I have a Laravel app, which the following PHP code:
public function handle()
$post_item->category_id = $source->category_id;
$post_item->featured = 0;
$post_item->type = Posts::TYPE_SOURCE;
$post_item->render_type = $item['render_type'];
$post_item->source_id = $source->id;
$post_item->description = is_array($item['description'])?'':$item['description'];
$post_item->featured_image = $item['featured_image'];
$post_item->video_embed_code = $item['video_embed_code'];
$post_item->dont_show_author_publisher = $source->dont_show_author_publisher;
$post_item->show_post_source = $source->show_post_source;
$post_item->show_author_box = $source->dont_show_author_publisher == 1 ? 0 : 1;
$post_item->show_author_socials = $source->dont_show_author_publisher == 1 ? 0 : 1;
$post_item->rating_box = 0;
$post_item->created_at = $item['pubDate'];
$post_item->views = 1;
$this->createTags($item['categories'], $post_item->id);
// This is where I want to add my echo
public function createTags($tags, $post_id)
$post_tags = PostTags::where('post_id', $post_id)->get();
foreach ($post_tags as $post_tag) {
Tags::where('id', $post_tag->tag_id)->delete();
PostTags::where('post_id', $post_id)->delete();
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$pt = new PostTags();
$pt->post_id = $post_id;
$pt->tag_id = $old_tag->id;
else {
$new_tag = new Tags();
$new_tag->title = $tag;
$new_tag->slug = Str::slug($tag);
$pt = new PostTags();
$pt->post_id = $post_id;
$pt->tag_id = $new_tag->id;
Im trying to echo the the title along with the tags, right after the commented place, but it fails to provide the correct output. I was wondering if Im using the correct way or my workaround is completely wrong.
Im using this code in the commented part:
$tweet = $post_item->title . ' tags: ' . $post_item->tags;
After doing some tests, I realized that if I use
right after
foreach ($tags as $tag)
at my createTags function, it seems that all tags are output correctly.
Im wondering if I can store all $tags inside the createTag function's foreach, under a globally accessed variable that would be used in the initial handle function echoed.
Guessing the post item model has a relation "tags" you could try this:
$tweet = $post_item->title . ' tags: ' . implode(', ', $post_item->tags->toArray());
Also if you would just like to echo the tags on the commented place, try this:
echo implode(',', $item['categories']);
try if $post_item->tags - is array then
$tweet = $post_item->title . ' tags: ' . implode(', ', $post_item->tags);
if - collection then
$tweet = $post_item->title . ' tags: ' . $post_item->tags->join(', ');
I have this code
// The result of the request:
$content = <<<END_OF_STRING
[{"id":"2972","name":"MBC 1","link":",1643770076.5266113827&t=1&s=2&p=1&c=BR&r=1351&lb=1","epg":"https://epg.cdnrdn.com/MBC1En.ae-20220201.xml","dvr":"disabled","language":"Arabic","category":"TOP 100","logo":"http://files.rednetcontent.com/chlogo/mbc1.png"},{"id":"1858","name":"MBC 2","link":",1643770076.5266113827&t=1&s=2&p=1&c=BR&r=1351&lb=1","epg":"https://epg.cdnrdn.com/MBC2En.ae-20220201.xml","dvr":"disabled","language":"Arabic","category":"TOP 100","logo":"http://files.rednetcontent.com/chlogo/mbc2.png"},{"id":"1859","name":"MBC 3","link":",1643770076.5266113827&t=1&s=2&p=1&c=BR&r=1351&lb=1","epg":"https://epg.cdnrdn.com/-20220201.xml","dvr":"disabled","language":"Arabic","category":"TOP 100","logo":"http://files.rednetcontent.com/chlogo/mbc3.png"}]
$items = json_decode($content);
// To access the first one:
echo "\nFirst link = " . $items[0]->link . "\n";
I want to get link by id.
Can anyone help?
More ore less what you need could be:
// The result of the request:
$content = <<<END_OF_STRING
[{"id":"2972","name":"MBC 1","link":",1643770076.5266113827&t=1&s=2&p=1&c=BR&r=1351&lb=1","epg":"https://epg.cdnrdn.com/MBC1En.ae-20220201.xml","dvr":"disabled","language":"Arabic","category":"TOP 100","logo":"http://files.rednetcontent.com/chlogo/mbc1.png"},{"id":"1858","name":"MBC 2","link":",1643770076.5266113827&t=1&s=2&p=1&c=BR&r=1351&lb=1","epg":"https://epg.cdnrdn.com/MBC2En.ae-20220201.xml","dvr":"disabled","language":"Arabic","category":"TOP 100","logo":"http://files.rednetcontent.com/chlogo/mbc2.png"},{"id":"1859","name":"MBC 3","link":",1643770076.5266113827&t=1&s=2&p=1&c=BR&r=1351&lb=1","epg":"https://epg.cdnrdn.com/-20220201.xml","dvr":"disabled","language":"Arabic","category":"TOP 100","logo":"http://files.rednetcontent.com/chlogo/mbc3.png"}]
$items = json_decode($content);
$id = 1859;
$desiredLink = '';
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($id == $item->id) {
$desiredLink = $item->link;
// To access the first one:
echo "\nDesired link = " . $desiredLink . "\n";
This will output: Desired link =,1643770076.5266113827&t=1&s=2&p=1&c=BR&r=1351&lb=1
If you prefer, ... I've also implemented a little class to do the same job:
class Finder {
public function __construct(private string $content) {}
public function getLinkById(int $id) {
$items = json_decode($this->content);
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($id == $item->id) {
return $item->link;
// To access the first one:
echo "\nDesired link = " . (new Finder($content))->getLinkById($id) . "\n";
I'm trying to parse DOM with Simple HTML DOM Parser in PHP. Parsed content are movies, so I want to get every genre there is, but when i run my code I only get the last genre, not all. My code looks like this:
if ($obj) {
foreach($obj as $key => $data) {
$item['url'] = 'http://geo.saitebi.ge/movie/' . $page;
$item['poster'] = 'http://geo.saitebi.ge/web/ka/img/movies/' . $page . '/240x340/' . $page . '.jpg';
$item['geotitle'] = $data->find('div.movie-item-title', 0)->plaintext;
$item['englishtitle'] = $data->find('div.movie-item-title-en', 0)->plaintext;
$item['year'] = $data->find('div.movie-item-year', 0)->plaintext;
foreach($data->find('a.movie-genre-item') as $genre) {
$item['genres'] = $genre->plaintext . ', ';
$item['description'] = $data->find('div.movie-desctiption-more', 0)->plaintext;
$item['imdb_rating'] = $data->find('a.imdb_vote', 0)->plaintext;
$item['imdb_id'] = trim(substr($data->find('a.imdb_vote',0)->href, strrpos($data->find('a.imdb_vote',0)->href, '/') + 1));
As you see I'm getting content as array. Then inside it I run another foreach loop to get all genre items but it only gets last genre item. What is wrong in my code?
You are just overwriting the last set of data each time. You need to set it to blank and then append it using .= each time, like...
$item['genres'] = '';
foreach($data->find('a.movie-genre-item') as $genre) {
$item['genres'] .= $genre->plaintext . ', ';
The code are saving the same '$genre->plaintext' in $item with key 'genres'
so the same key replace the values every loop.
foreach($data->find('a.movie-genre-item') as $genre) {
$item['genres'] = $genre->plaintext . ', ';
May $item['genres] can be an associative array.. i mean:
foreach($data->find('a.movie-genre-item') as $genre) {
if ( !isset($item[$genre]) ) {
$item[$genre] = array();
Here is genre code which you have to update
// Here is you genre code
foreach($data->find('a.movie-genre-item') as $genre) {
$movie_genre .= $genre->plaintext . ',';
// Here you can use rtrim for removing last comma from genre
$item['genres'] = rtrim($movie_genre,',');
I am new to DOM parsing, but I got most of this figured out. I'm just having trouble removing nbsp; from a div.
Here's my PHP:
function parseDOM($url) {
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$movies = array();
foreach ($xpath->query('//div[#class="mshow"]') as $movie) {
$item = array();
$links = $xpath->query('.//a', $movie);
$item['trailer'] = $links->item(0)->getAttribute('href');
$item['reviews'] = $links->item(1)->getAttribute('href');
$item['link'] = $links->item(2)->getAttribute('href');
$item['title'] = $links->item(2)->nodeValue;
$item['rating'] = trim($xpath->query('.//strong/following-sibling::text()',
$i = 0;
foreach ($xpath->query('.//div[#class="rsd"]', $movie) as $date) {
$dates = $xpath->query('.//div[#class="rsd"]', $movie);
$times = $xpath->query('.//div[#class="rst"]', $movie);
$item['datetime'][] = $dates->item($i)->nodeValue . $times->item($i)->nodeValue;
$i += 1;
$movies[] = $item;
return $movies;
$url = 'http://www.tribute.ca/showtimes/theatres/may-cinema-6/mayc5/?datefilter=-1';
$movies = parseDOM($url);
foreach ($movies as $key => $value) {
echo $value['title'] . '<br>';
echo $value['link'] . '<br>';
echo $value['rating'] . '<br>';
foreach ($value['datetime'] as $datetime) {
echo $datetime . '<br>';
Here's what the HTML looks like:
<div class="rst" >6:45pm 9:30pm </div>
Is there something I can add to the xpath query to achieve this? I did try adding strip_tags to $times->item($i)->nodeValue, but it's still printing out like: Thu, May 01: 6:45pm   9:30pm  Â
Edit: str_replace("\xc2\xa0", '', $times->item($i)->nodeValue); seems to do the trick.
try this :
$times->item($i)->nodeValue = str_replace(" ","",$times->item($i)->nodeValue);
it should delete every
your line :
$item['datetime'][] = $dates->item($i)->nodeValue . $times->item($i)->nodeValue;
become :
$item['datetime'][] = $dates->item($i)->nodeValue
. str_replace(" ","",$times->item($i)->nodeValue);
if str_replace does not work, try with str_ireplaceas suggested in comment.
If it still doesn't work, you can also try with :
preg_replace("# #","",$times->item($i)->nodeValue);
you may have an encoding problem. see uft8_encode
Or piggy solution :
I am trying to read a link from one page, print the URL, go to that page, and read the link on the next page in the same location, print the url, go to that page (and so on...).
All I'm doing is reading the URL and passing it as an argument to the get_links() function until there are no more links.
This is my code but it throws:
Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object.
Anyone know how to fix this?
$mainPage = 'https://www.bu.edu/link/bin/uiscgi_studentlink.pl/1346752597?ModuleName=univschr.pl&SearchOptionDesc=Class+Subject&SearchOptionCd=C&KeySem=20133&ViewSem=Fall+2012&Subject=&MtgDay=&MtgTime=';
function get_links($url) {
$data = new simple_html_dom();
$data = file_get_html($url);
$nodes = $data->find("input[type=hidden]");
$fURL = $data->find("/html/body/form");
$firstPart = $fURL[0]->action . '<br>';
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$val = $node->value;
$name = $node->name;
$name . '<br />';
$val . "<br />";
$str1 = $str1 . "&" . $name . "=" . $val;
$fixStr1 = str_replace('&College', '?College', $str1);
$fixStr2 = str_replace('Fall 2012', 'Fall+2012', $fixStr1);
$fixStr3 = str_replace('Class Subject', 'Class+Subject', $fixStr2);
$fixStr4 = $firstPart . $fixStr3;
echo $nextPageURL = chop($fixStr4);
Alright so I was using the load->file() function somewhere in my code and did not see it until I really scraped through it. Finally have a running script :) The key is to use file_get_html instead of loading the webpage as an object using the load->file() function.
The XML feed is located at: http://xml.betclick.com/odds_fr.xml
I need a php loop to echo the name of the match, the hour, and the bets options and the odds links.
The function will select and display ONLY the matchs of the day with streaming="1" and the bets type "Ftb_Mr3".
I'm new to xpath and simplexml.
Thanks in advance.
So far I have:
$xml_str = file_get_contents("http://xml.betclick.com/odds_fr.xml");
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_str);
// need xpath magic
// display
Xpath is pretty simple once you get the hang of it
you basically want to get every match tag with a certain attribute
will work pefectly, it gets every match tag from underneath the parent tag with the attribute streaming equal to 1
And i just realised you also want matches with a bets type of "Ftb_Mr3"
This will return the bet node though, we want the match, which we know is the grandparent
the two dots work like they do in file paths, and gets the match.
now to work this into your sample just change the final bit to
// need xpath magic
$nodes = $xml->xpath('//match[#streaming=1]/bets/bet[#code="Ftb_Mr3"]/../..');
foreach($nodes as $node) {
echo $node['name'].'<br/>';
to print all the match names.
I don't know how to work xpath really, but if you want to 'loop it', this should get you started:
$xml = simplexml_load_file("odds_fr.xml");
foreach ($xml->children() as $child)
foreach ($child->children() as $child2)
foreach ($child2->children() as $child3)
foreach($child3->attributes() as $a => $b)
echo $a,'="',$b,"\"</br>";
That gets you to the 'match' tag which has the 'streaming' attribute. I don't really know what 'matches of the day' are, either, but...
It's basically right out of the w3c reference:
I am using this on a project. Scraping Beclic odds with:
$match_csv = fopen('matches.csv', 'w');
$bet_csv = fopen('bets.csv', 'w');
$xml = simplexml_load_file('http://xml.cdn.betclic.com/odds_en.xml');
$bookmaker = 'Betclick';
foreach ($xml as $sport) {
$sport_name = $sport->attributes()->name;
foreach ($sport as $event) {
$event_name = $event->attributes()->name;
foreach ($event as $match) {
$match_name = $match->attributes()->name;
$match_id = $match->attributes()->id;
$match_start_date_str = str_replace('T', ' ', $match->attributes()->start_date);
$match_start_date = strtotime($match_start_date_str);
if (!empty($match->attributes()->live_id)) {
$match_is_live = 1;
} else {
$match_is_live = 0;
if ($match->attributes()->streaming == 1) {
$match_is_running = 1;
} else {
$match_is_running = 0;
$match_row = $match_id . ',' . $bookmaker . ',' . $sport_name . ',' . $event_name . ',' . $match_name . ',' . $match_start_date . ',' . $match_is_live . ',' . $match_is_running;
fputcsv($match_csv, explode(',', $match_row));
foreach ($match as $bets) {
foreach ($bets as $bet) {
$bet_name = $bet->attributes()->name;
foreach ($bet as $choice) {
// team numbers are surrounded by %, we strip them
$choice_name = str_replace('%', '', $choice->attributes()->name);
// get the float value of odss
$odd = (float)$choice->attributes()->odd;
// concat the row to be put to csv file
$bet_row = $match_id . ',' . $bet_name . ',' . $choice_name . ',' . $odd;
fputcsv($bet_csv, explode(',', $bet_row));
Then loading the csv files into mysql. Running it once a minute, works great so far.