I have at the moment 2 results in my MySQL Database with same user_id and I want echo all in my HTML table with PDO, but it shows everytime only 1 result, not all.
$querytest = "SELECT o.output_valu,
FROM allusers a
INNER JOIN order_history o
ON a.account_number = o.account_number
INNER JOIN paymentall p
ON o.output_vl_id = p.output_vl_id
WHERE a.account_number = :account_num
ORDER BY p.datetime";
$statementtest = $conn->prepare($queryoutgo);
$statementtest->bindParam(':account_num', $account_num);
$test_result = $statementtest->fetchAll();
foreach ($test_result as $row) {
$outputtest = $row['output_valu'];
<td><?php echo $outputtest; ?></td>
With print_r($test_result); it shows my 2 results in array, but why not with my code?
I worked always with mysqli not PDO in the past, maybe someone here can help me :)
In your foreach block you overwrite $outputtest every iteration. This means only the last result will be displayed. Depending on if you want to show each result on a separate row or if you want all the results together in one cell, you should either create the cells in the foreach or concatenate all the results together.
What I think you want is this:
$querytest = "SELECT o.output_valu, p.amount, p.amount_all, " .
"p.order_id, p.datetime " .
"FROM allusers a inner join order_history o " .
"ON a.account_number = o.account_number " .
"INNER JOIN paymentall p " .
"ON o.output_vl_id = p.output_vl_id " .
"WHERE a.account_number =:account_num " .
"ORDER BY p.datetime ";
$statementtest = $conn->prepare($queryoutgo);
$statementtest->bindParam(':account_num', $account_num);
$test_result = $statementtest->fetchAll();
<?php foreach($test_result as $row) { ?>
<tr><td><?= $row['output_valu']; ?></td></tr>
<?php } ?>
I have this query to list name categories and avg of each one, but the result is not what I want, how to sove this? if you look to image you see that the table resulta don't show correct
$query = $connMysqli->query("SELECT qc.name as cat_name
FROM fhrw_question_categories qc
group by Quiz, cat
ORDER BY u.id");
while($row = $query->fetch_assoc()){
echo '<th>' . $row['cat_name'] . '</th>';
<!-- table continiuous avg-->
$query = $connMysqli->query("SELECT avg(IFNULL(fraction, 0)) * 10 as Media, u.ud as student, qc.name as cat_name
FROM fhrw_question_attempt_steps qc
group by Quiz, u.id, cat
ORDER BY u.id ASC");
while($row = $query->fetch_assoc()){
echo '<tr><td>' . $row['cat_name'] . ' - ' . round($row['Media'],2) . '</td></tr>';
I am trying to record the attendance of my students that attend my courses. Courses are different lengths and times and I just need to record if a student is (P)resent (L)ate (A)sent. I record the attendance in 1 table and display the records in a pivot table based on the date attended. I am a newby and just can't workout this code to include all the details I need to show. id, bid, fullname, nickname, company_idno, (P)(L)(A).
Please could someone look at my code and tell me how to add this information to the pivot table.
This is what I want to show
This is where I store the information
This is table1
This is table2
At the moment I achieved the look I want but use 2 tables and use CSS to fix the widths of table 1 and place table 2 next to it.
I realize this is terrible practice and of course, I get odd results across different platforms, especially iOS which put a 47px gap between the 2 tables which I can't seem to remove also.
I want just want table 2 to show all the information. I can only show 3 fields, id, date, pla. How to add fullname, nickname and company_idno ??
Table 1
<table id="tblplanames" >
<td id="tdplabc">sid</td>
<td id="tdplabc">bid</td>
<td id="tdplacid" style="text-align: center">Cid</td>
<td id="tdplafn" style="text-align: center">Fullname</td>
<td id="tdplann" style="text-align: center">Nickname</td>
$sql13="SELECT * FROM students WHERE classno='$id' ORDER BY bluecard_no ASC ";
while($sql_res13=mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_row13)) {
<td id="tdplabc"><a href=edit_student.php?id=<?php echo $stsid ?>><?php echo $stsid; ?></td>
<td id="tdplabc"><a href=edit_student.php?id=<?php echo $stsid ?>><?php echo $stbluecard_no; ?></td>
<td id="tdplacid"><a href=edit_student.php?id=<?php echo $stsid ?>><?php echo $stidno; ?></td>
<td id="tdplafn"><a href=edit_student.php?id=<?php echo $stsid ?>><?php echo $stfullname; ?></td>
<td id="tdplann"><a href=edit_student.php?id=<?php echo $stsid ?>><?php echo $stnickname; ?></td>
Table 2
$id = $_GET['id'];
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT date
FROM attendance
WHERE classno = $id
$res = $link->query($sql); // mysqli query
while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) {
$dates[] = $row[0];
* Table headings *
$emptyRow = array_fill_keys($dates,'');
// format dates
foreach ($dates as $k=>$v) {
$dates[$k] = date('d-M', strtotime($v));
$heads = "<table id='tblpla'>\n";
$heads .= "<tr><td>sid</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $dates) . "</td></tr>\n";
* Main data *
$sql = "SELECT date, sid, pla, bluecard_no
FROM attendance
WHERE classno = $id
ORDER BY bluecard_no";
$res = $link->query($sql);
$tdata = '';
while (list($d, $sn, $s, $bcn) = $res->fetch_row()) {
if ($sid != $sn) {
if ($sid) {
$tdata .= "<tr><td>$sid</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";
$rowdata = $emptyRow;
$sid = $sn;
$rowdata[$d] = $s;
$tdata .= "<tr><td>$sid</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";
$tdata .= "</table\n";
echo $heads;
echo $tdata;
SELECT c.olumns
, y.ou
, a.ctually
, w.ant
FROM students s
JOIN attendance a
ON a.classno = s.classno
WHERE s.classno = :id
BY s.bluecard_no ASC
, a.date";
public function get_members_for_attendence()
$date = $this->input->post('choose_date');
$sql = 'SELECT a.date, c.member_name,c.member_join_date,c.member_payment_date,c.member_exp_date,c.member_payment_date,c.member_contact, c.member_reg_id,
WHEN a.status = "absent" THEN "Absent"
WHEN a.status = "present" THEN "Present"
ELSE "Not Taken"
END as attendence_status
FROM member_reg AS c
LEFT JOIN attendence AS a ON a.member_reg_id = c.member_reg_id AND a.date = "'.$date.'"';
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
return $query->result();
For CodeIgniter 3
it worked for me
I doing league table football and There is a profile of Team (Like : Team.php?team=XXX)
In this page I want to show, What position of TeamXXX in League Table
Page League Table
$number = 0;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `leaguetable` WHERE `league` = 'leaguename' ORDER BY pts DESC";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
<td><?php echo $number; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $rs['team']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $rs['pts']; ?></td>
<?php } ?>
Data in Table leaguetable
id team pts
In team.php I want to show position of TeamXXX
$getTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `leaguetable` WHERE `team`='"$_GET['team']"'");
<td><? echo $getTeam['team']; ?></td>
<td><? echo $getTeam['pts']; ?></td>
How can I know what position of teamXXX in leaguetable?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much
select id, team, pts, rnk
select leag.id, leag.team, leag.pts,
#rnk := if(leag.pts = #lag, #rnk,
if(#lag := leag.pts, #rnk + 1, #rnk + 1)) as rnk
from leaguetable leag
cross join ( select #rnk := 0, #lag := null ) params
where league = 'FA Cup'
order by leag.pts desc
) rankings
where team = 'Chelsea'
* Mysqli initial code
* User permissions of database
* Create, Alter and Index table, Create view, and Select, Insert, Update, Delete table data
* #package PhpFiddle
* #link http://phpfiddle.org
* #since 2012
require_once "dBug!.php";
require "util/public_db_info.php";
$short_connect = new mysqli($host_name, $user_name, $pass_word, $database_name, $port);
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
die("Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error());
$sql = "create table leaguetable"
. "("
. " id integer primary key not null,"
. " team varchar(33) not null,"
. " pts integer not null default 0"
. ");";
$result = $short_connect->query($sql);
die("Create table failed : " . mysqli_error($short_connect));
$sql = "insert into leaguetable"
. "( id, team, pts )"
. "values"
. "( 1, 'Liverpool', 22 ),"
. "( 2, 'Arsenal', 29 ),"
. "( 3, 'Chelsea', 23 ),"
. "( 4, 'Tottenham', 23)";
$result = $short_connect->query($sql);
die("insert failed : " . mysqli_error($short_connect));
//get all tables in the database
//$sql = "SHOW TABLES";
//get column information from a table in the database
//SQL statement for a table in the database
$sql = "select id, team, pts, rnk "
. "from"
. "("
. "select leag.id, leag.team, leag.pts,"
. "#rnk := if(leag.pts = #lag, #rnk,"
. " if(#lag := leag.pts, #rnk + 1, #rnk + 1)) as rnk "
. "from leaguetable leag "
. "cross join ( select #rnk := 0, #lag := null ) params "
. " where league = 'FA Cup' "
. "order by leag.pts desc;"
. ") rankings "
. where team = 'Chelsea';";
//result is boolean for query other than SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE and EXPLAIN
$result = $short_connect->query($sql);
if (($result) && ($result->num_rows > 0))
echo "<table>" . "<thead>" . "<tr>" . "<th>Position</th>" . "<th>Team</th>" . "<th>Points</th>" . "</tr>" . "</thead>" . "<tbody>";
//convert query result into an associative array
echo "<tr><td>" . $row['rnk'] . "</td><td>" . $row['team'] . "</td><td>" . $row['pts'] . "</td></tr>";
echo "</tbody></table>";
die("select failed : " . mysqli_error($short_connect));
Hope this will help
$number = 0;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `leaguetable` WHERE `league` = 'leaguename' ORDER BY pts DESC";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
If you don't mind using two queries (I wouldn't mind it), it's pretty easy: Just count how many teams have more points, and add one (so that if three teams are tied in second position, they all get position 2).
$result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*)+1 AS POSTN FROM leaguetable WHERE
league = 'leaguename' AND pts > $points");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$position = $row["POSTN"];
Doing it in one query is a bit messier, since you need to embed this query in your original one:
"SELECT *, (SELECT count(*)+1 FROM leaguetable table2
WHERE league = 'leaguename' AND table2.pts > leaguetable.pts) AS POSTN
FROM leaguetable WHERE team = '$currentteam'"
But why are you using the mysql_* API for new code? Haven't you noticed all the dire warnings in pink boxes in the documentation? Do yourself a favor and switch to mysqli today, starting with this program.
Also: Never just inject $_GET[param] into your query string! You're giving yourself an SQL injection attack waiting to happen... and brittle, error-prone code until then.
Hi in the below i want to show Consultation Charges values for that i took the td.But in that td not displying anything even td also not showing.
After executing this query i want to find the no. of rows based on the rows i want to display the data.
My expected output:
Bill Particular Bill Sub Particular Doctor Date Dis. Amt.
Consultation Charges:
all the values based on no of rows.
<table width="100%">
<th>Bill Particular</th>
<th>Bill Sub Particular</th>
<th>Dis. Amt.</th>
<th>No. of Times</th>
<tr><th colspan=2>Consultation Charges:</th>
$div_options = array();
$sql = "SELECT ibp.ipd_bp_id, ibp.bp_id, bp.bp_name, ibp.bsp_id, bsp.bsp_name, ibp.doctor_id, ab.employee_name doctor, ibp.date date, ibp.amount charge, ibp.discount_amount discount, ibp.no_of_time, (ibp.no_of_time * ibp.amount) total_amount
FROM bill_particular_master bp
INNER JOIN ipd_bill_particular ibp ON ibp.bp_id = bp.bp_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN bill_sub_particular bsp ON bsp.bsp_id = ibp.bsp_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN address_book ab ON ab.employee_id = ibp.doctor_id
WHERE ibp.ipd_reg_no = '$ipd_no'
AND bsp.consultant =1
AND bsp.package = 0
AND bsp.admission = 0
AND bp.bp_name != 'Scan Charges'
AND bp.bp_name !='Procedure'";
$sth = $dbh->query($sql);
$sub_arr['bp_name'] = $row['bp_name'];
$sub_arr['bsp_name'] = $row['bsp_name'];
echo "<tr>
<td>Here is the text - " . $sub_arr['bp_name'] . "</td>
<td>The ID of the text is - " .$sub_arr['bsp_name'] . "</td>";
if($i !== 0) {
echo "<td>The ID of the previous entry is - " .$sub_arr['bp_name'] . "</td>";
else {
echo "<td> </td>";
echo "</tr>";
$i = $row['bp_name'];
echo "<td>The ID of the previous entry is - " . $row['bp_name'] . "</td>";
You have there variable thats not even defined in your code.
I have a table with a bunch of users who have a certain amount of points. I would like to arrange the users from highest points first to the lowest. However ORDER BY PTS DESC doesn't work.
<th id="users_th1"><img src="<?php echo mysql_result($r_TEAMS, $i, 'LOGO'); ?>"/> <p><?php echo mysql_result($r_TEAMS, $i, 'NAME'); ?></p></th>
<th id="users_th2">Points Value</th>
$q_users = 'Select * from POINTS LEFT JOIN USERS on USERS.UID = POINTS.UID where TID = '.mysql_result($r_TEAMS, $i, 'TID');
$r_users = mysql_query($q_users, $connection) or die(mysql_error());
$n_users = mysql_num_rows($r_users);
for($k = 0; $k <$n_users; $k++){
<td class="person"><?php echo mysql_result($r_users, $k, 'NAME'); ?></td>
<td><?php echo mysql_result($r_users, $k, 'POINTS.PTS'); ?></td>
This is just guesswork, but I see you're doing a JOIN between the table USER and the table POINTS. Perhaps you have a field called PTS in both tables, so if you want to order the results by that field you should indicate to which table the one you're referring to belongs.
So, do it this way,
$q_users = "
WHERE <table name>.TID = " . mysql_result($r_TEAMS, $i, 'TID') . "
ORDER BY <table name>.PTS DESC";
Did you try:
$q_users = 'Select * from POINTS LEFT JOIN USERS on USERS.UID = POINTS.UID where TID = '.mysql_result($r_TEAMS, $i, 'TID').' ORDER BY PTS DESC;';
You could also write if it won't sort or if it won't query.