PHP PHAR having problems with filenames with multiple dots - php

I'm trying to extract some files out of a tar.gz file.
But the filename seems to cause problems:
When I use \PharData::isValidPharFilename('xxx.some-random-number.tar.gz', false) the function returns false. When I omit the first part (i.e. \PharData::isValidPharFilename('some-random-number.tar.gz', false) it returns true.
I can't use different filenames as they are provided from a third-party service (and I don't wanna rename them on the fly, either (tedious).
Any ideas how to solve this?

I believe the extension needs to be phar, tar or zip. I just answered a similar question here where I provided a bit more detail.


Use PHP to write a file to Windows that contains Japanese characters in the filename

I want to save a file to Windows using Japanese characters in the filename.
The PHP file is saved with UTF-8 encoding
$oldfile = "test.txt";
$newfile = "日本語.txt";
The file copies, but appears in Windows as
How do I make it save as
I have ended up using the php-wfio extension from
After putting php_wfio.dll into php\ext folder and enabling the extension, I prefixed the filenames with wfio:// (both need to be prefixed or you get a Cannot rename a file across wrapper types error)
My test code ends up looking like
$oldfile = "wfio://test.txt";
$newfile = "wfio://日本語.txt";
and the file gets saved in Windows as 日本語.txt which is what I was looking for
Starting with PHP 7.1, i would link you to this answer . Unfortunately, the most of the recommendations are not valid, that are listed in the answer that strives to be the only correct one. Like "just urlencode the filename" or "FS expects iso-8859-1", etc. are terribly wrong assumptions that misinform people. That can work by luck but are only valid for US or almost western codepages, but are otherwise just wrong. PHP 7.1 + default_charset=UTF-8 is what you want. With earlier PHP versions, wfio or wrappers to ext/com_dotnet might be indeed helpful.

Using ftp_get() when there are "spaces" in the file path and filename

I need to download a file via PHP ftp_get(), but the foolish provider is using directories and file names contaning whitespace.. The file path I'm dealing with is similar to /product info/more stuff/inventory and stuff.csv
The spaces in the path and in the filename itself is making it difficult to retrieve anything. I already tried the following without success:
$path = "/product\ info/more\ stuff/inventory\ and\ stuff.csv";
$path = "/product%20info/more%20stuff/inventory%20and%20stuff.csv";
$path = '"/product info/more stuff/inventory and stuff.csv"';
Thanks again for taking the time to help me out.
Your third attempt, quoting the complete path, was already the recommended approach. Though it very much depends on the actual server implementation.
FTP per RFC859 is comprised of a terminal session and a data transfer channel. Basically the FTP server provides a mini-shell on the command port. As such, typical shell string escaping rules do apply. URL encoding can be ruled out here.
I'd advise first to use single quotes however. Preferrably use escapeshellarg() to apply them. And try ftp_nb_get() while at it.
$path = "/foo foo/bar bar/baz baz.csv";
ftp_nb_get($con, "save.csv", escapeshellarg($path), 2);
If that doesn't work, further debugging is necessary. While all ftp_* function arguments are left unprocessed, you could as well try to send a ftp_raw request. This won't actually activate the data channel reading, but might return a more concrete error response.
print_r(ftp_raw($con, "RETR '/path to/some file.csv'\r\n"));
And I'm just gonna say it, if you're still getting a file not found error then; it's entirely possible that the file really doesn't exist at the presumed location. In that case manually traverse the directory structure with ftp_nlist and ftp_rawlist with var_dump (in case of extra trailing spaces for subdirs).
Alternatively just use PHPs ftp:// stream wrapper (which also supports PASV mode). Whose implementation is distinct from that of the ext/ftp functions. Here funnily enough, URL encoding is again the correct approach, but quoting still necessary (ftp_fopen_wrapper.c does not quote itself):
= file_get_contents("'path%20to/file%20and.csv'");
// Inline quotes may likely trip up some FTP server implementations..
A much better alternative though is just using cURL.
// You'll have to use the long-winded PHP curl functions of course.
print curl("ftp://.../file with spaces.csv")->exec();
Last option is just resorting to calling a Unixland client. (If not wget, than a plain ftp client.)
$url = escapeshellarg("$path");
$file = `wget $url`;
If you still can't retrieve any files, you'll have to look for an alternative FTP client in PHP for further debugging. Guess who wrote one.
To get a list of files or folders with spaces in the path.
ftp_chdir($conn, $path);
$children = ftp_rawlist($conn,'-a .');

Finding file without knowing the extension in PHP

I have a bunch of uniquely named images with different extensions, if I have one of the unique names, but I don't know the extension (it's an image extension), how can I find the image extension as fast as possible? I've seen other people doing this by searching all possible file extensions on that file name, but it seems too slow to try and load 6 different possible combinations before bringing up the original image.
Does anyone know an easier way?
You could use glob for this. Might not be the best solution but it is simple;
The glob() function searches for all the pathnames matching pattern
according to the rules used by the libc glob() function, which is
similar to the rules used by common shells.
$files = glob('filenamewithoutextension.*');
if (sizeof($files) > 0) {
$file = $files[0]; // Might be more than one hit however we are only interested in the first one?
After getting the filename you can use pathinfo to get the specific extension.
$extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

completely deleting a file from server

I want to delete a file by using PHP. I have used the unlink() function, but I was wondering about the security of unlink. Is the file completely deleted from the server? I want to make sure that there is no way to get the file back and the file is completely removed from the server.
open the file in binary mode for writing, write 1's over the entire file, close the file, and then unlink it. overwrites any data within the file so it cannot be recovered.
Personally i would say use 1's instead of 0's as 1's are actual data and will always write, where as 0's may not write, depending on several factors.
Edit: After some thought, and reading of comments, i would go with a hybrid approach, depending on "how deleted" you want the file to be, if you simply wish to make it so the data cannot be recovered, overwrite the entire files length with 1's as this is fast, and destroys the data, the problem with this, is it leaves a set length of uniform data on the disk which infers a file USED to be there and gives away the files length, giving vital pieces of forensic information. Simply writing random data will not avoid this also, as if all the drive sectors around this file are untouched, this will also leave a forensic trace.
The best solution factoring in forensic deletion, obfuscation and plausible deniability (again, this is overkill, but im adding it for the sake of adding it), overwrite the entire length of the file with 1's and then, for HALF the length of the file in bytes, write from mt_rand in random length sizes, from random starting points, leaving the impression that many files of varying lengths used to be in this area, thus creating a false trail. (again, this is completely overkill and is generally only needed by serial killers and the CIA, but im adding it for the sake of doing so).
the US government used to recommend a seven step wipe, for disks.
1) all '1's
2) all '0's
3) the pattern '01'
4) the pattern '10'
5) a random pattern
6) all '1'
7) a random pattern,
re the code sample, using a language like PHP is wrong for this type of wipe as your relaying on the OS really wipeing the file and not doing something cleaver like only wipeing it the last time or just unlinking it, however...
$filename = "/usr/local/something.txt";
$size = filesize($filename);
$pat1 = chr(0);
$pat2 = chr(255);
$pat3 = chr(170);
$pat4 = chr(85);
$mask = str_repeat($pat1, $size);
file_put_contents($filename, $mask);
$mask = str_repeat($pat2, $size);
file_put_contents($filename, $mask);
$mask = str_repeat($pat3, $size);
file_put_contents($filename, $mask);
$mask = str_repeat($pat4, $size);
file_put_contents($filename, $mask);
This might not answer HOW to perfectly delete a file "with PHP", but it answers your question: "Is the file completely deleted from the server ?"
In some cases, No! (on UNIX/POSIX OS).
According to the highest voted comment on the offical PHP unlink() manual page, the unlink function does not really delete the file, it's deleting the system link to the file's content ! As files can have several files names (!) [symlinks?] the file will only be deleted when ALL file names are unlinked. So, if your file has 2 names, then unlink() will not really delete the file unless you unlink() both file names. Dear linux guys, please correct me here if necessary.
This might be why the function is called unLINK() and not delete() !!!
Here a full quote of the excellent comment:
Deleted a large file but seeing no increase in free space or decrease of disk usage? Using UNIX or other POSIX OS? The unlink() is not about removing file, it's about removing a file name. The manpage says: `unlink - delete a name and possibly the file it refers to''. Most of the time a file has just one name -- removing it will also remove (free, deallocate) thebody' of file (with one caveat, see below). That's the simple, usual case.
However, it's perfectly fine for a file to have several names (see the link() function), in the same or different directories. All the names will refer to the file body and keep it alive', so to say. Only when all the names are removed, the body of file actually is freed. The caveat: A file's body may *also* bekept alive' (still using diskspace) by a process holding the file open. The body will not be deallocated (will not free disk space) as long as the process holds it open. In fact, there's a fancy way of resurrecting a file removed by a mistake but still held open by a process...
Have a look on unlink()'s sister function link() here.
The (imo) best way to delete a file via PHP:
The way to go to really delete a file with PHP (in linux) is to use the exec() function, which executes real bash commands (doing things with linux bash feel correct btw). In this case, the file test.jpg would be deleted by doing:
exec("rm test.jpg);
More info on how to use rm (remove) correctly can be found for example here. Please note: PHP needs the right to delete the file!
UPDATE: Unfortunatly, the linux rm command ALSO does not really delete the file if it has two names/links. Look here for more info.
I'll have a deeper research on that and give feedback...
It is possible that because of some fragmentation on the disk some parts of file will stay, even if the file is totally overwritten.
The other way is to run (by shell_exec()) external program, that is system specific. Here is an example (for Windows), however I have not tested it.
You should do multiple passes of overwriting to deminish traces. For instance using the US DoD 5220-22.M : "Overwrite all addressable locations with a character, its complement, then a random character and verify" (from killdisk site)
Here's what the EFF recommends to permanently remove a file
In my embedded Ubuntu device, I use: echo exec('rm /usr/share/subdirectory/subdirectory/filename'); This works for me.
if you use rm -f (--force) then linux will
ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt
rm -d will
remove empty directories
If you enter rm --help at the prompt you get the help screen. The last lines read:
Note that if you use rm to remove a file, it might be possible to recover some of its contents, given sufficient expertise and/or time. For greater assurance that the contents are truly unrecoverable, consider using shred.
Since my system is a "closed" system then I'm not concerned about violating security issues. My logic being that one must have the system password to SSH into the OS and the only user interface is via web pages.
#Sliq's comments are still true to date. You need to decide for your case.

Find files with certain name but variable file extension

I'd like to be able to select a file by just giving it's name (without extension). For example, I might have a variable $id holding 12. I want to be able to select a file called the-id-in-the-variable, say, 12.png from a directory, but it may have any one of a number of file extensions, listed below:
There is only one occurrence of each ID. I could use a loop and file_exists(), but is there a better way?
$matches = glob("12.*");
would return an array with all the matching filenames in the current directory. glob() works much the same as wildcard matching at the shell prompt.
Take a look at glob. Unfortunately, the exact semantics of the $pattern parameter is not described in the manual. But it seems your problem can be solved using this function.
Quick question to OP here:
What is the file extension of this file: somefile.tar.gz? Is it .gz or .tar.gz? :) I ask because most would answer this question as .tar.gz...
