I'm currently attempting to upgrade Xdebug 2.8.1 to 2.9.0 in order to resolve performance issues on code coverage report generation as reported in https://bugs.xdebug.org/view.php?id=1717.
My system is Ubuntu 19.10, running a Vagrant VM with Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch). The VM has multiple versions of PHP running, to support multiple applications on our stack. Those versions are 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4.
The only version of Xdebug available through apt is version 2.8.1, so I've attempted the following methods:
Using Pecl, with apt-get install php-dev, pecl channel-update pecl.php.net, and pecl install xdebug.
Using the Xdebug wizard at https://xdebug.org/wizard, which has instructions for manually unpacking the .tgz file, compiling the xdebug.so, and placing it in the correct folder.
However, in both of these methods, when adding zend_extension=/path/to/xdebug.so to the appropriate php.ini file and restarting the web server, I'm given the following error: Failed loading /usr/lib/php/20180731/xdebug.so: /usr/lib/php/20180731/xdebug.so: undefined symbol: zend_post_startup_cb.
Can anyone provide further guidance?
I've found the solution to the problem.
When installing php-dev the package selected at the time of this writing is for PHP 7.3, when the server's default PHP version is 7.1. By installing php7.1-dev I was able to perform the install using either of the above processes without issue.
I am trying to load either PHP 5.6 or PHP 7.0 module in the Apache httpd.conf config file on macOS 10.15 Catalina. But what I receive when starting the Apache server using sudo apachectl start in Terminal is the following error:
httpd: Syntax error on line 187 of /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/local/opt/php#5.6/lib/httpd/modules/libphp5.so into server: dlopen(/usr/local/opt/php#5.6/lib/httpd/modules/libphp5.so, 10): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib\n Referenced from: /usr/local/opt/php#5.6/lib/httpd/modules/libphp5.so\n Reason: image not found
Since PHP versions 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1 have been deprecated and removed from Homebrew, following this guide, I had to use an older deprecated tap and installed both PHP 5.6 and 7.0 by running:
brew tap exolnet/homebrew-deprecated
brew install php#5.6
brew install php#7.0
For the sake of complete information, I have tried both the Apache which comes with macOS and the latest Apache 2.4.43 installed via Homebrew, but this should not make a difference.
So the question is, how can I solve these errors and make PHP 5.6 and 7.0 running on macOS using Homebrew?
The solution is to install an older version of the openssl library. To be more specific, PHP 5.6 and php 7.0 require openssl 1.0.2, which you can install via Homebrew by running the following in Terminal:
brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/8b9d6d688f483a0f33fcfc93d433de501b9c3513/Formula/openssl.rb
brew switch openssl 1.0.2t
However, after running the above, when using PHP 5.6, php 7.0 or php 7.1, another "Library not loaded" error might occur., in particular, this one:
httpd: Syntax error on line 183 of /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/local/opt/php#5.6/lib/httpd/modules/libphp5.so into server: dlopen(/usr/local/opt/php#5.6/lib/httpd/modules/libphp5.so, 10): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.64.dylib\n Referenced from: /usr/local/opt/php#5.6/lib/httpd/modules/libphp5.so\n Reason: image not found
Here, another older library is required, icu4C in this case. The solution is to run the following:
brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/a806a621ed3722fb580a58000fb274a2f2d86a6d/Formula/icu4c.rb
brew switch icu4c 64.2
Note for switching to PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3 or PHP 7.4
Since PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4 do not work with the above mentioned older, 64.3, version of the icu4c library, whenever you need to switch to these PHP versions, e.g., by using this easy brew PHP switcher script, you also hav to switch the version of the icu4c library by running this command:
brew switch icu4c 67.1
OpenSSL 1.0.2m on macOS - Stack Overflow.
homebrew-core/openssl.rb at 75b573845a17aaf3f7c84dc58e97cf5fe39a502b · Homebrew/homebrew-core.
node.js - dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.62.dylib error running php after installing node with brew on Mac - Stack Overflow.
macOS 10.15 Catalina Apache Setup: Multiple PHP Versions | Official home of Grav CMS.
I downloaded MacOS Mojave and did a clean installation on my mid 2012 macbook Pro. Installed XCode with command line tools. Got native Apache and PHP working, with PEARL, PECL and last version of ICU (63.1) for later use of Intl extension.
But every attempt of Intl instalation has failed. Before the clean instalation, i found a intl.so on a pen drive and used ICU version 54, but isn't the best way to get things working for a development enviroment.
In the end, i'm stuck with PECL incapable of finish intall of Intl because can't find php_smart_str.h file.
I've reinstalled the developer tools header files too:
$ sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /
Is it possible to have a development enviroment without Homebrew?
When i run at the terminal:
sudo pecl install intl
Returns the following:
/private/tmp/pear/install/intl/intl_error.h:24:10: fatal error: 'ext/standard/php_smart_str.h' file not found
Right after creating libtool and running: make.
Ok, instead of using homebrew, i really wanted to use only native apache and php pre-installed on my MacBook Pro with Mac OS Mojave, trying to maintain the most clean development environment possible for CakePHP use.
So, on Pecl Official site ( https://pecl.php.net/package/intl ), it's clear that Intl package is not maintained anymore and has been superseded. Since PHP 5.3.0 you don't need to use Pecl to install intl extension, it's bundled with PHP.
But, it's missing on native instalation of PHP 7.1.24 on Mac OS Mojave.
Then i downloaded PHP 7.1 from php.net, installed XCode Command Line Tools, ICU (http://site.icu-project.org/), Autoconf, reinstalled the developer tools header files, and finally installed Intl extension using phpize.
Important: you'll have to disable SIP.
I'm getting the error message below from a Symfony 2.8 application running PHP 7.2.8 on an Amazon Linux 2 server.
Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Extension DOM is required. in /var/www/html/my-app/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Config/Util/XmlUtils.php:45
php-xml is installed. Other common/related libraries are installed too - php-mbstring, php-common.
In phpinfo, I cannot see the "DOM" section. Below is the screen shot of the installed php-related libraries (yum list installed | grep php*)
What am I missing here?
After 2 days of nit-picking it turned out restarting php-fpm resolves the issue, though I was restarting httpd all along.
sudo systemctl restart php-fpm
Did you verify the extension is enabled in your php.ini? Did yyou happen to install the correct version of php-xml? I had a few issues while installing PHP 7.x and installing extensions. It installed 5.6 extensions instead of 7.x when no version is specified.
Try these commands
To list all modules:
php -m
And/or to list the detailed configuration:
php -i
Check the output for the php-xml extension and if it is loaded.
I read that maybephp-mbstring has to be installed too. But i am not too sure of this, altough i usually have it installed.
In CentOS (and RHEL, i suppose) PHP module (extension) dom is provided by
php74-php-xml = 7.4.11-1.el7.remi
I have a problem with the update on php 5.4.9 (i install it with the ppa "ppa:ondrej/php5")
Now i have the problem that i can't install libssh2-php (which is required on my project)
I found some .deb files, but it's only for 32-bit systems.
So when i'm trying to install libssh2-php i have a collision with "libssh2-php:i386" and i have the following dependiesmessage:
ucf:i386 libc6:i386 (>= 2.4) libssh2-1:i386 (>= 1.0) and phpapi-20090626+lfs:i386
System: Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS x64 | PHP 5.4.9
I also got a warning on running "php -v"
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20100525/ssh2.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20100525/ssh2.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
The problem is/was that the libssh2 is not aviable for PHP5.4.x AND a x64 system.
I have the same problem trying to use ondrej's ppa for ubuntu 10.04 LTS. It seams that he didn't include the sssh extension.
Apt-get tries to install the version from default package which runs into conflict (depends phpapi-20090626+lfs) with current installed version, isn't it?
Only my backup php cli script needs this extension to run. After trying to solve dependencies witout success, I switched to a shell_exec('ssh ...#...') solution as workaround.
I am only a developer with advanced admin knowledge, no apt-get or linux packaging admin professional. There maybe other solution to fix this via packaging management or maybe building the needed version from source?
There will be another nicer solution :-) you can use pecl to install / build the extension, here is what i have done:
$ sudo pecl install ssh2
Failed to download pecl/ssh2 within preferred state "stable", latest release is version 0.12, stability "beta", use "channel://pecl.php.net/ssh2-0.12" to install
install failed
$ sudo pecl install channel://pecl.php.net/ssh2-0.12
downloading ssh2-0.12.tgz ...
Starting to download ssh2-0.12.tgz (26,223 bytes)
Build process completed successfully
Installing '/usr/lib/php5/20100525+lfs/ssh2.so'
install ok: channel://pecl.php.net/ssh2-0.12
configuration option "php_ini" is not set to php.ini location
You should add "extension=ssh2.so" to php.ini
Afterwards I add extension=/usr/lib/php5/20100525+lfs/ssh2.so to php config.
Just do:
sudo aptitude purge php5-suhosin
It's described in detail here: bugs.debian.org
I've installed the sphinx binaries and libraries and am now trying to install the PECL sphinx module.
My system is running OS X 10.6 with MAMP 1.8.2 installed. I try to install sphinx using the following command:
sudo pecl install sphinx
The PECL command outputs the following:
running: phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20090626
Zend Module Api No: 20090626
Zend Extension Api No: 220090626
The versions above don't match the versions listed when doing a phpinfo(). It seems that PECL is trying to complie against the built-in version of PHP.
If I ignore the errors and continue the it will successfully compile and place the sphinx.so file in:
when in fact it should be:
I've tried copying the sphinx.so file to the MAMP extensions dir but when I restart apache PHP displays the following warning:
PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sphinx.so
I think this is because MAMP is 32bit and the built-in PHP is 64bit so PECL complies for 64bit. I might be completely wrong but I did read this when I goggled on the topic.
Does anyone know how to get PECL to map to the MAMP version of PHP instead of the built-in version?
If the "correct" version of PHP is installed in something like /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/, and has the development tools included, you should have some version of the pecl command to go with it, some next to that directory.
If so, running that pecl command that corresponds to your "correct" version of PHP should help : it'll run the correct version of phpize, and will allow the extension to be compiled against the (once again) correct version of PHP.
You just have to hope that MAMP includes those commands -- I cannot check, as I don't have a mac.