I've read a tonne of questions on the subject but none of them seam to solve my particular issue – I guess there's something wrong with the way I've formatted my array of objects in JS. Here's my Ajax function:
var marketing_prefs = [];
$('#save-marketing-prefs input').each(function() {
var tmp_array = {};
tmp_array['marketing_permission_id'] = $(this).val();
if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
tmp_array['enabled'] = 1;
} else {
tmp_array['enabled'] = 0;
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
url: ajax_object.ajaxurl,
data: {
action: 'acrew_save_mc_marketing_prefs',
marketing_prefs: marketing_prefs
success: function(response) {
console.log('#####', response);
error: function(response) {
console.error('!!!!!', response);
What I'm doing is looping through a simple form with three checkboxes and creating an array of objects which will then go off to Mailchimp. My data arrives intact but the problem is that my boolean values come over to PHP as strings. I've switched from using true and false which was coming over as "true" and "false", to using 1 an 0 but those come over as strings too.
I suppose I could loop through the data and build a new array in PHP but the data is so close to being correct when it arrives that it seems like it must be unnecessary.
How can I get my data over as non-strings?
POST data is sent as simple name=value pairs, there's no syntax to specify datatypes, and everything is parsed as strings.
You can call intval($_POST['marketing_prefs'][$i]['enabled']) to convert it to an integer.
Another option is to convert the marketing_prefs array to JSON.
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
url: ajax_object.ajaxurl,
data: {
action: 'acrew_save_mc_marketing_prefs',
marketing_prefs: JSON.stringify(marketing_prefs)
success: function(response) {
console.log('#####', response);
error: function(response) {
console.error('!!!!!', response);
Then in the PHP you can do:
$marketing_prefs = json_decode($_POST['marketing_prefs'], true);
Since, as Barmar stated, GET/POST can't specify data types (that's a rant in and of itself), one way would t be to cast it.
Very rough example:
var_dump((bool) <variable>);
The issue is if it's anything but 'true', 'empty' or I believe 0 it will return true. I'm in a hurry else I'd flush it out for you better.
I have a shorthand ajax call that triggers on a selection box change.
<script type'text/javascript'>
$('#selection_project').change(function(event) {
$.post('info.php', { selected: $('#selection_project option:selected').val()},
function(data) {
It works, but the response from the server is this:
if (isset($_POST['selected']))
$selected = $_POST['selected'];
$results['selected'] = $selected;
$response = json_encode($results);
echo $response;
$results is an associative array with many values from a SQL query.
My question is how do I access any particular element?
I've tried things like
I also understand that somewhere in the .post method there should be a statement defining the alternative dataType, such as
or a
datatype: 'json',
but after lots of searching, not a single example I could find could provide the actual syntax of using alternative dataTypes in the .post method.
I would have just used the .ajax method but after pulling my hair out I cannot figure out why that one isn't working, and .post was, so I just stuck with it.
If someone could give me a little push in the right direction I would appreciate it so much!!
EDIT: Here is my .ajax attempt, can't figure out why it's not working. Maybe i've been staring at it too long.
<script type'text/javascript'>
$('#selection_project').change(function(event) {
type: 'POST',
url : 'pvnresult.php',
data: { selected: $('#selection_project option:selected').val()},
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
Try to log what exactly returned from info.php. Possible there are no data at all&
$('#selection_project').change(function(event) {
$.post('info.php', {
selected: $('#selection_project option:selected').val()},
function(data) {
--- Update. Sorry, I can't leave comments
You shold parse your json with JSON.parse before use:
$('#selection_project').change(function(event) {
$.post('info.php', {
selected: $('#selection_project option:selected').val()},
success: function(data){
var result = JSON.parse(data);
Point to note: In your Javascript, you were doing:
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
This implies, you expect JSON Data - not just plain HTML. Now in your to get your JSON Data as an Object in Javascript you could do:
success: function(data){
// GET THAT selected KEY
// HOWEVER, BE AWARE THAT data.selected
// $('#CTN').html(data.selected.THE_KEY_YOU_WANT_HERE);
// $('#CTN').html(data.selected['THE_KEY_YOU_WANT_HERE']);
This should be a simple fix, but I just have not been able to find anything about it.
I am using both postData and editData to POST a variable to the server for form editing. This variable is used in a switch to select the appropriate function. This php contains ALL of the functions for the project. I want to avoid having many different php pages.
So all of that is fine, but I cannot find a way to do the same thing for dataUrl. The one lead I've been able to find is using ajaxSelectOptions, specifically the data option. If this is the appropriate way to go about this, what is the way to use it? Like this?:
contentType: "application/json",
action: function(){
return 'popCodeAdjust';
In general you can use data property of ajaxSelectOptions. The code cam look like
ajaxSelectOptions: {
type: "POST",
data: {
action: "popCodeAdjust";
ajaxSelectOptions: {
type: "POST",
data: {
action: function () {
return "popCodeAdjust";
See here or here.
The problem can be if you really need to send the data in JSON format. In the case you can need either to serialize the value of the parameter data (like JSON.stringify({action: actionValue})) or the value with parameter name (like action: JSON.stringify(actionValue)). See the answer which role play BodyStyle attribute (WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedResponse etc) in WCF method in the case.
In jqGrid 4.4.2 or higher (see the answer, my pull request and the fix) you can use postData as function. You can define it either inside of ajaxSelectOptions
ajaxSelectOptions: {
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
postData: function (rowid, value, name) {
return JSON.stringify({action: "popCodeAdjust"});
//or depend on the relinquishment of the server side
//return {action: JSON.stringify("popCodeAdjust")});
You can specify postData alternatively inside of editoptions (see here).
How about?
type: 'POST',
url: 'url',
data: { varName: JSON.stringify(arrayValues) },
dataType: 'json',
success: function(msg) {...},
error: function(res, status, exeption) {...}
$var = json_decode($_POST['varName'], true);
Inside your grid setup it would be:
postData: { KeyName: KeyValue },
You will see this extra parameter go out with your POST.
The example below will set the postData value, (if it was to change) and then trigger a reload of the grid.
$('#gridName').jqGrid('setGridParam', { postData: { UserName: userName }).trigger('reloadGrid', [{ page: 1}]);
The code I want to work:
type: "POST",
url: "_Source/ajap/ajap.nlSrch.php",
data: { sndJson : jsonData },
dataType: "json",
processData: false,
success: function(html) {
The code that works:
type: "POST",
url: "_Source/ajap/ajap.nlSrch.php",
data: { sndJson : jsonData },
success: function(html) {
Unfortunately when I send the first one my post data looks like this "Array ()" and when I use the later I get this "Array ( [sndJson] => [\"8\",\"3\",\"6\",\"7\"] )".
I know that there has to be a simple explanation but I haven't been able to figure it out.
Help please!
Try sending your data in a query string...
success: function(data) {
error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError)
You can use shorthand $.post instead of using low level ajax class --- because you don't need to advanced handling. So, this one will be great enough.
$.post('php_script.php', {
// here's what you want to send
// important -- double quotes, 'cause It's evals as valid JSON
"var1" : "val1"
"var2" : "val2"
}, function (respond){
try {
var respond = JSON.parse(respond);
} catch(e){
//error - respond wasn't JSON
PHP code:
* Here you can handle variable or array you got from JavaScript
* and send back if need.
print_r($_POST); // var1 = val1, var2 = val2
Back to your question,
Why my .ajax request doesn't work?
This is because JavaScript throws fatal error and stops further code execution.
You can catch and determine the error occasion, simply by adding
try {} catch(){} block to the statement you think may occur any error
When you specify dataType: json, jQuery will automatically evaluate the response and return a Javascript object, in this case an array. You're taking the result and adding it as html to #srchForm, so it does not make sense to convert it to a javascript object. Use dataType: html, or none at all.
The following examples above are not reusable. I am a huge fan of reuseable code. here is my solution.
Software design 101:
DRY Don't repeat your self. You should wrap your code into an object. This way you can call it from anywhere.
var Request = {
version: 1.0, //not needed but i like versioning things
xproxy: function(type, url, data, callback, timeout, headers, contentType)
if (!timeout || timeout <= 0) { timeout = 15000; }
url: url,
type: type,
data: data,
timeout: timeout,
contentType: contentType,
if (callback != undefined) { callback(data); }
if (callback != undefined) { callback(data); }
beforeSend: function(xhr)
//headers is a list with two items
xhr.setRequestHeader('secret-key', headers[0]);
xhr.setRequestHeader('api-key', headers[1]);
<script type="text/javascript">
var contentType = "applicaiton/json";
var url = "http://api.lastfm.com/get/data/";
var timeout = 1000*5; //five seconds
var requestType = "POST"; //GET, POST, DELETE, PUT
var header = [];
var data = "{\"username\":\"james\"}"; //you should really deserialize this w/ a function
function callback(data)
//do logic here
Request.xproxy(requestType, url, data, callback, timeout, header, contentType);
I need (recently) to get an array from the server after an ajax call created by jquery. I know that i can do it using JSON. But i don't know how to implement it with JQuery (im new with JSON). I try to search in internet some example, but i didnt find it.
This is the code :
// js-jquery function
function changeSponsor() {
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
url: './auth/ajax.php',
data: 'id=changespon',
success: function(msg) {
// here i need to manage the JSON object i think
return false;
// php-server function
if((isset($_POST['id'])) && ($_POST['id']=="changespon")) {
$linkspon[0]="my ";
$linkspon[1]="name ";
$linkspon[2]="is ";
echo $linkspon;
in fact, i need to get the array $linkspon after the ajax call and manage it. How can do it? I hope this question is clear. Thanks
ok. this is now my jquery function. I add the $.getJSON function, but i think in a wrong place :)
function changeSponsor() {
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
url: './auth/ajax.php',
data: 'id=changespon',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
$.getJSON(url, function(data) { alert(data[0]) } );
return false;
Two things you need to do.
You need to convert your array to JSON before outputting it in PHP. This can easily be done using json_encode, assuming you have a recent version of PHP (5.2+). It also is best practice for JSON to use named key/value pairs, rather than a numeric index.
In your jQuery .ajax call, set dataType to 'json' so it know what type of data to expect.
// JS/jQuery
function changeSponsor() {
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
url: './auth/ajax.php',
data: 'id=changespon',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
console.log(data.key); // Outputs "value"
console.log(data.key2); // Outputs "value2"
return false;
// PHP
if((isset($_POST['id'])) && ($_POST['id']=="changespon")) {
$linkspon["key"]= "value";
$linkspon["key2"]= "value2";
echo json_encode($linkspon);
1) PHP: You need to use json_encode on your array.
// php-server function
if((isset($_POST['id'])) && ($_POST['id']=="changespon")) {
$linkspon[0]="my ";
$linkspon[1]="name ";
$linkspon[2]="is ";
echo json_encode($linkspon);
use $.getJSON(url, function(data) { whatever.... } );
Data will be passed back in JSON format. IN your case, you can access data[0] which is "my";
Sorry if this is basic, but I have been dealing with figuring this out all day and have gotten to where I can do everything I need with Jquery and cakephp (not sure if cakephp matters in this or if its same as any PHP), I want to return a variable from a cakephp function to jquery, I had read about how to do it, like here:
the cakephp:
$test[ 'mytest'] = $test;
echo json_encode($test);
and the jquery:
type: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost/site1/utilities/ajax_component_call_handler',
data: {
component_function: component_function,
param_array: param_array
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
// how do i get back the JSON variables?
I just can't figure out how to get one or more variables back into usable form within jquery, I just want the variable so I can do whatever else with it, I've been looking at what I can find through searching but its not making it fully clear to me.. thanks for any advice.
The JSON variables are in the data variable. In your case, it'll look like this:
var data = {
myTest: "Whatever you wrote here"
... so you can read it from data.myTest.
(Not sure whether it's relevant but you can remove the http://localhost/ part from the URL;
AJAX does not allow cross-domain requests anyway.)
Your variables are in data.
type: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost/site1/utilities/ajax_component_call_handler',
data: {
component_function: component_function,
param_array: param_array
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
// how do i get back the JSON variables?
var values = eval( data ); //if you 100 % trust to your sources.
Basically data variable contain the json string. To parse it and convert it again to JSON, you have to do following:
type: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost/site1/utilities/ajax_component_call_handler',
data: {
component_function: component_function,
param_array: param_array
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
json = $.parseJSON(data);
I haven't test it but it should work this way.
Note that when you specify dataType "json" or use $.getJSON (instead of $.ajax) jQuery will apply $.parseJSON automatically.
So in the "success" callback you do not need to parse the response using parseJSON again:
success: function(data) {
In case of returning a JSON variable back to view files you can use javascript helper:
in your utilities controller:
function ajax_component_call_handler() {
$this->layout = 'ajax';
if( $this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) {
$foobar = array('Foo' => array('Bar'));
$this->set('data', $foobar);
and in your view/utilities/ajax_component_call_handler.ctp you can use:
if( isset($data) ) {
$javascript->object($data); //converts PHP var to JSON
So, when you reach the stage in your function:
success: function(data) {
console.log(data); //it will be a JSON object.
In this case you will variable type handling separated from controllers and view logic (what if you'll need something else then JSON)...