.id = `IssueStatus`.issue_id
`status` as `StatusTable` on `IssueStatus`.status_id = `StatusTable`.id
`Issues`.report_id = 2
`issues-status` `IssueStatus`
`status` `StatusTable` on `StatusTable`.id = `IssueStatus`.status_id
`IssueStatus`.issue_id = `Issues`.id
`IssueStatus`.id desc
) = 'false-positive'
class Issue extends Model {
public function status() {
return $this->belongsToMany( Status::class, 'issues-status')
class Status extends Model {
public function issues() {
return $this->hasMany(Issue::class);
id - identity
id - identity
status - string
id - identity
issue_id - relation to Issues
status_id - relation to Status
created_at - timestamp
note - text
If i understood correctly, you want to fetch the issue where the latest status is equals to something.
Add a latestStatus function to your Issues model:
public function latestStatus()
return $this->hasMany(IssueStatus::class)->latest();
Now, swap your status function with this one:
public function status() {
return $this->belongsToMany( Status::class, 'issues-status')
//Get all issues which has the desired status
Issue::whereHas('status', function($query){
$query->where('id', $desiredStatusId);
//filter the collection by the latest issue status,
// and reject those who does not have the desired latest status;
return $issue->latestStatus()->first()->status_id != $desiredStatusId;
Hope it helps.

Laravel Builder Scope with Union and many-to-many relationship

I have a notifications table (and model)
notifications table columns are thus:
I also have a users table (and model)
users table columns:
I also have a pivot notification_user table
many-to-many relationship is set on both Notification and User models thus:
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Api\V1\Models\User');
public function notifications()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Api\V1\Models\Notification');
Now inside Notification.php I want to set a scope. In the scope I need to get public notifications and the current user's
private notifications in a single SQL query. from my table structure, public notifications are where is_public == 1. Private notifications are associated on the pivot table.
to achieve this, inside my Notification.php, I also have this setup:
public function scopePublicAndPrivate(Builder $query)
return $this->public($query)->union($this->private($query));
public function scopePublic(Builder $query)
return $query->where('is_public', 1);
public function scopePrivate(Builder $query)
$user = JWTAuth::parseToken()->authenticate(); //using JWT to get a user.
return $user->notifications();
Now when I try Notification::publicAndPrivate()->get() inside a controller, I get:
Illuminate\Database\QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[21000]: Cardinality violation: 1222 The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns (SQL: (select * from `notifications` where `is_public` = 1) union (select * from `notifications` inner join `notification_user` on `notifications`.`id` = `notification_user`.`notification_id` where `notification_user`.`user_id` = 1))
Please I'll appreciate any help with getting this to work or a better solution.
I believe you should change:
return $user->notifications();
to something else, for example:
return $query->where('user_id', $user->id);
or maybe
return $query->whereHas('users', function($q) use ($user) {
$q->where('id', $user->id);
This is because in one query you are not using any join and in second you do and you are getting different number of columns for union parts.

Handling relationship in model in laravel

I am learning relationships in Laravel php framework and I am trying to build this query
SELECT * FROM users u INNER JOIN link_to_stores lts ON u.id=lts.user_id INNER JOIN stores s ON lts.store_id=s.store_id WHERE lts.privilege = 'Owner'
I built this in Model
public function store()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Store');
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
public function store_links()
return $this->hasMany('App\Link_to_store');
public function user_links()
return $this->hasMany('App\Link_to_store');
I tried this query but this only joins user and link_to_store table
$personal_stores = Auth::user()->store_links->where('privilege','=','Owner');
Now I am confused how to join store table too. Can anyone help with this?
Schema is like this
Stores Table
store_id store_name
Users Table
id name
Link_to_stores Table
id store_id user_id privilege
I suppose store_links is actually a pivot table. In this case, you can use belongsToMany(), this will automatically take care of the pivot table.
To do this, in your User model you change the store function to this:
function stores() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Store', 'store_links', 'user_id', 'store_id')->withPivot('privilege');
Because the primary key of stores is not id, you will have to define this in you Store model with the following line:
protected $primaryKey = 'store_id';
Now to get the stores for a user, you simply call
$stores = Auth::user->stores()->wherePivot('privilege', 'Owner')->get();
I am learning relationships in Laravel php framework and I am trying to build this query
SELECT * FROM users u INNER JOIN link_to_stores lts ON u.id=lts.user_id INNER JOIN stores s ON lts.store_id=s.store_id WHERE lts.privilege = 'Owner'
You are trying to do a join here. You can do a join like this:
$stores = User::join('link_to_stores as lts', 'users.id', '=', 'lts.user_id')->join('stores as s', 'lts.store_id', '=', 's.id')->where('lts.privilege', 'Owner')->get();
But like Jerodev pointed out, it seems like Many to Many relationship might make more sense in your case. The difference is that relationship will actually execute 2 queries (1 for original model, 1 for relationship). It will then attach the related models to the original model (which is extremely handy).
